Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 258: Skills are not enough, but size can make up for it

This sudden change stunned everyone, but after seeing that Jiang Chen was about to be swallowed by the Chaos Zone, others still reacted.

Meow meow!

The first person to react was Hong Zhong, who had been staying beside Jiang Chen. The moment Jiang Chen fell, Hong Zhong spread out water vines and wrapped them tightly around Jiang Chen, pulling Jiang Chen out with all his strength.

But I don't know why in this chaotic area. Although Jiang Chen didn't feel any pulling force, his body still kept sinking. Even the silver-level Hong Zhong was pulled towards the chaotic area by this strange force.

Da da!

Seeing this scene, Fa Cai immediately rushed forward, grabbed Hong Zhong's body and pulled him back, and Jiang Chen's downward trend finally stopped.

But before Fa Cai could breathe a sigh of relief, Jiang Chen fell downwards at a faster speed.

When Bai Ban saw this, he stepped forward to help, but it was a drop in the bucket. Even Lin Mu and Wen Quan brought their pet animals to help, but it was of no use. Instead, they were dragged over together.

"Don't resist, let him take us in."

At this moment, Jiang Chen's voice suddenly came out from the chaotic area, and the three pets in Hongzhong also lost their strength.

Without a few main players, the others were caught off guard and staggered, being pulled into the chaotic area without any resistance.

Then, they came to another space.

"where is this place?"

As a core member of the Lin Consortium, Lin Mu is well-informed, but after seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be a little shocked.


The space presented in front of them couldn't tell the difference between up, down, left, and right. There was no concept of heaven and earth, only chaos.

But although there was nothing under their feet, they stood firmly in the air, as if there was a transparent floor under their feet.

"If my guess is correct, we may have arrived at the core area of ​​[Zi Mo]."

Jiang Chen helped Bai Xiaoyu up and said.

He had entered the core area through a similar method in the Poisonous Land, but they had been searching for nearly a week at that time, but this time he appeared very suddenly.

"Core area? Doesn't that mean there will be more treasures here?"

Bai Xiaoyu's eyes lit up. This matter was about to become his heartache, so he would not miss any opportunity.

"I don't know if there are treasures, but it's very possible that there are more and stronger evil spirits."

Jiang Chen shook his head. If this place was the same as the poisonous place, then the quantity and quality of evil spirits here would definitely be higher.

For example, the phantom of the angel he just saw.

"More and stronger evil spirits? That's not bad."

Bai Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows. Although he felt a little regretful about not being able to harvest a natural treasure, Bai Xiaoyu still preferred his own strength.

" seems like an enemy is coming."

Wen Quan pointed timidly ahead and said.

They saw a dozen white slimes flying towards them from a distance.

That’s right, it’s flying.

The overall appearance of these ooze monsters is similar to the ooze monsters seen outside, except that they have a pair of small wings on their backs.

Although it was a little shaky when flying, it did fly over.

In addition, a special rune can be vaguely seen in the bodies of these ooze monsters.

"Rune... Speaking of which, did the ooze monster we killed earlier not drop any life cores?"

Jiang Chen asked thoughtfully.

"Indeed, the previous ooze monsters all dissipated after death, and there was no life core at all."

Wen Quan did some operations on the computer and pulled up a picture.

"Judging from the data I detected, the energy of these ooze monsters completely dissipated after death, and did not condense into life cores like other evil spirits after death."

"I originally suspected that [Zi Mo] had a special environment, but now it seems that it may also be related to the individual species."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly when he heard this. After all, it was an absolute taboo, and there would always be something special about the rules.

And it is very simple to verify, just have a fight and you will know.

"These ooze monsters are all of the Holy Light attribute, just leave one alive."

Jiang Chen made a quick judgment and then issued an attack order.


The whiteboard that had just completed its racial transformation was very active. He rushed out immediately and launched a roar of revenge.

A vague mental wave roared out, covering the dozen or so ooze monsters in an instant.

But this time, Whiteboard encountered Waterloo.

At the moment when the roar of revenge was launched, one of the ooze monsters suddenly emitted a dazzling holy light.

This holy light was very soft, but all the ooze monsters covered by it were free from the influence of the Roar of Vengeance.

Light attribute characteristics, purification.


Baiban was a little confused at that time, so he directly switched to the poison spirit state and launched an attack on the holy light ooze monster.

It's just that these ooze monsters have a thin defensive layer of holy light on their bodies, and the toxins released by the poisonous spirits are purified before they even have time to attach to them.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Bai Ban's face couldn't help but froze in place, and the joy he had accumulated from torturing Bai Xiaoyu completely collapsed.

what is this?

None of my abilities are used?

Has this uncle become a waste?

As I thought about it, an unprecedented sense of frustration arose, and the whiteboard fell to the ground listlessly.

