Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 46 The second beloved spirit, contract!

Dahuang warehouse.

Jiang Chen ruthlessly locked Xiao Yan out of the door, and then carried Shuiyue Mao into the photography area.

Meow meow~

Shui Yue Mao was very curious about everything in front of him, scratching here and there, looking like an ignorant child, completely gone from the lustful cat look he had when he was with Xiao Yan.

"It seems that the colorful light has not only restored its body, but also reinstalled its system. If I had known this, Xiao Yan shouldn't have been allowed to come into contact with it."

Jiang Chen rubbed Shuiyue Cat's head, feeling a little worried.

Newborn children will learn the behavior of the people around them. Only once, they should be able to correct themselves... right?

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, and at the same time he became more and more curious about the farm in his spiritual space.

It can absorb white meat and restore pets to factory settings. Is this really just a farm?

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Chen disappeared into the photography area.

Meow meow?

Seeing Jiang Chen disappear, Shuiyue Mao was a little confused and searched around, but could not find any trace of Jiang Chen.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already arrived in front of the new glass house on the farm.

[Name]: Warm greenhouse

[Level]: Level I

[Effect]: Basic attribute increase (???);? ? ? Elemental Affinity(???)

"It's actually a greenhouse?"

Looking at the empty glass room inside, Jiang Chen became more and more curious and pushed the door open.

Ah sneeze!

A gust of cold wind came towards him, and Jiang Chen suddenly felt cold all over, with frost hanging directly from his eyelashes and even his hair.

Jiang Chen quickly closed the greenhouse door, but the chill on his body still did not dissipate.

A warm greenhouse?

As expected, things on the farm cannot be judged with normal thinking!

Jiang Chen rubbed his hands desperately to keep warm. After looking at the strengthening effect of the greenhouse that showed a question mark, he made up his mind and returned to the warehouse again.

Because I haven’t contracted a new pet spirit yet, are there no corresponding attributes generated?

Meow meow!

Seeing Jiang Chen appear, Shuiyue Cat immediately pounced on him and rubbed Jiang Chen's body affectionately.

The first thing it saw was not Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen also had an aura about him that made it attached to him.

"What's this, you think of getting rich as your father and me as your grandfather?"

Jiang Chen raised the Shuiyue Cat in front of him and looked at him seriously.

"I plan to make a contract with you now, are you willing?"

Meow meow?

Shuiyue Cat tilted its head, not understanding what Jiang Chen meant, but just licked Jiang Chen's fingers affectionately.

"Forget it, let's make the contract first and then talk about it. Anyway, the mental power is enough."

The emergence of the greenhouse not only added a new facility to the farm, it also greatly enhanced Jiang Chen's mental power.

At least the second beloved spirit in the contract is more than enough.

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Chen concentrated all his mental energy on the center of his eyebrows. In an instant, the light between his eyebrows flickered, and a strange colorless talisman array was quickly outlined.

Then Jiang Chen suddenly opened his eyes, pushed the talisman array lightly, and the talisman array flew towards Shuiyue Cat.

The moment the colorless talisman array touched the Water Moon Cat, a blue energy surged out from the water moon cat and submerged into the colorless talisman array.

Soon, the entire talisman array was dyed blue, and then disintegrated into countless light points and merged into Shuiyue Cat's body. Under the tug of these blue light points, Shuiyue Cat turned into a blue stream of light and penetrated Jiang Chen. between the eyebrows.

The contract is reached!

Feeling the bond born between himself and Shuiyue Cat, Jiang Chen pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and Shuiyue Cat was summoned.

"Since you are already my beloved spirit, give me a name too."

"Now that you have made a fortune, then your name is..."


On the sea of ​​​​breezes and flowers, Shuiyue Cat ignored the gap between levels and rushed towards a blood-tailed rabbit without hesitation.


Faced with such a blatant provocation, the Blood-tailed Rabbit directly entered a state of madness, and launched a mad attack towards Hongzhong.


Hongzhong's body exploded, but then turned into a stream of water, tightly wrapping around the blood-tailed rabbit's limbs.

The blood-tailed rabbit struggled desperately, but as a fighting creature, what he was most afraid of was this kind of elemental creature. As soon as he broke free, the water flow entangled him again.

However, this entanglement did not last long. Just when the blood-tailed rabbit was struggling desperately, a golden arc flew from a distance and directly killed the blood-tailed rabbit.

Da da!

Facai kicked the blood-tailed rabbit's head away, then skillfully cut open the body of the blood-tailed rabbit from the middle, and successfully found a life core.

"Luckily, I found a life core."

Jiang Chen took the life core from Fa Cai's hand, nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Fa Cai and Hongzhong who were squatting obediently in front of him, and said: "Your cooperation is also quite good, keep up the hard work."

Da da!

Meow meow!

The two pet spirits nodded obediently, and Jiang Chen directed his mental power at Hong Zhong to check the opponent's condition.

[Race Name]: Water Moon Cat (Red Medium)

[Attribute]: Water

[Bloodline Level]: Rare

[Combat Power Level]: Black Iron 6 stars

[Racial skill]: Hydration (entering the room)

[General skill]: Entanglement (entering the room)

As Wen Quan said, although Water Moon Cat is only a rare bloodline, it has great potential and has strong cultivation value.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the water-moon cat's racial skill has become hydrated.

[Racial Skill]: Hydration

[Skill attribute]: Water

[Skill effect]: Can transform the body into water form on its own, immune to most physical damage, and will be triggered after being damaged.

Under normal circumstances, this racial skill of transforming the body into an element requires at least epic blood to master, but Shuiyue Cat has mastered it when it has rare blood.

Such a BUG ability makes it rank among the top creatures with rare blood, but this creature generally lives near the west coast and is rarely seen in the north.

"With water transformation, Hongzhong can be immune to most physical skills, plus the entanglement skill, it is definitely a powerful controller."

Jiang Chen rubbed Hongzhong's head. Although he was also very concerned about Hongzhong's appearance here and the boiling ability he showed that night, since Hongzhong has been restarted, everything doesn't matter.

And he is quite satisfied with Hongzhong's current skills.

Hongzhong's control is combined with Fa Cai's strong attack, this configuration is enough for him to deal with most battle situations.

What's more, he still has a farm.

The strengthening effect of the greenhouse has not yet appeared.

"Master Yan, help me clean up the corpse of the blood-tailed rabbit." Jiang Chen retracted his mental power and waved to Xiao Yan, who was bored. "Here I come..." Xiao Yan yawned, took out the Qian Jiao reluctantly, and took the corpse of the blood-tailed rabbit in. "President, do you have a grudge against the blood-tailed rabbit? You come here to harvest every few days. The rabbit is so cute. It's a pity that you can do it." "Why can't you do it? If it dares to eat grass today, it will dare to eat people tomorrow!"

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