Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 534 You are the ex, so you are responsible

"Integrate a forbidden treasure into a real camera?"

Wen Quan's expression suddenly became distorted, but it was not surprise, but excitement!

"Brother Chen, you actually helped me find a forbidden treasure as a material, it's really... really..."


Wen Quan laughed wildly, his face full of the madness of a scientific researcher.

"To integrate the forbidden treasure, you can refer to the rune structure of the fierce armor..."

"No, the grade of the fierce armor is relatively low, and you must change the way..."

After laughing wildly, Wen Quan fell into his own world, regardless of the two people beside him, and just started researching on the spot.

And Han Guo skillfully opened the small door on the wall beside him, released some of the soil hidden inside, and controlled it to wrap up the entire laboratory.

"Han Guo, what are you doing?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused, and Han Guo controlled the sand to condense words in the air to answer.

"Uh... Are you worried that Wen Quan's research will blow up the outside?"

Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, but he saw Han Guo silently open the computer and play a video.

The video showed the scene of Wen Quan's research on Lie Kai. It was normal at the beginning, but it suddenly exploded in the middle of the research.

Although Wen Quan was protected by Han Guo in time, the laboratory suffered, and even the outside world was affected.

And there are many such explosion videos...

"Thank you for your hard work, Han Guo."

Jiang Chen patted Han Guo's shoulder. Although Han Guo was Wen Quan's pet spirit, in a sense, the relationship between raising and being raised has been completely reversed.

Guo Guo~

Han Guo spread his claws in a very human way, and then suddenly constructed several new protective layers around Wen Quan, and then turned on all the defense and shielding equipment of the entire floor, and then stopped.

Wen Quan already had a floor of the experimental building by himself long ago. In addition to not wanting to affect Wen Quan's research, it was also for safety reasons.

That is to say, Jiang Chen and Xiao Zhe are recognized by Wen Quan, otherwise outsiders have no right to come in.

emmm...Except for this guy Xiao Yan.

"In that case, I will leave first. If there is good news, let Wen Quan contact me in time."

Wen Quan will definitely not be able to solve it quickly when it comes to forbidden treasures. Anyway, he is not in a hurry to use it, so it is okay to leave it to Wen Quan first.

Isn't it a forbidden treasure? We still have it.

Although it can't be used.


Han Guo nodded obediently, and then got busy again.

My own imperial servant has not eaten for three days. It looks like he will not want to eat for many days in the future. I have to feed him before he is completely immersed in it.

It is really not easy to raise a qualified imperial servant these days.

Seeing such a clear division of labor between one person and one pet, Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing.

Although it is a bit outrageous, he can wait for Wen Quan's good news with peace of mind.

With this in mind, Jiang Chen was too lazy to stay here to get in the way, and left the laboratory directly.

There was only one crazy researcher and a pet spirit who was silently taking care of him in the laboratory.

And a cow horse that was not unsealed and could only stand there helplessly and furiously. Ah no, it was the heir of the future clan leader.

"Hmm... I seem to have forgotten something?"

After walking out of the Morning Star Building, Jiang Chen remembered something, but before he could remember the specific situation, he felt a terrible momentum from behind him.

"Jiang Chen, you die!!!"

Uh, I remembered it.


Yunyin University.

Jiang Chen followed Xiao Zhe with a smirk on his face.

His mind was full of questions about whether he could merge the Nightmare Eye, and he actually forgot about Xiao Zhe.

Speaking of which, the main purpose of his going out this morning was Xiao Zhe.

However, the inspiration came suddenly, and he was also looking forward to the effect of the fusion of the Nightmare Eye and the real camera, so he naturally forgot other things.

But these things naturally cannot be told to Xiao Zhe, otherwise this guy is afraid that he will go completely crazy.

Jiang Chen finally found someone who was willing to take the blame... no, to be the president and have the ability to manage the club, so he didn't want to be angry.

Hey... We are all predecessors, why are you so humble?

Fortunately, Xiao Zhe is very resistant in this regard, and he quickly recovered from Jiang Chen's pitfalls.

"Since you are back, you should also bring a [Wild Mirror] with you."

"[Wild Mirror]?"

Jiang Chen took the task board with a strange expression.

This Xiao Zhe has a strong sense of ritual, and he even gave it such a fantasy name.


"I heard Bush report the news of your return, so you should have a general understanding of the function of [Wild Mirror]."

Xiao Zhe was too lazy to answer Jiang Chen's words, and said to himself: "The system of [Wild Mirror] is still being upgraded. It is limited to the Lingyin City generation, but it is required for every member of the Great Wilderness to be equipped."

"Although you have resigned as the president, you are still a member of the Great Wilderness, and you have to take it with you according to the rules."


Jiang Chen took the [Wild Mirror] and registered his own account according to the process instructions.

"I heard from Bush that you divided the members into different levels. Is it to match the level of the controller?"

"Almost, but it is not just about the combat power level, but also the comprehensive quality of the members."

Speaking of this, Xiao Zhe glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "I don't want my subordinates to be some muscular rough men who can only fight and not do other things."

Huh? Feeling offended.

Jiang Chen quickly logged into his account, but saw that there was an additional title of [Former President] after his name.

"Don't worry, everyone will have a title. Although you resigned before the reform, I haven't ignored your existence yet, so I left an honorary title for the previous presidents."

