Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 247 Absolutely Forbidden Place

"I finally understand why the Sweetheart Dragon is called the natural disaster of food."

Lin Mu stepped forward, looked around, and spoke out everyone's thoughts.

Even his own site is designed to look like this. This is a real big foodie!

"Actually, being a foodie is not necessarily bad."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but picture the figure of the Thunder Breaker Armor in his mind.

Because of this militant presence, the 318 Barrier is in a tight state all year round.

Although Sweetheart Dragon's mood is a bit unstable, with such a "normal" hobby, he is obviously much less of a threat to the Federation.

After all, everyone knows that for a foodie, there is nothing that cannot be tolerated except food.

"Well, that's hard to say."

Bai Xiaoyu twitched the corners of his mouth and pointed forward.

They saw two meatballs rolling towards them, and behind them was the Sweetheart Demon Dragon holding two big cakes.

"Jiang Chen! You are finally here, and this guy doesn't respect martial ethics and wants to stuff me with dessert before you guys come!"

Li Tianqi's face was full of sorrow. He wiped the cream off his face and complained to Jiang Chen in a crying voice.

"A cake bigger than a Titan, how can I possibly eat it?"

"Uh...thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Chen was silent for a long time, and finally just came up with this sentence to comfort him.

"Is this cake delicious? Why do you dislike it so much?"

Bai Xiaoyu, who didn't know the secret, was a little curious. He dug out a piece from a cake house next to him and stuffed it into his mouth.


Bai Xiaoyu exclaimed, finished the cake in his hand in a few mouthfuls, and then started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

In fact, Bai Xiaoyu simply summoned his three-headed pets and feasted together.

"This cake contains rich energy. Although it is not as intuitive as the destiny potion, long-term use will also have great benefits in improving the combat power level."

Wen Quan took off a piece, put it into a special instrument and started analyzing it, completely forgetting his current situation.

"If that's the case, as long as these desserts are exchanged, the Federation will have a new pet spirit cultivation substance?"

“Foods that are delicious and fortified will definitely sell well!”

Lin Mu was worthy of being a member of the family. He immediately thought of the profit contained in it and had already begun to think about how to sell it.

"These guys are more unreliable than the last..."

Li Tianqi's face was full of sorrow and anger. Of course it felt good to eat just one meal, but if he eats like this every time, no matter how delicious the food is, it will become unpalatable!

"All happiness in the world must be gained through hardship. Don't be so pessimistic."

Li Xiuqi walked up to Li Tianqi and said, "Then it's time for you to enjoy peace and happiness."

"Enjoying comfort?"

Li Tianqi looked behind everyone. At this time, the twenty chefs had already begun to move the living animals in the car, and he could still smell the faint smell of meat.

"Meat! I want to eat meat!"

Li Tianqi's eyes flashed with green light, and he rushed towards the chef team like a hungry wolf.

After eating dessert for so long, he couldn't wait to switch to something else!

"To be so enthusiastic about this kind of junk food, I really need to consider changing to a food taster."

The Sweetheart Demon Dragon arrived late, and when he saw Li Tianqi devouring a bag of instant meat, he felt a little disdainful.

"A monotonous life is always difficult, and occasionally we need some other color adjustments."

Li Xiuqi strode forward and said.

"Human, you look familiar?"

Sweetheart Demon Dragon looked Li Xiuqi up and down, but couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

It has survived for nearly three hundred years, and its memory is quite complicated, but since Li Xiuqi can make an impression on him, this memory must be quite eye-catching, and there will never be a situation where he cannot recall it.

"I'm just an ordinary human being. It's normal for Mr. Shi disaster not to remember."

Li Xiuqi said calmly: "Your Excellency the Natural Disaster of Food, can you take us in?"

"Come with me, everyone."

The Sweetheart Demonic Dragon nodded slightly and roared, and immediately a cookie poker team lined up on both sides of the road. At the same time, dozens of candy flying dragons flew out of the cake house, hovering in the air.

Not only that, there are also some weird dessert creatures flying out from everywhere, setting off gorgeous salutes in the air.

"I really didn't realize that this sweet devil dragon is actually a showman?"

Seeing the sweet-hearted demon dragon flying past with cheers from many younger brothers, Jiang Chen's impression of this food disaster also changed greatly.

Although it is a bit childish, it is obviously much more harmless than the Thunder Breaking Armor.

I don’t know what the other three major natural disasters look like. If they all look like this, maybe they can be defeated one by one using similar methods?

"Let's go and see the forbidden place controlled by Food Disaster."

Li Xiuqi patted Jiang Chen's shoulder and walked forward first.

"Forbidden place..."

Jiang Chen felt relieved and took out his real camera to take pictures along the way.

