Bank of The Universe

Chapter 396: Fairy Warrior! (two)

Moon Palace!

Qin family!

An hour ago, the place where the great demon was suppressed was so violent that it shocked everyone in the Qin family.

The demonic energy filled the half of the moon, scaring some people of the Qin family who had no guts, and ran straight away. They took the soft and brisk ride in the teleportation array and ran away.

But some people stayed.

Some young people, some persevering people, silently prayed for Qin Ming.

This big devil must be eliminated to stabilize the Qin family.

At midnight, when Qin Ming came out alone, the Qin family was shocked.

Qin Ming walked out of the devil's spirit, with a wound on his body. Qin Ming wiped out the big demon at all.

One or two of the Qin family came out shocked and looked at Qin Ming respectfully.

"Meet Emperor Qin Ming!" Suddenly an old man knelt down and burst into tears, excited, and his Qin family finally emerged a spine with a straight emperor.

Moreover, this emperor with a straight spine had also eliminated the devil.

How can I not be excited?

How can you not be moved?

For a time, all the people of the Qin family knelt down and shouted to Qin Ming Emperor.

Qin Ming wanted to tell the truth, but seeing this scene, the people of the Qin family thought that he had wiped out the big devil, and one or two spirits were completely different.

Now Qin Ming needs to shape the new Qin family spirit, so he did not say that he invited others to take action.

Let this incident improve the spirit of the Qin family and baptize once.


The people of the Qin family were very excited, but those who fled wanted to come back, but were uniformly rejected. The people who left were no longer the Qin family and were completely removed from the genealogy.

This kind of thing made the Qin family's atmosphere even more tight, and everyone tried hard.

Qin family, flourishing.

But all this has nothing to do with the elderly in the cemetery.

As Li Xiandao wiped out the great demon and eliminated the trouble of the Qin family, some changes have taken place in this old man.

In the cemetery, the cherry blossoms are still in full bloom, very beautiful, fluttering, petals on the ground.

The old man stepped on it and walked with a daze.

"The heart of the Great Demon is broken, and it is still being taken away by others. I should have reported this matter," the old man murmured.

There was a hint of resentment on his face.

"But, I don't want to report it." The old man stopped and came to the entrance of the cemetery, three miles away from his cabin.

The blind and deaf old man seemed to be able to see everything at this moment.

"One hundred thousand years ago, the Great Demon was divided by the Heavenly Emperor, but because he was afraid of the Lord of the Devil Realm, he was directly sealed in various places. Every place also sent a fairy warrior to guard." The old man recalled his past.

The Great Demon was suppressed for 100,000 years.

He came to nine days, ten thousand years and one hundred thousand years.

At that time, the Xianmen was still unobstructed. The Xianmen suppressed their cultivation practices, controlled the extreme that nine days and ten could bear, and stood on the moon, watching this great demon heart.

This guard is 100,000 years.

Fairy will be very unwilling!

His 100,000 years were so wasted.

What's the use of guarding the heart of a great demon?

He is a fairy general and should be killed in the battlefield, but after 100,000 years, he has no chance, even if he wants to return to the fairy world, he is ruthlessly rejected.

In the early years, the immortal will also suppress the heart of the big demon, the big devil does not have any ability to resist.

But in the back, Xianmen was closed by the old man in Tianchi. The people in Xianjie could no longer get down easily, and Xianjiang would not receive any information from Tiandi.

Slowly, he was no longer suppressing the heart of the demon.

The undepressed heart of the great demon began to destroy the formation, and then the cartilage of the Qin family completely surrendered.

All this started from him.

For 100,000 years, every thousands of years, he changed his body, mostly disabled old people who could not survive, and then applied to guard the cemetery and silently sneered.

He couldn't go back to the fairyland. The heavenly emperor's power was huge. He dared to violate the order. Only death came to an end.

But if you can't go back and spend time here, Xian will be very unwilling, so while accumulating herself, while waiting for the big demon to break the seal, she began to disturb the nine days and ten places, and then killed the fairy world.

So he can touch the fish in muddy water, enter the fairy world, lose his previous identity, and start again.

The only trouble with this plan is time, for a long time.

But now, this plan was destroyed by Li Xiandao.

In other words, Xian Jiang would not have expected that in Hanyuetian, such a powerful person as Li Xiandao would suppress the Da Mo heart.

Xian Jiang also thought about shooting to save the demon, but he thought about it carefully, as if it were pretty good.

The Great Devil's heart was taken away by Li Xiandao. The Heavenly Emperor didn't know it, but the Great Deity deity knew that he would definitely come to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to disrupt this place.

At that time Xianmen will also be reopened, and he can touch the fish in muddy water again.

"I need to leave now to find myself." Xian Jiang's eyes were shining, his eyes firm, and he stepped out, his body exploded in endless light, flashing around.

This deaf and blind body collapsed to the ground suddenly, and a fairy wearing a armor and holding a spear appeared.

The difference is that the immortal will be older, and it is already the last time.

Even a fairy, who can live 100,000 years, is not easy.

The life of a fairy is only one thousand years.

He is very old.

"Emperor Tian's paper order, I utterly spent 100,000 years here." Xian Jiang hated his teeth.

One hundred thousand years ago, he was a very promising young talent in the fairy army.

One hundred thousand years later, he was still in that state, but his life span was only a thousand years.

There is nothing more tragic in life.

"His heavenly emperor has never thought of me. In his eyes, I am a chess piece and should not have his own thoughts." Xian raised his head resentfully and looked into the endless deep space.

Above nine days, is the fairyland.

As long as he broke out with all his strength, he could cross the robbery and ascend into the fairyland.

But now the old fairy, dare not cross the robbery.

His cultivation is too repressive. Thunder Tribulation must be terrifying. With his current physical state, he can't bear it.

You must improve your physical But how to improve?

Immortal will be confused, his only expectation now is that the great demon is furious, and the other parts are out of trouble, and then he comes to the nine days and ten places to disturb the place and let the people of the immortal world fall into demon.

Touching the fish in the muddy water, he entered the fairy world through the Xianfan channel, so he didn't have to cross the robbery.

But can such a wish be realized in a thousand years?

Immortal will not help doubting.

Can he wait until then?

Besides, does he have other options?


A blood-red pocket watch appeared in front of the fairy.

The blood-red light seemed so strange, and attracted the eyes of the fairy.

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