I am useless, I am only worthy of being a paramecium...

"Hahaha... Although the poison attribute is difficult to deal with, at times like this it's up to me."

Bai Xiaoyu grinned when he saw this, bumped fists with Lie, and took the lead to rush out.

This time, Bai Xiaoyu no longer controlled his power, and the charged flames that were injected with explosive power quickly condensed and rushed straight towards the ooze monster at the front.

Although the light attribute can dispel the burning effect of flames, it is not immune to the high temperature and explosive power contained in it.

However, the properties of light are not limited to purification.

Just when the charged flame was about to hit the ooze monster, a shield made of holy light blocked the charged flame.

The shield was not thick, but it was extremely solid. The charged flames that had easily defeated a silver ooze monster had no effect at all at this moment.

Light attribute characteristics, defense.

Bai Xiaoyu also realized the difference between these ooze monsters, and a blast of flames directly lifted the ooze monster into the air.

Then, Lie, who had been prepared long ago, sprayed out a ball of fire and directly deployed the ooze monster's shield.

Without the defense of the shield, a big hole was blown out of the Holy Light Ooze Monster, and even one of its wings was missing.

But the holy light attribute of this ooze monster came into play again. As the holy light spread, the missing body was restored bit by bit.

Light attribute properties, healing.

"They all have Holy Light attributes, but the performance of these ooze monsters is obviously much stronger."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. It was obvious that they had the same attributes, but the difference between those with runes and those without runes was really big.

At least these ooze monsters are somewhat as strong as silver-level creatures.

However, it can still be fought.

Jiang Chen patted the whiteboard, which was autistic on the spot, and said, "Don't rely too much on poison spirits. Try using normal attacks."


Whiteboard raised his head, his eyes were empty, as if he had collapsed.

"I didn't realize that Whiteboard's mentality was so bad..."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw this. Thinking about it, this was the time when the race had just undergone a transformation, and it was the time when the spring breeze was triumphant, but in the end, it was restrained to death, which would be too much for anyone else.

But when Jiang Chen said these words, it deeply stimulated Bai Ban.


Boss thinks I'm bad?

Whiteboard suddenly shivered, and his empty eyes regained their vitality.

I want to become the strongest bald badger in history and the right-hand man of the boss. How can I fall down because of such a small thing?

Thinking of this, Baiban regained his composure and rushed towards a holy light ooze monster again.

Compared with the previous one, this ooze monster's temper was obviously much more grumpy, and it even took the initiative to launch an attack.

The method of attack is not pure holy light, but thunder and lightning composed of holy light energy.

This kind of attack method was unprecedented, but Baiban was only thinking about how to restore his image in the boss's heart at this time, and he couldn't care about it at all, so he activated the purple hedgehog soft armor to fight head-on.

Although this holy light thunder was not as violent as ordinary thunder, its destructive power was not bad at all. It actually penetrated the defense of the purple hedgehog's soft armor and left a large burning mark on the white board.

But the invincible effect was also triggered. Whiteboard's wounds quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as did the purple hedgehog's soft armor.

Seeing this scene, the ooze monster increased its attack strength again, but it still failed to stop the whiteboard from approaching.

Then, Whiteboard slapped the slime monster's body with a heavy claw.

The poisonous spirit's energy was still blocked by the holy light, but this time a ten thousand poison seal was condensed on the top of the ooze monster's head.

"As expected, the Ten Thousand Poison Seal does not rely on poison attribute energy, and even the holy light attribute cannot purify it."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. Although Poison Spirit and Ten Thousand Poison Seals are both poison-type skills, one uses poison-attribute energy to attack, so it will naturally not take effect when encountering the restrained Holy Light attribute.

The Ten Thousand Poison Seal is somewhat biased towards the rule side, and will take effect as long as there is physical contact with the whiteboard.

Holy light can purify energy, but if you want to purify the Ten Thousand Poison Seals, it will take some time even if you can do it.

"Although the effect is obviously much worse, fortunately it is not so easy to be targeted."

Jiang Chen quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Baiban's ability was completely restrained, Jiang Chen was actually a little disappointed.

If Baiban is completely suppressed when encountering the Holy Light system in the future, his pet team will undoubtedly have a fatal weakness.

Fortunately, the products produced by the farm must be of high quality, and the status of Wandu Seal has been stabilized.

"But one thing to say is that the poison attribute is really not suitable for frontal combat. You have to seize the time to improve the other abilities of the whiteboard."

Baiban's physique is very strong and his strength is not weak, but apart from a few dirty tricks, this guy has no good frontal combat skills.

Now that he has the skill of Giant Transformation, Jiang Chen will naturally seize this opportunity.

If it is true as the skill introduction says, the future whiteboard can completely rely on its size advantage to fight.

If you don’t have enough skills, you have to use your body shape!

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