Bank of The Universe

Chapter 384: The cooperation of 2 Qin family! (two)

The question of Moon Angel made Qin Ming silent.

"Why, speechless?" Moon Angel was aggressive.

"You know I'm only over a thousand years old this year, why is there only 300 years of life left?" Qin Ming didn't answer, asking rhetorically.

Moon Angel looked at him coldly.

"Because I chose to practice a kind of magic skill, I can quickly improve my strength at the cost of sacrificing life." Qin Ming said the answer himself.

The moon angel looked and said, "No wonder you are called a monster in the Qin family. The speed of your practice is so fast that many people are surprised. It has reached the realm of the emperor in a thousand years."

"The reason why I practiced so quickly is to regain control of the Qin family." Qin Ming said truthfully.

Moon Angel looked coldly and said, "The Qin family's old stubbornness will not agree to let you take power."

Qin Ming sighed: "You all know, how can I not know?"

"Then how do you solve this problem?" Moon Angel asked.

"This group of stubborn old people has lived for too long. They have lost their bloodiness and passion. They just want to be safe and peaceful. If they lose their dignity, they don't care. I will ask them to go to **** this time." Qin Ming His eyes were firm.

Moon Angel smiled, and the smile was very moving. This is a smile from the heart: "Qin Ming, who is praised by the Qin family as a peerless genius, even wants to bring the ancestors to hell. It's fun and interesting."

Qin Ming didn't care about Moon Angel's sarcasm. He knew that Moon Angel hated the Qin family because she was the one who was sacrificed.

"They have lived enough, and their existence has made the Qin family lose their aggressiveness, and they will only settle down. So, they are also on the road and solve these old stubbornness, and the Qin family power will fall into my hands. When the time comes, it is time to deal with the big devil." Qin Ming looked at Moon Angel and said coldly.

"What do you mean to tell me your plan?" Moon Angel frowned.

"Whether you admit to admitting the Qin family, you still have the blood of the Qin family. You were born in this family, you can't erase this past, I now tell you all the plans, I want to invite you, join me, and clean up Qin family, eliminate the devil." Qin Ming said in a deep voice.

Moon Angel frowned delicately and looked at Li Xiandao who sat down beside her.

Li Xiandao sat on his seat, and Xiao Qi stood aside, watching silently, without saying a word.

"Don't look at me, it's your business. Your choice is your decision." Li Xiandao said indifferently.

Moon Angel looked at Qin Ming coldly and said: "What I said is sincere and sincere. The plan is big. I want to help you and help the Qin family. What can I get?"

Qin Ming was confident, "You are my Qin family, haven't you been baptized in blood?"

Moon Angel frowned, and this said to her heart.

The people of the Qin family were rumored to have been established when they were still strong in nine days and ten years. The first generation of the ancestor of the family was the king in the moon palace. The bloodline of future generations can be baptized. , There is potential for improvement.

Moon Angel has always been advertised as the daughter of the moon, just because she had been tested that year and her bloodline concentration reached an unprecedented level.

Another meaning of the interpretation of the daughter of the moon is that the blood is as if it is the daughter of the first generation of ancestors.

But even if the blood is so rich, it is because she is a daughter and is not valued, and she is designated as a martyr.

Therefore, from beginning to end, Moon Angel has not received the blood baptism of the Qin family.

Qin Ming looked at Moon Angel and said: "If you promise to help me, I will take you to the baptism, not the general baptism, but to go to the grave of the first generation of ancestors, you personally accept the baptism of the ancestor. "

The moon angel blinked, and the proposal was very tempting.

"Okay!" Moon Angel agreed after careful consideration.

As Qin Ming said, she was born from the Qin family regardless of whether she cares or not, and she spent the first few years of her life in the Qin family.

The influence of the Qin family on the Moon Angel is quite large.

Therefore, Moon Angel must solve this period of time that he has been holding on to.

The stubborn group of old people who killed the Qin family, and then the Qin family’s devil, the Moon Angel felt that he would let go completely, and it had nothing to do with the Qin family.

Nor will she care about the matter of being chosen as a martyr, and this matter will not become her heart disease.

"Very well, you and I went to the Qin family together. This time we joined forces to completely reverse the atmosphere of the Qin family." Qin Ming said excitedly.

"Just the two of us?" Moon Angel frowned.

"And your master, when necessary, I will ask your master to take action." Qin Ming said truthfully.

Moon Angel looked at Li Xiandao.


Li Xiandao's eyebrows flew out of a sword spirit, which was cold and cold, making people uncomfortable.

The sword gas fell in front of the moon angel!

"Take it and activate it when you are in danger. You can cut out my sword as a talisman." Li Xiandao stretched out his hand and said.

"Thank you Master." Moon Angel knelt down on one knee and moved her head down.

"This is a matter for your Qin family. I hope you don't need to take action. As for that big demon, you can't deal with it. Remember to bring Xianjing to find me." Li Xiandao reminded Qin Ming.

"I will." Qin Ming nodded respectfully.

"Go out." Li Xiandao waved his hand, and Moon Angel and Qin Ming suddenly disappeared.

The trading hall is empty, only Li Xiandao and Xiao Qi.

"A lot of gains this time." Xiao Qi smiled.

"Yeah, is this the best Aura Dragon Vessel enough?" Li Xiandao asked.

"Temporarily enough." Xiao Qi nodded.

"Put all of the best aura dragon veins in Tiandi Qianzhuang, let them nurture each other, and cultivate a main dragon vein, so that there will be no shortage of the best aura dragon veins in the future." Li Xiandao proposed.

"I'll do Xiaoqi's eyes lit up, this method is very good.

After the main dragon vein is born, it will extend the branch veins, and these branch veins are the ultimate aura dragon veins.

Using these branch veins will not harm the main dragon veins, so Li Xiandao is equivalent to having the endless aura dragon veins.

Xiao Qi looked at Li Xiandao with a smile, and stretched out the snow-white catkins to touch Li Xiandao's head: "Why are you so smart and come up with such a good driving method?"

"Maybe it's not that I'm too clever, but you are a little stupid." Li Xiandao took off his mask and smiled.

"Humph!" Xiao Qi's dissatisfied hammer Li Xiandao, turned around and left.

After walking a few steps and leaving the trading hall, Xiaoqi turned around and said quickly: "You are stupid, big fool, big fool, don't understand the style at all, hum, I wish you a single life."

After talking, Xiaoqi quickly slipped away.

Li Xiandao didn't care, saying: "With you, I can't be single."

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