Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 222 Fire Lin Demonic Blood, the Source of Demonic Qi?

"Wen Quan, is this what I thought?"

The eyes of Jiang Chen and the other three people froze at the same time, and the same word came to their minds.

Demonic energy!

"The external features are 80 to 90% similar, but if you look closely, they are still a little different."

Wen Quan took out a device that looked like VR glasses and put it on his head, and carefully looked at the Eclipse Wind Spirit, whose demonic aura was getting stronger.

"This kind of breath doesn't seem to have the ability to absorb energy and blood like demonic breath. Instead, it has more fire attributes."

"Fire attribute? Then it's not demonic?"

Jiang Chen didn't frown slightly. He couldn't absorb Qi and blood and carry elements. This was different from the demonic Qi they had seen.

But no one can say whether this will be the next stage of demonic energy.

After all, the white meat and vines encountered during the joint exercises of colleges and universities were much stronger than those found around Gusu City.

The top priority is to control the Eclipse Wind Spirit first.

"Lin Mu, have you ever seen the Eclipse Wind Spirit in this state?"

Jiang Chen looked at Lin Mu and asked.

"Me neither, but I might know what's going on."

Lin Mu looked gloomy and winked at a shopping mall manager not far away. He closed all the glass walls and roofs of the battlefield, including the screens.

Then, with Lin Mu's eyebrows raised, a white cloud suddenly appeared next to Lin Mu, and then he rushed straight into the battlefield.

Epic bloodline, silver level, Cloud Mist Boy!

"Nie Lang, hurry up and suppress the demonic blood in Eclipse Wind Spirit's body. Do you want to follow your father's path?!"

Lin Mu's tone was solemn, while the Yunwu Boy continued to release white clouds to suppress the rich demonic energy on the surface of the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

From the looks of it, it seems that he is already familiar with the road.

"Demon blood? I don't know..."

Nie Lang was obviously frightened by the incident in Eclipse Wind Spirit, and was at a loss for a moment.

But when he sensed a familiar aura within the demonic energy, his eyes suddenly became crazy.

"Fire Lin Beast? Is this the Fire Lin Beast? My Eclipse Wind Spirit actually has the blood of the Fire Lin Beast in its body?"

Nie Lang was a little crazy and seemed unable to accept this situation.

Roar! ! !

At this moment, a beast roar came from Eclipse Wind Spirit's body, shocking everyone in the room.

At the same time, Jiang Chen and others seemed to see a fiery red beast in the demonic energy, with evil flames burning all over its body, roaring angrily at them.

"What it is?"

Several people looked at each other, but Bai Xiaoyu suddenly became full of fighting spirit after a brief period of confusion.

"Although I don't know what happened to this guy, it seems that he is very strong now!"

With that said, Bai Xiaoyu summoned Lie and rushed directly towards the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

But before he could get close, he was stopped by Lin Mu.

"Sorry, Bai Xiaoyu, this matter is our Lin family's private matter, you don't need to get involved."

Lin Mu looked extremely serious, looking at the Eclipse Wind Spirits that broke through the Yunwu Boy's blockade bit by bit, and said: "I will tell you the details later, but please don't interfere now."

Jiang Chen was silent after hearing this, glanced at Nie Lang, who was still in a frantic state, and nodded.

"Okay, we don't care, but afterwards we hope to get Nie Lang to cooperate with our investigation."

Jiang Chen paused and said, "This thing may threaten the security of the Federation."

"I see."

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Lin Mu's eyes flashed with surprise.

Jiang Chen's current military rank is captain, and he can't just say things like threatening the security of the federation.

Since Jiang Chen dares to say it now, there must be some other reason.

"Cloud Mist Boy, purify!"

Upon thinking of this, Lin Mu immediately issued an order, and Yunwu Boy also took action.

In the wisp of white mist, a humanoid figure suddenly appeared and rose straight into the air.

The remaining white mist turned into a rope, tightly binding the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

Then, the Cloud Mist Boy hovered in the sky, and soon a white cloud spread out, and then the patter of blue raindrops fell from the sky.

The raindrops seemed soft and weak, but when they fell on the Eclipse Wind Spirit, or to be precise, they fell on the demonic energy on the surface of the Eclipse Wind Spirit, the demonic energy started to struggle crazily.

Racial skill - Purifying Rain.

"Yunwu Boy, the abilities of elemental species are indeed very diverse."

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin and couldn't help but look at Hongzhong beside him.

Hongzhong has dual attributes of water and ice. Hongzhong can also perform operations such as rain, but since it has no special effects, he always relies on ice vines to attack.

But now that I think about it, it seems that I can open my mind a little bit and have a hailstorm, tsunami or something?

Speaking of which, the Southern Territory is originally the hometown of Shuiyue Cat. If you have the opportunity, you can go look for it and maybe you can find materials useful for improving the red middle.

Calculating the time, Hong Zhong's Noble Phantasm should be condensed soon. If Hong Zhong can be upgraded again before that, the effect after evolution may be enhanced?

While Jiang Chen was thinking, Eclipse Wind Spirit also began to resist.

