Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 527 Who builds the path to invincibility!

"This little guy is indeed on the same path to invincibility as his teacher."

The head of the Ye family laughed and said: "It's not in vain that I went through such a competition. It's worth it."

As soon as the old man said this, Ye Duo couldn't help but be stunned and said: "Clan leader, are you using us, the descendants of the Ye family, to become an outsider?"


The old man smiled and said, "And we can't tell who will succeed until the end, right?"

The old man smiled very warmly, but Ye Duo felt a chill.

The clan leader wants to use Jiang Chen to destroy Ye's glory that has begun to decay, and then step on Jiang Chen to embark on a new invincible road.

But clan leader, are you really not worried that once you fail, what awaits Ye is an endless abyss that will be even more difficult to climb out of?

A trace of weakness flashed in Ye Duo's eyes. In the eyes of others, Ye was still the scorching sun shining on the Federation.

But only they, the old people, knew that Ye was already like the sunset, the decaying old tree, which seemed to be dazzling and huge, but inside it was already rotten.

This kind of decay is not present on the surface, but comes from within the entire Ye family.

The people of the Ye family are too proud, so proud that they do not take any outsiders seriously, and they are even immersed in the invincible glory and cannot extricate themselves.

Although it has not yet shown a decline, if it continues like this, Ye's family may fall apart at any time.

He knew very well what the consequences would be if he didn't solve this problem, but as Ye's chief instructor, he still couldn't bring himself to destroy this glory.

He even took the initiative to invite Jiang Chen to participate in the Ye clan competition for a so-called exhibition match, with the purpose of restoring the glory of the Ye clan's children.

But after Jiang Chen single-handedly defeated thousands of people in the audition, Ye Duo had already made plans to let Jiang Chen leave.

Unfortunately, the clan leader actually reached a deal with Jiang Chen and allowed Jiang Chen to participate in the clan competition again.

Moreover, Jiang Chen further destroyed the glory of the Ye family's children that had lasted for three hundred years.

And all this was done deliberately by the clan leader, in order to let the Ye family usher in a new life among the ruins!

The Ye family's children act as whetstones for Jiang Chen, and then Ye Cang cuts off Jiang Chen's knife.

He wants to use Jiang Chen to forge Ye Cang's path to invincibility!

Patriarch, you are playing too much.

With the talent this kid has shown, it's really hard to say who will be invincible.

Ye Duo looked in the direction of Ye Cang with a complicated expression.

As the number one disciple of the Ye family, Ye Cang has been regarded by everyone as the most suitable candidate for the next clan leader.

none of them.

But even so, Ye Cang didn't show any pride at all because of this, and he was always as gentle as water in his dealings with others.

But until this moment, Ye Cang had removed his disguise and showed his sharpest side.

The feeling was like a fish that had been wandering in the pool all year round, suddenly rising up into the sky and transforming into a real dragon.

But the true dragon, who was supposed to look down on all living beings, was a head short in front of Jiang Chen for no reason.

"That's why I don't like joining these big forces..."

Feeling the complicated meanings in the eyes of Ye Duo and others, Jiang Chen was speechless.

The reason why he let Fa Cai confront the enemy in such an arrogant manner was not only because he was unhappy with Ye Chen's behavior, but also because he wanted to deal with these matters thoroughly.

Just like a certain rabbit from a flower gardener in his previous life, he felt uneasy after beating one of the Wuchangs, so he beat up all the remaining ones.

Jiang Chen's current idea is very simple. Since none of these people are convinced, he might as well beat them all up.

As for Ye Cang’s thoughts…

Jiang Chen glanced at Ye Cang. Although the other person's expression was still as calm as water, Jiang Chen could still feel the perseverance in his eyes.

To protect Ye's honor?

Or do you just want to fight yourself?

No matter what, let’s fight later!

Suddenly, the two seemed to reach a consensus and bowed together, and the two pets also launched an attack.

Both are Shaoyang Jiao, Ye Cang and Ye Wu have completely different fighting styles.

What Ye Wu is good at is using the boundless vitality contained in the attributes of Shaoyang Jiaomu to summon various plants and even puppets to fight, while he stands behind and watches everything.

But Ye Cang did the opposite and took all the vitality into himself, in order to temper the body of a powerful blue dragon.

This is very similar to getting rich. It can even be said that they have the same goal. The only difference lies in the method of tempering.

It is precisely because of this that the battle between the two pets is particularly simple and rough.

Only two figures, one gold and one green, were seen without any extra movement, and they just launched the impact straight forward.

Both sides were going back and forth, neither of them intending to use skills, they were just fighting with their bodies and claws.

Compared with Shaoyang Jiao's human-sized dragon claws, Fa Cai's claws are extremely petite, but they can block every attack of Shaoyang Jiao.

In fact, precisely because of this small size, coupled with Fa Cai's tyrannical body and huge strength, every time Shaoyang Jiao receives a claw blow from Fa Cai, fine scars will appear on his own dragon scales.

