Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 11 Speaking up always leads to the best results.

Looking at the two oversized gold coins hanging on the fruit tree, Jiang Chen was a little disappointed, but he still looked at Facai with the last glimmer of expectation.

"To get rich, eat one gold coin first to see the effect. Remember you can only have one!"

After all, it is a gold coin condensed by mutants, so it may not have any special effects.

Da da!

Fa Cai nodded repeatedly, jumped up to one of the gold coins, and started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

A gold coin was quickly eaten up by Fa Cai, and his condition returned to its best.

Moreover, the aura on Fa Cai's body became much stronger, and the golden thread behind him not only regained its luster, but also became much wider.

[Race name]: Golden Glider (make a fortune)

[Attribute]: Gold

[Bloodline Level]: Normal

[Combat Power Level]: Black Iron 4 stars

[Natural Skill]: Golden Light (slightly successful)

[Racial Skills]: Flash (Enter the House)

[General Skill]: Fang Assault (Break into the House)

"The combat power level has increased by one level, and Jin Mang's skill proficiency has also increased?"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. Although he didn't get any new skills, it would be good to level up directly like this.

Especially for skill proficiency, Jiang Chen currently knows only one way to improve it, and that is to use it continuously.

Forget about flash and fang attack, your proficiency will improve with more practice, but golden light...

Jiang Chen said that he really couldn’t afford to practice.

"It seems that the mutant species is still somewhat useful."

Jiang Chen grabbed Fa Cai from another gold coin, stared into Fa Cai's eyes seriously, and said, "Fa Cai, keep this gold coin temporarily for emergencies, do you understand?"

Da da?

When he heard that he couldn't eat gold coins, his eyes suddenly filled with mist and he started to struggle.

"It's not that I don't let you eat, I just want to save it for the critical moment."

Jiang Chen repeatedly reassured him that although Jin Mang was very strong, its characteristic of needing to be charged was a fatal weakness.

Once they're used up in battle, they're basically lambs to the slaughter.

The effect of this mutated gold coin is obviously better than that of ordinary gold coins. If you save it for critical moments, it may change the direction of the war.

Da da……

Seeing that Jiang Chen was so serious about making a fortune, he had no choice but to give up, but the longing in his eyes still did not disappear.

"When I collect the reward for this mission tomorrow, I will buy you a life core, but this one really cannot be moved, do you understand?"

Da da.

Fa Cai nodded vigorously, tried hard to avoid looking at the gold coin, and lay on Jiang Chen's shoulder to concentrate on digesting the golden energy he had just obtained.

Although the silver rat is not very good, the energy condensed from the gold coins is very abundant, and it has not been fully digested until now.

Seeing that Fa Cai had calmed down, Jiang Chen finally had time to check on the status of the fruit trees.

[Name]: Ordinary fruit tree

[Level]: Level I

[Effect]: Basic attribute increase (Level I 12%); Gold element affinity (Level I 12%)

"An increase of 2%... It seems that this percentage is only related to the quantity of gold coins produced, and has nothing to do with the quality."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin. The number of gold coins he bore increased by a certain percentage. So based on 100% calculation, in the first level state, the fruit tree might only bear a hundred gold coins at most?

Then you have to pay attention to the quality of the life core in the future. Apart from anything else, for the same two gold coins, the one grown with the mutant life core is as good as the two ordinary ones.

"But where can I find so many mutant species..."

Jiang Chen glanced at the mutated gold coin left on the branch, carefully placed the sleeping Fa Cai on the trunk, and left quietly.

Although he was not injured, this was the first time Jiang Chen faced the threat of evil spirits. It was nothing just now, but now he felt extremely tired when he stopped.

Jiang Chen didn't force himself. He sent the photos taken today to Manager Zhang's mailbox, then fell on the bed and fell asleep.

the next day.

It's half past five in the morning.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes on time, washed himself briefly and then started his daily morning run.

"My wealth level has been improved, and my physical strength has indeed been enhanced."

Jiang Chen let out a heavy breath and suddenly sped up, completely breaking away from jogging.

The spirit space will be continuously strengthened as time goes by and the pet spirit improves, and some feedback will be given to the guardian.

Jiang Chen has been exercising since he was a child, and his physique is better than the average person. Then he received the feedback brought by the evolution of wealth, and his physique became even more abnormal.

"I heard that the physique of an S-class ambassador is comparable to that of a beloved spirit. It seems likely to be true."

Jiang Chen clenched his fists and sped up again.

There were not many people coming for morning jogging at this time, so no one noticed that in a hidden corner of Jiang Chen's morning jogging route, there was a body of a silver rat.

"North Star" newspaper.

"I know Jiang Chen can definitely take the most perfect photos if you take action!"

Manager Zhang was obviously in a very good mood. He kept patting Jiang Chen on the shoulder and said, "Here are 1,000 federal coins and a gold life core. Keep them."

With that said, Manager Zhang took out an envelope and a small box and stuffed them into Jiang Chen's hands with a surprised look in his eyes.

"so much?!"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised and immediately opened the envelope and box and inspected them carefully.

"Zhengxin Gym was very satisfied with those photos and used them directly as promotional photos for their gym, so they even doubled the reward."

"I see."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that Zhengxin Dojo was rich and powerful. The remuneration could be doubled at any time. Just one mission was almost catching up with his previous monthly income.

"How is it? Our Polaris benefits are good, right? You are still a temporary worker, so the share is not much, but the share of formal employees is 50%~"

"Thank you, but I still want to talk about the job after graduation."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly. Zhang Zhizhang really likes to poach people, and the conditions are also very generous. Jiang Chen is actually a little tempted.

A 50% share means that his income can be at least three or four times higher, and his life will not be so tight.

Unfortunately, he has already made plans for the next four years and does not plan to change it for the time being.

"By the way, Director Zhang, what happened in Zhengxin Dojo yesterday..."

Jiang Chen was about to say something, but Director Zhang saw Jiang Chen's thoughts and turned the computer to Jiang Chen's direction.

On the screen was Polaris's report on the Zhengxin Dojo exhibition, from the initial display to the later battles with Chiyan Jinsuan and the giant rat, as well as the subsequent activities, all described in great detail.

"After such an incident, Zhengxin Dojo didn't stop the exhibition?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. Even though such an accident happened, Zhengxin Dojo could still hold the exhibition?

"Zhengxin Dojo released a statement on their official website this morning, saying that yesterday's incident was a safety drill they deliberately arranged."

Manager Zhang shrugged and said, "Although many people think it's a bit of an exaggeration, most people still appreciate the arrangement of Zhengxin Dojo."

"Deliberate arrangement?"

Jiang Chen was silent after hearing this. Judging from Xiao Zhe's expression at the time, it didn't seem to be a deliberate arrangement.

Of course, there is also the possibility that Yang Tianming concealed it from Xiao Zhe, but it would not be good for Xiao Zhe, so this can also be ruled out.

But no matter what, this matter was suppressed by Zhengxin Dojo. Now I hope they didn't notice me, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Just then, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something and read the report of Polaris again, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

The whole report was not polished at all, it was all objective description, just like a short documentary, simply playing the exhibition again.

"Are you surprised? This is our consistent style at Polaris. We always report objectively, without any subjective guidance, and let readers judge for themselves." Manager Zhang raised his head and smiled: "Although most people don't understand, speaking frankly will always bring the best results."

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