Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 260 Shushu will fight seventy!

"Bombers? You really plan to develop Lieutenant into an arsenal!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen immediately signaled to Fa Cai to slow down the progress of the electromagnetic gun and quietly watched Bai Xiaoyu's performance.

There is a saying that Lie's endless explosions seem to have no upper limit. The aura he is exuding now has already touched the gold level.

"The water fire lotus flowers of Hong Zhong and Lie Chi come from the same plant. Perhaps the Heart of Extreme Ice can be further improved?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin. In addition to turning the red unicorn into a unicorn, the only characteristic of the Extreme Ice Heart was low temperature.

Referring to the endless explosion, which can infinitely increase the destructive power, maybe the heart of extreme ice can also cool down infinitely?

Looking back, I have to think about it, after all, Hongzhong will have to rely on this crazy state of suppressing good and evil thoughts in the future.

On the other side, Lie finally condensed the explosive fireball into shape, and then made a flexible flying side kick, directly kicking the explosive fireball in front of the newly born Holy Light Ooze Monster.

Boom boom boom!

Three mushroom clouds rose from the ooze monster group in succession, and the raging flames instantly swallowed up the holy light, giving the ooze monsters no chance to defend themselves.

Not only that, the explosion seemed to be endless, and it continued for nearly a minute before stopping.

When the flames dissipated, the Holy Light Slime was no longer in front of them.

"The destructive power of Brother Xiaoyu's attack just now has really reached the gold level in terms of energy intensity alone!"

Wen Quan exclaimed while recording: "Brother Xiaoyu, if you can compress the scope of the explosion, you can definitely break the golden energy field and pose a fatal threat to them!"

"Compression? It will happen sooner or later!"

Bai Xiaoyu grinned and wiped the sweat off his face.

The effect of the flame amplification just now was pushed to its current extreme by him, consuming a lot of body energy.

Although he was a little tired, he successfully returned to his original shape.

"This is still comfortable for my body. It's much easier to move around."

Bai Xiaoyu quickly performed a set of combination punches, feeling relaxed and even stronger than before.

"How about Jiang Chen, my bomber is no worse than Fortune's electromagnetic gun, right?"

"Jiang Chen?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't respond to his words, Bai Xiaoyu was a little confused, but he saw Jiang Chen staring intently at the place where the Holy Light Ooze Monster died.

Because they died at the same time, the runes of these ooze monsters also gathered together after death, and merged into the chaos at the same time.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Chen finally captured the scene at the moment when the runes disappeared.

Because there were more than a dozen runes gathered together, the energy dissipation of these runes was much louder, and a very obvious channel appeared.

"Sure enough, there is another layer of space behind this space."

Jiang Chen looked as if this was indeed the case, and paused the scene at the moment when the passage opened.

"I think I may know the whereabouts of Li Tianqi."

With that said, Jiang Chen informed Bai Xiaoyu and others of his findings.

"You mean, Li Tianqi was transported to another layer of space, and there may be a powerful creature in that layer of space that can continuously split the ooze monsters?"

Bai Xiaoyu was eager to try and asked: "How should we get there? I can't wait to fight this guy."

"Past? I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

The entrance formed by the dissipation of these runes is very small, let alone them, even making a fortune cannot get through.

The only one who has a chance is Han Guo who has mastered the miniaturization skill, but Han Guo is only at the silver level, and there is no effect if he goes alone.

Therefore, the top priority is to find a chaotic area that is strong enough to support their passage.

But apart from chaos, there is nothing different here at all.

At this moment, more than a dozen holy light ooze monsters emerged from the chaos not far away, just like the previous ones, flying towards them unsteadily.

"It's actually there. This place is simply a holy place for practicing combat skills!"

Bai Xiaoyu was a little excited when he saw this. There were so many slime monsters that could not be beaten completely. Although they would not drop health cores, they were perfect for polishing combat skills.

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly stopped Bai Xiaoyu and seriously looked at the team of slime monsters on the opposite side.

"1, 2, 3,... 14 heads. Are these ooze monsters exactly fourteen heads every time?"

Jiang Chen groped his chin, [Zi Shu], as an absolutely taboo place, must have something special.

But it’s a bit suspicious that a fixed number is being refreshed every time like this, especially when this number seems to be related to them.

"Lin Mu, Wen Quan, how many pets have you contracted with now?"

Jiang Chen looked at the two of them and asked.

"Me? After I was promoted to D-level ambassador, I contracted the third one. What happened?"

"I only have Han Guo. I am too busy with research and have no time to contract other pet spirits."

Wen Quan scratched his head in embarrassment and reacted after seeing Jiang Chen's true appearance.

"Brother Chen, do you think the number of these ooze monsters spawning is related to the number of our pet spirits?"

"Not just pet spirits, if you include us, the number is exactly fourteen."

He, Bai Xiaoyu and Lin Mu all contracted three pet spirits, and Wen Quan contracted one. Calculated in this way, their number is exactly the same as the number of ooze monsters.

