Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 229 Fragments at the bottom of the lake

"Not only can it mirror itself, but it can also summon a mirror body at the same time. The description of this mirror beast seems to be different from the one in the illustration?"

Looking at the "whiteboard" with a strong aura in front of him, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"But Bai Xiaoyu, can you please avoid talking loudly next time? You are being beaten by a group of people despite being so good..."

"I never knew this guy could be like this."

Bai Xiaoyu looked indifferent and said: "Anyway, they are just bronze-level mirror images. It doesn't matter whether they have them or not."

quack? !

Hearing Bai Xiaoyu's words, Bai Ban was so angry that his nose was not a nose and his eyes were not eyes.

It doesn’t matter whether you have one or not. I have such a powerful pet spirit. Shouldn’t you two-legged beasts feel as if you are facing a powerful enemy? !

"I'll leave these small mirror images to you, and I'll take care of the big one."

Jiang Chen looked at the five almost identical "blank boards" in front of him and said.

"Why, I want to fight the golden evil spirit too!"

Bai Xiaoyu suddenly felt unhappy, but Jiang Chen ruthlessly poured cold water on him.

"Are you sure you can break the golden energy field? This should be taught in the sprout class, right?"


Bai Xiaoyu raised his head very confidently and said, "Do you think I'm just playing around during this time?"

"Okay, you go first."

Jiang Chen shrugged and motioned for Bai Xiaoyu to go first.

Although the golden energy field is quite troublesome, and the mirror shadow beast has copied the ability of the whiteboard, with the golden bowl of Mao Chiyin Liang, it is only a matter of two slaps.

If Bai Xiaoyu can really defeat the Mirror Shadow Beast, it will save him twenty gold coins.

"Wait until I see my performance!"

Bai Xiaoyu grinned, his eyes suddenly became extremely pure, and the same was true for Lie's eyes,

Not only that, the dark golden lines on Lie's body suddenly became active, floating up and down like burning flames.


On the other side, "White Board", who noticed the change in the strong aura, took the lead in taking action.

I saw "White Board" suddenly exerting force on his limbs, his body turned into a black and white afterimage, and he rushed in front of Lie instantly.

Compared with the previous mirror image of Liehe Facai, the speed of "Whiteboard" is obviously much faster. Coupled with the poisonous energy field on the body surface, the power is incomparable.

As a being that has understood its own skills, this golden mirror beast can not only copy the target's abilities, but also display its own gold-level attributes.

To put it simply, what Lie is facing now is a "blank slate" with gold-level attributes!

"What a speed!"

Bai Xiaoyu's eyes widened, and he suddenly punched from the side, and a flame flew out immediately, heading straight for "Bai Ban"'s head.

At the same time, Lie did not dodge, he opened his mouth and spit out a fireball directly at the "whiteboard".

Bai Xiaoyu and Lie reacted very quickly, but "Bai Ban" obviously had no intention of evading and still pounced towards Lie.

Protected by a golden energy field, these attacks cannot threaten it at all.

However, this fell into Bai Xiaoyu's hands.

"Fire! Endless blast-grenade!"

Bai Xiaoyu roared, pulled his hands, and the flames of Lie Fist suddenly gathered and wrapped tightly around Lie's fire ball.

At the same time, a dark golden explosive force followed the flames and merged into the fireball.


The fireball exploded, and the surging power exploded suddenly. The "whiteboard" was caught off guard and was wrapped in the explosion.

"Have you really gone the route of compression explosion?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw this, but Bai Xiaoyu didn't respond and created a ball of flame again.

It's just that this flame is much bigger than before.


At the same time, the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, revealing the "blank slate", but it was unscathed.

The power of this explosion is indeed very strong, but it has not yet reached the point of breaking the golden energy field.

But it is precisely because the "white board" is serious about its plans.

I saw "White Board" roaring, and the poisonous energy field on his body suddenly spread, and the originally clear Shuijing Lake was dyed green in an instant.

Not only that, the surrounding grass, trees, and even the air have become evil, and you can feel the sense of crisis just by looking at it.


Seeing his mirror image changing the surrounding environment in an instant, Whiteboard couldn't help but show a look of anticipation.

Did it turn out that I became so powerful after I reached the gold level?

"Stop talking, you might get poisoned."

Jiang Chen picked up the white board, glanced at Lin Mu and others who were also sitting on the water lotus, and said: "If you don't exit first, the toxin attack will not be long-sighted."

"Jiang Chen, are you still planning to stay? The mirror image beast cannot maintain its mirror image state for too long. You just need to stay away from him to return to normal."

Lin Mu saw this and quickly dissuaded him, saying.

"I've come here all the time, how can I go back empty-handed, and..."

Jiang Chen pointed at Bai Xiaoyu, whose smile became brighter and brighter, and said, "That guy hasn't fought enough yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Xiaoyu launched a new round of attack.

"Endless Explosion-TNT!"

boom! ! !

Another more violent explosion sounded, and the toxins that had just escaped from the "whiteboard" were immediately dispersed by the flames.

And the attack still never stopped.

"Endless Blast-Rockets!"

As Bi Xiao shouted violently, the destructive power of the fireballs spewed by Lie continued to increase. The golden energy field that was supposed to ignore any attacks below gold actually made waves.

