Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 506: First Visit to the Ye Family

"See the stars clearly..."

Jiang Chen whispered softly, indeed, living in a comfortable environment, you will never be able to see the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Isn't this why he chose to become a wildlife photographer in his previous life?

"But it is indeed very dangerous to live here, so the people stationed here are all the descendants of the Ye family, and most of the others still live in the Federation."

Ye Cang pointed at Bai Xiaoyu and said: "Except for a few geniuses who stand out in the bud class, the Ye family rarely lets people with foreign surnames come here."

Speaking of this, Ye Cang's expression suddenly turned ugly and he snorted coldly.

"But I may not be able to do it anymore!"

Originally, Mrs. Ye wanted to train Bai Xiaoyu, but this guy came up and took away Ye Ling's soul, and even took Ye Ling into the wilderness.

Ye Ling's strength is not strong in the Ye family, but her importance is stronger than the four of them combined.

If something happened outside, Ye would simply not be able to bear the price.

"What's wrong, Master?"

Monk Bai Xiaoyu Zhang Er was confused, but he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ye Cang and concentrated on understanding his fusion talent.

"I see."

Jiang Chen felt enlightened. Looking at the fortifications getting closer and closer at the foot of the mountain, he had a deeper understanding of the Ye family.

No matter how proud Ye is, at least he has done a good job in protecting human beings.

I just don’t know if the other three major families are the same.

The motorcade slowly stopped, and Ye Cang couldn't wait to get out of the car. After communicating with a middle-aged man who had been waiting at the door early, he ran to Ye Ling and Bai Xiaoyu.

"Xiao Ling'er, Bai Xiaoyu, come with me first."


I don’t know if it was because she was going home, but Ye Ling behaved very well and followed Ye Cang honestly.

As for Bai Xiaoyu, he seemed to know some inside information. He gave Jiang Chen a gesture to talk later and chased after him.

"It seems there's really an emergency."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and had no intention of asking further questions.

When it comes to the secrets of the big family, he shouldn't care too much. It's not good for him to know too much.

"I'll take you to the guest room to rest for a while. Ye Cang and the others will come find you after they finish handling the matter."

Ye Xuan walked up to Jiang Chen and said.

"As for that deal, because it involves a forbidden area, the family also needs some time to discuss it."

"But don't worry, since Ye Xuan agreed, Ye will definitely do it."

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, the Forbidden Land was of great importance, and it was indeed not the kind of thing that could be traded casually.

Moreover, he was really not in a hurry.

He already has the coordinates of [Shenhou], so even if he doesn't replace it, it won't be a loss.

Just think of it as adding some weight to Bai Xiaoyu's side.

Seeing Jiang Chen acting so indifferently, Ye Xuan and others looked at each other and became more cautious.

Being able to remain so calm in the face of the Forbidden Land and the Forbidden Noble Phantasm, no wonder he was accepted as a disciple by Cao Xiong.

However, those words he just said were not to deceive Jiang Chen. Even if other factors were not taken into consideration, simply being Cao Xiong's only disciple was enough for them to abide by the deal.

Others may not be able to sense it, but their beloved spirits can sense it very clearly.

Cao Xiong's Yanyan Spirit Ape may touch the origin of the law at any time and be promoted to the Sun Level!

Considering Cao Xiong's terrifying combat power, even if he has just been promoted, he is probably among the best among many sun-dwelling creatures.

It is undoubtedly a very stupid act to offend a future S-class envoy for a precious phantom that has not been able to find clues for many years.

"Hello, are you Jiang Chen?"

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Third uncle."

Ye Xuan and the three of them saluted the middle-aged man together, their faces full of respect.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Ye Duo. I am responsible for the training of all the envoys of the Ye family."

"Hello, Senior Ye."

Jiang Chen bowed slightly. The person who could be responsible for the training of the Ye family's envoys was definitely a strong person, especially when he was training disciples of the Ye family!

"I have seen the battle videos of the evaluation competition. You are indeed very good. Thanks to you for making these little guys of the Ye family realize their shortcomings."

Ye Duo smiled slightly and said: "These little guys have become a little proud over the years. This defeat is very helpful to them. As their teacher, I would like to express my sincere gratitude."

"Senior, you're welcome. It's just a game."

Hearing Ye Duo's words, Jiang Chen immediately smelled a strange meaning and did not accept Ye Duo's words.

To praise yourself so highly in front of so many Ye family disciples is to cause trouble.

Sure enough, Ye Duo's next sentence revealed his true thoughts.

"Many young people in the Ye family are very interested in you and admire Jiang Chen for your strength, so I would like to invite Jiang Chen to an exhibition match. What do you think?"

Exhibition match?

I'm afraid this is not to help the young disciples of the Ye family regain their confidence.

Maybe he noticed the strange look on Jiang Chen's expression, so Ye Duo stopped asking and said, "I won't disturb your rest for now. I'll wait for your reply."

"I will think about it."

Jiang Chen didn't say anything. He watched Ye Duo leave, then looked at the many Ye clan members with twinkling eyes around him, and sighed helplessly.

