Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 220 Suddenly I feel like someone is going to cry again

Nie Lang acted very confident, and Lin Mu seemed to have noticed something, and said: "Jiang Chen, why don't you change to Shuiyue Cat."

Although he didn't think Jiang Chen would contract any weak pet spirit, these were only three pets after all. No matter how strong the bloodline was, the cultivation time alone could not compare with Nie Lang's main pet, the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

Moreover, his intuition told him that Nie Lang was so confident that the Eclipse Wind Spirit's level evolution time might be advanced.

"It's okay, I just have the opportunity to let the whiteboard get some results."

Jiang Chen shook his head with a very firm attitude.

Since the appearance of the Star List, almost all the pet spirit battle information networks in the federation have been connected.

As long as you leave your performance on battlefields, assessment sites, and other occasions that can be recorded and verified, you can participate in the ranking of the Star List.

Although Baiban completed many tasks in the North and killed many evil spirits, including some with silver level, after the invasion of Thunder Breaker Armor, the barrier suspended the external intelligence transmission of the News Department.

To put it simply, the whiteboard has not announced any results so far.

Without record, there is no ranking.

No ranking, no reward!

And since Wanbao Pavilion, a large store affiliated with the Lin Group, is equipped with such a professional battlefield, the data here will inevitably be uploaded to the Star Ranking.

Defeating a pet spirit ranked among the top ten in the bronze list should be enough to increase the level of the whiteboard.


Lin Mu still wanted to persuade him, but was held back by Bai Xiaoyu.

"Don't worry, this guy will never underestimate an enemy."

Bai Xiaoyu looked around and said, "But do you sell antidote potions? If not, how about a detoxifying treasure?"


Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, then looked at the whiteboard with enlightenment.


It was the first time to fight in front of so many people. Bai Ban was extremely excited, especially after seeing the purple armor on his body.

Although I joined late, I got the Noble Phantasm earlier than that stupid cat!

Moreover, according to the boss, when the well upgrade is completed, there should be another Noble Phantasm.

By that time, he will be the only pet spirit under the boss with two Noble Phantasms!

With this status and this treatment, who else could be there!

"Where does this guy get his confidence from?"

Nie Lang didn't know why the whiteboard was so rusty. He felt the breath of Eclipse Wind Spirit and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"After winning so many games in a row, my fighting spirit has almost recovered. If I win one more game, I should be able to evolve. By then!"

Nie Lang's eyes widened, he glanced at the soft armor on Bai Ban's body, and shook the bell in his hand vigorously.

"Eclipse Wind Spirit, defeat him with one strike!"

The resonance bell rang, and the aura on Eclipse Wind Spirit suddenly surged, and then a huge fireball about three meters in diameter and a whirlwind about five meters high appeared in the field.

One wind and one fire merged with each other, directly turning into a hurricane of flames that occupied most of the battlefield, and headed straight towards the whiteboard.

"I actually chose AOE. I didn't intend to give Whiteboard a chance to dodge."

Seeing that Eclipse Wind Spirit still had some energy left, Bai Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, and then he asked Wen Quan quietly.

"Wen Quan, is this Noble Phantasm of yours reliable? It seems to be a defensive Noble Phantasm, right?"

"It's not all defensive treasures. According to Brother Chen's request and combined with the opinions of several seniors, I finally came up with this purple hedgehog soft armor."

Wen Quan shrank his head earnestly and said, "But I can't guarantee whether the purple hedgehog's soft armor can withstand such a strong attack. After all, I..."

"You only understand it a little bit. I know it. Next time, remember not to irritate a scumbag like me."

Bai Xiaoyu rolled his eyes. He was almost tired of hearing this joke from Jiang Chen. Although it was indeed a fact, it was quite fun to tease Wen Quan.

But every time after teasing Wen Quan, he would be reminded of the fact that he was a scumbag, and he would gradually give up.

"It's really not true. After all, this is my first time making a Noble Phantasm myself. I have no experience..."

Wen Quan's face turned red from the rebuke, but when he saw the whiteboard that came up to him, his expression immediately changed, and he took out a portable computer and started recording data.

Faced with the mighty attack from the Eclipse Wind Spirit, Baiban was not timid at all, and his fighting spirit became even stronger.

Seeing the flame vortex getting closer and closer to him, green light flashed in Baiban's eyes. After the energy poured into the purple hedgehog soft armor, the purple hedgehog soft armor that originally only hugged the body suddenly liquefied and quickly spread to Baiban's whole body.

In an instant, the whiteboard turned into a purple crystal creature.

Da da!

Shushu also wants to look so shiny!

"Don't be envious, you are already shining."

Jiang Chen silently patted Fa Cai, who ran out to watch the fun, and said, "You can't imitate Hong Zhong, don't be envious all the time, uh... Hong Zhong, why are you like this?"

Seeing Hong Zhong running out with his eyes shining brightly, Jiang Chen covered his face and sighed.

I almost forgot, cats are also interested in shiny things.

"Let's see how effective this purple hedgehog's soft armor is at defense~"

The moment the purple hedgehog's soft armor wrapped around Bai Ban's body, the fire vortex completely engulfed Bai Ban, and at the same time, it spun faster and faster.

