Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 298 The power of the root, the evolution of Fire Lin!


Looking at the elemental spirits waving the original sword and flashing around him, the Fire Lin Beast became more and more violent, and black smoke gradually emerged from the flames.

The moon curtain was destroyed, but the power of the Fire Lin Beast did not weaken. On the contrary, due to the high concentration of energy, the momentum became stronger.

The elemental young spirit obviously also noticed the change in the fire lin beast's aura, and a flicker opened the distance between it and the fire lin beast.

And the moment the elemental young spirit left, two red rays fell on the original position of the elemental young spirit.

Compared with the majestic atmosphere of magma, these two rays are obviously a little more angry, but their speed and penetrating power are obviously more than twice as strong.

"You are obviously demonized, but do you still maintain your sanity?"

Lin Yao frowned slightly. The demonized Fire Lin Beast was much different than he imagined. Not only did it not lose its mind like other demonized creatures, but it also seemed unusually... sinister?

Looking at the Fire Lin Beast with its eyes shining with an evil light, Lin Yao thought for a moment and immediately conveyed new instructions to the elemental elves.


After receiving Lin Yao's instructions, the elemental young spirit once again opened the distance between it and the fire lin beast, holding the original sword flat in front of its chest.

Subsequently, the energy from the elemental spirit's whole body was stirred up and poured into the original sword without reservation, and the pictures and texts on the original sword were gradually lit up.

As a being that possesses the four basic elements at the same time, the energy reserve of the elemental young spirit is naturally extremely vast.

However, the process of injecting such majestic energy into the original sword gives people a feeling that it is a drop in the bucket, and the speed at which the pictures and texts are lit up is very slow.

But even so, the aura of the original sword is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Fire Lin Beast also noticed the thoughts of the elemental elves, and its eyes kept rays, constantly interfering with the movements of the elemental elves, and at the same time, it continued to absorb the flames under its feet and feed it back to itself.

It's just that the young elemental spirits were protected by the natural chasm and had no intention of evading, so they just withstood the attack of the Fire Lin Beast.

Finally, when one-third of the runes of the original sword were lit up, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from the body of the elemental young spirit, and then disappeared completely.

Roar! ! !

Seeing this scene, the Fire Lin Beast immediately realized something was wrong, and once again opened the moon curtain to surround it for defense. At the same time, it moved quickly, trying to avoid the attack of the elemental larvae.

But before the Fire Lin Beast ran very far, it noticed something unusual.

I don't know when, the world was spinning in front of its eyes, and its consciousness began to weaken.


The elemental young spirit stood in front of the headless corpse of the Fire Lin Beast, looked at the Fire Lin Beast's head that rolled to the ground, and slowly flew back to Lin Yao.

"Thank you for your hard work. Let's remove the original sword and the natural chasm first."

Lin Yao nodded slightly when he saw this, and the elemental young spirit immediately let go of the original sword and the Heavenly Chasm Bracelet.

In an instant, the body of the elemental young spirit shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its spirit became much weaker.

Controlling two solar-level Noble Phantasms at the same time, even if the elemental young spirit is already at the peak of moonlight and has the bonus of its own race, it is still very tiring at this time.

Especially the original sword. Even if an ordinary creature uses it, even if it lifts the original sword, it may exhaust all the energy in the body.

"You take a rest first, and then wait for it to come."

Lin Yao put away his original sword and Tianqi, his eyes fixed on the headless body of the Fire Lin Beast.

Because the head was chopped off, streams of blood like lava continuously sprayed out from the Fire Lin Beast's body and fell on the devastated land.

And this land seemed to accept all comers, Huo Lin's blood was completely absorbed by it as soon as it hit the ground.

Afterwards, this land actually glowed with a new vitality, becoming even more vigorous and powerful than before.

Soon, this area was filled with vitality again, and you could vaguely feel a force gathering from everywhere, converging towards the core.

"Sure enough, the blood of the Fire Lin Beast can draw the source power from the Fire Lin Cave."

Lin Yao had a rare expression of excitement on his face, and the elemental elves beside him were also full of desire, as if they wanted to take advantage of this power.

"Don't be anxious, wait until the power of the roots is integrated."

Lin Yao suppressed the desire in his heart and quietly waited for the changes in the Forest of Elements.

As long as this root power is recovered, the Forest of Elements can complete the unfinished changes and become the thirteenth forbidden place!

And Lin, who has taken control of the Forest of Elements, will once again reach the pinnacle of the Federation!

Lin Yao became more and more excited as he thought about it, but he didn't notice that as the blood continued to drain, some black smoke began to gradually emerge from the Fire Lin Beast's body.


The elemental young spirit was the first to notice the abnormality and launched an attack on the Fire Lin Beast's body without hesitation.

I saw energy of various attributes falling on the Fire Lin Beast's body, but it couldn't even break through the opponent's skin. On the contrary, the black smoke on the Fire Lin Beast's body became thicker and thicker.

Previously, controlling two solar treasures at the same time consumed too much energy from the elemental spirits, and the concentrated attack strength was significantly weaker.

