Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 209 Monster Core, Dark Runes

"There is indeed a problem."

Looking at the two blood-tailed rabbits that looked increasingly sinister, Jiang Chen immediately took out his camera to take pictures.

But Jiang Chen also discovered that although there was a blood-tailed rabbit in the photo, there was no trace of demonic energy at all.

"Can't record it?"

Jiang Chen took a few more pictures, and sure enough, there was no trace of the demonic energy.

"The teacher said that the creatures above the stars cannot be photographed because of the existence of the star field. This demonic energy cannot be photographed. Could it be..."

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more frightened he became, and said: "Get rich and try to stay alive!"

Da da!

Facai nodded, looking at the blood-tailed rabbit attacking like a madman, he suddenly retreated to give way.

How could the Blood-tailed Rabbit let go of such a good opportunity, and immediately caught up with him, but Lie took over in time after checking, and swung out a claw, and the powerful explosion directly blew away the two Blood-tailed Rabbits.

Then, Fa Cai slapped his paws on the ground, and metal spikes spread out from the ground. The moment the blood-tailed rabbits landed, a metal cage was formed, locking them up.

Click, click, click!

Seeing the sudden metal cage, the Blood-tailed Rabbit immediately struggled and wanted to break through.

However, as the proficiency of the alchemy claws increases, the hardness of the metal that can be extracted by Fortune also increases. Coupled with the narrow range, the two blood-tailed rabbits cannot exert their power at all.

"Elemental manipulation skills, when did you get rich like this again?"

Bai Xiaoyu curiously looked at the metal cage summoned by Fortune, with a look of surprise on his face.

It has only been more than two months, and getting rich is like changing a mouse. Not only the fighting method, but also the skills have been changed.

Such a change can no longer be described as rapid growth, it is clearly a rebirth!

"I mastered it by accident."

Jiang Chen shrugged, looked at the increasingly irritable blood-tailed rabbit in the cage, and said, "Xiaoyu, do you still remember the tree we met in the valley?"

"Tree? Of course I remember."

Bai Xiaoyu nodded and immediately responded.

"Jiang Chen, are you saying that these blood-tailed rabbits are related to the tree in the valley?!"

Bai Xiaoyu was a little confused. One of these two places was in the east and the other in the north. It would take several days even by car.

"Well, I felt a little suspicious when I found some white meat there, but I didn't find anything more. After all, two places so far apart are unlikely to be related."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin and said, "But now it seems that I may have thought too simply."

"Who would be so bored if we put these things in two cities so far apart?"

Bai Xiaoyu had a headache. He was never normal when it came to things that required him to use his brain, let alone something that looked very complicated at first glance.

"It always feels like someone is planning something bad."

Jiang Chen's expression gradually became serious. From the initial deformed rat to the current demonized rabbit, this thing that changes the physique of evil spirits seems to be becoming more perfect.

At least in terms of form, this demonized rabbit looks much more normal.

"Don't worry about him, kill these two things first. It's too dangerous to stay around here!"

Bai Xiaoyu pretended to deal with the two demonized rabbits, but was stopped by Jiang Chen.

"Wait a minute. I'm going to send these two demonized rabbits to Qixing to show Wen Quan. Maybe he can see something."

"Wen Quan? Okay."

Bai Xiaoyu could only give up, but suddenly found that the two demonized rabbits started biting each other.

The metal cage was not very spacious, and there was no room for the two rabbits to move around, but there was still room to move their mouths.

By the time Bai Xiaoyu found out, the two rabbits had bitten each other's throats, and wisps of red demonic energy erupted from their blood vessels.

And as the demonic energy was withdrawn, the corpses of the two demonized rabbits quickly shriveled up, as if their vitality was also taken away with the departure of the demonic energy.

Then, two wisps of red demonic energy gathered together in the air. After hovering in the air for a while, they actually rushed towards Fa Cai.

Da da!

Upon seeing this, Fa Cai immediately dodged away, while Hong Zhong unfolded a water curtain to block the path of the demonic energy.

But this demonic energy was so penetrating that it penetrated directly through the water curtain and continued to move forward.

"let me!"

Bai Xiaoyu shouted loudly, and Lie immediately rushed forward, slapping his claws into the air. A series of explosions immediately enveloped the demonic energy, and the demonic energy gradually disappeared.

But before Bai Xiaoyu could say anything, the demonic energy dispersed by the explosion condensed again.

However, this time the demonic energy did not attack Fa Cai and Lie again. Instead, it flew straight into the air and sank into the body of a flying bird.

As the demonic energy entered the body, Feiniao immediately struggled, and blood vessels quickly covered Feiniao's body like earthworms.

With a piercing cry, the bird's eyes turned scarlet, and the aura on its body also climbed all the way up to the peak of silver.

"An upgraded version of white meat..."

When Jiang Chen saw this, he immediately understood. The ability of this demonic energy was similar to that of white flesh, and would take away the essence of the host's flesh and blood.