Facing the increasingly dense rain of evolution, the Eclipse Wind Spirit burst out suddenly, breaking free from the chains of clouds and mist in an instant. The flames all over its body burned violently, and then it quickly twisted and deformed in front of everyone's surprised eyes, and suddenly turned into the appearance of the monster in the smoke.

"Is this bloodline backlash? The Eclipse Wind Spirit is in turn controlled by the remaining consciousness in its bloodline!"

Wen Quan exclaimed repeatedly when he saw this, but it was not because of fear, but because of excitement!

"I'm still wondering how they remotely control so many demonic energies and vines, but it makes sense if they use blood consciousness!"

Wen Quan became more and more excited as he spoke, saying: "As long as they have a powerful enough extraordinary creature, and then use its blood to cultivate it, when the blood concentration of these cultures reaches a certain level, they will be directly controlled by the other party!"

Looking at Huo Lin who was getting more solid in the field, Wen Quan was a little eager to give it a try.

"If we can find out the reason from Eclipse Wind Spirit, we might be able to reverse the signal and find out the mastermind behind it!"

"Is this okay?"

Jiang Chen glanced at Wen Quan speechlessly. He could think of a way to find the mastermind behind the tomb guard just by looking at the changes in the Eclipse Wind Spirit. This was probably Wen Quan's.

"Theoretically it's possible, and don't we still have the runes for that magic tool? Although it's not complete, it will definitely help."

Wen Quan nodded repeatedly and said: "As long as I find a way to complete the runes of the magic tool and add the blood connection, it should be possible."

After finishing his thoughts in one breath, Wen Quan finally calmed down. After seeing the perverted looks from the people around him, his face suddenly turned red.

"But you have to wait until you try it before you know it. After all, I only have a little understanding..."

At this time, several people were too lazy to reply and concentrated on checking the battle.

After transforming into Fire Lin, the aura of Eclipse Wind Spirit became obviously much stronger, the temperature increased several times, and the purifying rain of Cloud Mist Boy was even gradually evaporated.

But it was obviously not the first time that the Cloud Mist Boy faced this kind of enemy. As the water droplets evaporated, the mist around the Eclipse Wind Spirit became thicker and thicker, wrapping the Eclipse Wind Spirit little by little.

Eclipse Wind Spirit's demonic energy was obviously very afraid of this mist, and it retracted directly into Eclipse Wind Spirit's body, only covering the body surface with flames to block the approach of the mist.

"Are you planning to completely erode the Sun Eclipse Wind Spirit?"

Lin Mu snorted coldly and snapped his fingers. Yunwu Boy immediately understood and clapped his hands hard. The clouds above his head suddenly concentrated on his hands, quickly condensing into a water droplet the size of a fingernail.

Then, the cloud boy flicked his finger, and the water droplets roared out and rushed straight towards the Eclipse Wind Spirit.

Roar! ! !

Upon seeing this, Eclipse Wind Spirit immediately sprayed out a ball of fire to attack.

This fireball is dark red in color and full of ominousness. The key is the temperature contained in it. Even the surrounding glass walls have a tendency to melt.

It is conceivable that if one is hit by such a fireball, few creatures of the same level can block it.


Seeing this scene, Baiban, who originally thought about stealing the chicken, silently returned to Jiang Chen, no longer thinking about what was there and what was not.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and I will not do such stupid things.

A hot fireball, an ordinary drop of water.

The two attacks with such a huge gap finally met, but the result was beyond many people's expectations.

After encountering the fireball, the tiny water droplet remained unabated and penetrated directly through the fireball without being damaged at all.

As for the fireball, it disintegrated on the spot after being pierced and scattered all over the ground.

Racial skills - one dollar heavy water.

"It's a good idea to compress the water flow and then increase the destructive power."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. This method was very similar to getting rich. A large amount of gold energy was tempered into the body, but the body shape remained unchanged.

And what you get in exchange is an indestructible body!

The speed of Yiyuan Heavy Water was very fast, and it broke through in front of Eclipse Wind Spirit in an instant. Eclipse Wind Spirit wanted to dodge, but unexpectedly the water droplets disappeared without a trace after entering the clouds, as if they had melted.

But soon, Eclipse Wind Spirit let out a painful howl.

Everyone looked intently and saw a large hole punched out in Eclipse Wind Spirit's forehead, and a wisp of blood-like red energy escaped from it.

"Yunwu Boy, force out the demon blood in one breath!"

Lin Mu was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately signaled Yunwu Boy to pursue the victory.

But at this moment, Nie Lang suddenly let out a painful cry, and the Sun Eclipse Wind Spirit's body once again burned with a hotter flame.

The blood-colored energy instantly vaporized and merged into the body of the Eclipse Wind Spirit again, and the body shape of the Eclipse Wind Spirit was already 70% to 80% similar to the real Fire Lin Beast.

Not only that, the colorful light of evolution that had originally dissipated also appeared again.

But there is some ominous blood mixed in it.

"Wrong...evolution...Brother Chen, this evolution must be interrupted, otherwise this guy will transform into an irrational evil spirit!"


Jiang Chen nodded slightly, looking at the "Fire Lin Beast" with an astonishing body temperature, and already had a countermeasure in his mind.

"Hongzhong, can you handle this temperature?"

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