Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 38: Ghosts in the Orphanage

Piaoxue Orphanage.

Dean Leng, who had been busy all day, was about to close the door when he saw Jiang Chen hurriedly running from a distance.

"Xiaochen, why are you coming here at this time? Aren't you going to hang out with your classmates on the weekend?"

Dean Leng looked at Jiang Chen with a smile and asked.

"I just came back from outside the city. I passed by here and just came back to take a look."

Seeing that Dean Leng was safe and sound, Jiang Chen's heart suddenly relaxed.

"I see."

Glancing at Jiang Chen, who was still breathing rapidly despite trying his best to calm down, Dean Leng's eyes flashed with a soft light.

Yunyin University and Piaoxue Orphanage were to the east and west, and Jiang Chen had obviously come here specially.

"Ever since you reminded me about the rats last time, Xiaochen, I haven't let the little ones run around. Several nearby households are also prepared to prevent rats. They will be fine."

Dean Leng gently patted away the dust on Jiang Chen's clothes and said, "I'm here, you can just study in peace."


Jiang Chen nodded slightly, but there was still some worry in his eyes.

It's just an ordinary mouse. Just be careful and you'll be fine.

But if it was the kind of deformed rat he encountered in the wild, the orphanage would be in danger.

"Brother Jiang Chen!"

At this moment, a boy stuck his head out of the window and shouted to Jiang Chen, then quickly ran downstairs and rushed to Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang Chen, why don't you visit us recently? We are almost bored to death."

The boy looked aggrieved and said.

"I'm sorry, brother Jiang Chen is a little busy recently. I will come to play with you more often, okay?"

Jiang Chen knelt down and rubbed the boy's hair. Fa Cai also got out of Jiang Chen's clothes and ran along Jiang Chen's arms to the boy's head.

"You're here too to make a fortune!"

Seeing Fa Cai appear, the boy immediately forgot about Jiang Chen and ran towards the orphanage with Fa Cai. Other little guys who heard the noise also gathered around and played with Fa Cai.

"Dean, can I stay here for one night today?"

Seeing the happy faces of the little guys, Jiang Chen suddenly spoke.


Dean Leng said: "I have reserved your and Xiaoyu's rooms for you. You can come back and stay at any time."

"Then I'll trouble the dean."

That night.

Jiang Chen helped Dean Leng put the little ones to sleep before returning to his room.

However, he did not fall asleep. After turning off the lights, he leaned against the window and carefully observed the situation outside.

During the meal break, Jiang Chen also learned about the current situation of the orphanage from the little ones.

And the dean would never tell him these things.

Like other places, rats appeared here, but because of Jiang Chen’s timely reminder, no injuries occurred.

This is definitely good news, but it's also bad news.

The activity area of ​​​​the rats has spread to the orphanage.

Although nothing happened, no one could say which day the deformed rat would come in.

The worst result is the emergence of evil spirits like giant rats or silver rats!

For this reason, he checked everything inside and outside the orphanage after dinner. Although he didn't find anything strange, he was still a little worried.

"The ghosts at night... I hope these little guys saw it wrong."

Ta da~

Fa Cai opened his sleepy eyes, stood up from Jiang Chen's shoulders, looked at his emissary who had not slept a wink all night, and rubbed his face affectionately.

"Get rich, are you awake?"

Feeling Fa Cai's movements, Jiang Chen withdrew his gaze and rubbed Fa Cai's head.

Da da.

Fa Cai nodded, pointed at Jiang Chen, then put his paws on his face, making a sleeping posture.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

As a wildlife photographer, staying up late is definitely a daily occurrence, but just not sleeping for two nights won’t make any difference.

But not being able to find the "ghost" that the little guys talked about made Jiang Chen feel a little heavy.

There are indeed "ghosts" in this world, but they are collectively classified as dark creatures.

If the ghost is a dark creature, the threat is even greater than the aberrant rat!

"It's been three days. I don't know if there are any results from Xiao Yan and Wen Quan."

Glancing at the rising sun outside the window, Jiang Chen moved his body and was about to leave, when he suddenly saw the fallen leaves in the corner of the yard move suddenly.

"Get rich!"

Jiang Chen suddenly pushed open the window, and a golden light suddenly flew out and came to the corner in an instant.

The golden light flashes and the fallen leaves fly.

The sudden attack of Fortune directly shook away the fallen leaves in the corner, and at the same time exposed a gray figure.


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and immediately rushed to the corner, squatting down to take a closer look.

What appeared in the corner was indeed a mouse. Although there were no symptoms of deformation, the size was obviously beyond the scope of a normal mouse.

But this mouse is already dead.

And the way he died was very strange.

"This kind of it a burn?"

Looking at the rat's scalded fur and red body, Jiang Chen was a little surprised and touched the ground around the rat's body.

The soil was moist and emitting high temperatures. This mouse should have been scalded to death by boiling water.

But this place is far away from the kitchen and bathroom, and there are no hot water pipes nearby. Where can we get boiling water?

Abnormal rats appear out of nowhere;

The ghosts wandering around the orphanage at night;

And this scalded rat.

"Why do I feel like things are getting more and more complicated?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his brows with a headache, took out his camera and took a few photos. Then he followed the water traces and soon came to a crooked-necked tree.

This crooked-necked tree had been there since Jiang Chen was a child. It was originally straight, but was broken by a strong wind. Although it later regained its vitality, it also grew crooked.

And on this crooked-necked tree, Jiang Chen also found traces of water, leading all the way to the outside of the wall.

"Could it be that the unknown entity that scalded the mouse to death came in from the outside through this tree?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly and walked around outside the courtyard wall.

This is an abandoned path, and there are often some wild cats and dogs living here.

However, when Jiang Chen came over, he could not see the existence of these creatures.

Even the sound of insects is rare.

"There is indeed a problem."

Jiang Chen glanced at the crooked-neck tree that had extended beyond the courtyard wall, and patted Fa Cai. Fa Cai immediately understood and turned the golden light into a blade, directly cutting off the extended part.

"Xiaochen, what's wrong?"

The sound of the tree trunk falling alarmed Dean Leng, who stuck his head out of the second-floor window to ask.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I saw that this tree had grown outside. I was afraid of damaging the courtyard wall, so I took care of it."

Jiang Chen explained to Dean Leng apologetically, and the dean was not suspicious and started a new day of work.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, took advantage of the others not waking up, packed up the rat corpse, and left quietly.

More updates, more updates!

Read on, read on!

Dear insect-catching teenagers, keep reading~ It depends on you whether the insects can advance to the next round~

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