It feels like someone is hitting a nail with a fleshy palm. No matter how thick the palm is, injuries are inevitable.

It's just that Shaoyang Jiao obviously doesn't care much about this. Every time a scar appears on his claws, a green energy will repair it.

And, become stronger!

Da da!

Seeing that Shaoyang Jiao had received so many attacks from him but still had no intention of retreating, Fa Cai became excited for the first time in a long time. He no longer suppressed his power and exploded with all his strength.

Because of the debt repayment some time ago... ahem, practice, the energy recovery rate for getting rich has become faster and faster, and the power control of the four world runes of earth, water, wind and fire has become much more proficient.

The most intuitive manifestation of this is that every blow of Fortune reaches the ultimate in power and speed.

In the world of martial arts, only fast ones are indestructible, and only strong ones are indestructible.

And getting rich demonstrates these two points vividly.

But this also brings about a problem, that is, it becomes more difficult to further temper one's physical body to make a fortune.

The sunbird shot just now was somewhat effective, but Shushu was a little too excited at the time and accidentally lost it in the photo.

But now this end is completely different.

It was clear that Shushu had activated the Great Prison Claw, but it had no impact on the opponent at all, and even the speed of wound recovery did not slow down by half.

The reason is also very simple. The Great Prison Claw suppresses energy and laws, while the opponent is now simply relying on the powerful vitality of his own body to repair the wounds.

Not only that, every time Shushu was hit by the opponent, his muscles all over his body could feel great pressure. If Fa Tian Xiang Di hadn't already reached his perfection, Shushu might have been defeated.

This opponent is the only one Shushu has ever seen in his life!

Also the best opponent!

Thinking of this, Fa Cai took the initiative to disperse the power of Guixu and used his own body to resist the Shaoyang Jiao's attack.

In an instant, the pressure he felt to make a fortune doubled, and his originally steady pace couldn't help but take a step back.

Just this step ignited hope in the hearts of all the Ye family's children.

"If this guy retreats, Ye Cang will win!"

All the Ye family disciples cheered in unison, but they didn't know that subtly, they had erected a huge roadblock for themselves.

They couldn't fight off this pagoda glider.

"I was really hit too hard this time..."

Ye Xuan sighed and said: "When has forcing the enemy to take a step back made Ye feel so proud?"

"No way, who made us meet such a pervert?"

For the first time, Ye Zhu looked like he was showing off, shrugged, and said, "But from the looks of it, Ye Cang must have an advantage, right?"

"No, that pagoda glider did it on purpose."

Before Ye Xuan opened his mouth, Ye Bai on the side suddenly took over the conversation.

"Although it's very weak, when the Shaoyin Tiger fought against the Futu Glider just now, he felt a strange force swallowing its strength."

Ye Bai pointed to the direction of getting rich and said: "Although I haven't touched it now, I can feel the power that this guy just dissipated."

"I seem to have feelings when you say that."

Ye Zhu thoughtfully said, "Sunbird also felt that his flames were disappearing after touching this guy."

"But since he has such a strong ability, why would he withdraw? Is he so confident that he can defeat Ye Cang without using all his strength?"

"Perhaps, it is simply taking advantage of this opportunity to help itself achieve a breakthrough."

Ye Bai took a deep look at Facai. Although it was not obvious, the size of this Buddha glider seemed to have shrunk a bit?

On the other side, in the ring.

"I actually use my Shaoyang Jiao as a tool to temper my body. I always feel offended..."

Ye Cang narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Isn't it the same for you? You haven't used a single skill until now. Don't you have the same thoughts?"


The two looked at each other and smiled, both of them showing no intention of changing their tactics.

On the one hand, he uses the huge power of Shaoyang Jiao to further temper his physical body and elevate himself to another extreme.

On the one hand, the terrifying destructive power of getting rich is used to stimulate the bloodline, constantly stimulating the huge vitality hidden in the bloodline.

To put it simply, one of them is cheating and upgrading, the other is trying to recall a large password, but in the end they reach the same goal by different paths.

What they are competing now is who can survive to the end and successfully complete the transformation!

"Jiang Chen wins."

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyu, who had been standing in the corner and watched, suddenly grinned.

After getting rich and dissipating the power of returning to ruins, getting rich is like an iron block on an iron felt, being continuously knocked and becoming smaller and smaller.

But what he got in exchange was a stronger body and stronger strength.

This can be seen from the tree of truth that grows bigger and bigger behind the wealth.

The overall structure of the Tree of Truth remains unchanged, but the paths within it are becoming wider and wider.

Suddenly, Fa Cai suddenly took a step forward, made a fisting posture, and punched Shaoyang Jiao in front of him!

"Sure enough, it's still the case."

Ye Cang sighed and did not give in. Shaoyang Jiao actually fought back in the same way.

No skills, no rules, just a pure collision between force and force! (End of chapter)

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