The fire became more and more fierce, and even the ground opposite the battlefield was burned red, as if it would melt at any time.

But before Nie Lang could say anything, he saw a ray of purple light emerging from the fire whirlwind and heading straight towards the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

This is naturally Bai Ban.


Looking at the purple hedgehog soft armor that was not damaged under the burning fire, Bai Ban became more and more arrogant. His short limbs suddenly exerted force and broke through the front of the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

"Defensive treasure, I don't know if it can defend against my move!"

Seeing this, Nie Lang snorted coldly, and the fire whirlwind suddenly collapsed, turning into dozens of flywheels, spinning and rushing towards Bai Ban's back.

He had seen the illustrations of the white-headed badger. It has strong defense, but it is impulsive and brainless. Once it gets angry, it will even disobey the contract.

In addition, the attack power of this kind of pet spirit is very worrying, and it can basically only play the role of being beaten.

Although Jiang Chen equipped Bai Ban with a treasure, he actually chose a defensive treasure. This clearly shows that he intends to fight a war of attrition with him.

With his combat experience, he will naturally not let Jiang Chen succeed.

And this move of Wind, Fire and Moon Wheel was specially developed by him to deal with characters with strong defense.

However, facing the wind, fire and moon wheel approaching from behind, Bai Ban ignored it and rushed towards the Eclipse Wind Spirit without hesitation, waving his short claws to grab the opponent.

This posture was obviously intended to exchange injuries for injuries.

"It's really brainless to use this tactic with elemental species!"

Nie Lang snorted coldly and began to think about how to deal with Jiang Chen's next pet spirit.

But at this moment, the situation of the battle changed.

The wind, fire and moon wheel accurately hit Bai Ban's back, making a crisp sound, but did not tear the defense of the purple hedgehog's soft armor.

On the contrary, Bai Ban used this thrust to rush directly into the body of the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

The Eclipse Wind Spirit is a wind and fire dual-attribute elemental species, belonging to an energy body. It is not only immune to most physical attacks, but also the strongest.

Directly attacking the body of the Eclipse Wind Spirit like Bai Ban not only cannot cause damage to the Eclipse Wind Spirit, but will cause more serious damage to himself.

However, it was not Bai Ban, but the Eclipse Wind Spirit who first showed abnormality.

The Eclipse Wind Spirit's original hurricane body suddenly changed from light blue to dark green, and even its flame limbs were being infected bit by bit.

It felt like an ink box had been overturned in the Eclipse Wind Spirit's body, rendering the Eclipse Wind Spirit into another color.

"Is this... a poison attack?"

Nie Lang woke up as if from a dream, his face sank, and he shouted: "Eclipse Wind Spirit, spit him out!"

The Eclipse Wind Spirit immediately understood, and his body suddenly dispersed, throwing out the white board.

The white board, who was making a fuss in the Eclipse Wind Spirit's body, was startled by this sudden change, and fell heavily to the ground before he could react.


The white board stood up from the ground, shook his dizzy head, and then began to check his purple hedgehog soft armor.

Compared with the glorious crystal armor at the beginning, the purple hedgehog soft armor now has many more spikes, and even the smallest blind spots are not missed.

And these spikes seem to be very soft, and even twist like rubber with the movement of making money.

But the Eclipse Wind Spirit on the opposite side would not think so.

It was this seemingly soft spike that could actually directly damage its elemental body and also block its wind, fire and moon blades.

This defensive strength was stronger than many of the star-shaped defensive treasures they had seen.

But this was not the point, but this soft armor was poisonous!

Looking at the white board who was still admiring his new look, the Eclipse Wind Spirit immediately activated the fire attribute and tried his best to dispel the toxins in his body.

The composition of this toxin is very complex, different from any toxin it has ever come into contact with, but it has the characteristics of various toxins.

If it continues to spread, it may affect his elemental core.

As we all know, the elemental core is the body of the elemental species. As long as the elemental core is not damaged, the elemental species can recover quickly no matter how much damage it suffers.

"Brother Chen, this is what I designed according to your requirements. It can make the attacker be counterattacked by toxins." Seeing that his design was effective, Wen Quan was immediately excited and introduced: "The purple sand salamander itself has corrosive toxins that can break the enemy's defense. These spikes are equivalent to armor-breaking effects." "At the same time, I combined the white board's innate skills and added some special runes. Even if the enemy only attacks the purple hedgehog soft armor, the Ten Thousand Poison Seal can be effective." "Even faster!" "Can it be like this?" Jiang Chen was stunned. The effectiveness of the Ten Thousand Poison Seal is determined by the number and intensity of the white board's beating (attack). This purple hedgehog soft armor can actually improve efficiency? However, after seeing the dense spikes on the back of the purple hedgehog soft armor, Jiang Chen understood. Being hit by a needle counts as one attack on the white board, and being pricked by a needle counts as one attack on the white board, and the number of spikes on the purple hedgehog soft armor... Well, I suddenly feel that someone is going to be beaten and cry again...

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