Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 272 The five major natural disasters officially certified monster fighting group!

“Food trail?”

Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

We just established a food alliance, why did a food road pop up?

“This is my proposal in the name of North Star to deepen the diversity of the Food Alliance.”

Li Xiuqi pushed up his glasses and said: "Although the Food Alliance has been established, the ingredients that the Federation can provide are limited, and the world's top ingredients still exist in the wilderness."

"So in order to better maintain the food alliance, after discussing with the Sweetheart Demon Dragon, I decided to use the Sweetheart Kingdom as a base to open up a food road in the surrounding areas, aiming to find various strange ingredients, and then let both parties in the alliance jointly develop cooking methods."

Li Xiuqi paused and said: "If possible, we can also bring in some like-minded extraordinary creatures to serve as nodes on the food road to speed up the search scope."

"Of course, in order to show sincerity, humans will only send reporters and chefs, but will not send emissaries into the wilderness to avoid unnecessary trouble."

It seemed that because he had accomplished a major event, Li Xiuqi said a lot at once, but it also made Jiang Chen realize that the road to food was unusual.

Looking for good food in the wilderness?

Isn't that just about exploring the wilderness? It's just that humans used to say it was hunting, but now they say it is looking for food.

As for sending only chefs and reporters...

Jiang Chen glanced at the team of chefs who were already preparing dinner on the grass and sighed silently.

"Editor Li, aren't you afraid that your character will collapse?"

Speaking up will always lead to the best results.

You didn't tell me directly.

"Broken character? How could..."

Li Xiuqi smiled slightly and said: "What I told Sweetheart Demon Dragon is the truth, and the Federation will not violate the agreement in the future."

"I have a clear conscience about everything I said to Sweetheart Demon Dragon."

"Ah yes yes..."

Jiang Chen nodded repeatedly, but his view of Li Xiuqi changed greatly.

In his initial impression, Li Xiuqi was a perfect person with lofty dreams, firm will, strong principles, and charming personality.

Especially the other party's spirit of sacrifice that he could sacrifice everything for the world, Jiang Chen admired him from the bottom of his heart.

To put it simply, Li Xiuqi is the kind of person who can become a spiritual leader in any era.

But now, Jiang Chen's view of Li Xiuqi is different.

Of course, none of the previous views have been changed, nor have any of them been deleted.

He just added a new entry to Li Xiuqi on this basis.

Dark belly.

What Li Xiuqi told the Sweetheart Demon Dragon was indeed true, but 70% of the truth would be the truest lie.

He finally understood why Manager Luo sent Li Xiuqi out.

Just a mouth like Li Xiuqi's is comparable to thousands of federal troops!

"Then how will this food road be implemented? Do we need to wait until our exchange is over?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Participants of this food trail are equivalent to official monster-fighting groups certified by the Sweetheart Dragon, one of the five major natural disasters.

If there is any conflict in the wilderness, and some intelligent beings seize the opportunity to launch a beast tide, the Federation can use this excuse to fight back.

You say we slaughter evil spirits wantonly?

Sorry, this is our chef judging which part of the food is most suitable for the sweet dragon.

You don’t want to get angry with the Sweetheart Dragon because you ate low-quality ingredients, right?

You say we peer into the secrets of the wilderness?

Sorry, this is our reporter observing the wilderness environment to find the place where high-end ingredients are most likely to be produced.

You don’t want the sweet dragon to get angry because he can’t find the ingredients, right?

As for why our chefs and reporters are so good at fighting?


Being an ambassador is just a hobby, and being a chef (journalist) is my main job.

In other words, as long as the food road is officially opened, humans can act openly in the wilderness.

And this is exactly what Jiang Chen has been pursuing.

If he could participate, he would be free to shoot!

"Originally, yes, but all the ingredients we brought have been eaten by the Sweetheart Magic Dragon. So in order to ensure a continuous supply of new food, the Sweetheart Magic Dragon proactively asked us to start the food journey tomorrow."

Li Xiuqi patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder and said, "As our long-term cooperative photographer of Polaris, I wonder if you are interested in participating together?"

"Of course!"

Jiang Chen agreed without hesitation. This kind of opportunity did not come often. After all, he had to return to Gusu City after the winter vacation.

By the time he comes here next time, the food road will definitely have developed, and there will definitely be more interested people trying to get in by then.

At that time, he, a small D-level envoy, was not qualified to participate at all.

"Very well, have a good rest today and we'll set off tomorrow."

Li Xiuqi stood up, turned around and walked towards the RV on the other side.

After talking for a whole day, he, an ordinary person, was really tired.

the next day.

