Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 275 Do you still want me to give you an injection?

Jiang Chen looked in the direction of Lu Fei's finger and saw figures of different sizes emerging from everywhere.

The auras of these evil spirits are of different levels, the lowest ones are only black iron level, while the higher ones are astral level.

"Fa Cai, how deep did you dig? How did you blow up all the stars?"

Da da……

Facai spread his paws innocently, Shushu was only responsible for looking for metal ores, but he didn't care about that.

"Stars are just stars. Although there are more of them, there is still the Sweetheart Kingdom to support them."

Lu Fei patted Jiang Chen's shoulder and said with a smile: "We'll leave those few stars to us. How about the rest of them?"

After speaking, Lu Fei rushed out first without waiting for Jiang Chen to answer.

"Senior Lu, at his age, how can he have the same temperament as Master Yan?"

Jiang Chen was a little speechless. Originally, he thought Lu Fei was a very steady person, but now his casual appearance was exactly the same as Master Yan.

"There are so many evil spirits. I'm really not afraid of exhausting myself to death."

Seeing the number of evil spirits gathering more and more, Jiang Chen sighed helplessly, and then summoned the whiteboard.

Hongzhong is still resting for the time being, and the only pets he can send out currently are Facai and Baiban.

Although it is not as efficient as Hongzhong's AOE skills, the group attack capabilities of Fortune and Whiteboard are not necessarily inferior.

"But why do I feel that you look a little older than yesterday, Baibai?"

Jiang Chen leaned down and looked at it carefully. Although it was not obvious, the whiteboard was indeed larger than yesterday.


Whiteboard was also a little surprised. After confirming his changes, he immediately became excited.

I've grown bigger after just one night of eating. If I eat more, wouldn't I be able to grow into a towering beast soon?

Then won’t this uncle become invincible? !

Thinking of this, Baiban suddenly became excited, looked around, and then rushed out.

There's nothing to eat in this shabby place, just some plants that don't taste good at first sight.

But no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat. I can't waste this kind of improvement time.

"This guy, let's verify the effect of giant transformation first..."

Jiang Chen was speechless when he saw this, but a chef who hadn't gone far reminded him kindly.

"These plants are highly poisonous, you'd better hold your pet close."

"It's just highly poisonous? That's fine."

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. If these plants were special pet spirits, he would be a little more worried. If they were just highly poisonous plants, there would be no threat.

If this guy could suffer a little, he would be happier.

Seeing Jiang Chen's attitude, the chef was speechless. He wanted to persuade him a few more words but was stopped by Lu Fei.

"Don't worry, this guy has many more cards than us, just go do your own thing first."

Lu Fei smiled slightly and looked at the whiteboard, which ignored the prying eyes of many evil spirits and just tore apart poisonous plants, with the same expectation.

This pet spirit was a little different from when he first saw it.

He obviously went out for a long time yesterday, but he had such a big improvement when he came back. This boy's luck is indeed very strong.

Of course, it also proves the specialness of [Zi Mouse] from the side.


Of course, Baiban didn't think as much as Lu Fei. All he wanted to do now was seize the time to absorb energy so as to speed up his proficiency in giant transformation.

But his indifferent behavior completely angered the evil spirits who were still watching, and several silver evil spirits immediately rushed forward.

Judging from the appearance and aura of these silver evil spirits, they all appear to be poisonous creatures.

Needless to say, this was because they saw Bai Ban snatching their food and protecting it.

But facing the siege of several poisonous silver creatures, Baiban was not afraid at all, and there was a hint of disdain in his big mung bean eyes.

If it were another silver creature, I might have to consider whether to avoid the limelight, poison type...

I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish!

Just as Bai Ban thought, the purple hedgehog's soft armor instantly spread to his body, completely covering Bai Ban.

And all the poisonous attacks fell on the purple hedgehog's soft armor.

As a gold-level Noble Phantasm, the defensive power of the Purple Hedgehog Soft Armor is not weak, but there have been some disturbances in the face of attacks from these silver creatures.

But it's still not enough to threaten the whiteboard.

Seeing this scene, Baiban didn't want to pay attention to these poisons anymore and continued to eat the poisonous plants around him.

Although the taste is a bit worse than the barbecue and desserts of Sweetheart Demon Dragon, I don’t know why, but these highly poisonous plants seem to be more in line with my appetite?

The feeling was just like when I drank before. Although it would be a little uncomfortable, it was fascinating.

The most important thing is that I feel like my body is getting bigger again!

Whiteboard was eating more happily, but the poisonous beasts were not so happy.

Seeing that their long-range attacks were ignored by the whiteboard, these poisonous creatures suddenly became angry and rushed forward to choose melee combat.

As a qualified poison, close attacks can better inject poison.

Judging from the size of the whiteboard, it's not enough to deal with the toxins on their head.

It's just that mistakes often occur due to ignorance.

Just when these poisonous creatures were about to attack, the horn on Baiban's head flickered, and some special runes appeared on the purple hedgehog's soft armor.