As they saw outside, the Sweetheart Dragon's territory was almost entirely filled with desserts.

The ground is made of biscuits, the house is made of cakes, and the flowers, plants and trees are made of candy.

Even the river is filled with all kinds of drinks.

"Suddenly I know why you have gained weight, Li Tianqi... It's very difficult to survive in a place like this..."

Jiang Chen understood Li Tianqi's pain for the first time, and also had a new understanding of Li Tianqi's physique.

I have eaten so many desserts and yet my body has not had any problems. This is a unique physique.

No wonder Sweetheart Demon Dragon is so tolerant of Li Tianqi, probably because of this unique talent.

But how on earth did the Sweetheart Magic Dragon transform such a large area into a dessert?

Although he has seen the ability of the Sweetheart Demon Dragon, it is still quite difficult to transform such a large area.

Could it be because the Sweetheart Demon Dragon controls this forbidden land?

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more he thought it was possible. He pointed the camera at the surroundings and took pictures.

On the other side, Bai Xiaoyu and others also looked around curiously with different thoughts.

Da da!

Xu smelled the aroma of the dessert, and Fa Cai ran out of the farm on his own initiative. After feeling the huge energy contained in the dessert, he ran out immediately.

With Fa Cai taking the lead, Hong Zhong and Bai Ban followed suit and joined the dining team one after another.

Especially Hongzhong, relying on the numerical advantage of water vines, almost swept all the way, eating as many as they came.

Although the thoughts of good and evil provided Hongzhong with great strength, they also damaged Hongzhong's vitality and spirit.

There are no tricks for mental damage, it can only be recovered slowly, but the lost energy and blood can be recovered through food supplements.

And the desserts here are the best choice.

"Although I feel a little tired after eating too much, it seems that eating it occasionally can be used as a form of dietary therapy?"

Looking at the three-headed pets feasting on food, Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh and did not stop their actions.

Hongzhong needs to restore Qi and blood, and getting rich and whiteboard also need tonic.

Although the wealthy Jin Gang Tyrant Body can strengthen the physical body by absorbing golden energy, and also has the assistance of the golden bowl, it is still a mortal body.

If there is food to replenish energy and blood, it will also be very beneficial to increase the physical strength of making a fortune.

After all, although the proficiency of Jin Gang Hegemon is full, it does not mean that the physical strength cannot be improved.

This was discovered by Facai after a long period of exercise.

As for the whiteboard, this guy already suffers from indigestion, but he doesn’t mind eating more.

God knows what the makeup of this guy's body is, but he can actually store so much energy without problems. It wouldn't be a bad thing to store a little more energy now.

"Can you please stop talking about this topic..."

Li Tianqi looked resentful, especially after seeing those desserts, he almost vomited, so he could only pick up a piece of dried meat to relieve the symptoms.

"Actually, you should also consider other means. After all, as long as you stay here, you will definitely eat less desserts."

Jiang Chen pointed at Li Tianqi's fat body and said, "How about exercising every day to burn off the energy from eating?"

"Exercise? Consumption? You think too simply..."

Li Tianqi sighed and looked at Bai Xiaoyu and others aside.

"Calculate the time, it should take effect soon."

"Effective? What takes effect?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused, and suddenly found that the bodies of Bai Xiaoyu and even Fa Cai and others were beginning to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, the people and pets who had eaten these desserts all turned into fat men like Li Tianqi.

"The desserts here are very special. The huge energy contained in them is very easy to absorb and will be integrated into your cells unconsciously, turning you into a fat man."

"To put it simply, as long as you eat one meal here, you will become a fat man. How do you think you can lose weight by exercising?"

"Is it so exaggerated?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused. He would become fat after just one meal. It would be really difficult to lose weight...

"The taboo place occupied by the food disaster is somewhat different from other taboo places. It has already involved the origin of the top laws, so it has such an effect."

Li Xiuqi gave a few people timely information and said: "As long as this energy can be digested, it will be very beneficial to the growth of pet spirits."

"But if it is not digested in time, it will be easily assimilated."

"Assimilated? What do you mean?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused and asked.

"Assimilation, naturally becomes dessert."

Li Xiuqi looked forward and said: "The Forbidden Land will change the attributes of the creatures within the affected area. You should already know this."

"As a product of a forbidden place, of course it also has this effect."

"What's more, the food disaster occupies one of the most special places among the forbidden places."

Hearing Li Xiuqi's words, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something and asked quickly.

"Editor Li, do you mean that this is one of the twelve absolutely taboo places?"

Li Xiuqi nodded slightly and said, "Yes, and this is the first absolutely taboo place discovered by humans."

" # Forbidden Place No. 001 [Zi Mouse]"

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