Sweetheart Kingdom's Edge.

"I said that only chefs and reporters can participate in the Food Trail. What's going on with you guys..."

Jiang Chen looked at Bai Xiaoyu and others in front of him speechlessly, and couldn't help but complain.

"Which one of you has any connections with chefs and reporters?"

"Then you underestimate us."

Bai Xiaoyu raised his head proudly, picked up a bunch of freshly skewered barbecue and put it in his palm, then launched his fierce fist, and a scent of fragrance floated into Jiang Chen's mouth and nose.

"I'm a professional barbecue chef!"

"I'm really defeated by you."

Jiang Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, and then looked at the other two people.

"What about you two?"

"Me? I'm the master of Ryushui Somen."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, not even bothering to show it.

"I...I am a vegetable cutter."

Wen Quan weakly raised his hand, and his evasive eyes told Jiang Chen that this outrageous reason was not his at all.

"It's a shame you guys came up with such a reason."

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly and said, "Why don't you invite a food taster? It's more reasonable at least."

"Taster, you can't mess with this."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaoyu waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Didn't you see that Li Tianqi is not here?"

"Originally Li Tianqi also wanted to come, but the Sweetheart Demon Dragon stayed because he was not on his day off."

"If we apply to be food tasters, we probably won't even think about going back."

" seems like it's really possible."

Jiang Chen felt a little sympathetic. The food road was such a good reason to go out, but Li Tianqi missed it.

I'm afraid Sweetheart Demon Dragon was also frightened by Li Tianqi's previous escape, fearing that this guy would never come back again.

But speaking of it this way, Bai Ban and Li Tianqi have been eating since yesterday. Could it be that...

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen thought and used the contract to forcefully summon the whiteboard back.


At this time, Baiban's face was red, and his body was full of alcohol. It was obvious that he had not sobered up yet.

But after seeing the appearance of his boss, Baiban immediately stood up straight, not daring to look drunk at all.

My boss hates drinking himself. If this shows any problem, it will be difficult for him to improve his status in the team.

"It's okay, I wasn't left behind by the Sweetheart Demon Dragon."

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the team of chefs who had already prepared, and said, "Why don't we set off early, otherwise the good ingredients will be gone."

Bai Ban has been summoned now, but God knows if the Sweetheart Dragon will regret it and want to keep Bai Ban as the second food taster.

Although he also thought about using the resources here to make the whiteboard huge, he would be blind if he lost control of the whiteboard.

Things may change later, so it's better to run away early.

Roar! ! !

Fearing for what it is, before the chef team could respond, the Sweetheart Dragon roared and fell from the sky. Along with it, there were five Biscuit Poker Legions and a dozen Candy Dragons.

"Isn't this battle a little too exaggerated... I'm just a food taster No. 2..."

Jiang Chen's eyes widened, obviously he didn't expect that it would cause such a big fluctuation.

Soon, the Sweetheart Demon Dragon landed on the ground, scanning everyone with a scrutinizing gaze, and finally stopped on Jiang Chen.

"Are you guys also chefs?"

Same question, same answer.

Jiang Chen was relieved when he heard that Sweetheart Demon Dragon's goal was not a blank slate, and he introduced the professions of several people very calmly.

Anyway, he didn’t know whether other people’s reasons were justified or not, but as a “journalist” he could definitely stand the test.

"No matter so much, I have been very interested in food other than desserts recently, so in order to improve efficiency, I decided to divide you into five teams to look for delicious food together."

"It just so happens that there are five of you here, so let's go in groups."

With that said, the Sweetheart Demon Dragon directly grabbed it and threw it into the army of desserts that had been allocated long ago, regardless of whether the people agreed or not.

As the initiator, Li Xiuqi has already been in a team.

"It took a long time to do it, or is it just me?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh. No matter if he was alone, at least he didn't have to worry about the safety of others when he was in danger. He could just run to the farm.

As for the accompanying Morning Star chefs...

These are all B-level envoys, so there is no need for him to worry about this.

"Now that everything is ready, let's set off early."

The Sweetheart Demon Dragon waved his paw and said: "Work hard. If the food you bring back is not delicious, I will fall out."

After saying that, the dessert army marched in five different directions, like an army on an expedition.

Such a large-scale operation by the Sweetheart Kingdom immediately set off a big storm in the wilderness.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Jiang Chen at the moment.

"Finally... I can truly step into the wilderness without having to worry about safety."

Jiang Chen excitedly grasped the real camera in his hand, and was already worried about whether the memory space on his camera would be enough.

"This time, we must show the original picture!"

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