Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 517 The final choice, the fifth favorite of the contract!

"Finally getting serious!"

Seeing Ye Lu's attitude, Jiang Chen also became energetic.

In fact, in his mind, among the so-called mythical creatures in Ye's Mythical Hall, the Thunder Demon Ox is the one that best meets his expectations.

Physically powerful, unparalleled in attack, and able to cooperate with Fortune Hongzhong and the like, it perfectly fits Jiang Chen's requirements for his fifth pet.

But what the actual combat strength will be, we have to wait until Thunder Demon Bull and Bai Ban fight against each other before we know.

With the bonus of the Kui Niu Thunder Helmet, the Thunder Demon Niu's speed has surpassed that of the Storm Deer Bird, and it is far superior in strength.

I saw cracks appearing in the space wherever the thunder demon bull's horns passed by, and the ground under my feet was ravaged by thunder and lightning.

However, facing such an opponent, Baiban still had no intention of evading. Instead, he straightened up and opened his arms, trying to resist the impact of the Thunder Demon Bull head-on!


Bai Ban roared, and the lifeless quicksand immediately flew out of the wine gourd, attached to the surface of Bai Ban's body like a Kui Niu thunder helmet, and then blended perfectly into Bai Ban's skin.

Whiteboard's Desolate Sky Poison Body and Wusheng Quicksand are usually placed together in a wine gourd for cultivation, and now there is no hindrance to their fusion.

"Defensive Noble Phantasm? It's useless. The piercing properties of the thunder system are not so easy to defend even for the space system!"

Ye Lu seemed to have fallen into madness, and said loudly: "I won't let you admit defeat like they did, so go to hell!"

Moo! ! !

The Thunder Demon Bull roared, and its already extremely fast speed surged again, breaking through in front of the whiteboard in an instant.

Baiban was caught off guard and could only stretch out his claws to grab the Thunder Demon Bull's horns.

Using his body to capture the powerful horns of the Thunder Demon Bull, Bai Ban's behavior is undoubtedly seeking death.

“When did the whiteboard become so rigid?”

Seeing the whiteboard's behavior, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little suspicious, but there was also some expectation in his heart.

Although it has not yet awakened, Ten Thousand Poison Seal seems to have undergone some changes after entering the transcendental stage. Perhaps Baiban will change the way he fights as a result.

boom! ! !

The two pets collided head-on. Although Baiban caught the Thunder Demon Bull's horns in time, he was still pushed away.

Not only that, there were signs of breakage where the whiteboard came into contact with Kui Niu’s thunder helmet.

It is conceivable that if the armor had not been formed by the lifeless quicksand, Baiban would have been seriously injured by now.


Finally, the whiteboard was pushed straight to the edge of the ring, and the space barrier also rippled due to the impact of the Thunder Demon Bull.

As for the whiteboard, the entire body showed irregular twists, and the lifeless quicksand armor on the body was peeling off piece by piece.

"How is it? Is this thunder demon cow better than your pet spirit?"

Ye Duo repeated his beard with satisfaction, and even smiled after seeing Jiang Chen's troubled expression.

"It's pretty... not bad."

Jiang Chen turned his head with a guilty conscience and asked, "What about that, Senior Ye, you don't need to use this thunder demon cow for breeding, right?"


Ye Duo was stunned and didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant.

Moo! ! !

But at this moment, the roar of the Thunder Demonic Cow suddenly came from the field. When Ye Duo turned around to look, he found that the Thunder Demonic Cow fell to the ground helplessly, and his body was covered with strange dark green venom.

Not only that, the one leg of the Thunder Demon Cow was covering his lower body for a while, and wanted to rub his eyes for a while. He just hated that his race didn't have enough legs.

"what's the situation!"

Ye Duo was a little confused. He just turned around, why did he suddenly become like this?

"This guy Baiban, he still hasn't changed his nature..."

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly.

Time goes back half a minute.

Faced with the powerful impact of the Thunder Demon Bull, Baiban's power, which was also ranked at the forefront in the same tier, was so powerless, and his defense was destroyed like a torrent.

But behind the lifeless quicksand armor, no tabula rasa's body appeared.

The turbulent venom spurted out from the gaps and landed on the Thunder Demon Niu's armor. Then in Ye Lu's shocked eyes, the Kui Niu Thunder Helmet showed signs of corrosion.

Corrosion is one of the characteristics of the poison system, but it is only among people of the same level.

How can the toxin produced by a gold-level creature that has not yet understood the law dissolve its Kui Niu Thunder Helmet that combines the projection of the law and the star field!

Unless... this guy has also understood the energy projection of the law!

Thinking of this, the smile on Ye Lu's face grew stronger.

Only an opponent who understands the projection of laws is worthy of fighting seriously.

But at this moment, the lifeless quicksand that had been scattered all over the ground after being defeated suddenly rose up and charged directly at the weak point of Kui Niu's thunder helmet.

With the defense weakened, Wusheng Quicksand chose this moment particularly cleverly.

But now that Thunder Demon Niu understands the special nature of the whiteboard, he will naturally not rely on it and directly mobilize energy from other places to fill up the defense.

As long as this wave of attacks is blocked, Whiteboard will have no room to resist...

