Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 237 Bloody Kirin, the second silver-level one!

Da da……

Seeing Jiang Chen injured, Fa Cai couldn't help but stay where he was.

Then, a strong and sharp will spread out from Fa Cai's body, which actually startled the two dark-burning tiger kings.

A mere silver creature can actually emit such pure attribute pressure!

Perhaps the coercion broke through the limit, and the speed of Fa Cai's absorption of gold energy also skyrocketed.

A large number of metal spikes suddenly appeared in the Huolin Cave, which was originally filled with fire elements, and drilled out from the ground, rock walls and even some plants.

The purpose of these metals is obviously to make a fortune.

Da da!

Following Fa Cai's sharp cry, all the metal spikes accelerated toward Fa Cai, and the moment they touched Fa Cai, they turned into gold energy and merged into Fa Cai's body.

Fa Cai's body had already become huge, and now that he had absorbed so much golden energy, his body became even bigger, directly bursting through the top of the Fire Lin Cave.

Then, Fa Cai's shining golden eyes stared at the two dark-scorching tiger kings, one big and one small. He suddenly swung out his claws, and two powerful winds came out of thin air, directly pressing the dark-scorching tiger kings to the ground. .

In a rage, the golden energy fields of these two Dark Burning Tiger King were almost vulnerable and were directly defeated by Fa Cai.

Especially the little Anzhuo Tiger King who sneaked up on Fa Cai, received extra "care" from Fa Cai, and his whole body was crushed to the ground.

But the Dark Burning Tiger King was gold-level after all. After being suppressed for a short time, the Dark Burning Tiger King seized the opportunity, broke free from the control of Fortune, and rushed straight towards Jiang Chen.

With his wisdom, he could of course identify Jiang Chen's identity. As long as he killed Jiang Chen, this wouldn't be a problem.

It's just that Jiang Chen was injured just now and has angered Fa Cai. Now the Great Dark Tiger King actually wants to attack Jiang Chen. Fa Cai will naturally not let him go. He stamps his right foot on the ground and a metal cage is instantly formed to protect Jiang Chen.

Then, Fa Cai held his right paw empty, and in an instant he condensed a spiral pill and smashed it towards the Anshuo Tiger King.

Roar! ! !

Feeling the violent power contained in the Rasengan, the Dark Tiger King could only give up on Jiang Chen, summoned a Shadow Tiger Claw again, and faced the Rasengan head-on.

Although the change of getting rich is a bit big, after all, it is only at the Silver level. As a being who may be promoted to Starlight at any time, the Great Dark Burning Tiger King is not afraid of getting rich at all.

Sure enough, the moment the Shadow Tiger Claw touched the Rasengan, it just took a step back and stabilized. At the same time, an invisible flame spread along the Rasengan towards the fortune paw.

Da da!

But at this moment, a huge force suddenly came out of the right paw of Fa Cai, and he pushed the tiger's claw out violently, and the Rasengan turned into a drill, directly pierced the tiger's claw, and flew straight towards the Dark Tiger King. go.

Upon seeing this, the Great Dark Burning Tiger King immediately summoned more tiger claws for defense, but it could only slow down the speed of the Rasengan, and his huge body slid back involuntarily.

Roar! ! !

Seeing this scene, the big dark-scorched tiger king immediately screamed for help, and the little dark-scorched tiger king also exploded, trying to divert the attention of making a fortune.

But at this moment, Fa Cai seemed to be in an invincible posture. He slapped the wall with his left paw and pulled it out, pulling out a long metal stick and slamming it into the little Anzhuo Tiger King.

This long metal stick didn't have any special structure, but it made a sound that broke through the air when it was wielded by Facai. Little Anzhuo Tiger King didn't even have time to dodge, and was thrown away by Facai.

Facing two gold-level dark tiger kings at the same time, he didn't lose at all in getting rich!

Jiang Chen finally woke up at this time and was stunned for a while looking at the blood all over his body. He didn't react until he saw Fa Cai fighting two golden evil spirits alone.

"Get rich..."

But before Jiang Chen could speak, another strong wind suddenly came from above his head, and then a giant tiger wrapped in shadow flames rushed out from the shadow above his head.

The Dark Burning Tiger King actually has three heads!

It is said that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, but there are actually three tiger kings existing in the Huolin Cave at the same time!

And judging from the appearance of these three dark tiger kings, it is obvious that they have been living together.

"Are you so unlucky..."

When Jiang Chen saw this, he immediately wanted to hide in the farm, but An Zhuo Tiger King was faster and instantly tore apart the metal cage protecting him and came to him.

When Fa Cai saw this, he immediately wanted to come to the rescue, but fighting two Dark Tiger Kings at the same time had already restrained most of his energy, and he seemed to be unable to catch up.

Meow meow……

But at this moment, a low roaring cat sound suddenly came from in front of Jiang Chen, and then a bloody flame rose into the sky, scaring the third Dark Burning Tiger King away on the spot.


Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and finally saw clearly that it was Hongzhong wrapped in the bloody flames.

At this time, Hongzhong has been released from the extreme ice state, and the original ice-blue hair has been burned cleanly by the blood-colored flames, revealing the ice-blue scales underneath.

"This is... Fire Lin Demonic Flame?!"

Jiang Chen quickly recognized the origin of the flame and looked aside suddenly.