"It actually really touched the golden energy field. This guy Bai Xiaoyu is really perverted..."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw this. Although he could reach the gold level, he only had the help of Mao Chi Yin Liang.

And Bai Xiaoyu was able to shake the golden energy field without any external help.

If Bai Xiaoyu were to continue, it would really be possible for him to challenge this golden mirror beast to a duel.

"I really don't know what kind of place it is that could cultivate you two monsters."

Seeing Bai Xiaoyu getting stronger and stronger as he fought, Lin Mu couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

But soon, Lin Mu was attracted by the scene in front of him.

After the smoke and dust, streaks of dark green energy gradually gathered, forming a huge curse seal in the air.

Although the distance was far away, Lin Mu still felt a strong threat from this curse seal.

Lin Mu even felt something strange about his body just by looking at it.

The natal skill - Ten Thousand Poison Seals!

"After the gold level, you can actually condense the Ten Thousand Poison Seal into a physical attack, or is it because the skill development of the whiteboard is too poor?"

Seeing the "blank board" that condensed ten thousand poison seals out of thin air, Jiang Chen also became serious, gave Fa Cai a look, and the golden bowl suddenly levitated.

Although the whiteboard is a bit lacking, the ability of Ten Thousand Poison Seals is no joke.

If the "blank board" were to take the initiative to control the Ten Thousand Poison Seals to attack them, that would really be a big deal.

"Jiang Chen, this is my opponent, don't interfere!"

Bai Xiaoyu was obviously a little over the top. When he saw Jiang Chen wanting to take action, he said loudly: "I have a stronger move!"

"My goal is to launch an attack like a nuclear bomb!"

As he spoke, Lie's whole body flashed with dark golden light, and a fireball filled with unstable energy was condensed and flew toward the "whiteboard" swayingly.

But at this time, the "blank board"'s ten thousand poison seals have been successfully condensed.

"I'm sorry, but this is a gold-level evil spirit after all. I'll let you show off your skills next time."

Jiang Chen helplessly shrugged, but just when he was about to make a move, the Ten Thousand Poison Seal in the air suddenly disintegrated, and then he saw the mirror beast falling from the air.

"What the hell is this?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw this, and looked at the mirror beast lying on the ground twitching in confusion.

He was fighting so well, why did he suddenly show his true form?

Um? Are you still frothing?

Da da……

Facai, who was still a little worried about the gold coin, was relieved when he saw something strange suddenly appeared in the mirror beast, and at the same time he opened the Eye of Deception to check.

But after seeing the state of the mirror beast clearly, Fa Cai couldn't help but sigh.

This mirror beast seems to be poisoned...

"Poisoned? Well, I think I understand."

Jiang Chen covered his face and sighed. Although Baiban can attack with poison attributes, those are additionally given by the farm. Baiban's own attributes are still fighting type.

The mirror beast's copying ability is indeed powerful. Even its own attributes are forcibly copied by it, and it even displays the true use of the Ten Thousand Poison Seal.

However, the toxins of the Ten Thousand Poison Seal come from the "blank slate" itself, and condensing such a huge Ten Thousand Poison Seal will place a huge burden on itself.

So, this mirror beast was gloriously poisoned!

"Although it's a bit dramatic, it seems like this is not bad?"

Jiang Chen felt happy for a while, he really didn't expect that this extra poisonous attribute could actually have such an effect.

I earned a golden life core without using Yin Chi Mao Liang. This wave of blood gain is worth it!

"Not a bad fart!"

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyu couldn't help but cursed angrily and said, "I'm ready to make a big move. Are you telling me that this guy is dead?"

With the target missing, Bai Xiaoyu and Lie lost their fighting intuition at the same time, but they also lost perfect control of the explosive energy in their opponents.

Judging from the appearance of the exploding fireball, it could explode at any time!

"Can you blame me? I didn't ask him to copy the whiteboard!"

The corners of Jiang Chen's eyes twitched, and he immediately asked Fa Cai to pull back the body of the Mirror Shadow Beast, and then pointed at Shuijing Lake.

"Hurry up and throw that thing into the lake. If it explodes here, we will have to be sent away by you even if we don't die in the hands of the mirror beast!"

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Bai Xiaoyu reluctantly commanded Lie to throw the exploding fireball into Shuijing Lake.

boom! ! !

A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the water in Shuijing Lake was completely evaporated in an instant, revealing a bare lake bottom.

"You guys are really planning to make a nuclear bomb..."

The corners of Jiang Chen's eyes twitched. He thought Bai Xiaoyu was just shouting for fun before, but looking at him now, he was really running for the nuclear bomb.

"When have you ever seen me brag?"

Seeing his masterpiece, Bai Xiaoyu raised his head very proudly.

"Lie's explosive power has a huge upper limit for development. Of course I have to give full play to his advantages."

Bai Xiaoyu said: "Although I am not proficient yet, one day I will make Lie's casual blow as good as a missile!"

"It's a good idea, but remember to let me know when the time comes and I'll stay away."

Jiang Chen smacked his lips, and with Chong Lie's aggressive fighting style, being around him was a threat.

Just one explosion blew up Shuijing Lake like this. If Lie's level was higher, wouldn't the whole forest have to be burned down?

At this moment, a faint light suddenly reflected from the bottom of the lake, crossing Jiang Chen's eyes.

"There seems to be something at the bottom of the lake? Hmm, a piece of bronze?"

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