Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 277 Wilderness Canteen

Fa Cai's performance of swallowing the golden evil spirits directly shocked many evil spirits on the field. Before they could react, they were confused by Bai Ban's behavior.


Looking at Fa Cai eating heartily, Bai Ban, who was originally eating poisonous plants crazily, suddenly felt a little greedy.

After eating so many poisonous plants, the giantization skill also began to take effect, but accordingly, the energy he had was not enough to support his current body.

Simply put, it was hungry.

Looking at the tender flesh and blood that fell to the ground after Fa Cai absorbed the shell, Bai Ban couldn't help but drool, and immediately picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chicken flavor, crunchy, delicious!

"Suddenly I feel that these two guys are more like going on the food road than us..."

Looking at Fa Cai and Bai Ban who were enjoying their food while being watched by a group of evil spirits, Lu Fei couldn't help laughing.

The food road is completely a dog meat under the guise of sheep, and their goal is not food.

As a result, these chefs were thinking of other things, and Jiang Chen, the gift, got to eat it instead.

"That's good, at least we can give an explanation to those above."

Lu Fei nodded slightly, glanced at the candy dragon above his head, and whispered: "Hurry up and deal with those star evil spirits, install the locator and extract the samples, and then quickly rush to the next place."

"That's our main goal this time."


After receiving Lu Fei's order, the chefs immediately took their pets to kill the star creatures hiding in various corners.

Because of the battle between Fa Cai and Bai Ban, the star creatures also exposed their positions one after another, and now they can only become the fish meat of these chefs.

The battle ended faster than Jiang Chen imagined. In just a moment, Feng Xie Weasel and several other star pets returned to them with several corpses and a large piece of cut ink gold ore.

"Is it over?"

Jiang Chen felt a little regretful, and Fa Cai and Bai Ban were even more reluctant to leave, as if they were planning to settle in this place.

This place has metals and poisons, and you can fight some evil spirits when you are hungry. This is much better than the Federation.

If I could stay here for ten days or half a month, maybe I could achieve superb performance in the Law of Heaven and Earth (Giantization)!

"There's nothing I can do about it. Didn't you see that the big guy up there is getting a little impatient?"

Lu Fei pointed to the top of his head and said, "Nominally, we came here just to find materials for making kitchenware. If we stay too long, there will be problems."

"If they leave first, we will be besieged here. We can't hold out for too long with just a few of us."

"Besides, if this continues, some of the big guys inside will not be able to stand it anymore."

"Big guys?"

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that it was a bit unreasonable to say that there were no Moonlight-level evil spirits in such a large mountain range.

After all, there can be thousands of Moonlight creatures in such a small area of ​​the Federation. The wilderness is larger and has more resources, so the number of Moonlight creatures must be more.

"Then shall we go back now?"

Jiang Chen was a little reluctant. He just came out and went back. He didn't know when he would come out again.

"Of course not. After all, this is a food road, so we have to find some food to take back."

Lu Fei shook his head and said, "It just so happens that there is a good place not far from us."

"Just so?"

Jiang Chen looked at Lu Fei suspiciously, and the more he looked, the more suspicious he felt.

"Senior Lu, you actually arranged it a long time ago, right?"

"It's not an advance arrangement. After all, the team was randomly arranged by Sweetheart Dragon this time, and no one knows where they will go."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "But the Federation has not been completely ignorant of the wilderness over the years. At least it is clear which places are worth going to."

"I understand."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the Federation really intended to use the power of Sweetheart Dragon to explore the wilderness.

It's a pity that only Sweetheart Dragon can fool people like this at present, otherwise the wilderness can develop into the Federation's back garden.

"Let's go. If we hurry up, we should be able to grab a lot."

Lu Fei looked at the sky and said, "If nothing goes wrong, we should spend the night in the wilderness. Remember to keep your pet spirit strong."

"Although we have these guys to protect us, we still have to rely on ourselves, and the night in the wilderness is quite dangerous."


Jiang Chen nodded slightly. He was clear about this. After all, he had spent many nights in the grassland in the past, and no one knew the dangers there better than him.

Seeing that the few people had finished their actions, the Candy Dragon commanded Biscuit Poker to collect the ore and the evil spirit corpses and continue to set off.

Perhaps because of the evil spirit corpses they carried, or perhaps because they went deeper into the wilderness, the number of evil spirits who came to watch along the way increased significantly.

Even, one or two moonlight creatures flew over their heads.

It's just that the identity of the Candy Dragon still played a deterrent role. After spying for a while, these evil spirits left one after another.

The deterrent power of the Sweetheart Kingdom is there. Unless they directly threaten themselves, these moonlight creatures will not commit suicide.

