Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 240: Because I have a dog, I have shitty luck?

"Whiteboard, are you okay?"

Jiang Chen anxiously ran to the white board and took out a plant essence to treat the white board.

If you are hit head-on by a gold-level creature, be sure not to leave any sequelae.


Perhaps smelling the essence of vegetation, Baiban suddenly turned his head, and there was even a trace of blood on his paws.

She was just as energetic as the whiteboard, but she didn't look like she was injured at all.

Is this guy okay?

Where did the blood on the ground come from?

Jiang Chen was curious, but the whiteboard didn't care so much and rushed directly to the plant essence in Jiang Chen's hand.

Seeing the lively appearance of the whiteboard, Jiang Chen immediately put away the essence of the plants, caught the whiteboard, and studied it carefully.

This guy was indeed covered in blood, but no wounds could be seen. Even the wounds that had just been caught by the Dark Tiger King had healed.

Jiang Chen was very suspicious of this kind of recovery speed. Unless he beheaded or annihilated this guy all at once, it would be difficult to kill Bai Ban.

With such a powerful vitality, God knows how much plant essence Baiban has eaten in the forbidden land!

"Since it's okay, Baiboard, what are you doing here? And the blood on your body..."

Jiang Chen looked at where the white board was before and saw a small pit filled with blood. Judging from the blood stains on the ground, this was what the white board had been messing with just now.

"What's wrong with playing, playing with blood?"

Jiang Chen felt more and more weird, while Baiban looked aggrieved and pointed at the small pit and then at himself.

I'm playing with my own blood, what's wrong?

"Is this blood yours?"

Jiang Chen was a little speechless. The whiteboard didn't drink today either, so why was he talking so arrogantly?

At this moment, a wisp of blood fell from the white board and landed on the solid ground.

Then, there was only a squeaking sound, and the rocky ground was corroded by blood!

"Let me go, whiteboard, your blood is poisonous?!"

Jiang Chen hurriedly threw the whiteboard out. He couldn't even hold the rock. If his mortal body came into contact with it, his flesh and bones would probably be gone.


Faced with Jiang Chen's doubts, Baiban also acted quite helpless.

I just discovered this, and before I could understand it, I was arrested by you, boss.

However, I didn’t expect that my blood would be so strong. Wouldn’t it be possible to use it in battles in the future?

No, that stupid cat can absorb blood now. Isn’t this ability of my uncle’s ability to be powerful?

Thinking of this, Baiban became more and more excited and wished he could go and have a fight with Hongzhong now.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly noticed something strange in the surrounding environment.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?"

Lin Mu looked at Jiang Chen standing in the middle of the ruins with a blank look on his face and couldn't help but ask.

"Lin Mu?"

Jiang Chen was also a little confused. He should be in the Huolin Cave now, so why did he meet Lin Mu.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately looked around and suddenly realized that he was still in Huolin Cave. He had clearly returned to the outside of Gusu City.

The coverage of Huolin Cave has actually spread to Gusu City?

"Lin Mu, where are we?"

Jiang Chen asked immediately.

"Here? This is the breeding farm our Lin family built outside Gusu City, specifically for cultivating life cores."

Lin Mu pointed at the large and small evil spirits not far away who were attracted by Jiang Chen's movements, and said: "The research and creation of treasure weapons requires a large number of life cores, so in order to improve efficiency, Lin built this place specially. "

"What, what's the problem?"

Jiang Chen was silent when he heard this and just looked at the ruins beside him.

Because of the previous battle, this cave had completely collapsed, and the passages were completely buried.

However, some traces can still be seen.

The passage of the Fire Lin Cave actually leads to Lin's breeding farm. Doesn't that mean that the evil spirits raised here may also be affected by the Fire Lin Beast.

In other words, might this be the reason why magic patterns appear on those treasures?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen was about to share his knowledge and guesses with Lin Mu, but when he saw the Lin clan members coming not far away, Jiang Chen shut up.

He is still not sure whether Lin is related to these things. If he thinks more extreme, Lin may have known this for a long time, so he deliberately built the breeding farm here?

It's not impossible.

And it was too much of a coincidence that he appeared here. He was active in the Forest of Elements, but he was suddenly teleported here.

Immediately afterwards, he happened to find the entrance of Huolin Cave, but failed to find Huolin Cave, but suddenly arrived outside Gusu City.

Such a big change in position, and he hadn't noticed it yet, was really hard to explain.

Is there something that can lead him here?

This is too ridiculous!

By the way, there is also Bai Xiaoyu.

He came here to look for Bai Xiaoyu, but now that he suddenly appeared here, it would be even more difficult to find Bai Xiaoyu.

He hadn't gone very far when he already encountered the three-headed Dark Burning Tiger King. Bai Xiaoyu had entered earlier than him and had gone further. God knows what kind of crisis he would encounter.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

Caller ID, Bai Xiaoyu.

"Is this guy coming out too?"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up and he immediately answered Bai Xiaoyu's call.

"Jiang Chen, where have you been? You disappeared as you walked, and I didn't answer your phone calls."

