Bank of The Universe

Chapter 356: The invincible dominance of Jin! (four)

Three thousand miles away, there was a fiery red, like a cloud of fire, which was extremely shocking.

This momentum spread rapidly, rumbling, like a thunder landing, shocked this sea area.

Many mixed-blood dragons can't avoid it. They were swept away by dozens of people at once, and this momentum fell on this sea area.

The distance of three thousand miles spanned almost in an instant.


This is a huge fire dragon, with a greasy face, a thick dragon beard, and sharp scales, all of which are daunting and dare not come close. This is really terrifying.

Fire Dragon!

Pure Blood Fire Dragon!

Still emperor realm, suddenly shocked the dragon crocodile Ye Feng and Jiao Long Zulong.

Both of them are just epic realms, and there is a great distance from the emperor.

After the epic realm, there is the Nine Heavens!

Only by crossing the realm of the great respect can we reach the emperor.

"Two bloods, dare to kill my pure-blood dragon family?" This fire dragon in the realm of the emperor stared coldly at the dragon crocodile leaf maple dragon ancestor dragon. His eyes were full of murderous forces. The momentum covered it and frozen all around.

This Jiaolong Zulong had no chance to cross the void.

"It's the one who killed us first." Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng refused.

"It's your destiny to kill you. You are born with mixed blood and deserve to be killed." The fire dragon of the Emperor Realm snorted coldly, disdainful, and the voice was rumbled, resounding in this side of the water.

Dragon crocodile Ye Feng gritted his teeth, his eyes were burning, and he felt suffocated.

The same is true of the Jiaolong Zulong. It also feels suffocated, glaring at the fire dragon of the realm of the emperor, and gritted its teeth: "You talk more, we will kill it as well."

The old fire dragon in the realm of the emperor stared coldly at the Jiaolong Zulong. It knew the Jiaolong on the Dragon Island, but the current Jiaolong and the current Jiaolong were completely different, so it was not recognized.

The old fire dragon said coldly: "I will destroy your body, smash it, hold your soul, burn it with the flame of the dragon clan for 30,000 years, and let you atone for your sins. Blood should have a blood attitude, don't try to challenge pure Blood status."

"Fuck, Lao Tzu challenged today, what's so great about pure blood, your grandfather dragon crocodile just killed one just now." The dragon crocodile is a grumpy temper, and since he can't bear it, he yells.

Just to die, it is better to have an addiction before death.

Jiaolong Zulong also scolded: "It is right to insist on the blood, but you suppress the residual blood, don't treat them as things, and unlimitedly pull out the high-purity blood, that is a big fool. What about your pure blood, I will tell you today ,I control my own life."

"Two smashed, now I will crush you, let you know, what is the cruelty of God." The old fire dragon in the realm of the emperor's face was angry, and a huge dragon claw came out, squeezed hard, void Suddenly exploded.

Kaka Kaka!

Both Jiaolong Zulong and Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng suddenly felt difficult to breathe and were unable to move all over their bodies. A little squeezing made the two suffer.

"Brother, we can die with you today, we can be considered a common life and death." The dragon crocodile Ye Feng cried miserably.

"Don't worry, you may not die." Jiaolong Zulong shouted comfortingly.

"Not necessarily dead?" The old fire dragon in the realm of the emperor sneered a little, and increased his strength a little, watching the deformation of Jiaolong Zulong and Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng, and smiled proudly.

"Who can save you?" Old Fire Dragon asked with a sneer.

The dragon crocodile Ye Feng has a huge body, so it is uncomfortable to squeeze at the moment. In the hard appearance, it can not resist the oppression of the emperor's realm, the realm is too different.

"Brother, let's get together again on Huangquan Road. Laozi will kill your pure-blooded dragon clan today. You can kill me and just torture me. Anyway, I'm a miscellaneous blood in your mouth. Don't be afraid to die. Take a pure I'm very profitable for the change of blood. You old bastard, have no son, I wish your children and grandchildren are all blood dragons, you old bastard, bastard!!! "Dragon crocodile yelled, completely Get up hysterically, not violently.

"Look for death!" The old fire dragon in the realm of the emperor was scolded with thunder and he squeezed hard.

It was originally intended to take these two **** souls out. Now it seems that there is no need for it, and it wants to make these two people die.


In Tianzhuang Qianzhuang, Li Xiandao looked at this scene without expression.

The little seven on the side said: "You don't want to save one?"

Li Xiandao shook his head and said, "Someone has gone, and I don't need my shot. This person is just a weak emperor. If Jiaolong can jump over the dragon gate, killing it is as easy as killing him."

"Who?" Xiao Qi asked curiously.

Li Xiandao stretched out his hand and said, "It's coming!"


It was when Jiaolong Zulong and Dragon Crocodile Leaf Maple were crushed by a little squeeze and nearly collapsed, a burst of golden light burst out from far and near, and they flew from day to day, and the speed was so fast that they reached an incredible point, bumping at once On the old fire dragon in the realm of the emperor.


The old fire dragon body of the Emperor Realm was suddenly punched into a **** big The blood was surging, so that it roared with pain, and the power to squeeze the Jiaolong Zulong and the dragon crocodile Ye Feng also collapsed.


Jiaolong Zulong and Dragon Crocodile Leaf Maple fell into the sea, splashing tens of meters of waves, so painful they gritted their teeth, but now no one is paying attention to them.

In the void, a gleam of golden light slowly turned into a hundred-footed body. The winding golden giant dragon, the majestic momentum, was no weaker than the old fire dragon. Even when it came, the old fire dragon was completely suppressed.

"You are the Golden Dragon!!!" The old Fire Dragon couldn't believe it, clutching the wound and repairing it quickly, terrified.

"You can't kill these two Dragon Race descendants." Jinlong's voice was rumbling, and he was extremely domineering.

It was the invincible Jin, who was ordered by Li Xiandao to rescue Jiaolong.

"Why are you saving them?" The old fire dragon shouted ugly, and he also knew that he was not the opponent of this golden dragon, so he was tied up.

"I don't like your style of acting, can't you save them?" Jin Wudi disdainfully said.

"You..." Old Fire Dragon glared at Jin Invincible.

"Go away, you dare to say one more word, I will kill you on the spot, you know my strength is okay." Jin Wudi's huge longan stared, with infinite killing intentions, like the substance, let The old fire dragon looked down stiffly and wanted to speak.

But Jinlonghu stared at it.

Say one more word!

Say one more word!


Jin Wudi was so domineering that the old Fire Dragon was so scared that he couldn't say a word, and left in disgrace.

"Humph, bully and fearful guy." Jin invincible disdain, his body slowly landed on the island, roared.


This roar is to warn everyone around, let it go, don't look around.

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