If it happens only once, that's it, but if it happens every time, it's not a coincidence.

"So, if a hundred of us come, a hundred ooze monsters will appear in this place?"

Bai Xiaoyu was a little surprised. If this was really the case, wouldn't it mean that the body in the third layer area was very strong?

This is really good news!

"You'll know after you try it."

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, Hongzhong reacted immediately. With a sway of his body, he immediately separated into a clone.

It is also a clone. The Water Lotus clone in Hongzhong is obviously much more agile, but its level is obviously lower than the main body.

But Jiang Chen's move was not for fighting.

A few seconds after the red clone appeared, another ooze monster really emerged from the chaos ahead, and its level was the same as the ones that emerged before.

"it is as expected!"

Jiang Chen shook his fist vigorously, his guess was correct.

"But, what does this have to do with us looking for Li Tianqi?"

Bai Xiaoyu was a little puzzled. He didn't mind multiple enemies, but this would only slow down their search for Li Tianqi.

"Brother Chen, do you plan to accumulate enough ooze monsters, eliminate them in one fell swoop, and then enter the third floor through their entrances and exits?"

It was Wen Quan who was the first to see Jiang Chen's plan and quickly started operating on the computer.

"Judging from the statistics just now, it would take at least...seventy runes to create an entrance large enough for us to pass through!"

"Seventy runes? That's seventy silver-level ooze monsters? No, this is too dangerous!"

Lin Mu immediately stopped after hearing this and said: "Although you all have the ability to fight across levels, this number is too large and you cannot take risks."

"Risk? This isn't even a risk. Two more bombers will take care of it!"

Bai Xiaoyu waved his hand nonchalantly and wanted to recharge his energy, but was stopped by Wen Quan.

"Brother Xiaoyu, the energy accumulated in your body has just been used up. If you use the bomb again, you will lose your strength."

Wen Quan paused and said, "And in order to prevent this from happening, I added a limiter to Fiery Fist Pro, so you can no longer do the attack like just now."

"Restrictor? I don't need this kind of thing, help me remove it quickly!"

Bai Xiaoyu unhappily took down Lie Fist Pro and let Wen Quan operate it. Wen Quan looked helpless and could only turn his eyes to Jiang Chen for help.

"Stop making trouble, Wen Quan is afraid that you will die suddenly."

Jiang Chen pulled Bai Xiaoyu aside and said, "Be prepared and go in as soon as the entrance appears."

"Jiang Chen, are you sure it's okay?"

Lin Mu frowned slightly, he would never do such a crazy thing.

This is not something that you dare to take risks, but that there is no possibility of success at all.

That was Jiang Chen. If it were anyone else, he wouldn't even want to ask.

Even though it is a split body, it is still a real seventy-headed silver evil spirit!

"Give it a try. After all, you have been building up your fortune for a long time."

Jiang Chen moved away, revealing the figure of Fortune.

Although Jiang Chen asked Fa Cai to slow down the progress of the electromagnetic gun, Fa Cai did not completely stop it. Instead, he spent a lot of effort to compress the energy of the electromagnetic gun.

Although the coil can accelerate the speed of the electromagnetic gun's condensation, its destructive power is still determined by the magnetic field itself.

And for such a long time, getting rich has compressed it to the limit that one's own body can bear.

"Hongzhong, is there any problem with completing the quantity?"

Meow meow~

Hongzhong raised his head, his face full of confidence.

Although I haven't tried it, it is now a silver-level creature, and its energy and physique have been greatly improved, so there is no problem.

Hongzhong's body was seen curling up, transforming into a water lotus form again, and then the petals fell one by one, forming a new water lotus again, and then continued to split.

When the progress of the water lotus division stopped, there were dozens more water lotuses in the sky, and with Jiang Chen and others, the number reached seventy.

On the other side, Chaos did not disappoint Jiang Chen. He actually spit out the same number of ooze monsters, and they were all silver-level.

"As expected of [Zi Shu], if you can really master it, you won't have to worry about troop strength anymore."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly when he saw this, and understood why the Federation was so concerned about this absolutely forbidden place.

If you can master such a forbidden land, you will not only gain a safe place to live, but also master an invincible military fortress.

I don’t know if the farm can grow to this size.

Fantasy was fantasy, and Jiang Chen did not forget his mission. After confirming again that the quantity was correct, Jiang Chen issued an attack order to Facai.

Da da!

After receiving Jiang Chen's order, Facai immediately released the restrictions on the electromagnetic gun, and a golden beam of light about five meters in diameter shot out, swallowing most of the ooze monsters in an instant.

Fa Cai obviously had no intention of letting go of the other ooze monsters. He controlled the golden beam of light to sweep across it, and wherever it passed, the ooze monsters instantly dissipated.

A total of seventy silver-level ooze monsters were actually wiped out by Fa Cai with one blow!

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