The two sides did not interfere with each other, and everything was in order. The only winner should be Jiang Chen.

"The gains from this trip are greater than those in the North. It turns out that there is a big difference between the border and the wilderness."

Jiang Chen snickered as he sorted through the photos. With the current number of photos, the wilderness would not be short of material for the next whole year.

In this way, his economic crisis can be alleviated.

He just doesn't know how high the level requirements for absorbing materials are in the four worlds of the Tree of Truth. I hope it's not too exaggerated. He is also thinking about contracting the fourth pet spirit in some time.

The three pet beasts have all been promoted to the epic bloodline, and the combat power levels of Facai and Hongzhong are also silver level.

Relying on the increase in the three pets, Jiang Chen's mental power has also increased a lot, enough to contract a fourth pet spirit.

But so far, there is no intention of a fourth facility appearing on the farm, and I don't know if it will affect his contract.

"In the past, facilities were created by absorbing white meat. Do I still have to spend time looking for these?"

Jiang Chen had a headache. The people who created these forces were obviously very problematic. Jiang Chen actually didn't want to have anything to do with them if he could.

But if the upgrade of the farm was related to them, then he would have to take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Speaking of which, I haven't found any information related to magic patterns in Gusu City for so long. Could it be that the magic tools really have nothing to do with this place?"

Jiang Chen became more and more confused. He was not questioning the fact that there were no powerful Noble Phantasm masters in other parts of the federation, but that the bloodline corrosive ability of the Fire Lin Beast was too similar to the corrosive ability of the magic tool.

Jiang Chen would never believe it if there was no connection between the two.

But if the maker of the magic tool is in Gusu City, with the abilities of Qixing and Lin, they should not be able to discover it at all.


Jiang Chen frowned and suppressed these things for the time being.

Before you know it, the sun has set and a thin curtain has covered the wilderness.

It's almost nightfall.


The roars of beasts resounded through the wilderness, and nocturnal creatures began to take over this vast world.

Some of them were eyeing Jiang Chen and his party.

Since nightfall, the Candy Dragon has disappeared to nowhere, leaving only Cookie Poker standing there blankly.

Also a life created by the Sweetheart Dragon, Biscuit Poker is much inferior to the Candy Dragon in terms of strength and intelligence.

The only advantage is its abundant energy.

And these nights in the wilderness are undoubtedly walking targets.

After all, some less intelligent nocturnal creatures cannot identify the signboard of Sweetheart Kingdom.

"Finish it quickly and don't attract the big guys."

Lu Fei gave a timely warning, and his companions also prepared for battle.

In fact, with their star-level strength, they can drive away most evil spirits as long as they exert pressure.

But correspondingly, this can also attract stronger enemies.

Therefore, the most correct choice is to eliminate some enemies with lightning speed and shock the surroundings.

But before they could take action, they saw Jiang Chen holding a spray and spraying it around them.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?"

Lu Fei was a little confused, especially after seeing Biscuit Poker who was obviously uneasy around him.

"This is the exorcism spray 2.0 developed by Wen Quan. Why don't you, senior Lu, have it?"

Jiang Chen asked curiously, Lu Feineng was sent by Manager Luo to carry out these tasks, his status was obviously not low, and Wen Quan was the proud son of Venus, so Lu Fei couldn't be unaware of his research.

"Developed by Wen Quan? That's right."

Lu Fei shrugged helplessly and said, "Let me just say, how could there be something new that Daystar has never seen before?"

"Senior Lu, what do you mean by this?"

Jiang Chen asked a little puzzled.

"You and Wen Quan are so close, you should know his talent."

Lu Fei paused and said, "We as a whole in Qixing know this, but we have never seen Wen Quan's invention."

"I heard from friends in the scientific research department that all of Wen Quan's research, no matter how big or small, is classified as the highest level of confidentiality in Daystar Company. Most people are not qualified to know about it, let alone use the products he researched."

"Wen Quan's status is so special?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he heard this. He could see that Manager Luo doted on Wen Quan, but he didn't expect it to reach this point.

Speaking of which, does this count as exposing the secrets of Daystar Company?

"It's indeed special, but you don't have to worry so much. Since no one is here to stop you, nothing will happen."

Lu Fei curiously glanced at the exorcism spray in Jiang Chen's hand and said, "But this kind of thing to dispel evil spirits is of no use here."

"Why? Is it because the level of evil spirits in this area is relatively high?"

"No, it's just that this place is close to the Wilderness Canteen, and all the evil spirits that go there will find ways to eliminate the competitors in advance."

"Wilderness Canteen?"

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