Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 521 If you are unkind, I will be unjust.

Ye Chen's sudden outburst was beyond the expectations of many people, especially Duan Ling, who was already stunned and completely collapsed by the scene in front of him.

He deliberately hid his talent in order to become famous at this moment.

But the sure-kill move he planned to strike could not last more than one round in the hands of Zhenwu Turtle!

Are the descendants of the Ye family really that powerful?

For a time, the remaining ten disciples with foreign surnames began to question their abilities and hesitated whether to continue the challenge.

"This kind of mentality is not worthy of joining the Ye family."

Ye Duo shook his head, having already sentenced the remaining people to death.

Ye Chen's growth is indeed amazing, but because of this, he loses the idea of ​​​​challenge. This kind of character is even more undesirable than poor talent.

"Well, there is actually a relatively calm one."

Ye Duo glanced at the remaining disciples with foreign surnames, and saw Gu Feng comforting Duan Ling. His words were full of indifference about victory and defeat, which was in sharp contrast to the others around him who were worried about gains and losses.

"Although his talent is a bit lacking, if he has a calm mind and works steadily, his future achievements may not be low."

Ye Duo stroked his beard and paid more attention to Gu Feng, and then continued to organize subsequent competitions.

But the subsequent games were just as Ye Duo had guessed. After losing their will to fight, the remaining children with foreign surnames were no match for the children of the family and were defeated one after another.

Only Gu Feng, whether it was due to good luck or something, "happily" picked the weakest member of his family at the same level and narrowly defeated him.

So far, only Bai Xiaoyu and Gu Feng, the children with a foreign surname of the Ye family, have successfully entered the family.

"The foreign surname competition ends here. The ten people who entered the main competition but failed to challenge can stay at Sunset Peak for half a month. After half a month, they can challenge for the second time. If they succeed, they can also join the Ye family. If they fail, they can return to the place where they came from. "

Ye Duo announced the result of the game, ignored the losers who were getting excited again, and went back to the children of the Ye family.

"The next step is the family competition. Everyone will go to the Rising Sun Hall to prepare immediately."


Many Ye family disciples accepted the order and walked towards the Rising Sun Hall one after another.

But Ye Cang suddenly left the team and walked to Jiang Chen's side.

"Jiang Chen, the clan leader asked me to tell you that my clan hopes that you will be the first to play."

"At that time, there will be eight people fighting against you. You can choose to fight as a team or individually until one side loses."

"Only eight people?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. How could this old man be so stingy and use this method to limit the number of Noble Phantasms he could obtain?

Fortunately, he still wanted to wipe out all the disciples of the Ye family, but now it seems that this is not possible.

"I'm not sure who the other four are, but the four of us are definitely going to play."

Ye Cang smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to playing against you."

"Okay, then we have at least four starlight treasures."

Jiang Chen murmured softly, but Ye Cang was speechless after hearing Jiang Chen's words.

This means that they have been conquered...

"What kind of competition, what kind of treasure? Jiang Chen, did you make any deal with the old man?"

Bai Xiaoyu twitched his ears and said, "If it's a fight, I'll join in too!"

"I'm sorry, Bai Xiaoyu, you haven't completed the final process yet, and you are not considered a descendant of the Ye family, so you are not qualified to participate for the time being."

Ye Cang ruthlessly exposed Bai Xiaoyu's thoughts and said, "And you should have more important things to do now."

"The more important thing... I almost forgot, Jiang Chen, I will come find you another day. You must not lose to these guys!"

Bai Xiaoyu patted his head hard and ran towards the top of the mountain in a hurry.

"This guy……"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh, and continued walking towards the mountain with Ye Cang.

"Apart from the four of you, the other four should be Ye Chen and the others, right?"

Looking at the Ye family's children in front of the mountain road, Jiang Chen asked.

"Why do you think so?"

"The best way to rebuild confidence is to let a former loser defeat me again, not to mention Ye Chen has made such a big breakthrough."

Jiang Chen turned his head to look at Ye Cang and said, "Speaking of which, Ye Cang's four elephant pets seem to have surpassed the four of you in blood?"

"Ye Chen's qualifications are not weak. If he didn't have too many ideas, he should be my teammate now."

Ye Cang smiled faintly and said: "Besides, returning bloodline to ancestors does not mean that the sooner, the better."

"Is this so..."

Ye Cang was very confident, which showed that what he said was not just for the occasion.

But Ye Chen's development of the Taiyin Turtle has reached the extreme, what else is there that he hasn't done yet?

Could it be the projection of law?

The projections of the four laws of Ye Cang are all corresponding to the four sacred beasts, and they can almost be used as clones.

This achievement has surpassed the four of Ye Chen.

And since Ye Cang and the others have time to polish the law projection, there is no reason why they should not have time to complete the bloodline reversion.