The fire lin demon flame that was supposed to be attached to the wall disappeared without knowing when.

Obviously, Hongzhong absorbed it all.

"Hongzhong, don't absorb these demonic flames!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen immediately warned Hongzhong, but at this time, Hongzhong seemed to have lost his mind and started to actively absorb the magic flame.

The point of inhalation is the red mark between the eyebrows.

Jiang Chen felt anxious when he saw this. Fa Cai and Hong Zhong were probably acting like this because he was injured and lost control of their emotions.

But he was not the one who was injured at all!

Jiang Chen looked at the whiteboard where the wound on his chest had fully recovered, feeling a little helpless.

The little dark-scorched tiger king's sneak attack was indeed very fast, but he couldn't bear the whiteboard right next to him, and blocked the dark-scorched tiger king's claw attack almost immediately.

As for the blood, it was all from a blank slate. He just couldn't withstand the power of the Dark Burning Tiger King and fainted temporarily.

Although Bai Ban was seriously injured at that moment, Jiang Chen saw a strong and terrifying vitality quickly repairing Bai Ban's injuries before he fell into coma.

Obviously, it was the plant essence that Bai Ban had eaten before that was taking effect.

But the problem now is not with the whiteboard, nor with Facai, who is fighting for two golds alone, but with the red!

Although it has not been completely absorbed, Jiang Chen clearly feels that Hongzhong's condition is starting to become unstable.

The body that was burned so much that it started to overflow with blood was the best proof!

If it continues, the failure to protect everything will cause irreparable damage to Hongzhong.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately activated the contract and wanted to take Hongzhong back to the farm.

Just at this moment, in the farm, the greenhouse suddenly trembled, and then a red light suddenly opened the greenhouse door and left the farm.

Jiang Chen's eyebrows flickered with light, and the red light flew in Hongzhong's direction without hesitation, hovering above his head.

It was only then that Jiang Chen finally saw the nature of the red light. It was a strangely shaped red lotus with stamens that looked like eyes.

"Is this... the cultivation of the Noble Phantasm in the greenhouse successful?"

Jiang Chen looked surprised, and fell into the farm with a thought. Sure enough, he found that the farm began to change.

However, Jiang Chen had no intention of staying and observing the promotion process in the greenhouse at this time, but directly exited and looked at Hongzhong.

At this time, the red lotus was falling little by little towards Hongzhong's head, and extended dozens of tiny rhizomes, submerging into the red mark between Hongzhong's eyebrows.

And those fire spirit demonic flames seemed to be drawn by the red lotus, and were sucked into the lotus little by little.

However, although the flames dissipated, the injuries on Hongzhong's body did not improve at all, and the originally ice-blue scales were still covered with burn marks.

Finally, in Jiang Chen's worried eyes, the red lotus flower completely connected with Hongzhong's eyebrows, and gradually merged into the red seal.

The moment the lotus disappeared completely, the red mark between Hongzhong's eyebrows had changed its appearance. From a distance, it looked like a squinting eye.

boom! ! !

Immediately afterwards, a ray of colorful light fell from the sky and completely enveloped Hongzhong.

The exclusive Noble Phantasm was born, the level of the greenhouse was increased, and the restriction on the red medium level naturally disappeared.

"When promoted to Silver level, Hongzhong's power should be able to suppress the Demon Flame."

Jiang Chen was relieved when he saw this, but he was still a little worried.

Hongzhong has absorbed a lot of magic flames now. If he evolves at this time, will he also incorporate the bloodline of the Fire Lin Beast?

Hongzhong's evolution attracted the attention of the three dark-scorched tiger kings, and the one who was beaten the hardest by Fa Cai already had the intention of leaving.

But after confirming Jiang Chen's safety, Fortune's focus has shifted from revenge to stopping losses.

Twenty gold coins!

How many evil spirits must Shushu fight to make money?

Now that we have finally encountered such a few golden evil spirits, Shushu will definitely not let them go.

As soon as he thought of this, Fa Cai immediately concentrated his attention and tried his best to contain the two dark tiger kings in front of him.

There is not much time left in Fa Tian Xiang Di, and Shu Shu must get rid of these two guys in the remaining time.

As for the third Dark Tiger King...

A golden light flashed in Fa Cai's eyes, already aware of Hong Zhong's condition.

In an instant, the light of evolution dissipated, and a spiritual pressure that seemed to freeze people's minds escaped from it.

Red, successfully promoted to Silver level!

Because it is not due to bloodline evolution, Hongzhong's form has not changed much, but the scales on his body and the horns on his head have become stronger, and the extreme ice ribbons on his body have also become much more gorgeous.

From a distance, Hongzhong's form seems closer to that of a unicorn.

However, facing Hongzhong's condition, Jiang Chen was not at all happy, but rather worried.

The current Hongzhong has not entered the extreme ice state!

Moreover, after the evolution, the eye between the red eyebrows seems to be wider!

Meow! ! !

At this moment, Hongzhong suddenly let out an angry roar, and the eye between his eyebrows opened to its maximum.

Then, the two ice heart pendants on Hong Zhong's ears melted instantly, and the ice blue streamers disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a blood color spread from the eyebrows and eyes, and in an instant, the red scales were dyed blood color.

The ice unicorn that originally looked like a fairy turned into an evil blood-colored unicorn.

This shape is a bit too similar to the Fire Lin Beast!

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