Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 559 Young Master Yan's Shura Field

The border of the Forest of Elements.

"President, I suddenly feel a little unwell. How about you and your senior sister go on this mission..."

Xiao Yan looked helpless and looked at Jiang Chen with pleading eyes.

"How can this be done? It's related to the repair work of the natural moat. Master Yan, you can provide the necessary personnel."

Jiang Chen looked serious and said: "We are doing this for all mankind!"

"Jiang Chen is right. It concerns the safety of all mankind. Naturally, we should do something within our ability."

Baili Honglian believed deeply and said: "Don't worry, even if I encounter danger, I will never leave anyone here behind."

"Senior, of course I am very happy to say that, but..."

Xiao Yan had veins popping out on his forehead. He lowered his head and glanced at the rope tightly tied to his body, which was made with the power of space, and said, "President, can you please stop tying up this young master!"

"That's not possible, otherwise Master Yan, you will run away."

Jiang Chen shrugged and said, "I'm very aware of your elusive ability, Master Yan."

"Didn't this young master say that Mo is taking a rest recently? This young master can't do such a thing at all!"

"Ah, yes, yes, I believe it, so I tied you up anyway."

Jiang Chen grinned. Because of Mo's scales on Palm Qiankun, he could feel that something was wrong with Mo's condition.

I can't tell whether it's good or bad, but it's just that it's always outside the void, but it's closely connected to the void.

That feeling is somewhat similar to Hongzhong.

Is Mo also going to be upgraded?

Jiang Chen shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

If this is the case, it will only be good for them, but the top priority is to quickly complete the tasks assigned to them by Patriarch Lin.

"Although I finally agreed, Mr. Lin is really tough."

Jiang Chen scratched his head, unable to imagine that such a risky plan could be thought up by an old man.

Maybe this kind of old-blooded and youthful drama is popular these days?

No matter what, it's still in the negotiation stage anyway, just take it one step at a time.

After all, there seems to be no better way now.

"By the way, Lin Mu, how's the Food Road going now?"

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something and asked suddenly.

"Of course they are doing quite well. The Lin family is able to provide so many treasures to the Federation thanks to this food road."

Lin Mu, who was driving, glanced at Jiang Chen in the reflector and said, "Thanks to Li Tianqi's help, the Sweetheart Demon Dragon is currently leaning towards the Federation. This not only greatly eases the pressure on our Lin's high-end combat power, but even the surrounding The number of evil spirits has also decreased.”

"I see."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that along the way, he had indeed discovered that the number of evil spirits in the Southern Territory was much less than in other places. It must have been affected by this factor.

Without the threat of major natural disasters from the outside world, the Lin family can allocate more manpower to suppress the evil spirits in the federation. From a certain perspective, the disadvantage of the Lin family not having solar creatures has been eliminated.

But judging from the previous chat with Patriarch Lin, Lin is still very concerned about the fact that his family does not have a sun, otherwise he would not include such a requirement in the plan.

The other party actually told him all this, and Jiang Chen said that he was really panicked.

"I always feel like these words are not meant for me. Do you want me to relay them to the teacher? Or are they meant for someone else..."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful, but the car suddenly stopped.

"Well, this is it?"

Jiang Chen looked ahead in confusion. There were still big trees all around, and it was obvious that he had not yet left the range of the Forest of Elements.

Isn't Ye's other station located outside the Tianqian layer? Why did it stop here?

On the road directly in front of the car, four figures were speeding towards them, and Lin Mu's expression seemed to be a little off.

Enemy attack?

Jiang Chen's heart tightened and he immediately entered a fighting state, while Baili Honglian summoned the Red Lotus Demon Tiger and turned the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire.

But soon, Jiang Chen discovered the clues.

"Master Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Chen looked at Young Master Yan who was sweating profusely, as if he had been fished out of the water, and couldn't help but ask.

"'s nothing. The weather in the south is just sultry, hahaha..."

Xiao Yan smiled awkwardly, but the more this happened, the more Jiang Chen felt that his guess was correct.

"Senior, take back the Red Lotus Devil Tigers, they are not enemies."

Glancing again at the four people who were getting closer, Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh and said to Baili Honglian.

"Not an enemy?"

Baili Honglian frowned slightly and let the Red Lotus Devil Tiger disperse in the star field, but still kept the Red Lotus Devil Tiger by his side.

She could feel strong negative emotions from the four people opposite her. Although there was no murderous intent, she had to guard against them.

"They are indeed not enemies, they are just my four sisters..."

Seeing that Baili Honglian had obviously misunderstood, Lin Mu immediately explained, but glanced at Xiao Yan unconsciously while speaking.

