Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 508 Both went bankrupt again

Barrier 36.

Cui Xu brought Jiang Chen to his office with a smile and said with a smile: "Didn't you just go to the Ye family residence yesterday? Why did you come back so soon? Could it be that the Ye family doesn't welcome you?"

"No, it's just that I want to exchange a wave of resources to strengthen my pet spirit."

Jiang Chen shook his head. It was about the Noble Phantasm and Pet Spirit. Jiang Chen didn't want to waste such a good opportunity because of his carelessness.

I just don’t know how much merit this wave can be exchanged for.

"I see."

Cui Xu nodded slightly, solemnly took out a black box from the cabinet on the side and brought it to Jiang Chen, saying: "Since you are here, I just want to hand this to you."

"Although it was a bit hasty, General Cao and General Xiao seemed to want you to keep a low profile, so I handed it over on my behalf."


Jiang Chen was stunned. He was just here to receive meritorious service and redeem resources. It seemed that he didn't need to use such a serious word as awarding, right?


Jiang Chen opened the black box, and a coat of arms engraved with a golden sword and shield with three golden stars on it appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes.

"This is... colonel's medal?!"

Jiang Chen looked confused. He knew that his merit points would most likely reach the rank of colonel, but he only met the standard in merit data. To obtain the rank of colonel, he still needed to go through strict review by the military department.

Colonel, he is on the same level as Cui Xu, and is even qualified to take charge of a small fortress!

"Yes, it's the colonel's medal."

Cui Xu said: "Originally, this process required a very complicated review, but General Cao and General Xiao will guarantee you at the same time, so this process is omitted."

"Congratulations, you are now an honorary colonel of the Federation."

Honorary Colonel, this is specially prepared for special talents who have not officially joined the military.

Honorary officers enjoy all the benefits of officers of the same rank, but they are also required to complete tasks assigned by senior military officials.

Compared with regular officers, honorary officers can choose to refuse to perform tasks, but after three refusals, they will automatically give up their status as honorary officers by default.

Overall, the two types of officers are pretty much the same. The only difference is that they do not have the power to mobilize the army.

However, this kind of military rank suits Jiang Chen very well, and Jiang Chen is quite satisfied with it.

For those with the rank of colonel, that’s a full 40% discount!

Seeing Jiang Chen's excited look, Cui Xu was also quite satisfied.

Sure enough, although Jiang Chen was not willing to join the military for the time being, he still had a strong sense of identification with the military.

As long as he continues like this, Jiang Chen will become a formal officer in the military sooner or later.

"Although you are an honorary officer, as long as you hold this military medal, you can enjoy corresponding treatment in all the federal armies. Don't lose it."

Cui Xu solemnly reminded him, then took out a black and gold card and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"Colonel Cui, this is..."

Jiang Chen was a little confused. The military was so straightforward about stuffing money these days.

"This is an anonymous merit card. It was originally provided to mercenaries who help the military complete their missions. I also applied for one for you."

Speaking of this, Cui Xu's expression became a little weird and said: "What is stored here is the merits exchanged for the batch of life cores that General Cao gave you. You can also use them to exchange for the resources you want, but it will not be counted. into your personal military rank and merit.”

" know everything about Colonel Cui."

"of course I know."

Cui Xu smiled and said: "General Cao not only told me the source of these life cores, he even told me the number of life cores."

"Teacher doesn't teach such deceitful people..."

Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed. He was already a little ashamed of this behavior. Although he was mentally prepared to kill more evil spirits to make up for it, he still felt a little concerned.

Unexpectedly, the teacher actually communicated with Cui Xu early, and he felt guilty that he was alone there throughout the relationship.

"You don't have to worry about it. General Cao probably wants to expose you to this level of combat more quickly."

Cui Xu consoled him: "After all, with your strength, you are really overqualified to perform a lieutenant-level mission."

"However, I really didn't expect you to be able to reach the school level on your own."

With that said, Cui Xu took out two documents and handed them to Jiang Chen, saying: "These two documents record all the life core information you provided yesterday. I divided them into two parts based on the data provided by General Cao. "

"General Cao has provided a total of 7 star life cores, 36 gold level life cores and 78 bronze level life cores. Counting some of the mutants, the total merit value is 76W!"

"And you have provided 11 star life cores, 5 gold life cores and some ordinary life cores, with a total of 810,000 merits!"

"Originally, I thought I needed the resources provided by General Cao to improve my military rank, but I didn't expect that the number of life cores you provided yourself actually exceeded what General Cao provided!"

Cui Xu patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder and said with emotion: "If it weren't for the fact that the rank of general requires going to the military headquarters for review, you would be able to become a lieutenant general just by relying on your own merits!"

"Lieutenant General..."

Jiang Chen wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. It was a 20% discount, but it was a pity that he couldn't get it.