Although the Purple Hedgehog Soft Armor is not a parasitic Noble Phantasm like Hong Zhong, under Wen Quan's uncanny workmanship, it can also be connected to the whiteboard's own state.

To put it simply, in addition to the ten thousand poison seals, poison spirits can also be applied to the purple hedgehog's soft armor.

It is precisely because of this that the moment these poisonous substances touched the purple hedgehog's soft armor, his whole body suddenly stiffened and he fell directly to the ground.

Poison Spirit·Paralysis.

"Sure enough, this guy is no longer a simple bald badger."

Lu Fei, who was always paying attention to this side, smiled slightly. Although the overall shape of the whiteboard still looked like a white-headed badger, the single horn on his head proved that he was different.

Looking at it now, it must have evolved into a poisonous creature.


On the other side, seeing how vulnerable these poisons were, Whiteboard became more and more disdainful and couldn't help but muttered a few words.

But just these few words made those silver poisonous people become confused again.

A scholar can be killed and cannot be humiliated, but being mocked by a bronze creature is too humiliating!

Affected by the roar of revenge that Whiteboard inadvertently prompted, these poisonous creatures attacked Whiteboard again.

But before their attacks could land, they suddenly felt their whole bodies go limp and fell back to the ground.

They were poisoned again.

And it’s not the same as the previous toxins…


Seeing the silver poisonous creatures unable to move after being stabbed by the spikes of the purple hedgehog's soft armor, Baiban's face was full of disgust.

Isn’t it nice to just lie down and let me inject you?

Forget it, just kill him.

Thinking of this, Bai Ban thought, and several sharp thorns extended from the purple hedgehog's soft armor, piercing straight into these silver poisonous objects, and continuously injecting poison into their bodies.

For this kind of thing, you don't even need to use the Ten Thousand Poison Seal, just a Poison Spirit can take care of it.

"Although it is very restrained by the Holy Light, compared to other attributes, the power of the Poison Spirit is still quite acceptable."

Jiang Chen was quite satisfied as he looked at the silver poisonous animals that were losing their lives little by little.

Although the effect is not as shocking as killing him directly like getting rich, but poisoning him silently like this seems not bad?

In particular, the operation of the purple hedgehog soft armor undoubtedly increased the attack range and methods of the whiteboard. There is really nothing to say about Wen Quan's skills.

I just don’t know if the purple hedgehog soft armor can wrap up the white board now that it is so huge.

The tyranny of the whiteboard poison was indeed beyond everyone's expectations, but the poisonous substance was still able to withstand the impact of the poisonous spirit.

Just when Bai Ban was about to take back the purple hedgehog's soft armor and continue eating, a green-tailed snake suddenly jumped up and bit Bai Ban's neck.

For the convenience of eating, the white board did not completely wrap that part, which became the only protective loophole in the purple hedgehog's soft armor.

Once bitten by a green-tailed snake, the green-tailed snake's venom is enough to flow to the heart and cause cardiac arrest within seconds, which is enough to cause fatal damage to the whiteboard.

As a qualified poison, patience is the most basic configuration. If not, it would not be able to seize such a good sneak attack opportunity.

Looking at the whiteboard that was getting closer and closer to him, the green-tailed snake opened its mouth wider. Its slender fangs shone with a penetrating light under the reflection of the sun, and then it shuddered.

But just when its fangs were about to penetrate Baiban's body, the green-tailed snake's body, which was ejecting as fast as a bullet, suddenly stopped. No matter how it twisted, it could not get even a little closer to Baiban.


Baiban held the green-tailed snake in one hand and brought it to his eyes, speechless.

Can't you just let me eat in peace? It's so noisy and troublesome.

However, this long worm seems to smell good, otherwise...

In the horrified eyes of the other poisonous creatures, Baiban held the green-tailed snake with both claws at the same time, and then pulled it hard to both sides. The silver-level green-tailed snake was actually torn into two pieces by Baiban.

Gigantization skills improve not only body size.

Not only that, after tearing off the green-tailed snake, Baiban swallowed the green-tailed snake in three mouthfuls as if eating spicy sticks.

With a body of bronze, he swallowed silver poison alive!

Although the movement of the white board was not big, the shock it brought to Jiang Chen was no less than that of Fa Cai's duel with the starry creatures.

Let alone drinking poisonous wine before, why are you still eating spicy strips now? No, you are eating poisonous snakes!

"Looking at it, getting rich is the most normal thing, huh? What about getting rich?"

Jiang Chen sighed, but found that Fa Cai had flown far away at some point and was lying on a piece of black gold ore, motionless.

"Are you tired of getting rich?"

Jiang Chen was a little worried when he saw this. He used the Claw of Ten Thousand Transformations to pull out so much black gold ore. Thinking about it, he knew that it would take a lot of money, but he must not overdraw.

Da da?

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Fa Cai immediately turned his head, his cheeks bulging as if they were stuffed with something.

But after Jiang Chen saw the appearance of getting rich, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"Fa Cai, when did you get into the habit of eating raw ore?"

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