He just slapped Ye in the face and then ran to his base camp, which seemed a bit sloppy.

Under the leadership of Ye Xuan, Jiang Chen officially entered the residence of the Ye family.

Because it is built on a mountain, the scenery in the Ye family residence is quite beautiful, and it has the appearance of the Immortal Cultivation Sect in the novels of previous lives.

Especially after entering Ye's residence, Jiang Chen clearly felt a stronger energy.

Surviving in this environment, the growth rate of pet spirits will also be greatly increased.

"No wonder the Ye family is unwilling to give up such a place. In addition to guarding the Federation, the high concentration of energy here may also be one of the reasons."

Jiang Chen looked at everything around him curiously, but as for the complicated eyes of the Ye family's children, he ignored them gorgeously.

"This guy has a really good attitude."

Ye Xuan sighed silently. Including them, all the young people of the Ye family and even some elders were holding their breath because Jiang Chen instantly killed Ye Chen in a personal battle.

It's not that Ye can't accept defeat. In fact, most of Ye's people have already accepted it in the previous team battle.

After all, Ye Chen and the four of them were really too trusting, so they gave Jiang Chen every opportunity to defeat them.

But it was completely different in the individual competition. The scene where Fortune killed the Ghost Beast with one strike was almost a head-on blow to all the Ye family's children.

That's the Ghost Beast!

The direct bloodline of Ye's two major sun-dwelling creatures, the super-powerful pet spirit that only top geniuses of Ye's family were eligible to contract with, were killed in an instant!

They can't stand this!

"I hope Third Uncle is just joking, otherwise Ye's pride will be completely shattered."

Before seeing Jiang Chen's true strength, Ye Xuan was quite willing to challenge Jiang Chen to regain the honor of the Ye family.

But now, he no longer thinks about it.

Although the strength of his Taiyin Turtle far exceeded Ye Chen, but considering the previous performance of Jiang Chen's Four Pets, he was not sure of victory.

He would never do such uncertain things.

"Jiang Chen, will you agree to the exhibition match?"

At this moment, Ye Zhu suddenly spoke.

"If you want to participate, I want to fight you once!"

A flame flashed in Ye Zhu's eyes and he said, "It's not for anything else, I just want to fight you once."

"I want to experience for myself how strong you are!"

"Well, I'll think about it again."

Feeling the fighting spirit in Ye Zhu, the corners of Jiang Chen's eyes twitched.

This guy is the same type as Bai Xiaoyu, so troublesome.

"Ye Zhu, shut up."

Ye Xuan's head was covered with black lines, and he motioned to Ye Bai to pull him away, and then quickly led Jiang Chen to the guest room.

The guest room is located in a villa not far from the foot of Yeshi Mountain. Although the location is remote, it has a quiet charm.

"Normally there will be no children of the Ye family coming to Yuexu Villa this time. You can rest peacefully. If you need anything, you can contact us through the internal phone number and someone will bring it to you."

"Thank you."

Jiang Chen sincerely thanked him. Ye Xuan's arrangement undoubtedly prevented him from a lot of trouble. From now on, he just needs to rest here with peace of mind.

As for what happens next... He will run away directly after completing the transaction, and then retreat to Yunyin University, no matter what the Ye family is.

But for now, let’s take a good rest.

Ye's residence.

Mountain top.

"Clan leader, this is the detailed process."

Ye Cang stood respectfully in front of an old man and told him in detail about his experience in the Fantasy Trial Ground.

"Thank you for your hard work. I didn't expect Mingshi to pay such a high price. We are some love rivals."

The old man sighed and said: "Since the Underworld Warrior has reached this point, it seems that it is aware of the problem between Zhuzhao and Youying."

"Clan leader, is there really no other way?"

A trace of worry flashed in Ye Cang's eyes. As one of the future heirs to the clan leader, Ye Cang knew far more than other clan members.

"Don't worry, with the Emerald Star you brought back, the conditions of those two will be stable for a long time."

The old man smiled and said: "And Xiao Lingzi and Bai Xiaoyu's trip is not without gain. They should be able to maintain stability for ten years."

"ten years……"

Ye Cang murmured to himself, not feeling relaxed at all.

Ten years may seem like a long time, but it won’t solve the problem at all.

"I know you're under a lot of pressure, but don't be too hard on yourself."

"The future belongs to you young people, but now we old guys can still use some of our remaining energy."

The old man patted Ye Cang on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I heard that you have reached a deal with Jiang Chen? Are you going to use [Mao Rabbit] to exchange [Shenhou] key with him?"

"Yes, the situation was complicated at the time, and this was the only solution I could think of."

Ye Cang felt a little ashamed and said: "I'm sorry, clan leader, I did this without your consent..."

"No, you did great."

The old man shook his head and said: "Compared to [Mao Rabbit], [Shen Monkey] is what we urgently need. Your choice is very correct."

"But before the transaction, I want to meet this Jiang Chen in person." (End of Chapter)

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