Moreover, the current situation of the Fire Lin Beast is also very problematic.

Ever since black smoke began to appear on its body, the aura of the Fire Lin Beast had undergone a huge change.

If the previous Fire Lin Beast was hot and violent, then now it is cold and weird.

It can be said that the current Fire Lin Beast is completely two extremes from before.

Not only that, a column of smoke floated out from the broken neck of the Fire Lin Beast, drifting to the side of the fallen head. With a hook and a pull, the head was reattached.

The muscles at the broken neck of the Fire Lin Beast were seen squirming, splitting into dozens of disgusting tentacles that were connected to each other, and soon returned to their original shape.

However, the aura of the restored Fire Lin Beast still did not return to its original state. Instead, it became even colder and evil, with even its eyes and even its scales turning black.

The current Fire Linmon might be more appropriately called the Demonic Linmon.

However, this alone did not surprise Lin Yao and the elemental elves. After all, the demonization of the fire lin beast was within their expectations.

What surprised them was that the Demonic Lin Beast actually began to absorb the power of the roots of the earth, pushing itself towards a higher realm.

And above the moonlight, there is naturally only the solar level.

"No wonder he abandoned the Huolin Cave and came here. Does this guy have the same idea as us?"

Lin Yao's expression was gloomy. He hesitated for a moment before handing over the original sword and the sky chasm to the hands of the young elemental spirits again.

Although using the original sword for such a long time will cause irreparable damage to the elemental elves, the Forest of Elements is more important and also involves the evolution of the elemental elves.

Elemental elves are closely related to the elemental forest. As long as the elemental forest can transform into a forbidden place, the elemental elves can also be promoted to solar creatures.

But now that the Fire Lin Beast is interfering, his plans are likely to be shattered.

By that time, not only will Lin not be able to achieve what he wants, but he may also incur an unbearable price.

Upon thinking of this, Lin Yao no longer hesitated, and the elemental elves entered fighting mode again and killed them.

It's just that the state of the Molin Beast at this time is no longer what it used to be. Facing the slash of the original sword, the Molin Beast did not dodge or evade, allowing it to be cut.

But at this time, because the Demonic Beast's blood had run out and all the fire elements in its body had dissipated, the original sword could not play its due role.

Even the wounds cut by the Demonic Lin Beast quickly healed under the repair of the black smoke.

However, the Demonic Lin Beast did not seem to be interested in entangled with the elemental larvae. Seeing the elemental larvae wandering around, it suddenly flew up with a kick, and even kicked out the defense layer of the sky chasm.

At the same time, as if being pulled by the movements of the Demonic Lin Beast, the source power that was originally just spinning on the ground suddenly spurted out and converged towards the Demonic Linbeast under the tug of black smoke.

Then, a chaotic light covered the entire sky, and the shadow of a huge eyeball could be vaguely seen.

This is the unique evolutionary light of moonlight creatures when they are promoted to sunlight.

This kind of evolution is not just an evolution of bloodline or combat power level, but a complete transformation from the inside out, from bloodline to soul.

Once the transformation is completed, the demon beast will transform into a completely different creature.

On the other side, the Molin Beast seemed to feel its own changes and let out an excited roar.

But I don’t know why, as the light of evolution continues, the look in the eyes of the Molin Beast gradually disappears.

Not only that, strange runes gradually began to appear on the scales of the Demonic Lin Beast.

If Jiang Chen and Wen Quan were here, they would find that these runes are the unique magic patterns of magic tools!

boom! ! !

Just when the light of evolution was about to be completed, a black smoke column suddenly rose from the ground into the sky and merged into the light of evolution, followed closely by the second and third...

The runes on the Demon Lin Beast's body also began to emit light, leading the Demon Lin Beast to evolve in another direction.

"Demon energy... In the end, it's still a one-shot move..."

Looking at the light of evolution that had taken shape in the sky, Lin Yao closed his eyes in despair.

Once evolution begins, it cannot be interrupted. This is an iron rule that all extraordinary creatures need to abide by. There is nothing he can do about it.

And after the Magic Lin Beast completes its evolution, what awaits Lin will be a disaster.

Creatures that evolved from the source of a forbidden land cannot be measured by ordinary solar creatures.

In fact, even the five major natural disasters that have caused headaches for the Federation for hundreds of years may not necessarily be the opponent of the Demonic Lin Beast.

What's more, behind the Magic Lin Beast, there is a mysterious organization that has existed for hundreds of years, but no one has been able to find a trace.

But at this moment, a smoke column suddenly broke, and then affected the surrounding smoke columns like dominoes.

The Demonic Lin Beast, which had already begun to transform, was also disturbed. It seemed as if some creature was squirming in its body, twisting strangely.

Even the light of evolution above the head began to become unstable due to the breakage of the smoke column.

"good chance!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Yao, who was already despairing, once again felt a glimmer of hope in his heart, took out a stone slab and threw it into the air.

"Elemental Gate, open!"

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