Bank of The Universe

Chapter 367: There are meteors! (four)

In Tianzhuang Qianzhuang, Li Xiandao reached out and pinched the key to the Xianmen, and pondered.

Seeing this, Xiao Qi asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I was just thinking, fairy world infinity is already a unique file, far beyond nine days and ten places, why control nine days and ten places?" Li Xiandao asked puzzled.

Xiaoqi smiled and said, "You're thinking the wrong way."

"What do you mean?" Li Xiandao looked at Xiao Qi puzzled.

"Do you think that fairyland is a big world controlled by fairyland?" Xiao Qi asked.

Li Xiandao nodded, he hadn't been to Xianjie, so he didn't know much.

Most of the books recorded in the Universal Library are rare exercises and secret books, and there is no record of the fairyland in this era.

Over 10,000 years, time has passed and many records have become incompatible with the present and become history.

Sitting on the side of Li Xiandao, Xiao Qi explained to him in detail: "Since the ancient times, except for a very short period of time, Xian Ting ruled all areas, and the Supreme Immortal Emperor deterred the world. At other times, Xian Realm , Fighting for beauty, has never been ruled by a force."

Li Xiandao listened silently.

"The immortal world is much larger than the nine heavens and ten earths. At that time, the ten earths and the immortal realm were treated equally, but besides them, there are other worlds, such as the Buddha realm, the demon realm, hell, the beast realm, the Dan realm, etc..." Qi Zuo said.

Li Xiandao was a little clear this time.

"After Immortal Realm pulled away the ten lands, it absorbed these worlds, making it far beyond nine days and ten celestial beings, and no one can temporarily change this situation." Xiao Qi said.

Li Xiandao breathed a sigh of relief and understood a little, saying: "Since this is the case, then I understand why this time two of the robbers robbed the keys of Xianmen."

A Ma Qing and a Young Master Beichen, one of the two men directly took over, came to this world, one was reincarnation, and the soul recovered.

But without exception, both men are a bit weak.

Before Li Xiandao didn't understand why he was so weak, he had to send them both.

Now Li Xiandao knows.

Not because they are weak, but because the forces behind them are not too strong.

Otherwise, why did the **** of swords kill the Quartet in the fairy realm?

On the one hand, of course, the sword **** is powerful, far beyond the ordinary practitioners.

On the other hand, it was also that the force was not too powerful in the fairy realm, so that the sword **** succeeded in killing the Quartet, and escaped.

"The fairy world is a big stage, a vast world, a vast space, countless exciting treasures, and that layer of the big world. If you want to enter the fairy world, you must accumulate it before you can go." Xiao Seven.

Li Xiandao nodded, he will definitely accumulate, and give Xianjie a surprise instead, instead of recklessly going in.

"Relax, I haven't dealt with anything in nine days. The fairyland is too far away from us now." Li Xiandao said truthfully, the road still has to be walked step by step, and the meal should be eaten bit by bit. Down-to-earth is the most important thing.

Xiao Qi saw that Li Xiandao did not stun his head with a series of victories and nodded in satisfaction. Li Xiandao was not bad.


Blood Dragon They came back, a group of people came back to visit Li Xiandao.

"the host."

Li Xiandao stood on the square, looked at them, and said with a smile: "Looking at you like this, the gains are quite big."

"Master, the biggest harvest is the blood dragon, which can throw away our old brothers this time." Master Donkey envyed jealously.

Blood Dragon turned into a human form, standing next to Lord Donkey, with a happy face on his face, he was also happy.

"Then let Blood Dragon invite you to a big meal." Li Xiandao said casually.

"That must be invited." Lord Donkey waved his hand and stared at the blood dragon fiercely: "If he dares not, please see how I clean it up."

"Please, definitely please." Blood Dragon laughed.

"I want to drink the fine wine made by Little Seven." Tian Guangming suddenly shouted.

"Xiaoqi still brews wine?" Li Xiandao could not help looking at Xiaoqi.

Xiaoqi smiled sweetly and said, "Isn't Donkey about to get married right now? This is the first happy event of Tiandi Bank, and my flower garden has been redeemed again, so I made some fine wine with those thousand years of honey. The light happened to be seen."

"Those wines have a fragrant aroma, greedy people's stomachs, and master, you let the little seven adults reward you a little." Tian Guangming pleaded.

Li Xiandao looked at Xiao Qi and said, "Look, did you take out a jar of fine wine?"

Xiaoqi Lisuo nodded and said, "No problem, I'll get it later."

Tian Guangming They cheered suddenly, especially Tian Guangming, and kept telling the donkey adults, how good and good this wine is, and the greedy donkey population is flowing.

"Little Seven, you don't have enough wine, can you get more altars?" Lord Donkey asked, cheeky.

"No problem." Xiao Qi agreed with a smile.

"Really." Lord Donkey looked at Xiaoqi in surprise.

"Of course, anyway, this wine is also brewed for your wedding, there are so many in total, now give you a few more altars, and then there will be no more at the wedding, I don't care." Xiaoqiren laughed harmlessly.

Tian Guangming also smiled and said: "I don't care, Master Seven, you can take out all these fine wines now."

Lord Donkey's face changed, and he roared: "I don't agree, the sky is bright, I fight with you."

Xiao Qi giggled, looking at the donkey adults and Tian Guangming who were scrambling together, and smiled and bent down.

Seeing this, Li Xiandao reached out silently and held up Xiaoqi's Liu Yao.

He is a good man, just worried about Xiaoqi falling down.


At night, there was a bright light in Tiandi Qianzhuang, and Blood Dragon invited everyone in Tiandi Qianzhuang.

Except Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao refused to take the initiative. He was the master. When he went to the Blood Dragon, they would let them be tied up. Li Xiandao chose to sit quietly with Xiao Qi in her garden, eating a bowl of scrambled eggs and admiring the moon. Color, two people get along with each other sweetly.

From Li Xiandao's point of view, is much better than drinking with that group of rough guys.

Looking at the moonlight, Xiao Qi and Li Xiandao did not speak, eating fried rice, silently.

The beautiful flowers blooming all around, the fragrance is compelling, the refined stamens shake off their petals at this moment, fluttering in the flowerbed, full of emotion.

After eating the only fried rice in Li Xiandao, the two looked at each other and smiled at each other. Li Xiandao smiled brilliantly, and Xiao Qi had a somewhat shy smile.

Everything around was so beautiful, the moonlight was picturesque, the petals were flying, the fragrance was filled, and a fairy was beside me.

Li Xiandao suddenly said: "There are meteors."

Xiao Qi turned his head to look, there was nothing, he could not help turning his head.


At the best moment, Li Xiandao brought his body closer.

The two were together.

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