Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 553: The Sky-Opening Cone, the Poisonous World Arrives!

With the death of the snake mother, the venomous snakes that were originally coiled around also scattered, leaving only a piece of reptile sticky stuff, leaving no place for people to step.

However, Jiang Chen didn't care about these, just curiously looked at the surrounding environment.

He was very sure that the snake mother did not appear in any version of the illustration published by the Federation.

In fact, Jiang Chen suspected that the snake mother might not even exist in the wilderness!

If there are such creatures in the wilderness, then the Federation has more or less received some information similar to "snake disasters".

After all, with this unreasonable reproduction speed, as long as the snake mother is careful not to expose herself, or arrange some powerful guards, she will soon occupy a place in the wilderness.

Wait, guards?

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly skipped a beat. The snake mother has similar abilities to the queen ant. Although she is huge, she has almost no combat ability.

The queen ant usually arranges some soldier ants around her to protect herself to prevent being attacked during childbirth.

But although there are many venomous snakes around the snake mother, their strength is very average, which is not enough to protect her own safety.

Do you think no one can break through the siege of the sea of ​​snakes, or...

"Fa Cai, can you still see a strong life magnetic field around here?"

Jiang Chen immediately became alert and looked around carefully, and Fa Cai immediately switched to the magnetic field vision to search.

Da Da!

When Fa Cai looked at the ancient tree deep in the valley that once gave birth to a large piece of white meat, he exclaimed, and Jiang Chen's muscles were all tense.

Here again, is the strangeness of this place really related to the avalanche?

With trepidation and uneasiness, Jiang Chen and Fa Cai slowly approached the ancient tree, but apart from the poisonous snakes all over the tree, there was no clue at all.

"Is it hidden in the tree?"

Jiang Chen glanced at Fa Cai, and Fa Cai immediately understood. He stretched out his hand and the Eternal Pagoda suddenly fell from the sky, smashing the ancient tree to pieces.


But just as the Eternal Pagoda was about to fall to the ground, it made a crisp impact sound and was then bounced aside.

Jiang Chen looked closely and found that there was a dark green spike stuck upside down in the ancient tree. This was what the Eternal Pagoda had hit just now!

And at the tip of the spike, there was a space crack as thin as a hair, and green smoke could be vaguely seen floating out of it.

Intuition told Jiang Chen that the appearance of the Snake Mother was definitely related to this spike.

Jiang Chen carefully circled the spike and took a picture of it as completely as possible.

Although it was very faint, there were still some lines on the spike. Taking it back to Wen Quan might have unexpected gains.

"What on earth is this thing that can actually cultivate a creature like the Snake Mother."

This spike is most likely a treasure, but Jiang Chen has never heard of any treasure that can cultivate pet spirits.

emmm... The manor is a taboo place, so I won't consider it.

Hiss hiss hiss...

At this moment, a series of teeth-grinding sounds suddenly came from the crack, and then a cold vertical pupil appeared in the crack.

It was a snake eye!

Jiang Chen's heart shuddered. Although he could only see a small part, he could roughly guess how big the owner of the snake eye was.

As the snake eye appeared, the crack began to slowly spread, gradually exposing the big snake behind the crack to Jiang Chen.

Through the gap, you can vaguely see a world filled with dark green poisonous fog!

Could it be that the mother snake came from there?

Jiang Chen seemed to have realized something, and immediately activated the palm of the universe to interfere with the expansion of the crack, while Fa Cai swung his claws to hit the spike.

This crack was obviously opened by the spike, and only by breaking the spike can the crack be stopped from continuing to expand.

Although Jiang Chen was very sure that he saw this scene this time, the world behind the crack gave him a sense of déjà vu.

It was like... the shadow world!

Jiang Chen's mind flashed, and he was about to remind Fa Cai to be careful, but a black shadow suddenly emerged from the void and rushed straight to Fa Cai.

"Fa Cai, be careful!"

Jiang Chen shouted loudly, reminding Fa Cai to be careful, and he also threw a punch.

He could feel the strong spatial fluctuations from the other party. As long as he could control the world, he might be able to banish the other party into the void.

But the other party seemed to have anticipated Jiang Chen's behavior long ago, and actually separated a black shadow to resist, while the big one threw a wind blade to attack Fa Cai.

Fortunately, Fa Cai's reaction speed was extremely fast. He caught the wind blade with a sideways movement and crushed it directly. At the same time, his body accelerated twice and pressed the black shadow directly to the ground.

As for Jiang Chen, although he was blocked by the other party, he also pressed the enemy to the ground.

His guess was right. This thing was definitely made by Xue Bian, otherwise he would not arrange people to guard it here.

But when Jiang Chen saw the appearance of the man on the ground clearly, he was stunned on the spot.

"Patrol Wind Envoy?"

Looking at the familiar mask and cloak of the other party, Jiang Chen frowned.

I thought it was Xue Bian who did these things, but it turned out to be Xinhuo?

