Bank of The Universe

Chapter 391: The horror of the big devil! (three)

The big demon awakened and immediately discovered the formation arranged by Qin Ming. He was furious, and the demon qi suddenly surged and was extremely violent.

Qin Ming also knew that the opportunity was indispensable and immediately activated his [Demon Devouring].

[Swallow the Devil's Array] is a card prepared by Qin Ming. It is a kind of Demon Array method inherited from Buddha. It can absorb the devil madness madly, transform it into its own power, strengthen the large array, trap the devil in it, and suppress it. .

As long as the magic energy is more intense, the more powerful the Devouring Enemy is, and the greater the power, the greater the success rate of suppressing the Great Devil.

Therefore, Qin Ming chose to give this large formation to the sacrifice to use it to deal with the big demon.

However, despite believing in "Swallowing the Devil's Battle", Qin Ming still bought an insurance and invited Li Xiandao.

Under the double insurance, Qin Ming could not believe that this great demon could not be destroyed.

So he has nothing to worry about, just fight it.

"Devil, how many women in my Qin family have been defiled over the years, and today you must pay the price." Qin Ming shouted angrily.


[Enormous Devouring Demons] Absorbing the magical energy flowing around in a frenzy, and in an instant, it becomes powerful, a huge * character array emerges, and the golden light shines, and the crazy crackdown continues.

Absorbed the dark magic energy, transformed into golden energy, and then to suppress the devil.

This is a very clever formation. The person who invented this formation must be a wise man.

At this moment, all the demonic energy exuded by Da Mo was absorbed, turned into huge energy, and activated the formation. Very large suspended in the air, the shape of the * character was extremely powerful, and went down fiercely.


The big demon was suppressed and made a groan, followed by endless anger, the heart beating violently, bursting out of infinite devil qi, to be turned into a pair of big hands, smashed this formation.

However, as soon as these magical energies appeared, they were absorbed by [Demon Swallowing], not to mention the big hands, even the shadows could not condense.

This rolling magic energy instead increased the power of the formation, so that [Demon Swallowing] once again increased the power.


Another huge impact smashed down, directly hitting the heart of the big devil.

The Great Devil itself was imprisoned under the formation, but his formation was originally in a broken state, so he could exude his power and he could defeat the great elders of the Qin family.

And now, the "Demon Swallowing Enemy" who has absorbed the magic energy attacked, and the body of the attacked monster trembles, and the body trembles, which is very scary.

However, the formation of suppressing the big demon, but more damage.

"I'm going to kill you!" The big demon roared, once again condensing a huge amount of devil qi and burst out.


These devil qi have exceeded the upper limit of the big devil can be exerted, which means that the devil qi reached the peak of the emperor.

This is terrifying.

So the formation of suppressing the Great Devil gleamed with light, exploded into a great power, and turned into a **** with a rumbling voice: "Demon, your heart is suppressed here is the mercy of the Heavenly Emperor, if you dare to offend this again [Forbidden Demon Great array], I will use energy to teach you a profound lesson."

Qin Ming and Moon Angel didn't think of this energy god.

What the gods said shocked them.

The big demon was suppressed here, it turned out to be just a heart, and a heart has such a terrifying power.

Just a heart, there is such a huge magic energy, which is scary.

"Hahaha, you are just an incarnation of the formation. You can help me. After so many years of suppression, you are about to disappear. Today I will break this formation." The big devil laughed, ignoring the warning and devoting himself wholeheartedly Activate your magical energy.


The magic energy is violent, agitated, and erupted, very terrifying.

However, these magical qi was absorbed by [Swallowing Demon Formation] instantly, increasing the power of [Swallowing Demon Formation].

Qin Ming puzzled: "Why does he want to increase the power of [Demon Devouring]?"

Once the power of the "Demon Devourer" has increased, isn't it the Damon who is unlucky?

"No, he intends to make [Swallow the Demon Great Array] and [Forbidden Demon Great Array] both lose. He is increasing the power of [Swallow the Great Devil Array]." Moon Angel was far away, seeing clearly, and exclaimed suddenly .

Qin Ming stepped back some distance and suddenly saw a horrible picture.

[Swallow the Demon Formation] Absorbed a lot of magic energy, transformed into your own strength, and then suppressed it fiercely.


This is a very scary picture. After the crackdown, the earth trembles. Even Qin Ming and Moon Angel dare not take this blow.

The big demon hid under the [Forbidden Demon Formation].


The energy of 【Demon Swarm】, the first target of attack is 【Magic Swarm】.

The soul of [Forbidden Demon Formation] appeared and was attacked for no reason. Suddenly angry, he immediately shot and counterattacked [Detonated Demon Formation].

The two big battles were fierce and terrifying.


Qin Ming looked silly at this scene, he said blankly: "This devil is using my big formation to help him unblock his big formation?"

Moon Angel could not help nodding.

The two people who were far away could see clearly. When the two large battles fought against each other, the heart of the big demon was not oppressed and took the opportunity to slip out.

"Go to death!" The heart of the Damon suddenly burst into terrifying energy, and you can control it without giving the time to absorb the "Demon Swallowing Array", UU reading suddenly bombarded in the [Forbidden Demon Large array].


[Forbidden Demon Formation] immediately collapsed, and under the turbulence of energy, the [Encroached Demon Formation] collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Da Mo laughed excitedly, very excited, his heart beat violently: "100,000 years, long years, I finally came out."

Qin Ming and Moon Angel looked at each other and saw the dignity in their respective eyes.

This monster is not easy to deal with.

He is very clever and knows that the use of the two formations is not enough to give the magic energy to the "Demon Swallowing Formation" to increase his strength and allow the two formations to fight against each other.

"Heavenly Emperor, you divided my body and suppressed me in different places. Now that I still escape, I must kill you." The heart of the great demon is beating vigorously, and the magical energy around the heart becomes substantial and changes. Forming a body is the original appearance of the devil.


Da Mo stared at Qin Ming and Moon Angel at this moment, his eyes fierce, and said coldly: "Did you just want to kill me with [Swallow the Demon Formation]?"

As soon as these words came out, a force that crushed the emperor came violently, making Qin Ming look white, trying his best to resist, biting his teeth and saying: "You have seen it, what are you asking?"

"What a brave man, a bunch of you Qin's family is useless. I didn't expect to have a **** man like you." Da Mo smiled coldly.

"The backbone of the Qin family has always been standing. Today I am here to kill you." Qin Ming gritted his teeth.

"Kill me?" Da Mo smiled, with a disdainful smile, pointing at Qin Ming and Moon Angel, said lightly: "Is it both of you?"

"No, it's up to my master to kill you." Moon Angel firmly said that in her eyes, the devil was terrifying, but it was not comparable to Li Xiandao.

The master can certainly defeat this great demon.

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