Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 546: Mass Violence VS Mass Nightmare

Looking at the five strong rabbits in front of him, Jiang Chen was also surprised.

"Blood-tailed rabbit? No, it's the upper bloodline of the blood-tailed rabbit, the blood-raging rabbit?"

As a resident evil spirit in the suburbs, the promotion of the blood-tailed rabbit can be said to be quite difficult.

Compared with the blood-tailed rabbit period, the blood-raging rabbit has undergone a huge change in form, from the original beast form to a humanoid form.

And along with it, the fighting ability of the blood-raging rabbit has also increased.

Strength and speed, these two attributes of the blood-raging rabbit have been developed to the extreme of the current bloodline and level. Ordinary creatures are defeated by the blood-raging rabbit before they can even release them.

Because in addition to this abnormal muscle, the blood-raging rabbit also has a bug-like skill.

Group rage!

The enhanced skills released by the blood-raging rabbits of the same group will also take effect on the surrounding companions, and can also be superimposed on each other.

In theory, as long as the blood-raging rabbit's own carrying limit is not exceeded and the number of blood-raging rabbits is sufficient, they can be superimposed indefinitely.

However, it is extremely difficult to upgrade the bloodline of the blood-curdling rabbits. In addition, their violent nature makes them prone to premature death and difficult to reproduce. Therefore, the Federation will allow the blood-tailed rabbits to survive in the suburbs.

Now five blood-tailed rabbits have appeared at once, which is beyond Jiang Chen's expectations.

And looking at the eyes of these blood-curdling rabbits, they seem to recognize him?

I have killed too many rabbits and I can't recognize them.


Perhaps seeing Jiang Chen's doubts, the blood-curdling rabbits were immediately ignited with anger, and roared to the sky at the same time, and five blood-red lights appeared on each other in succession.

Group rage*5!

In an instant, the body shape protection of these five blood-curdling rabbits, all the muscles of the body became stronger, becoming more than twice as strong as before.

Under such a strengthening effect, the combat effectiveness of the blood-curdling rabbits can be said to be the best of the same level.

Not only that, as the blood-curdling rabbits roared, blood-tailed rabbits of different levels emerged from all over the flowers and surrounded Jiang Chen and his party.

Even from a very far distance, blood-tailed rabbits appeared and continued to rush towards Jiang Chen.

"It is said that rabbits live in one nest for their entire life, and this is really not an exaggeration."

Jiang Chen was shocked when he saw this, and couldn't help but think of the report of the rampant rabbits in Australia in his previous life.

I thought that report was a bit exaggerated, but now it seems that it probably concealed something.

"Speaking of which, it seems that the filming team should set off. I hope they don't encounter it."

Jiang Chen tilted his head and sent a text message to Xiao Zhe "Be careful of rabbits", and then concentrated on dealing with the dilemma in front of him.

Da Da!

Seeing so many violent fighting opponents, Fa Cai was the first to get excited, shaking his claws and going on stage.

Although he didn't expect them to help him continue to compress his body, it was enough to stretch his muscles.

Jiu Tong was not willing to lag behind, and the net was instantly spread all over the field. Whether it was the violent blood rabbit or the blood-tailed rabbit, their shadows began to move.

As long as Jiu Tong thought about it, he could harvest all the rabbits present.

Ga Ga!

Seeing Fa Cai and Jiu Tong like this, Bai Ban immediately protested.

These two bastards, the monsters that I had finally pulled up, these two guys actually want to intercept again, I will not let them succeed!

With this thought, the Erosion Heart Corruption Soul, still wrapped in the power of the curse, immediately flew out of the wine gourd and flew towards the Bloodthirsty Rabbit.

The three pets were aggressive, as if they were treating these Bloodthirsty Rabbits as meat on the chopping board, letting them slaughter them.

"You three, stop!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen shouted loudly and stopped the three pet spirits.

"Do you remember why I ran out early? I came to test the camera. You all killed me, and I used you for experiments?"

After being scolded by Jiang Chen, Fa Cai and Bai Ban shrank their necks at the same time, wanting Jiu Tong to explain, but found that Jiu Tong stood there quietly as if nothing had happened.

As a qualified housekeeper, you must be able to be unmoved by praise or criticism, and not be outside of things.

Anyway, I haven't activated my skills yet, so it doesn't count as a move.

Da Da...


Faced with Jiu Tong's shrewd behavior, Fa Cai and Bai Ban could only admit defeat and obediently returned to Jiang Chen's back.

However, the two pets' behavior completely angered the Bloodthirsty Rabbit, and new and old hatreds broke out together, pushing the Bloodthirsty Rabbit's combat power to a higher dimension.

But facing the Bloodthirsty Rabbit that quickly pounced on him, Jiang Chen raised the camera in his hand calmly and pressed the shutter at the five Bloodthirsty Rabbits in front of him.

With a "click", the Nightmare Eye on the lens opened and closed quickly, and a strange light instantly enveloped all the rabbits in front of the lens.

And this naturally included the Bloodthirsty Rabbit that was the first to bear the brunt.

Suddenly, the Bloodthirsty Rabbit's originally violent eyes became blank, and it stood there stupidly without moving even though its blood was surging.

Then, the eyes of these rabbits were suddenly filled with fear, and the violent effect dissipated, replaced by endless weakness.

"What a fast effect."

