Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 226 The dispute between mirrors and shadows

"Loyal fans?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, and then he saw three boys and girls getting off the plane.

"Jiang Chen, Uncle Yao, you really didn't lie to us, you are Jiang Chen alive!"

One of the leading boys immediately exclaimed when he saw Jiang Chen, but before he could finish his words, he was punched to the ground by the girl next to him.

"How can I talk to my idol? Can I have some quality?"

The girl cursed, then looked at Jiang Chen like a nymphomaniac, and said coquettishly: "Are you brother Jiang Chen?"

"Lin Hua, you stepped on me..."

Another young man spoke earnestly, but was ignored by the girl named Lin Hua.

Are these three guys also from the Lin clan?

Why does he look so different from Lin Mu?

Looking at the strange trio in front of him, Jiang Chen's eyes twitched.

Whether it is Lin Mu or Lin Yao, they are basically polite, and they obviously have strict family upbringing.

But where did these three weirdos escape from?


Seeing the three of them looking like this, Lin Mu had a look of helplessness on his face, while Lin Yao coughed twice. The three of them suddenly stood upright in a row in front of Jiang Chen as if struck by lightning.

"The Lin family, Lin Hua, Lin Cao, Lin Shu, have met Captain Jiang!"

The three of them saluted in unison, and there was no problem in all aspects of their movements. They had become muscle memory.

But judging from the restless eyes of these three guys, it is obvious that they are not very interested in this.

"The three of them are one year younger than Jiang Chenyou, but they have already contracted their pets to become envoys in advance."

Lin Yao explained: "Originally, I planned to bring them to the Forest of Elements to familiarize themselves with combat. Jiang Chen, if you are willing, help me teach them a lesson."

"But I..."

Hearing that he was asked to take care of the baby, Jiang Chen instinctively wanted to refuse, but before he could finish his words, he was stopped by Bai Xiaoyu.

"Are you stupid? You don't want such a good opportunity to make money as a tutor. If you don't take it, I will!"

Bai Xiaoyu had a look on his face that made Jiang Chen speechless.

"I still prefer your unruly look back then, Bai Xiaoyu, why don't you recover?"

"Rebellious? How much is that worth?"

Bai Xiaoyu pursed his lips in disdain. He was able to leave the orphanage and live alone for two years, and he was also admitted to the budding class. He was not a pedantic person in the first place. He was just making money along the way, not shabby.

Maybe he knew what Bai Xiaoyu was thinking, so Lin Yao added in a very "sensible" way.

"Of course, in order to make up for your loss of time, I am willing to pay you some compensation."

After saying that, Lin Yao looked at Lin Hua and the others and said, "You three, listen to Captain Jiang and the others. I will pick you up in a few days."

After saying that, Lin Yao boarded the helicopter and left.

"It's great, I finally have the opportunity to fight with my idol!"

Lin Cao, who was knocked to the ground first, cheered and then looked around Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang Chen, where is your golden glider? Can you summon it for me to see?"

"Yes, yes, Shushu is so cute, I want to see Shushu!"

"But, I think Tianshuang Cat is cute..."

The three of them started arguing again, but suddenly felt a chill on their backs, and then they realized that there was Lin Mu next to them.

"You three, Uncle Yao asked you to practice, not to chase stars!"

Lin Mu stared at the three of them with a smile. He didn't look back until the three of them broke out in cold sweat.

"Sorry, I didn't expect Uncle Yao to be like this, but Lin's manpower is indeed insufficient recently. After all, over there in the wilderness..."

"Don't worry, I will keep an eye on these three guys."

Lin Mu explained apologetically, and Jiang Chen no longer hesitated after hearing this.

Just take care of the baby, since Lin Mu is still here anyway.

Just drive these three living treasures back when they are about to go to Area C.

"Then let's set off first. Jiang Chen, which area do you plan to start from?"

Lin Mu asked.

"Just go straight towards the goal, right?"

"That's okay. Area C is not far from us. It only takes half a day."

Lin Mu nodded slightly, and then pulled Lin Hua and three others to lead the way.

Although there were some twists and turns, the group finally officially entered the Forest of Elements.

In an instant, Jiang Chen felt a soft energy penetrate into his limbs and bones from the air, and the fatigue in his body was also diluted a lot.

The concentration of spiritual energy in this place is even high enough to affect humans.

In addition, after passing through the sky moat layer, the number of active extraordinary creatures around them obviously increased.

It's just that most of the eyes are relatively calm, with no intention of attacking humans at all.

"It is said that the soil and water support the people. This is the first time I have seen such a peaceful wild extraordinary creature."

Bai Xiaoyu clicked his tongue in surprise, and his originally high fighting spirit was suddenly extinguished in half.

Such a kind-hearted extraordinary creature cannot be associated with evil spirits at all, so he is a little helpless.