Suddenly, a heartbreaking pain came from the Thunder Demon Niu's lower body. The brain that was originally covered with fighting intent suddenly became blank, and the Kui Niu Thunder Helmet showed a tendency to collapse.

It was at this time that the lifeless quicksand also broke through the Thunder Demon Bull's defense and hit the Thunder Demon Bull's eyes hard.

Moo! ! !

Thunder Demon Niu's eyes were instantly blinded, and a searing pain was felt at the corresponding place in his soul.

Lifeless quicksand (hidden: corroding the heart and rotting the soul)

Naturally, the pure heart-corroding soul-corroding thunder helmet cannot pass through the defense of Kui Niu's thunder helmet, but as long as it is wrapped in the lifeless quicksand, it can break through the thunder helmet corroded by Huang Tian's poisonous body and directly attack the soul.

"After the Ten Thousand Poison Seal broke through and reached the divine level, the power of law projection of the Wild Sky Poison Body was finally activated, but why was it used like this by the whiteboard?"

Looking at the whiteboard that was only the size of a palm and quietly emerged from behind the Thunder Demon Bull, I didn't know how to evaluate it for a while.

From a purely tactical point of view, the choice of the whiteboard is quite wise.

First, it peeled off most of its body and turned it into venom, using the lifeless quicksand as a cover to let the enemy get closer.

Then, with the help of the power of poison laws activated by the Huangtian Poison Body, it threatens the enemy's defense, diverts the enemy's attention, and allows the body to wait for an opportunity to leave.

After that, he took advantage of the moment when the enemy's energy was transferred to attack the weak points of the enemy's body, forcibly weakening the enemy's will, and then used the heart-corroding and soul-corroding attack to attack the soul.

This set of tactics can be described as a model of efficiency.

But with such a majestic body, but his tactics are so dirty, it is easy for others to misunderstand that he is the one who taught him...

"You even understand the mental projection. You are very strong. I give up."

Ye Lu suddenly calmed down and took the thunder demon cow back to the spirit space.

"However, since your pet spirit is so powerful, you can consider using some serious tactics."

"Then what...I am really innocent..."

Jiang Chen was speechless and choked. He called the white board back to him. Looking at the petite and plump white board, he whispered: "When did you become so small?"


Baiban subconsciously wanted to make a fuss, but after thinking about the reason for his change, he suddenly shuddered, rolled his eyes and fainted.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Jiang Chen's face was full of doubts, but Jiutong suddenly walked out of the manor, commanded the wine gourd to put away the venom that the white board had previously cast, then picked up the white board and returned directly to the manor.

"Uh... I seem to understand."

Seeing that Jiutong could even command the wine gourd, Jiang Chen immediately understood the whole reason and silently prayed for the whiteboard in his heart.

Although I don’t know what the white board has gone through, how can I see a rainbow without wind and rain?

As long as you can become stronger, that’s fine, so come on, Whiteboard!

"Okay, you have seen the strength of the mythical species. Do you want to make a decision now or continue to choose?"

Ye Duo's face was gloomy and he said: "Let me state in advance that no matter what you decide, try to hurry up. I have to go out to host the game."

"Well, the decision has been made."

Jiang Chen nodded and said seriously: "I don't want any of these mythical species."

"...As expected."

Ye Duo said: "In this case, when the audition is over, I will ask someone to take you to choose a star-level Noble Phantasm, and the deal between you and me will be completed."

"As for the subsequent exhibition matches, you don't have to participate if you don't want to."

In addition to trying to rebuild the confidence of the Ye family's children in being invincible, he also wanted to show Jiang Chen the Ye family's muscles and recruit him.

For this reason, he specially selected the three people from the previous generation of the Ye family who were the strongest at cultivating mythical species to fight Jiang Chen.

I originally thought that even without using all my strength, it would be enough to scare Jiang Chen, but I didn't expect that Jiang Chen would easily deal with it.

Of course, none of the three people showed their full strength in the ring, but the same was obviously true for Jiang Chen.

Starlight vs. Gold, Jiang Chen's record can definitely determine victory.

The most important thing is that Jiang Chen summoned the three pets with the weakest combat power, which cannot represent Jiang Chen's full combat power at all.

If Jiang Chen were allowed to participate in the so-called exhibition match again, most of the Ye family's disciples would probably be hit.

"Why don't you participate? I can't miss such a good exchange opportunity!"

Hearing that Ye Duo actually wanted to stop him from participating in the exhibition match, Jiang Chen immediately refused.

"I, Jiang Chen, always keep my word. Now that I have agreed to participate in the competition, I will fight to the end even if I lose the game!"

"I still have something to do. Senior Ye Duo, don't forget my Noble Phantasm when you get back."

After saying that, Jiang Chen walked in the direction he came from without looking back.

Although he also noticed that Ye Feng and the others were not serious, it was enough for him to make a basic judgment on the average strength of these mythical species.

Strong, but not enough.

Not only did it not meet his expectations, several of his beloved spirits also disliked it very much.

Jiang Chen's disgusted expression on Cai Cai's mind came to mind, and he shrugged, having already made a decision in his heart.

If even Ye's side can't come up with a pet that satisfies him, then he has nothing to worry about.

If you have nothing to do, just give your fifth pet to a contract! (End of chapter)

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