No, the teacher said that Xinhuo has always taken the blame for Xue Bian, and those things before should have nothing to do with Xinhuo.

Perhaps, I misunderstood.

However, Jiang Chen thought about it, but he did not relax the strength in his hands at all, but pressed harder.

Although those things were not done by Xinhuo, Xinhuo might not be a good person, so it is better to be cautious.

"Let me go quickly. When the Cone of Heaven is fully opened and the Poison World comes, we will all die here!"

The patrolman was obviously a little agitated, struggling desperately but unable to break free.

A similar plot is also playing out on the Aeolian Pterosaur.

Because he absorbed the souls of the four ancient beasts, Fa Cai has a natural suppressive effect on the Fengshen Pterosaur.

The Patroller was still able to resist, but the Wind God Pterosaur had completely laid down and didn't want to struggle at all.

What else can it do? Its bloodline has been suppressed, its energy and laws have been sealed by the Great Prison Claw, and even its own physical strength is being drained.

Following this trend, the other party was now roasting him alive and he was unable to resist.

"Open Sky Cone? Poison Realm? Tell me in detail."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, finally understanding why he felt that way before.

The Poison World is one of the small worlds like the Shadow World.

And this Open Sky Cone can actually lead the poisonous world to come, and Xue Beng has come up with some black technology.

"The Open Sky Cone can break the barrier of the main world, allowing the small world to locate the main world. Once the passage is formed, the main world will not be able to expel the small world, and there will be endless small world creatures coming."

"You don't want to see your hometown destroyed by creatures from the poisonous world!"

As soon as Xunfeng made these words, Jiang Chen's expression became serious, but he still had no intention of letting go.

"Do you know how to break the Sky Cone?"

"It cannot be broken. This thing is made of small world crystals. It is inherently repellent to other attributes. It requires at least a star-level power of the same attribute to have a chance to break it."

The Patroller's tone became more and more anxious, and he said: "But I can use the dragon's eye crystal to temporarily cut off its connection with the poison world, so please let me go quickly."

"Dragon eye crystal is enough?"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up and he immediately started groping around the Wind Patroller's body.

Palm Qiankun can be promoted to the Moonlight level thanks to the powder of the dragon's eye crystal. If he can obtain a complete dragon's eye crystal, perhaps Palm Qiankun can be promoted to another level.

But now, of course, we need to solve the problem of the poison world first.

"Stop looking for it, the dragon's eye crystal is not on me."

The Patroller struggled for a while and cursed: "If I had known better, I shouldn't have closed the rift and let you be killed by the snake mother's guards."


After hearing what the Patroller said, Jiang Chen finally understood.

No wonder there are no guards around the snake mother. It seems that the patrolman closed the rift in time, causing the snake mother and the guards to separate.

In other words, the big snake on the other side of the rift is the guard.

No wonder the big snake looked at him with hatred in his eyes. He probably knew that he had killed the snake mother and was seeking revenge.

"Since the dragon's eye crystal can seal cracks, the palm of the universe should also be able to."

Jiang Chen gave up searching for the dragon's eye crystal for the time being, poured all his spiritual power into the Palm Universe, and punched again.

Click, click, click...

Extinguished space cracks suddenly appeared in the void, and even the entrance to the Poison World also fluctuated.

But before Jiang Chen could be happy for long, a green light appeared on the Open Sky Cone, stabilizing the entrance again.

Hiss, hiss...

As if feeling the threat from Jiang Chen, the big snake guard also began to squeeze towards this side with all its strength. The scarlet letter kept hesitating and almost hit Jiang Chen.

"It's useless. Except for the dragon's eye crystal, other space props cannot be sealed."

The patrolman stood up, glared at Jiang Chen hatefully, then bit his fingers and threw them into the sky.

Buzz buzz...

The space trembled, and the dragon's eye crystal emerged and released a faint wave, pressing towards the crack in the poisonous world.

Suddenly, the entrance to the Poison Realm shrank a bit on the spot, leaving a slender wound on Orochi's nobuko.

"Is this enough?"

Jiang Chen was surprised for a while. The power released by the Dragon Eye Crystal was obviously not as powerful as the Palm of Heaven and Earth, but it could effectively suppress the entrance to the Poison Realm. It was really strange.

Could it be that he was using it wrong?

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Chen immediately closed his eyes and contemplated quietly, paying no attention to the patrolman beside him who was almost exhausted.

Although the dragon's eye crystal can suppress the entrance, it will also cause him a great burden.

Suppressing the entrance to this size is already his limit. If there is no other way, they will all die here!

But at this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly opened his eyes and gently stretched out his hands to press the entrance.

Following Jiang Chen's movements, a slight wave quietly appeared, perfectly integrated into the wave of the longan crystal, and together it pressed towards the entrance to the poisonous world.


The entrance suddenly changed back to its original cracked appearance, and the serpent's letter was cut off and fell heavily to the ground.

Angry roars came from the cracks, but Jiang Chen ignored them, instead immersed in a new understanding. (End of chapter)

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