As soon as the call was connected, Bai Xiaoyu's loud voice came from the phone.

"I should ask you this, where did you go?"

Jiang Chen asked back immediately, but was furious to death by Bai Xiaoyu's answer.

"Me? I've come out and I'm looking for you on the coast now."

Bai Xiaoyu was a little innocent and said: "You are so good, why did you run so far? If I hadn't been lucky enough to find the exit and receive your message, otherwise I would still be looking for you in the cave..."

"Good luck finding the exit..."

Jiang Chen smacked his lips. He had been wandering around the Huolin Cave for so long. Let alone say anything, he hadn't even found a safer place.

Fortunately for Bai Xiaoyu, he came out early.

"By the way, I've found my third favorite. It's a cub of the Dark Burning Tiger King. The flames that can hide in the shadows and the powerful endless blasts can definitely injure the enemy invisible."

"I'm not bragging, as long as you give me a little more time to cultivate, I will definitely torture you to death!"

"Jiang Chen, I have said so much, can you give me some response? Hey, hey..."

"It's okay, I just want to beat you up."

Jiang Chen's eyes twitched and he hung up the phone.

This guy, even if he ran out early, actually kidnapped the Dark Tiger King's cub.

Looking back now, the three people he met who made the contract between the Dark Burning Tiger King and Bai Xiaoyu should have been a family.

No wonder these three gold-level evil spirits were so obsessed with attacking him. They must have mistaken him for the human who stole their cubs.

In other words, Chunchun took the blame for what happened to him in Huolin Cave!

"But how on earth did this guy find the exit after wandering around the Huolin Cave for a while, and at the same time take the cub away under the eyes of the three dark-scorching tiger kings?"

Jiang Chen was a little crazy. These things were dramatic if taken alone, but now they were all focused on Bai Xiaoyu.

This luck, because I have a dog, so I have particularly good luck with dog shit?

"The Dark Burning Tiger King? Jiang Chen, you actually defeated the Dark Burning Tiger King?"

At this moment, Lin Mu also discovered the Dark Burnt Tiger King killed by Hong Zhong and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is a gold-level evil spirit, Jiang Chen, you..."

Lin Mu turned to look at Jiang Chen. He originally thought that it was an exaggeration for Jiang Chen to train his three pets to be so powerful, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen could already kill gold-level evil spirits!

Gold-level evil spirits are protected by a golden energy field. Normally, creatures below gold level cannot break the opponent's defense at all.

"Well, it's just good luck."

Jiang Chen scratched his head. Fortunately, he had put away the other two corpses of the Dark Burning Tiger King first. Otherwise, God knows how surprised Lin Mu would be.

"It seems that the gap between you and me is still very big."

Lin Mu exhaled heavily, pointed to the Tiger King's corpse on the ground, and said, "How about selling this Dark Tiger King's corpse together with its life core to the Lin family?"

"Don't worry, I will never let you suffer in terms of price!"

The Dark Tiger King's whereabouts are unpredictable, and even the Lin family cannot hunt it often.

Now that there is such a ready-made tiger king, Lin Mu cannot miss it.

But since Jiang Chen had Wen Quan around, this tiger king would never go to waste, so Lin Mu had no confidence that he could buy the body from Jiang Chen.

"Sell? Of course."

Contrary to Lin Mu's expectation, Jiang Chen chose to sell without hesitation.

Anyway, he still has two ends, and selling this one can just make up for the consumption of Yin Chi Mao Liang to make a fortune.

"Thank you very much!"

Lin Mu was quite pleasantly surprised. The Dark Tiger King has both fire and shadow elements. Although the ability of the shadow element is not strong, it can be regarded as a dual-attribute creature.

Its life core will definitely be able to produce a decent Noble Phantasm.

"By the way, Lin Mu, you said you had something to do before, so you came here?"

After disposing of the body of the Dark Tiger King, Jiang Chen also brought the topic back.

"No, Uncle Yao was originally the one who informed me to go to the meeting, but on the way I received news that the evil spirits here were a little restless, so I came over first to have a look."

Lin Mu shook his head and explained. Looking at the red light seeping under the ruins, he seemed to have thought of something.

"Jiang Chen, where does this cave lead to?"

Although Lin Mu was asking, it seemed from the look in his eyes that he had already thought of the answer.

"If nothing else, it should be Huolin Cave."

Jiang Chen thought about his words, but still avoided the matter of the Life Core Demon Pattern, and only informed Lin Mu about the fact that he was suddenly teleported to the coastline by the mist, and then entered the cave.

"Has the scope of Huolin Cave spread so widely?"

Lin Mu looked solemn and said, "I'll have someone take you back to the hotel first. I must inform my father immediately about what's going on here."

"Well, that's up to you."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and was about to leave when Lin Mu suddenly stopped him again.

"By the way Jiang Chen, I just heard Uncle Yao say before coming here that father and others seem to be arranging for you to go to the wilderness in the next few days."

"Wilderness? So fast?!"

Recommend a friend’s book, Card Streaming, worth reading

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