Bank of The Universe

Chapter 393: Sword gas suppression! (Fives)

Thousands of demonic energies lingered, and a sword fluttered into the darkness, as if it were a hope in the world, flashing in the eyes of the moon angel.

Sure enough, the master came and did not give up on her.

Under the sword spirit, the great demon roared: "Are you the master of this martyr?"

His punch was chopped off by Li Xiandao with a sword, and he was absorbing crazy energy to supplement it, staring at Li Xiandao fiercely.


"I don't like the name. I prefer to call her Moon Angel, one of the four angels under my command." Li Xiandao said coldly, dissatisfied with the martyr in the mouth of the Great Devil.

"She was supposed to be my person." The devil pointed at the moon angel coldly.

Moon Angel looked angry at the demon with an angry face, very dissatisfied.

She can only, and can only be, Li Xiandao.

"Oh, then you call her to see if she listens to you?" Li Xiandao said easily.

Da Mo sneered and said, "It doesn't matter whether she screams or not, if I kill you, she is mine."

Moon Angel firmly said: "You will not be the master's opponent."

"I just didn't pay attention. Now, face to face, he is the peak of an emperor and wants to kill me?" Da Mo disdained and saw Li Xiandao's cultivation behavior at a glance.

Li Xiandao was stunned and smiled: "Yeah, my cultivation is just the peak of the emperor, I hope that this peak of the emperor will not let you down."

"Even if I only have one heart now, it's not that you, an emperor, can be wild, can you see it?" Da Mo stretched out his hand.

Li Xiandao looked down, and Qin Ming in the distance was very difficult to be squeezed by the demonic energy.

As the Great Devil said, the peak of the emperor is in front of him, it should be like this.

So he looked down on Li Xiandao.

"My emperor's peak and his emperor's peak are slightly different." Li Xiandao said truthfully.

"What's the difference, it's just that you practice Kendo, and the attack power is a little higher." Da Mo sneered.

"No, you made a mistake." Li Xiandao shook his head.

"What is it?" Da Mo frowned at Li Xiandao.


Li Xiandao did not refer to it as a sword, but a bit fierce, the sword's qi soared, like a brilliant firework, exploding under the sword of Li Xiandao.

Li Xiandao stepped out in one step and said, "The tall one is not a bit."

Clang, clang, clang!

After a burst of sword qi, it shot out with different colors, and it was very gorgeous in the dark.

Li Xiandao raised his head and said the last sentence: "High is countless points!"


Along with Li Xiandao's sword, the colorful sword gas burst out instantly, trapping the big demon and slashing it down.

This sword is an emperor's sword trick learned by Li Xiandao.

Brilliant stars!

Countless falling sword qi, like countless stars, flashed their own glory in the dark night.

With this sword, the big demon roared and gave a strong shock. His body was pulled high, his devil qi rolled, and his big hand covered it.

Six reincarnations!

This is a very powerful magic Dao practice, rumbling, beside the big demon, six black holes were born, rumbling, absorbing all the sword energy, and then cracking down **** Li Xiandao.


Da Mo roared again, strode across, and squeezed insanely to shoot Li Xiandao to death.

Li Xiandao's eyes narrowed, and the demon was indeed tough. The sword he had just solved couldn't be solved. If he changed to other people, he would have died under Li Xiandao's sword spirit.

Since a sword is not enough, then a few more swords.

Li Xiandao's blood was boiling at this moment. He was not worried and scared. Instead, he encountered the excitement of his opponent.

The excitement at this moment made Li Xiandao reach out, and a long sword was condensed into the void, with a sonorous sound.

Li Xiandao was surrounded by countless sword spirits. He carried a long sword, like a dragon swimmer, and cut it out with one sword.

This sword, as fast as a shadow, was cut on the wrist of the big demon, and the sharp sword mango directly shredded the body of the magic energy.

This record [six reincarnations] completely lost its effect.

And the next second, Li Xiandao's sword came to the eyes of the big demon.


A crisp sound of swordsmanship sounded like the first sound made at the moment when the long-forged Longquan was formed.

This sword is the fast sword of Li Xiandao.

The big demon could not react at all, and the head was cut off.

Fast Sword has no shadow. In just one second, Li Xiandao directly dismembered the demon's body. Only one heart is still beating.

This heart, in front of Li Xiandao, had little resistance.

"Great devouring power!"

The big demon was furious and knew the power of Li Xiandao. As he said, he was not stronger than Qin Ming, but a lot stronger.

So he exerted his skills, a huge black hole appeared behind him, a huge suction surged out, and Li Xiandao was involved in the black hole.

Li Xiandao's body couldn't control it. This suction force was too strong, and he was immediately sucked into it.

"Look at how I crush you." Da Mo was overjoyed, his heart was beating violently, contracting, and vomiting rolling energy, all of which were magic qi, infiltrating into the black hole, and crushing Li Xiandao.

Moon Angel and Qin Ming both looked big demon wants to kill Li Xiandao?

In the black hole, the huge squeezing ability made Li Xiandao's face cold. Sure enough, he was a big demon from a higher dimension. His strength was completely different from the people of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, which could force Li Xiandao to this step.

"But that's all." Li Xiandao completely released his cultivation at this moment.


In his body, a violent sword gas erupted. This is Li Xiandao's fusion of the sword gas, sword moves, and Dao Yun that he has learned along the way, and he has very terrifying power.

"Wanjian returns to the sect!"

Innumerable Jianmang shot out of Li Xiandao's body, and all of them burst out.


The black hole was blown up in an instant, like tofu, shattered with a pinch.

Da Mo's magic energy just poured into the black hole, and the black hole exploded completely in the next second.


And waiting for him to stabilize, waiting for him is a cold sword gas.

There are also a pair of cold and terrible eyes.

Da Mo's tone asked in shock: "How could you break my [Great Engulfing Skill]?"

"Because... I am stronger than you!" Li Xiandao said coldly.

The big devil was choked and said nothing, and his heart was beating.

Because he could feel that Li Xiandao's sword could pierce his heart.

"You won." The Devil refused.

"But you can't kill me." Da Xian's heart warned Li Xiandao.

"Why?" Li Xiandao asked.

"The Emperor defeated me at that time, divided me, and sealed them in different places. They didn't kill me. If you think about killing me, what would happen?" Da Xian threatened Li Xiandao.

"I really want to know what will happen, can you fulfill me?" Li Xiandao said suddenly.

...The big demon was dumbfounded.

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