Unless, this fused law projection has an additional bonus on bloodline reversion.

In this way, he would have to pay attention to the fusion of law projections of several pet spirits next.

Although he didn't know the specific effect, many people did tell him that the sooner the law projection could be integrated, the better.

Now that almost all the pet spirits have gold, they should complete this goal first before attacking the star.

The mountain path of Sunset Peak is very long, and Jiang Chen walked for a long time before arriving at Rising Sun Hall.

Compared with the bottom of the mountain, the energy here is more intense and the thoughts are more vivid.

This feeling was very magical. He was still in this world, but Jiang Chen felt as if he had pulled off the gauze covering his eyes and saw a clearer world.

"You can't see the stars under the house, but you can see them more clearly when you stand on the top of the mountain?"

If Jiang Chen realizes that Sunset Peak can see the stars more intuitively, what should he do with his manor?

There seems to be no other scene there except fog.

"Hello, chief!"

At this time, all the Ye family members suddenly stood up straight and shouted loudly to the front.

"The old man is here too?"

Jiang Chen looked forward and saw the head of the Ye clan walking out from the backstage with the support of Ye Ling.

The Ye clan leader nodded slightly, glanced at Jiang Chen who was walking at the back, and then began to speak.

The content is basically to let everyone work hard and strive to inherit the glory of the Ye family. It is not nutritious, but it is very applicable to most of the children of the Ye family.

They have been bathed in the glory of the Ye family since childhood, and their sense of belonging to the family is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

In their minds, the patriarch is their god!

"As I get older, I can't help but nag a few more words."

Finally, when Jiang Chen couldn't help but yawn, the Ye clan leader finally stopped his long speech and got to the point.

"But before the game starts, old man, I have to say a few more words."

The head of the Ye family chuckled and said: "Some time ago, the Ye family's children suffered a complete failure. Many people were angry about this. Some were annoyed, some were unwilling, some were ridiculing... just to name a few."

"But old man, I want to say that failure is terrible, but being unable to accept failure is even more despairing!"

The Ye clan leader's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said: "The Ye clan is not always invincible as you think, it's just that we step on the wreckage of failure every time to reach a higher peak."

"You should not regard this failure as a shame, but should turn it into motivation and urge yourself to move towards greater heights."

"Remember, Ye is never the strongest, but Ye must be the one who has been on the road to being strong for the longest time!"

Speaking of this, the Ye clan leader suddenly pointed his finger in the direction of Jiang Chen and said loudly: "Before the official competition, I plan to have another round of exhibition competition."

"I don't think I need to introduce who this person is. The next battle will be between him and our eight descendants of the Ye family."

"No matter the outcome, I hope this battle can become an important memory on your way to becoming stronger!"

After saying that, the Ye clan leader suddenly became friendly again, smiled at Jiang Chen and said: "Little friend Jiang Chen, you are a guest, you decide who to fight~"

The leader of the Ye family said it politely, but the other Ye family disciples didn't think so. They were all eager to fight and wanted to go straight to the battle with Jiang Chen.

"This old man really made the best use of his resources. He actually put me on the fire to roast me like this."

Jiang Chen pursed his lips in disdain, saying that he was allowed to choose at will, but according to the deal between him and the old man, the level of the Noble Phantasm he received after defeating him was the same as the level of his opponent's combat power.

As long as he wants to maximize his profits, he must choose Ye Cang.

Oh yes, there is one more Ye Chen now.

This is a complete conspiracy, knowing that he is greedy enough.

"Since you are unkind, old man, don't blame me for being unjust."

Jiang Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly and took a step forward.

"Since the old man is so polite, I won't be pretentious."

Jiang Chen's eyes swept across the many Ye family disciples present, and finally stopped at Ye Chen.

"I'm not familiar with the rest of the Ye family, so let's start with our old rivals."

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Ye Chen suddenly smiled and strode forward.

"Jiang Chen, you are still so proud, but I will definitely crush your pride this time!"

Ye Chen was full of confidence and wanted to summon the Zhenwu Turtle on the spot.

"Wait, you may have misunderstood me."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, pointed at Ye Wu, Ye Huan, and Ye Xin, and said, "I told you to start with our old rivals first, so naturally the four of you will do it together."

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, the Rising Sun Hall fell into silence.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure you want to fight one against four again?"

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, with a murderous look on his body, while the eyes of Ye Wu and the others were also full of anger.

They missed the previous team battle due to carelessness, and now more than a month has passed. Does Jiang Chen still think that they are standing still?

"Huh? Did I not express it clearly enough? Then I will say it again."

Jiang Chen grinned and said, "I decided to use one pet spirit to fight against four of your pet spirits at the same time."

"Do you understand?" (End of chapter)

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