It's just that the white meat needs to wait for the next host to swallow it, but this demonic energy will actively seek out the host.

If that's the case...

Jiang Chen looked at the vast woods around him and had a bad premonition in his heart.

If there are more such demonized creatures and no one restricts them, these demonic energies will continue to plunder the flesh and blood essence of extraordinary creatures to strengthen themselves.

When the demonic energy accumulates to a certain level, the creatures parasitized by it will grow to an extremely terrifying level.

"We have to find a way to completely eliminate these evil spirits."

Jiang Chen looked at the flying bird swooping down from the sky and made a gesture to Fa Cai. Fa Cai immediately understood and formed a spiral pill in an instant. His body was like a cannonball and he rushed forward.


Powerful golden energy burst out from the bird's body, directly blasting the bird into pieces.

Da da?

Seeing that he could cause so much damage with one strike, he was a little confused when it came to getting rich.

Shushu, has he become so strong?

"No, these demonic energies seem to have damaged the bird's body structure."

Jiang Chen saw the clues at a glance, while Lie on the side condensed a huge fireball and aimed it at the fragments of Feiniao's body.

Sure enough, as the body of the flying bird was broken into pieces, a wisp of evil energy that became larger came out, winding its way to find a new host again.

And Lie's fireball also hit the demonic energy at this time.

A huge flame swallowed up the demonic energy, as if the endless explosions did not give the demonic energy a chance to regroup.

The volume of the demonic energy decreased rapidly, but it could never be completely eliminated.

"If this can't be broken, won't these things never be eradicated?"

Bai Xiaoyu's eyes were solemn. Even endless blasts couldn't erase the demonic energy. There was almost no way to completely remove it at the silver level.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Jiang Chen shook his head, took out a bell and shook it.


Suddenly, there was thunder on the ground, and a purple thunder fell from the sky, directly swallowing the demonic energy, and then a vigorous purple figure ran over from a distance.


Zixiao Leopard yawned, his face looking listless.

Threatened by a violent man, it was forced to obey Jiang Chen's orders and returned to Lingyin City together.

Originally, he was thinking of going back to his hometown to sleep for a while, but he didn't expect that just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard Jiang Chen's distress signal.

I just don’t know why, but this thing looks a bit annoying to Leopard.

"Thank you Zixiao Leopard."

Seeing the demonic energy dissipate, Jiang Chen grinned.

As the sacred beast that was sent to the society in person by the first generation, Jiang Chen certainly would not waste it and brought it back with him.

Originally, I wanted to bring it to school, and also entrusted the principal to help with the relevant documents, but after all, it was an astral creature without a contract, and it would take some time to process it.

So Jiang Chen asked Zixiao Leopard to wait for his orders on the outskirts of Lingyin City. Unexpectedly, Zixiao Leopard called over just after he was settled.

The restraining effect of thunder on demonic energy is quite remarkable. After being bombarded by Zixiao Leopard's thunderbolt, the demonic energy condensed instantly and turned into a red crystal that fell down.


Baiban, who had nothing to do, immediately rushed out when he saw this, caught the red crystal and brought it to Jiang Chen.

"Is this considered to be refined into energy crystal by thunder?"

Jiang Chen took the demonic crystal, and the more he looked at it, the more it looked like the life core of an extraordinary creature, especially the rune lines inside, which proved Jiang Chen's guess.

The overall demonic energy crystal appears red, and the rune lines inside appear black, which is the same color as the dark attribute life core.

But for some reason, Jiang Chen always felt that there was a faint green light on these black runes.

"What kind of rune is this..."

Jiang Chen looked at it for a long time but couldn't see any clues, so he could only put away the core of the monster first.

"Purple Cloud Leopard, there are several demonized creatures around here. Can you help us deal with them?"


Zixiao Leopard nodded, then transformed into thunder and lightning and disappeared.

"Purple Cloud Leopard...I'll go! Jiang Chen, you also contracted a star creature?"

Looking at the Zixiao Leopard that was quickly moving away, Bai Xiaoyu suddenly exclaimed.

"Do you think I can bear it?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes. Although the farm was very special, not all creatures could bear it.

If he contracts a star creature at this time, I don't know if the farm will explode or not, but his soul will definitely explode.

"Then how did you..."

Bai Xiaoyu's face was filled with disbelief, so Jiang Chen could only tell Bai Xiaoyu about the first generation and Zixiao Leopard.

"Break the moonlight level and the forbidden land with one punch, and injure the solar creatures..."

A starlight flashed in Bai Xiaoyu's eyes, he grabbed Jiang Chen's collar and said loudly.

"Jiang Chen, where is Senior Baili now? Tell me quickly!"

"Military secrets, no comment."

Jiang Chen seemed to understand something and refused directly.

"Military secrets? Then tell me everything that is not confidential!"

Bai Xiaoyu still didn't give up. Looking at Jiang Chen who looked reluctant, he suddenly thought of something.

"I have decided, I want to join the Great Wilderness!"

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