Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 207 Are you cheating?

"The youngest captain of the Federation returns to the city, and many presidents of Yunyin University personally welcome him. Tsk, Jiang Chen, you are on the headlines again." Manager Zhang smiled and turned the computer screen to Jiang Chen, saying, "Your popularity now exceeds those so-called traffic stars. If you debut at this time, you will definitely be a big hit!" "Manager Zhang, don't tease me. You know I'm not interested in this kind of thing." Facing Manager Zhang's teasing, Jiang Chen sighed helplessly and handed a USB flash drive to Manager Zhang. "This is a photo of the evil spirit I took in the North. Manager Zhang, please see if you can use it." He had been away for two months, and the previous stock had long been used up, so he rushed here as soon as he got rid of those enthusiastic presidents. He now has to raise three pet spirits, and the expenses are not small. Of course, he has to hurry up to provide materials so that he can make money as soon as possible. "Your work does not need to be checked, it will definitely work." Manager Zhang took the USB flash drive and said. "And I'm sure your material will be a big hit this time!" As he said that, Manager Zhang operated on the computer, and all the popular information in this period of time was immediately displayed on the screen. Jiang Chen glanced at it and found that almost all the topics above were centered around the North. Especially the incident of the Thunder Breaking Armor attacking the barrier, the number of clicks exceeded the highest record in history! "Are they really all published?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised. The materials submitted by the journalism students were all reviewed, and they didn't know how much they could publish. And looking at the content of the post, except for the appearance of the Thunder Breaking Armor that could not be filmed and recorded, all other details were reported. "Although I was also surprised, this time the Federation really presented the most realistic situation of the Federation to all citizens of the Federation." Manager Zhang patted his big belly and smiled: "Originally, some people were worried about whether it would cause panic, but your generation of young people seems to be quite adventurous. Not only are they not afraid, but they are more curious." "So they are beginning to be interested in the materials provided by the Great Wilderness?" Jiang Chen immediately understood and said. "That's right." Manager Zhang nodded and said, "Although other newspapers have also published a lot of similar information, we have seized the opportunity after all. Coupled with the factors of the Star Ranking, the Great Wilderness has become a column that young people like most now." Manager Zhang smiled and said, "Looking at you, you probably haven't paid attention to your federal balance for a long time, right?" "Balance? I haven't checked it for a long time." Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the most effective currency in the barrier is merit, and he really forgot about it. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately took out his mobile phone to check. After seeing the seven-digit balance on it, a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face. 1.1 million! Sure enough, making money is still for the side job~ "When I release this batch of materials from the North, the popularity of the Great Wilderness will definitely increase again. At that time, you just need to lie at home and count money." Hearing this, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up immediately. Counting money while lying down! This is definitely the best news he has heard recently! "Then I'll trouble Manager Zhang!" Jiang Chen said solemnly. "Don't be so polite. You are a big celebrity in our Polaris now. If the editor-in-chief hadn't had some status in the circle, I'm afraid many people would have come to poach you now."

Director Zhang laughed and said, "Don't worry, I will never let you lose money."

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Director Zhang said, "The evil spirits around Lingyin City are quite active recently. Some have even fled into the city. Be careful."

As he said that, Director Zhang took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Jiang Chen, saying, "This is an investigation task entrusted to us by the government. We sent a lot of people out, but we didn't get anything."

"You have been active in the surrounding area before and are familiar with it, so I want to entrust you to help us investigate. Is that okay?"

"Of course no problem."

Jiang Chen took the document and agreed without hesitation.

There are still many silver evil spirits around Lingyin City, which are just right for Fa Cai and others to practice.

Even if there are gold-level evil spirits, he is not afraid now.

Thanks to the first generation, Dahuang now has a star-level town beast.

"That couldn't be better." Manager Zhang patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder and said, "I am very proud to let the ninth place on the silver list to carry out this exploration mission." "Manager Zhang, you are too polite. It's just a small favor." Jiang Chen's smile became more and more intense, and he almost forgot that there were rewards from the Star List to claim. A bronze top and a silver ninth place, these two rewards, plus the share of the "Great Wilderness" series, finally made him a good year. "You haven't been back for so long, I guess you have a lot of things to do, I won't keep you any longer." Manager Zhang shook the USB flash drive in his hand and said, "Next, you just wait for my good news." "Yes." The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Jiang Chen left Polaris, and then rushed to the mall to make a lot of purchases. After two months in the barrier, the inventory on the farm was almost consumed. Now that he had money on hand, of course he had to replenish it.

Moreover, this time he had such a close contact with the wilderness, coupled with Cao Xiong's training, he also had a better understanding of the wilderness, and at the same time he needed to prepare more things.

In addition, he also had to purchase some things for the orphanage.

The New Year is coming soon, and we can't forget the director and those little guys.