"After all, this is still the outskirts. The intelligence of extraordinary creatures is relatively clear, but it's only in this area. If we walk a few hundred meters, there will be evil spirits attacking us."

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to deliberately hold back. The extraordinary creatures in the Forest of Elements reproduce faster than other places. If they are not cleared regularly, it will become a disaster."

"I see."

Jiang Chen was stunned when he heard this. No wonder Lin can study the treasures and treasures at will. The endless forest of elements of this extraordinary creature may also be one of the reasons for his confidence.

I just don’t know if there are really so many elemental species in this forest of elements.

If given the chance, he would also like one...

Da da!

Meow meow!

The moment they entered, Fa Cai and Hong Zhong ran out of the farm first, greedily absorbing the rich spiritual power in the air.

As for the whiteboard, he followed him belatedly, his face full of drunkenness.

Da da!

Shushu loves this place!

Fa Cai directly opened the Eye of Delirium. After seeing the rich energy and life magnetic field here, Fa Cai got tired of staying on the farm and flew out on his own.

As for Hongzhong, although he also liked the energy here, he still followed Jiang Chen obediently.

Under normal circumstances, Hongzhong has the most gentle and well-behaved personality.


Seeing this scene, Baiban immediately sensed the crisis and was half sober.

It's really bad to actually want to use cuteness to improve your status in the boss's mind.

However, this world is about the law of the jungle. Only by mastering powerful power can we survive here!

Thinking of this, Baiban suddenly shouted, provoking skills spread out, and the forest of elements, which was originally a harmonious scene, instantly became tense.

"A single sentence attracted the hatred of all living beings? Brother Jiang Chen, is this your new pet spirit? Why is there no record on the star list?"

Lin Cao turned into a curious baby and couldn't help but ask.

"Are you stupid? It must be because Brother Jiang Chen's record has not been updated yet."

Little girl Lin Hua's face was filled with disgust, and she immediately turned her attention elsewhere.

"Nana, where did you go to get rich? I want to go with you!"

"Lin Hua, it seems we are here to practice..."

Lin Shu timidly reminded him, but was ignored by Lin Hua.

At this time, Baiban had gathered dozens of extraordinary creatures around him.

Although the level is a bit low, the sand gathered into a tower, and with the ability of my purple hedgehog's soft armor, I knocked them down in minutes.

By then, the boss will definitely value his abilities!

"Whiteboard, you are indeed the most reliable one! I don't want to play any cat-and-mouse games anymore."

The scene of Jiang Chen entrusting him with important tasks could not help but appear in Baiban's mind, and he froze on the spot and giggled.

"Thank you Baiban, we are gathered so closely, just enough for Lie to show off!"

At this moment, an untimely sound came into Baiban's ears, followed by a burst of enthusiastic barking!

Woof woof!

"Lie, blow them up!"

As soon as Bai Xiaoyu finished speaking, a ball of fire spit out from Lie's mouth, causing a violent explosion the moment it touched the ground.

The huge flames directly swallowed up all the extraordinary creatures. Those extraordinary creatures who were only at the black iron level did not even take a breath and turned directly into powder.

" awesome!"

Lin Hua and the others couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw this, and their gazes that had been staring at Jiang Chen finally shifted.

"Xiaoyu, you made too much noise..."

Seeing Bai Xiaoyu's excited look, Jiang Chen was speechless.

This was just Area F. He didn't even bother to let Fa Cai and Hong Zhong take action. He just used it as a blank slate to improve their proficiency.

As a result, Bai Xiaoyu was lucky and was killed in one fell swoop.

"Isn't this a quick victory? What's so good about training in a place like this?"

Bai Xiaoyu didn't care about this and said, "If you ask me, walk faster here and go directly to Area E and Area D. That's where the fun is~"

"We're not here to play..."

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly. He originally wanted to take some photos along the way, but it looked like that was no longer possible.

"Then Lin Mu, you take the three of them and follow us. Let's increase our speed a little."

Glancing at Bai Xiaoyu, who was getting a little cocky, Jiang Chen said, "This guy, I'm afraid he won't be able to stop once he starts fighting."

"No problem, you can just hunt with peace of mind. I will take them behind to do some basic combat training."

Lin Mu nodded slightly, and then began to point out basic fighting methods under the reluctant eyes of the three people.

Precisely because of this, the group's forward speed also skyrocketed, and they quickly found one of the target races this time.

"Is this the habitat of the Mirror Beast?"

Looking at the huge lake as smooth as a mirror in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, the depths of Shuijing Lake are Area C, but our current location is still in Area D, but there will still be some mirror beasts approaching."

Lin Mu held down the three curious babies and said: "Although the probability of coming into contact with the gold-level mirror beast is higher when entering Area C, for the sake of safety, I suggest you try your luck here first."

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