Bank of The Universe

Chapter 370: Open the door and send express! (Seven)

The contract was handed over to the ancient book of war, and Li Xiandao immediately introduced Ramo.

"This is my men. I will follow you to learn your skills in the future. How much you can learn depends on his wisdom." Li Xiandao pointed to La Modao.

The ancient book of war looked at Lamo.

A book with facial features on the cover and a pair of small eyes looking at Ramo.

"Master is on, and disciple Ramo meets." Ramo was also very decisive and knelt down directly, respectfully.

The ancient war books said lightly: "For the time being, don't call it Master, you are brought by the master, I will naturally teach you carefully, but you don't understand, I can't help it, so you still have to understand it well."

The ancient book of war is not a person who easily accepts apprentices. If Li Xiandao did not bring Rameau, it would not agree.

Because it was Li Xiandao who brought Ramo, the ancient books of war could not be refused, but it was still early for apprenticeship.

If you don't like it, you still want to go to the teacher?

Li Xiandao noticed this, but didn't say anything. He didn't want to intervene. It was interesting enough to bring Ramo to him and gave him a platform.

If Rameau has the ability and learns well, the ancient books of war will definitely teach hard, and even accept the disciples.

As for not learning well, let them solve other things themselves. Li Xiandao is the master, not the parent.

Li Xiandao looked at the old Taoist. The old Taoist is now very powerful. In the epic realm, countless cells in the body are hiding the epic song. He could come to this step in Hell Day, which Li Xiandao did not expect.

"Don't you have any adventures?" Li Xiandao asked.

"No, I didn't have any adventures, but I worked hard for myself." The old Taoist shook his head.

Li Xiandao admired: "You may be the most powerful group of people in my future."

Li Xiandao is very optimistic about the potential of the old Taoist priests. It can be described as endless. Like Tianxin monk, he only came to this step by virtue of his perseverance and superb understanding.

So Li Xiandao looked at them very well and became the leader of his own Buddhism.

"You will leave with me immediately." Li Xiandao said to him.

"Observe the master!" The old Taoist immediately agreed to come down, and also saved him the process of soaring.

Li Xiandao looked at the ancient book of war and said: "When you end these more than 500 contracts, you will take the Burning Legion to Yantian again, and the world-class teleportation will be on Lamo."

"No problem master!" The ancient book of war promised in one fell swoop. What are the more than 500 contracts?

With the Burning Legion, ten times more is not a problem.

"I left first, you and them work hard." Li Xiandao comforted.

"Give my master!" War ancient books and Rameau said.

Li Xiandao took the old Taoist priests, entered the Tiandi Qianzhuang, burned a thousand aura dragon veins again, and returned to Hanyuetian.


In the hell, after Li Xiandao left, the ancient book of war looked at Ramo, carefully looked at it, and did not speak.

Rameau was uncomfortable to be seen. It was really that the eyes of the ancient war books were too naked, as if he had completely seen through him.

"Talent is reluctant, can you endure hardship?" After reading the ancient war books, he asked with a look back.

"Yes!" Rameau insisted that suffering can be hard for anyone who has practiced this step.

"That's not bad, but now it's just you, I want to see your actions later." The ancient book of war said.

"No problem, I will let you see it." Rameau's eyes were firm.

"Go, follow me in the future, look carefully, learn carefully, ask if you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask questions. But you are only allowed to ask ten questions every day, so think again and ask again." .

"I know." Rameau's expression was overwhelmed. This was to accept him. Although the ten questions were a bit less, they were every day, which was not bad.

"Let's go, more than 500 contracts that the owner gave me have to be processed. After these processings are completed, we will go to Yantian." The ancient book of war took Ramo and went to find the burning army.

After practicing for so long, it is also time to pull out and practice.

"Hellday, feel the fear." The ancient war book has a humorous taste, and when it comes to the invincible team it cultivates, it is extremely happy.


Hell days, although most areas are flames, magma, or volcanoes...

However, there are also some sect gates and some cities sheltering here to ensure that the people inside can live in peace.

Of course, these cities are very remote, far from the area of ​​magma and dangerous monsters.

Dayi City, a city inhabited by 30,000 people, is located in a remote place. The city owner is known as Dayi City Lord. He is a master who sings epic songs in his body.

The lord of the sun was very harsh on the people under his command, and the taxes were heavy, but these people did not dare to leave. There were monsters everywhere, lava rivers, and little food. Although they were exploited in this city, they could survive anyway.

Although you are not full, you can still live a little bit a day.

The Lord of the Sun was eating and drinking all day, but the concubine alone accepted more than a hundred people. Many women were dressed up for the enchantment, hoping to get the favor of the Lord of the Sun, but they would not suffer.

The people in the whole city aim at pleasing the lord of the sun.

The Lord of the Sun was intoxicated in this atmosphere and could not extricate himself.

Many people are speculating that this big sun city master could have ascended, but he had no idea in this regard. He was drunk all day and night, he didn't practice, and his cultivation was still so powerful.

what is this?

This is the biggest secret of the Lord of the Sun, and he didn’t tell anyone. Because of the contract signed with Tiandi Qianzhuang, he got the cultivation of the epic realm and paid for his family’s treasure, and this cultivation will be returned after 10,000 years. To the world bank.

More than ten thousand years have passed, and the lord of the sun has been hiding in this city, and he will not go anywhere.

As for the contract, he has long forgotten it.

Anyway, he is a small person, Tiandi Bank is so powerful, he should not notice him.

Therefore, he enjoyed it with peace of mind, and he was unwilling to give up his cultivation base.

Once this self-cultivation has been lost, wouldn't the people he oppressed these years swallow him instantly?

It’s not enough to live up to the On this day, the people of Dayicheng, as always, were busy for a day in exchange for a little bit of food.

They live a numb life.

The city gate was closed. Because of fear that someone might run out, it was closed and opened regularly every day to send out the garbage and dead bodies in the city.

No one came to the city of Dari in the past, so no one went to see the gate.

Boom Boom Boom!

But today, the silence of Dayi City was struck, and it was still very loud, like a drum, echoed in Dayi City.

The big city of only 30,000 people is not big, and the voice spread immediately.

"Who?" asked the soldiers guarding the city loudly.

"Open the door and deliver the courier!" A deep voice rumbling, accompanied by a breath of smoke.

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