But he expected to have so many meritorious deeds. After all, an ordinary star-level life core is worth 70,000 meritorious deeds, and these are not too many for him.

Even including the resources given to him by the teacher, he only had 155W meritorious service. Taking into account the colonel's 40% discount, he could only purchase 55 star-level life cores.

There is still a long way to go before the 500 that can fill the third-stage facility.

"I still have two moonlight-level life cores in my hand. The one with dual attributes of spirit and shadow should be reserved for Jiutong. How about exchanging the one given by the teacher?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin, but quickly gave up.

A Moonlight-level life core is worth 70W of merit, which is ten times that of the Starlight-level, and cannot fill the current gap at all.

Moreover, Yuehui-level life cores are hard to come by, so we should save them for later.

"Then Colonel Cui, can I use the colonel's discount to redeem resources now?"

Jiang Chen put away the merit card and documents and said.

"Of course. Although our barrier 36 is not as big as barrier 318, the resources are still quite sufficient."

Cui Xu proudly patted his chest and said, "You have the same military rank as me now. It would be too awkward to call me colonel again."

"Let's go, I will take you to the exchange office. I can give you some advice then."

"Thank you bro."

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate and immediately changed his name. Cui Xu was quite satisfied and pulled Jiang Chen and ran to the exchange office.

The exchange office was quite busy, with many mercenaries exchanging the supplies they wanted.

The rewards for the clearing tasks recently released by Barrier 36 are very strong, attracting many mercenaries.

It is very difficult for civilian envoys to obtain resources, so military missions like this will naturally not be missed.

"There are a lot of people here, so I'll take you to the officer-only exchange room."

Cui Xu took Jiang Chen to find an empty exchange room, then picked up the exchange board and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"There are enough life cores on the side of Barrier 36, and there are also some natural treasures and treasures. You can exchange them as you see."

Cui Xu said: "But if you want to exchange it for a Moonlight-level Noble Phantasm, you can't do it. This kind of strategic equipment is only available in a few large barriers."

"It's okay, I won't think about it for now."

The manor will generate its own Noble Phantasm independently, so he has no need for the Noble Phantasm.

Even if he really needs it, he will go to Wen Quan to help him make it.

After all, he was more willing to believe in Wen Quan's craftsmanship than others.

Jiang Chen opened the exchange board, and his eyes were immediately occupied by a dazzling array of items.

After being promoted to colonel, Jiang Chen's exchange authority was also improved and he could exchange for more supplies.

"They even have numbered Noble Phantasms. The military is really wealthy."

Jiang Chen's face was full of surprise. Although he was not in the top 100 of the number, being able to enter the number itself showed the value of the other party.

And the military actually uses this kind of thing as a reward, which is really a bit extravagant.

"That's natural. Almost all soldiers are used to handling their harvests internally, including numbered Noble Phantasms."

Speaking of this, Cui Xu's expression suddenly became a little sad.

"These numbered treasures belong to those seniors who died in missions but have no family members. It is their last wish to put them here."

"Perhaps they also hope that this can help others later."

Jiang Chen was in awe, but he still had no intention of redeeming it and directly opened the life core redemption page.

He has no shortage of precious phantoms now. Not to mention making a fortune from them, he has several of them on hand, and exchanging them would be a waste.

Comparatively speaking, it is more cost-effective to exchange life cores to strengthen farm facilities.

"You can now redeem 55 star-level life cores. Should they be concentrated on one pet spirit, or should they be divided evenly?"

Jiang Chen was a little hesitant. If it was used on a pet spirit, it would go through four stages of strengthening: 10%, 20%, 30%, and 50%. It would definitely be a leap in strength.

But I don’t know what the rules are for Ye’s exhibition match. If continuous battles are not allowed, it doesn’t make much sense to come here in advance to redeem resources.

"First exchange 10 star-level life cores for each pet spirit, and then trigger the enhancement of life skills first."

Jiang Chen quickly made a decision. Although it could only trigger the first stage of enhancement, the 10% stage was aimed at natal skills, so the effect must be very obvious.

It's a pity that Lao Wu doesn't have a contract yet, so he can only exchange the life cores of Fa Cai and their four pets first.

Jiang Chen operated on the exchange board and exchanged ten life cores each for gold, water, poison, and shadow attributes.

But just before Jiang Chen placed the order, he accidentally exchanged ten spiritual star life cores and the corresponding first-stage facility and second-stage facility spiritual life cores.

Hmm... He is still not sure about contracting the Yinghun Grass. Anyway, Jiutong can also use the spiritual life core, so he should prepare it in advance.

As the only legendary bloodline creature in the team, the effect of temporarily strengthening the nine tubes is definitely better than other pet spirits.

After confirming again, Jiang Chen finally pressed the confirmation button and suddenly felt weak all over his body.

This newly obtained meritorious service was wasted before it was even warmed up.

We both went bankrupt again... (End of chapter)

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