Sure enough, these four are the legendary "sisters."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the pressure caused by the conversation with Patriarch Ye was gone.

Nothing can relieve your mood better than eating melon. If so, eat a big one!

Soon, the four people appeared in front of Jiang Chen and his party, and Jiang Chen suddenly felt his eyes light up.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not amazed by the looks of these four people, it’s just that they shine on a purely physical level.

I didn't notice them from a distance before, but now I see that the four girls are all wrapped in a layer of elemental armor of different colors.

Although it is broad daylight now, Jiang Chen is still blinded by the light from the elemental armor.

Yellow, blue, green, and red, do they correspond to the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire?

Jiang Chen opened the Qiankunyi, shielded the interference of light, and finally saw the appearance of the four people clearly.


Jiang Chen smacked his lips. The same face, the same style of clothes, the same... emmm, a smooth road.

Except for the different clothes and hair colors, the four girls in front of him are almost exactly the same.

I knew that Master Yan was awesome, but I didn't expect that he would provoke quadruplets of beautiful girls all of a sudden~

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan more, but found that the other party had opened the car door at some point and moved to the back as hard as a caterpillar.

"Brother Yan!"

At this moment, the four girls spoke at the same time, but the crisp voice made Xiao Yan tremble all over.

"What a coincidence, I actually met you here."

Xiao Yan's mouth twitched, and he forced a smile.

"Not a coincidence at all, we came here specifically to find Brother Yan!"

They spoke at the same time, and showed a wronged look at the same time, and a flash surrounded Xiao Yan.

"Brother Yan, you haven't come to see us for a long time, have you forgotten your promise to us!"

When the four girls said this, Jiang Chen's ears immediately stood up, and he took the melon seeds from Fa Cai who ran out of the side at some point, and ate them skillfully.

And Baiban was even more excessive, and actually took out a few pieces of iced watermelon for Lin Mu and Baili Honglian.

Eating melons, they are professionals!

"Well... This young master has explained it a long time ago, and the words of a child can't be taken seriously."

Xiao Yan turned his head away guiltily, and glanced at Baili Honglian from time to time, as if he cared about Baili Honglian's opinion.

It's just that Baili Honglian didn't know these things, but was still full of questions.

"Jiang Chen, is Xiao Yan asking me for help?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Master Yan can handle this little thing. He is a professional in this area!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand and had no intention of going up to help.

Lin Mu didn't move. Obviously, these four people would not do anything to Xiao Yan. He just had to eat melons with peace of mind.

"Is that so..."

Bai Li Hong Lian nodded slightly, but her frown did not relax.

For some reason, because of Xiao Yan's glance just now, these four girls had a little hostility towards her.

Is it because of the behavior of summoning pet spirits just now?

On the other side, the four girls glanced at Bai Li Hong Lian and focused their attention on the back of Xiao Yan again, their eyes full of tears of grievance.

"Promises are promises, and age has nothing to do with them."

The four girls shook their heads vigorously and choked up, saying, "Or did Brother Yan change his mind and don't want to marry us anymore!"

Puff! ! !

As soon as the girls said this, Jiang Chen sprayed out the melon seeds in his mouth. Fa Cai and Bai Ban also stayed where they were, looking at Xiao Yan with a weird look.

Baili Honglian's face also changed, and she kept looking at Xiao Yan, as if she wanted to get to know Xiao Yan again.

Young Master Yan was willing to do something to such a young kid, it was really...

"This is really just a joke when we were young..."

Young Master Yan wanted to cry but had no tears, and said: "Lin Mu, if you don't help me explain, I will be really angry!"

"Ahem... Brother Yan, I explained it a long time ago, but I can't do anything if the four of them don't believe it."

Lin Mu suppressed his smile and said: "I think it's better for you to explain these things yourself, Brother Yan."

"You really are..."

Xiao Yan sighed helplessly, looked at the space rope tied tighter on his body, and glared at Jiang Chen hatefully.

"In that case, I will make it clear to you this time. I only said that to comfort you. After all, you were still young at that time, and I could only use this method to prevent you from doing those extreme things."

"Also, even if you are grown up now, I will not fulfill my promise, because your..."

Xiao Yan hesitated, his eyes unconsciously drifted across the chests of the four people, and subconsciously glanced at Baili Honglian.

This action was not obvious, but now everyone was focused on Xiao Yan, how could they not notice it.

"Tsk tsk... I was wondering why Master Yan was so resistant to women, it turned out to be because of this."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the appearance of these four girls was definitely the first echelon, and they were only a little worse than Baili Honglian.

But this figure...

Well, these kids, you went to the wrong set. (End of this chapter)

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