Piaoxue Orphanage.

Director Leng was sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground with a broom, and several well-behaved girls were waiting with dustpans to help Director Leng dump the fallen leaves into the trash can.

As for the naughty ones, they were running around the yard, venting their endless energy.

At this age, they are the most carefree.


At this moment, a gentle voice came into the ears of everyone. After seeing the appearance of the person coming, the children dropped what they were doing and surrounded him together.

"Brother Jiang Chen!"

Jiang Chen patted the little guys' heads with a smile, then looked at the dean who was always smiling and said, "Dean, I'm back."

"I'm glad I'm back."

Dean Leng nodded slightly, and his eyes quickly swept over Jiang Chen's body. After confirming that Jiang Chen was not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's almost time for dinner, so come back today."

"Well, I may have to stay for a few more days. The school is on vacation and the dormitory is not open to the public."

Jiang Chen scratched his head and said.

"Of course, your room is always there."

Dean Leng said.

"Brother Jiang Chen, didn't you bring anything back this time?"

A boy looked at Jiang Chen's empty hands, and the hopeful light in his eyes dissipated. He couldn't help asking a question.

"Hua Zai, you can't do this."

Hearing the boy's words, Dean Leng frowned slightly, and Hua Zai also stuck out his tongue and shrank behind Jiang Chen.

"Don't worry, everything is ready for you."

Jiang Chen smiled, opened his palm and took out all the things he bought for the orphanage.

From toys to home appliances, it can be said that there is everything.

"Xiao Chen, why did you buy so many things again?"

Dean Leng frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

"It's almost the New Year, and I just made some money, so I bought it."

Jiang Chen took out a federal card and handed it to Dean Leng, saying: "The houses in the orphanage are also very old. After the New Year, you can find someone to renovate them."

"Xiao Chen, you..."

Dean Leng was about to refuse, but after seeing Jiang Chen's unquestionable eyes, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't do this next time."


Jiang Chen promised, but looking at his expression, you can tell that this is not credible.

"Don't play for now, help move all these things in."

Dean Leng looked at the pile of things in front of him and could only put aside the cleaning for the time being and prepare to help.

"No, I'll do it."

Jiang Chen nodded at his eyebrows, and the three pet spirits were summoned immediately.

"It's Facai! Give me Facai to hug!"

"No, Facai is mine!"

"Isn't there Hongzhong? What are you fighting for?"

"Huh? Brother Jiang Chen, you have another pet spirit? It's so ugly!"

As soon as the three pet spirits appeared, the little guys put down their toys and rushed to fight for the pet spirits.

Compared to these lifeless toys, pet spirits are more fun.

"Xiaochen, have you upgraded again?"

Dean Leng immediately reacted and asked.

"Well, I'm a D-level controller now."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

"Is that so..."

Dean Leng suddenly realized, and a trace of imperceptible worry flashed in his eyes.

"Dean, don't worry, I won't run around."

Seeing Dean Leng like this, Jiang Chen immediately comforted him.

"Before there is a star-shaped pet spirit, I won't easily enter the wilderness."

His dream since childhood is to enter the wilderness. Everyone in the orphanage knows this, and Dean Leng's worries are understandable.

It's just that after seeing the mystery and danger of the wilderness, Jiang Chen is not as anxious as before.

Without sufficient strength, dreams can only be empty talk.

"Not entering the wilderness? It's only been two months since we last met, how come you've become so timid, Jiang Chen?"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind Jiang Chen.

Needless to say, it was Bai Xiaoyu.

Jiang Chen turned his head and looked back, but what appeared in front of him was not Bai Xiaoyu, but Lie who was rushing towards him.

"Good Bai Xiaoyu, you actually sneaked up on me?"

Jiang Chen cursed for a while, but he didn't mean to dodge, just silently watching Lie getting closer and closer to him.

Finally, just when Lie was about to pounce on Jiang Chen, a golden light flew from behind Jiang Chen and directly knocked Lie out.

Da Da!

Fa Cai hovered in front of Jiang Chen, watching Lie flipping in the air to stabilize his body, with a hint of fighting spirit in his eyes.

Strictly speaking, Lie was the first opponent in Shu Shu's fighting career, and he still had a strong desire to fight.

Thinking of this, Fa Cai unconsciously released a spiritual pressure, sharp and solid, making people dare not look directly at him.

"Pressure? Fa Cai has also been promoted to the silver level?"

Bai Xiaoyu was stunned and grabbed Jiang Chen's collar and asked.

"When did Fa Cai get promoted?"

"About a month ago."

Jiang Chen smiled evilly and glanced at Lie who was also promoted to the silver level. He smiled and said, "It seems that he got promoted a little earlier than you?"

"Damn it, I'm actually half a month faster than Lie. Are you cheating?"

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