Bank of The Universe

Chapter 362: Dear 9 brother! (two)

Above the sea, the chaos dragon crocodile has a body of three hundred feet. It is very huge. When it rushed over, it was violent, extremely terrifying, and mighty.

The horrible chaotic aura that haunted it, and the old fire dragon trembled with terror.

It wanted to run away at the fastest speed, but the blood dragon had come to it.


The blood dragon is unreasonable and has a huge momentum. It is no worse than the old fire dragon. It has obviously entered the realm of the emperor.

The cultivation base was only in the epic realm before, but now the hidden veins are opened, the blood veins are elevated and activated, and both of them enter the realm of the emperor.

How terrifying is the blood dragon in the realm of the emperor?

Just a huge dragon roar, full of fangs, a powerful impact, directly making the old fire dragon tremble, the blood in the body was violent, and it burst out completely.

The rolling blood was absorbed, and the old fire dragon was shrunk by a large circle, which was extremely scary.

"No..." Old Fire Dragon wanted to beg for mercy, it didn't want to die.

But the chaotic dragon crocodile that followed immediately did not give it the opportunity to directly bite his mouth, shook his head fiercely, and tore a tear, and a blood rain began to fall on the endless sea, staining the blockbuster. The vast boundaries of the land make people feel trembling.

A fire dragon in the realm of the emperor was just bitten by the chaotic dragon crocodile and was torn apart. Its defense was like paper in front of the chaotic dragon crocodile.

The realm of the emperor, in front of the chaotic dragon crocodile, was vulnerable.

Even the Blood Dragon didn't shoot, so he watched silently, staring coldly, letting the Chaos Dragon Crocodile kill the Old Fire Dragon.

"You almost killed me before, now I'll kill you for revenge." Chaos Dragon Crocodile spit out the dragon meat in his mouth, thrown into the sea, and said cruelly.

Blood Dragon said aside: "You have to keep this way?"

The current chaos dragon crocodile has a body of three hundred feet, and there is an atmosphere of chaos all around him. There is also an endless atmosphere of chaos in the body. It will become more and more terrifying when it is practiced in the future.

But the three hundred feet is really big.

"I have no problem now that I am bigger and smaller." The chaotic dragon crocodile grinned slowly, his body slowly shrunk, and the chaotic breath of the whole body disappeared. The armor is very scary.

The body is free to control. Now the chaos dragon crocodile has made too much progress. In the end, it still did not become a human, but kept its identity. It is still the shape of the chaos dragon crocodile, but it can stand upright and is very powerful.

It can be turned into three hundred feet in a blink of an eye, activating the chaotic world in the body.

At this point, I do not know how many times stronger than before.

"It's you, named yourself Zulong, but now it's a blood dragon." Chaos Dragon Crocodile laughed.

Blood Dragon doesn't matter: "Then change the name, not called Zulong, but Blood Dragon."

"Is it so casual?" Chaos Dragon Crocodile could not help but dumbfounded.

"The name is nothing more than a good name. Now that I am a blood dragon, I can no longer evolve into an ancestor dragon. It is not appropriate to use the name ancestor dragon." Blood dragon doesn't care.

The normal dragon clan will gradually evolve after undergoing cultivation, and will transform into an ancestral dragon.

But the blood dragon doesn't work.

The blood dragon is a mutated bloodline, and the end is not the path of the Zulong, so the name Zulong can no longer be used.

"Whatever you are, whether you are a blood dragon or an ancestral dragon, are all good brothers of the Chaos Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng." Chaos Dragon Crocodile Ye Feng laughed, feeling happy from the heart.

Blood Dragon also nodded, just wanted to speak, but a terrifying momentum spread across the endless sea.


"Who?" The Chaos Dragon Crocodile stared at the place where the momentum came.

Blood Dragon looked at him.

I saw that not far away from the Dragon Gate, a huge teleportation array emerged, complex patterns lingering, depicting countless light, this is a world-class teleportation array.

In the world-class teleportation array, there appeared dozens of huge real dragons, huge in size, turbulent, overwhelming, rumbling.

"Dragon descendants jumping over the nine-fold dragon gate?" A giant dragon lingering in flames from the world-class teleportation array opened his mouth, his voice rumbled, echoing on the sea.

At this moment, everyone looked at the blood dragon and the chaotic dragon crocodile.

The giant dragon lingering in flames couldn't help but look over, his eyes narrowed, and he was surprised, "Blood Dragon!"

At first glance, it saw the blood-red blood dragon, which was shocking. Because the dragon family has only appeared one blood dragon since ancient times, it is still a long time ago, so many real dragons in the dragon family are also wondering whether the blood dragon is in the end. presence.

But now, the blood dragon appeared in front of his own eyes, and the suspicion suddenly disappeared, and this huge dragon lingering in flames could not help but envy him.

The next second, it saw the chaotic dragon crocodile standing upright next to the blood dragon, and did not speak. At this moment, the chaotic dragon crocodile put away its chaotic aura, the blood veins converged, and it looked very ordinary.

The dragon lingering in flames didn't pay attention to it. It thought that only the blood dragon had passed through the nine-fold dragon So he enthusiastically said: "You are a blood dragon, it is incredible, go to Dragon Island with me, Join my Fire Dragon family, I can give you a lot of resources, as well as the dragon's inheritance secret technique, so that you can fly into the fairy world as soon as possible."

As soon as this dragon opened his mouth, he promised many, many benefits, and he was very enthusiastic. If he was an ordinary person, he would have been drawn.

But the blood dragon just stared at it coldly.

Without words.

There is even a strong murderous intention in my heart!

Yes, murderous intention!

The blood dragon really showed its killing intentions. The powerful and terrifying motives of this killing made the Chaos Dragon Crocodile aside and stared at the blood dragon. Why did he have such a terrible killing intention when he met for the first time this time?

The dragon lingering in flames also noticed, frowning, the huge dragon body surrounding, coldly said: "I am inviting you to join Dragon Island, did you have a killing intention for me?"

Blood Dragon flew out suddenly, his momentum was not inferior to each other, and said coldly: "I have a murderous intention to you, then naturally there is my reason, my elder brother, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The dragon covered with flames shook his face, staring at the blood dragon, and dared not put in a channel: "What did you just call me?"

"I haven't seen you for more than ten thousand years and don't know my brother?" Blood Dragon smiled coldly.

"Impossible!" The dragon lingering in flames growled and said coldly: "My brother is a **** waste, you can't be it."

"My stupid brother, when there is no Yuelongmen, I am also a **** waste." Blood Dragon sneered.

"You won't be it!!!" The dragon lingering in flames shook his head, still unwilling to believe.

"Long Yunwei, my dear Nine Brother, do you still remember your weak and poor brother?" Blood Dragon suddenly shouted loudly, and the words looked cordial, but he shouted extremely sadly.

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