Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 40 The true face of the ghost

After devouring white meat and the flesh and blood of its kind, the aura of the aberrant rat gradually strengthened, quickly reaching the black iron level.

With such a fast method of passing on power, Jiang Chen could hardly imagine what these white meats would look like when they were gathered together.


As if sensing the scent of other creatures, the aberrant rat sniffed the air and ran towards the orphanage.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen immediately asked Fa Cai to intercept it, but the deformed rat suddenly stood up and hung in the air at a very strange angle.

From a distance, it looks like an invisible hand is strangling the neck of the deformed rat.

"Is the ghost coming?"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. His main purpose this time was to find out the true identity of this ghost. After all, compared to the known deformed rat, this unknown "ghost" was more threatening.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen patted Fa Cai to signal him to get ready. At the same time, he looked intently and finally saw a little clearly with the help of the moonlight.

That was a ray of blue water!

"The current...drowning...that makes sense."

Jiang Chen suddenly understood, and at the same time he became more and more curious about the creatures that controlled the water flow.

Someone who can control water and still likes to stay on land could he be a water elemental species?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen habitually reached for his backpack to take out his camera.

I have never seen this species before, so I had to take a picture of it.

At this moment, the water flow seemed to find that it could not kill the aberrant rat, and it actually rolled up and completely enveloped the aberrant rat.

Without oxygen, the aberrant rat struggled desperately, but its entire body was wrapped in water and could not absorb oxygen at all.

Soon, the deformed rat stopped moving, its twisted and deformed body suspended feebly in the water ball.

"So that's how he drowned."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and looked around carefully, but could not see the master controlling the water flow.


The deformed rat that was supposed to be dead suddenly struggled violently, and its already twisted body became even weirder, with tentacles of flesh and blood emerging from it.

This aberrant rat is not completely dead yet!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen didn't care about hiding it and directly threw Facai out.

Da da!

Looking at the deformed rat whose body was gradually changing, Fa Cai's eyes were filled with disgust. Golden light and thorn armor wrapped around his body, and a single horn formed on the top of his head, aiming at the deformed rat.

But at this moment, several bubbles suddenly appeared in the water ball, and then it quickly began to boil, and the deformed rat that was struggling wildly gradually calmed down until it died.

The good water polo suddenly turned into boiling water. Both Jiang Chen and Fa Cai were a little surprised. Fa Cai could no longer brake and could only crash into the water polo.

Da da!

The golden light flashed, and Fa Cai directly penetrated the water polo and fell to the ground, followed by a burst of jumping.

Whoever uses boiling water in a fight almost scalds a rat to death!

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. Although it failed to cause any harm to Fa Cai, it could transmit the temperature to Fa Cai through the golden light. Boiling water is not that exaggerated, right?

And it only takes a few seconds to go from normal temperature to boiling. Could this be a creature with dual attributes of water and fire?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately started looking around, only to see that the ball of water that had been smashed by Fa Cai had condensed again.

Da da!

Upon seeing this, Fa Cai once again condensed a layer of thorn armor, which was a bit thicker than before!

A lesson learned, and Shushu didn't want to be burned a second time.

However, the water polo didn't seem to have the intention of attacking to make a fortune. After condensing into a water polo, it twisted and deformed again, and the originally transparent body gradually gained some color.

When all these changes were over, the water polo turned into a living creature!

It has blue-white hair, two tufts of pointed hair on its ears, its body is slender and powerful, its muscles are smooth and natural, and its tail hair is fluffy and long, contrasting with its thick beard.

Is this a Maine Coon cat? No, it's the Water Moon Cat?

Jiang Chen was a little stunned, and he also looked confused when he got rich.

The imperial envoy has always said that cats are made of water, and it turns out to be true!

As if aware of Jiang Chen's gaze, Shuiyue Cat suddenly looked back at Jiang Chen, its dark red eyes full of violence.


The Water Moon Cat screamed, and then rushed towards Jiang Chen, as if it regarded Jiang Chen as an enemy.

Da da!

When Fa Cai saw this, he was immediately furious. He transformed into golden light and ran to Jiang Chen first. With a boost from Jiang Chen, he jumped back and flew towards the Water Moon Cat.


The golden blade directly penetrated Shuiyue Cat's body, but Shuiyue Cat was not harmed at all. It turned into water again and was exempted from the attack.

Not only that, Shuiyue Cat, who was cut in half, actually fought on two fronts, with half flying towards Fortune and the other half continuing to fly towards Jiang Chen.

"Does this guy have a grudge against me?"

Jiang Chen's face turned bitter, and he rolled like a lazy donkey to avoid the attack of the water flow, but the water flow was obviously more flexible than Jiang Chen's, and it turned straight in the air and rolled towards Jiang Chen again.

At this time, a bright light flashed, illuminating the entire path, and the water flow that was about to entangle Jiang Chen suddenly let out a scream, and actually let go of Jiang Chen and merged back again.

"Is this guy also afraid of strong light?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. He knew that cats hated dazzling light, but he didn't expect that the water moon cat would be afraid of this after turning into water.

Could it be that vision is enhanced after turning into water?

After forcing Shuiyue Mao back, Fa Cai immediately pursued the victory and beat Shuiyue Mao to pieces again.

But after the initial experience, Fa Cai no longer allowed the Shui Yue Cat to spread out. Whenever the Shui Yue Cat tried to get around him, Fa Cai would cast a flash of light to stop it.

Shuiyue Mao obviously felt the difficulty of getting rich, so he immediately gave up on Jiang Chen and turned to attack getting rich.

It's just that Fa Cai's body is wrapped in thick thorn armor. Every time the Water Moon Cat launches an attack, it will be attacked by the spikes on it, and then its body collapses into water again.

In the initial confrontation between the cat and the mouse, Fa Cai had the absolute advantage.

But soon, Jiang Chen discovered the clues.

As the battle continued, Fa Cai's attack speed obviously began to decrease, and his body wrapped in golden light gradually turned red.

Da da!

Finally, Fa Cai couldn't bear it anymore, so he took the initiative to distance himself from Shuiyue Cat, took off the upper armor of his paws, and blew hard.

This stinky cat is going to burn the rat to death!

"Obviously the level is not high, but this Water Moon Cat is extremely difficult to fight..."

Looking at the Shuiyue Cat, whose whole body was hydrated and already boiling, Jiang Chen's expression became more solemn.

Although the golden light can defend against the attack of the water moon cat, it is also unable to cause substantial damage to the water moon cat.

Facing this kind of opponent that can be elementalized, it will be really difficult to deal with it unless Fa Cai overloads it like he did against the evil fire spirit before and defeats him in one fell swoop.

"Why hasn't Master Yan come yet..."

Jiang Chen looked around, but couldn't see Xiao Yan at all.

Meow! ! !

At this moment, the Shuiyue Cat suddenly let out a shrill howl and swallowed the previously killed abnormal rat in one gulp.

Under the steaming of boiling water, the aberrant rat melted quickly, and the white meat also dissolved at a speed visible to the naked eye and disappeared into the body of the water moon cat.

Then, the water-moon cat's eyebrows suddenly split open, and a scarlet eyeball came out.

That look was exactly the same as what Jiang Chen had seen in the mouth of the deformed rat before!

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