Xiao Zhe laughed and said, "It's a pity that [Wild Mirror] cannot be used in the wilderness for the time being, otherwise I might give one to the previous nine presidents."

"I didn't expect you to have such a thought."

Jiang Chen was quite surprised. With such a sense of collective honor, Xiao Zhe is worthy of being cultivated by a big family.

"Of course, even if you have graduated, as long as you haven't left the Great Wilderness, this president cannot tolerate the existence of these unorganized and undisciplined people."

Xiao Zhe's breath suddenly became weird, and the style of painting gradually became distorted.

"These heretics who ignore discipline need to be disciplined~ Hehehe..."

This guy is really crazy...

Seeing Xiao Zhe like this, Jiang Chen silently gave up the idea of ​​looking for the other nine presidents.

If Xiao Zhe really manages them, he, as a deliveryman, should also be beaten to death.

"Huh? Why is my membership level F?"

Jiang Chen looked closely and found that in addition to being the former president, his membership level was only the lowest level F, and his points were 0.

"It's normal. For the sake of fairness, everyone's points start from zero, including me."

Xiao Zhe glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "If some people want to improve their level, they should just go and perform the task obediently."

"... Forget it, I choose to lie down."

Jiang Chen rejected Xiao Zhe's "suggestion" without hesitation. Involution is impossible, and it will be impossible in this life.

"It's up to you. Anyway, you don't stay in the Great Wilderness."

Xiao Zhe sneered and said, "How long do you plan to stay this time? I'll make it clear that if you can't pass the assessment, you will be demoted."

"As for the lowest level F... hehe..."

Jiang Chen was silent, and suddenly began to question the correctness of handing the Great Wilderness to Xiao Zhe.

How did such a Buddhist club become like this?

"Okay, if there is any task suitable for me, I will go and earn some points."

Jiang Chen gave up resistance and consciously accepted the task from Xiao Zhe.

"Let's talk about the task later. Let's go back to the Great Wilderness headquarters first."

Xiao Zhe did not issue the task on the spot, but took Jiang Chen all the way and soon returned to the Great Wilderness warehouse.

emmm... Well, the warehouse is gone.

Jiang Chen looked at the five-story building in front of him and the bustling crowd downstairs. Silent.

"The original Great Wilderness warehouse was too small, so I rebuilt it appropriately."

Xiao Zhe pointed to the tall building in front of him and said, "I moved the original warehouse to the top floor, and I didn't change the layout and things inside."

"I rebuilt the remaining four floors according to my own ideas. It is enough for the time being. If it still doesn't work, I will rebuild it later."


Jiang Chen was silent, and followed Jiang Chen to the Great Wilderness building silently, and at the same time he had a preliminary understanding of the functions of each floor of the Great Wilderness.

The first floor is the mission area, which is used to issue and settle missions, and is also where most members of the Great Wilderness are active.

The second floor is the training area and rest area, where members of the Great Wilderness can train their pets or rest.

The third floor is the intelligence area and material area, which is used to store collected information and resources, and is considered the most valuable place in the entire building.

As for the fourth floor, it is the meeting area, which is reserved for the top leaders of the Great Wilderness to discuss things and issue instructions.

As for the fifth floor, it is the original warehouse.

"Have you made all these things in the past month?"

Thinking back on what he had seen and heard along the way, Jiang Chen was amazed and had a deeper understanding of Xiao Zhe's abilities.

If it weren't for the assessment competition, his understanding of Xiao Zhe would still remain as the family member who liked to show off in front of others, and he would not have associated him with the capable young man in front of him.

"Of course, if I can't even do these things, I might as well go home and lie down."

Xiao Zhe rolled his eyes and operated on his own mirror, and Jiang Chen received a mission prompt.

"Huh? Collect resources?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw this. He had seen similar tasks on Bush's Wilderness Mirror. They were very common tasks. Xiao Zhe didn't need to come here to talk about them.

"Yes, it's to collect resources."

Xiao Zhe's face straightened and said, "You already know the new level system of the Great Wilderness. This level should be able to be used for a long time without any problems."

"But there is one thing I haven't solved yet."


Jiang Chen was a little confused. Xiao Zhe must have made detailed preparations for such a drastic reform. How could there be loopholes?

"According to my plan, members of the Great Wilderness can use their points to exchange for what they want in the Great Wilderness, and the higher the level of the members, the more types of resources they can exchange."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly. This is the same as the military merit system, which can greatly enhance the enthusiasm of members.

"Most people are currently F-level, so they can't exchange anything, but according to their progress, they will be promoted soon."

"So, I need you to solve an urgent problem."

"Enrich the resource library of the Great Wilderness!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's face suddenly darkened and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Don't tell me that you have developed a reward system but haven't prepared rewards yet?"

"Of course, didn't you know what the Great Wilderness was like when you gave it to me?"

Xiao Zhe rolled his eyes and said, "But it doesn't matter. The most urgent thing is to collect some primary resources as soon as possible and get through this stage."

"But... I'm just an F-level member, why are you looking for me..."

Jiang Chen looked innocent, but Xiao Zhe didn't mean to let Jiang Chen go.

"Because you are the predecessor, you have to be responsible!" (End of this chapter)

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