Bank of The Universe

Chapter 374: Honest and reliable boss! (four)

"Is the resources of the whole **** integrated to cast 108 demon pillars?" Li Xiandao asked with a frown.

What is the use of integrating resources and casting Demon God Pillars?

"Not all resources, only half of them." The devil explained.

"Is it good for you to hold these resources for your own practice?" Li Xiandao asked puzzled.

"Because we need to arrange a large array, cut **** and fairy world, and develop independently, so that fairy world does not interfere with us." Demon explained.

Li Xiandao understood this.

"Is that successful?" Li Xiandao asked.

"Successful, but at the last moment, our internal 25th Aberdeen still revealed the news, the masters in the fairy realm came over and wanted to destroy 108 pillars of Demon God." Demon said.

"Destroyed?" Li Xiandao asked, people in this nine days and ten years of history did not even know, because this is what happened between the fairy world and hell.

There is no record of these things in the library of IWC. For the first time, Li Xiandao heard about it.

Hell does not obey the fairy realm, what about the worlds of Buddha, spirit, demon, and demon?

Li Xiandao suddenly felt that Immortal World was not easy to mix.

"Destroyed a little, this is the secret I said." The devil said seriously.

Li Xiandao is in a mood, is the 108 pillars of Demon God really destructive?

"The people of Immortal World finally destroyed the formation, a hundred and eight demon pillars, and they flew twelve." The devil said.

Li Xiandao's eyes lit up and said, "Do you know where these twelve demon pillars are?"

The devil nodded and said: "I know, because I was flying with these demon **** pillars by the people of the fairy world, but I was unlucky. After being beaten, I got a seal and separated from the demon pillar."

Li Xiandao was disappointed: "So you don't know where the demon pillar is now?"

Li Xiandao felt itchy when he heard that twelve demon **** pillars had been hit.

It took more than half of Hell's resources to cast 108 demon pillars, and then twelve demon pillars fell.

Not to mention that all twelve roots were obtained. If you got one Li Xiandao, you would still be sure that you would make rapid advances if you cultivated.

That is a resource in hell.

A level with Immortal Realm is not such a lonely place.

Fairyland has no choice but to go to hell, and can only play a conspiracy to create a nominal vassal.

Therefore, the energy in the Twelve Demon God Columns is a huge sum of money for Li Xiandao.

The only pity is that the devil head and the devil pillar are separated.

The devil heard Li Xiandao's disappointment, panicked in his heart, and hurriedly said, "I know where the twelve demon pillars fell, in Juntian and Cangtian, how many are there, I don't know ."

Li Xiandao sighed in disappointment and said, "How big is the sky? Juntian Cangtian is so big? With this news, it is difficult for me to release you."

"Also, I still have..." the devil shouted nervously, although he gritted his teeth in his heart, but he dared not vent.

"Continue." Li Xiandao said calmly. Of course he knew that the devil still had a way. How could a big devil in **** not find the devil pillar?

Those who can live for 100,000 years and still live alive, that is definitely the devil.

"I can feel the breath of Demon God Pillar, let me go out, I will find you the Demon God Pillar, and I found everything belongs to you." Demon Head said.

"But... I let you go, you don't come back, you just ran away, what should I do?" Li Xiandao asked.

"No, I am the most honest person. In hell, people send nicknames honest and reliable Xiao Langjun." The devil said with a voice.

"Coincidentally, I am also known as an honest and reliable handsome boss, so we are a class of people, do you think I will let you out?" Li Xiandao said with a smile.

The devil sighed helplessly, knowing that Li Xiandao was not easy to flicker, and remained silent for a while, then asked: "How the **** are you willing to let me out."

"Hand over your soul origin." Li Xiandao said lightly.

"Impossible!!!" The devil roared angrily, surrendering the source of his soul, that is, giving his life and death to Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao was upset and crushed the origin of the soul, it was about to die. Can he agree?

"Since this is the case, it is not negotiable?" Li Xiandao asked.

"The soul can't do it, no negotiation." The devil said very hard.

"Xiao Qi, take this demon head to the treasure trove and put it at the bottom, and take it out after 30,000 years." Li Xiandao wrote lightly.

Xiaoqi immediately stepped forward.

Da da da!

The pace of Xiaoqi is like a countdown proclaiming that the devil and the light are separated.

The devil was so scared that the soul was shaking.

"Is it interesting?" The devil asked Li Xiandao angrily.

"Is it interesting to threaten me?" As soon as the devil heard 30,000 years, the whole person was stupid, and a few tears came out to express his disappointment.

"It's not the origin of the soul. I'm in a state of soul. I have no ears. I didn't hear it accurately. I just heard it wrong." The devil turned 180 degrees and said righteously.

Li Xiandao smiled humorously at Xiao Qi, he knew that the devil could not stand 30,000 years in prison.

"It turns out that you just heard it wrong." Li Xiandao suddenly realized that Yes, I heard it wrong. "The devil smiled, and with Li Xiandao, tears could only flow into his stomach."

"Then I will continue to ask you now, is the soul source willing to hand over?" Li Xiandao asked lightly.

The devil sighed helplessly and said, "Hand over, hand over."

"Okay, then I can let you out now, I hope you don't play me, I am a bad temper, you know?" Li Xiandao reached out and knocked on the jade box.

"Don't dare anymore." The devil was afraid, and now it was the man who killed me for the fish meat. Li Xiandao took the knife to cut his meat.

After Li Xiandao picked up the mask and put it on, he opened the jade box.


The devil can't wait to drill out and turn into a huge devil qi, and then evolve into a white-haired devil, just a state of soul.

The demon saw Li Xiandao at the first glance.

He didn't dare to do anything, because he had tried it before, and Li Xiandao was very strong.

"What about the origin of the soul?" Li Xiandao held out his hand.

As soon as the devil gritted his teeth, he stripped a piece of origin from his soul and handed it to Li Xiandao.

After stripping the source, the shape of the magic body becomes darker. This is the soul source of the core part. Once the smoke disappears, it will be fatal.

"Relax, let's make an appointment." Li Xiandao looked at the origin of the soul, not the first time to take it, but said looking at the devil.

"What agreement?" The devil looked at Li Xiandao doubtfully.

"You help me find these twelve demon pillars. When I get the twelve demon pillars, I will give you back your soul and you will be free." Li Xiandao painted the pancake.

"Can I believe you?" the devil doubted.

"I am known as an honest and reliable handsome boss, you can rest assured." Li Xiandao nodded firmly.

How does the devil feel so false?

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