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. It was only two seconds after he pressed the shutter that the Bloodthirsty Rabbit went from a violent state to a weak state. The Bloodthirsty Rabbits around him were foaming at the mouth and collapsed on the ground, obviously frightened by the nightmare.

As expected of a camera born after integrating the forbidden treasure Nightmare Eye, this effect is amazing.

Jiang Chen became more playful and took pictures of the other blood-tailed rabbits around him. The originally aggressive blood-tailed rabbits suddenly died down. Even the blood-tailed rabbits that came from behind, after seeing such a strange scene, actually Started to stop moving forward.

"Not bad, not bad. The range of influence of wide-angle shooting is quite large. I feel like I can handle the tide of small beasts by myself."

The more Jiang Chen watched, the more satisfied he became, so he weakened the abilities of the group in Nightmare Time so that he could survive alone in the wilderness for a period of time.

Click, click, click!

But just when Jiang Chen was immersed in joy, the five violent blood rabbits gradually woke up.

After all, it is a wide angle, and the influence is much smaller. These bloody rabbits suddenly woke up by relying on some kind of obsession.

However, after seeing them wake up, what greeted them was not Jiang Chen's frightened eyes, but an unexpected surprise.

Just in time, I wanted to try the close-up effect, so here it is delivered to my door.

Jiang Chen quickly adjusted the focus of the camera, pointed at the nearest bloody rabbit and pressed the shutter.

An invisible impact instantly rushed in front of the violent blood rabbit. The violent blood rabbit only saw a huge black eye rising above Jiang Chen's head, staring at him with indifferent eyes.

Subsequently, all the fears hidden in the depths of the Blood Rabbit were pulled out, and with the help of the Nightmare Eye, they grew rapidly until they occupied the entire soul.

Naturally, no one knew about the changes in the Blood Rabbit's soul. From Jiang Chen's perspective, after he pressed the shutter, the Blood Rabbit rolled his eyes and fainted on the spot.

"So direct without any resistance?"

Jiang Chen glanced at the silent Blood Rabbit with some disappointment. He also wanted to see what effect it would have on a single evil spirit, but the Blood Rabbit just disappeared?

This doesn’t show the lower limit of the Nightmare Time Camera’s effectiveness at all.

I can only try a few more times.

Then, under the horrified eyes of the Blood Rabbits, Jiang Chen took a few more photos of the remaining four of them.

Although Jiang Chen made adjustments in the meantime, it still had an instant kill effect.

It may not be accurate to say that they will kill instantly. The hearts of these five violent blood rabbits are still beating, but their brains have stopped moving.

In medical terms, this state is brain death, but as the saying goes... I'm scared to death!

Nightmares can be nerve-wracking, but if you are overly frightened, you can be scared to death.

"No wonder Manager Luo asked me to keep a low profile. Just because of this domineering effect, it will definitely attract the prying eyes of many powerful people."

Jiang Chen silently adjusted the camera's effect to the minimum, and only after many attempts did he master some tricks.

At least the Silver-level Blood-tailed Rabbit can be weakened but not scared to death on the spot.

It's not that he was messing around, it's actually that this place will be used to shoot a documentary later. If they are all killed, the documentary will be obsolete.

It was about a small amount of money, so he couldn't be careless.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since the agreed time. Why haven't these people come yet?"

Jiang Chen yawned out of boredom, and then walked in the direction he came from under the frightened eyes of the blood-tailed rabbits.

the other side.

Outside the breeze and the sea of ​​flowers.

"Watch out for rabbits? What does that mean?"

Xiao Zhe looked at the message from Jiang Chen and was a little confused.

He knew that there was a blood-tailed rabbit in the sea of ​​flowers in the breeze. After all, after inheriting the position of president of Dahuang, he read all the information in the tin cabinet, and the blood-tailed rabbit was among them.

It's just that the blood-tailed rabbit is only at the Silver level, even if it is a mutant, Jiang Chen doesn't need to remind him deliberately.

"I may know this."

Yang Tianming explained in a timely manner: "The blood-tailed rabbit has a strong reproductive ability, so the garrison troops have been cleaning up regularly."

"But with the recent fluctuations in the natural moat system, the reproductive capacity of blood-tailed rabbits may have been enhanced. It is probably Jiang Chen who discovered a large number of traces of blood-tailed rabbits, so he reminded us."

Xiao Zhe suddenly realized that although there were many high-level envoys among them, there were also many new members of Dahuang and low-level students from the gym.

If they are surrounded by too many silver-level and bronze-level creatures at once, these people will indeed be easily affected.

"Everyone is on alert for a surprise attack by the blood-tailed rabbits. The number may be too large."

Xiao Zhe thought for a while and posted a reminder on Huang Jing.

But before anyone could reply, he heard hurried footsteps and exclamations coming from outside.

"Rabbit! It's a rabbit!"

The voice was full of fear, and he was obviously frightened.

"It's just that there are a lot of people, so it seems like the difficulty of the task is still too low."

Xiao Zhe frowned slightly, already thinking about several sets of targeted training in his mind.

The natural chasm fluctuates, and there may be a tide of beasts attacking the city at some point.

If these people are even afraid of such rabbits, how can they be expected to help defend the city in the future!

But after seeing the bloody wave emerging from the sea of ​​flowers, Xiao Zhe didn't think so.

This TM is simply a beast trend! (End of chapter)

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