Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 56 Hongzhong’s natal skills

"Brother Chen, can you lend me this precious phantom to study?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he heard this and said, "Wen Quan, can you still make precious phantoms?"

"I only understand it a little bit..."

Wen Quan shyly scratched his head and said.

"Well, you really know how to do it."

Jiang Chen was convinced that Wen Quan was really good at everything. Jiang Chen now doubted whether this guy would one day develop some special device and directly give birth to a child on his own.

"I really only know some theories about this, but I haven't put it into practice yet. After all, the company won't let me mess around with the gold-level life core."

Wen Quan waved his hands repeatedly, thought for a while, and with difficulty moved his eyes away from Zhang Qiankun: "Forget it, Brother Chen, you should wait until I make a noble phantom with my own hands before you study it, I'm afraid it will be damaged. "

"Okay, if I can get a gold-level life core, I'll leave it to you to make the Noble Phantasm."

Jiang Chen nodded. Although Wen Quan was very unsure, he was very confident in Wen Quan.

If Wen Quan can say that he "somewhat understands" it, then his skills in this area must have surpassed that of most people.

"Okay, I will definitely make a Noble Phantasm that satisfies you, Brother Chen!"

Wen Quan nodded vigorously, looked at Jiang Chen who was about to leave, and couldn't help but ask.

"Brother Chen, you only buy the life core and not the destiny potion every time. Do you have a better way to deal with it?"

Hearing Wen Quan's question, Jiang Chen paused, thought for a while, and nodded, saying: "So, but this method should only apply to me."

"Ok, I see."

Hearing Jiang Chen's answer, Wen Quan suddenly showed a bright smile on his face.

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."


Jiang Chen nodded slightly and left Venus Company immediately.

Dahuang Warehouse.

Jiang Chen took out the life core from the palm of his hand, and the golden and blue light fell on his face, which was so brilliant that it made Jiang Chen feel distressed.

"Raising a pet spirit is really a costly job..."

Jiang Chen sighed and suddenly understood why the envoys would choose to join a gym or a consortium.

Unless there is a mine at home, most people simply cannot afford it.

"Forget it, there are gains and losses. Let's strengthen Facai and Hongzhong first."

Jiang Chen tightened his grip on his life core and immediately entered the farm.

"Zhang Qiankun can also come in, is it because it is made with life core?"

Looking at the Palm Qiankun still resting on his hand, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he tried to put his life core into the space, and he succeeded.

If the function of Palm Universe can take effect here, wouldn't it be possible to use Palm Universe to carry things in in the future?

Da da!

Seeing Jiang Chen's arrival, Facai immediately flew over from the fruit tree, and then looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

Gold coins, Shushu hasn’t had gold coins for a long time!

"Don't worry, I'm just here to bring you food."

As he said that, Jiang Chen handed three metallic mutated life cores to Facai and said: "We don't have metallic mutated life cores at the moment, so I only exchanged three for you. I exchanged the rest for water attribute ones and gave them to Hong. Chuuya strengthens it.”

Da da!

Facai nodded vigorously, as long as he had gold coins to eat, Shuashu was not stingy.

"That's good."

Jiang Chen patted Fa Cai's head gently, and then looked at Hong Zhong, who was squatting curiously outside the greenhouse.

"According to the algorithm over at Guoshu, the five mutant life cores should increase by 10%, which is just enough for the birth skills to appear!"

Jiang Chen unconsciously clenched the life core in his hand, walked to the greenhouse and looked around.

"But how should we use the life core in this greenhouse? There is no place to bury it?"

Jiang Chen looked around the greenhouse for a long time, but couldn't find a place to place the life core. After thinking about it, he simply threw it in.

Ding Ling clang...

The life core fell on the glass floor, making a crisp sound, and Hongzhong was also attracted by the movement and rushed in.

"Be careful Hongzhong, it's cold inside."

The cold wind blew out from the crack in the door, and Jiang Chen couldn't help but shiver. Hong Zhong, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy this feeling very much.

As a water creature, its resistance to cold is also quite strong.

At this moment, the five life cores suddenly melted and came to the wall of the greenhouse like water, and then divided, shaped, and solidified again.

When the water flow stopped, it had turned into ten blue crystal flower pots.

"Flower pot? Isn't this because Hongzhong wants to eat the flower pot?"

Jiang Chen has a toothache. He just wants to get rich by eating gold coins. Flying squirrels have good teeth and are not afraid.

But let Hongzhong eat the flower pot, what a scene...

It’s outrageous when you think about it.

"This farm is really getting out of whack."

Fortunately, after the flowerpot appeared, plants covered with frost quickly grew inside.

"Catnip? That's pretty much it."

Jiang Chen quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to check the changes in the greenhouse.

[Name]: Warm greenhouse

[Level]: Level I

[Effect]: Basic attribute increase (Level I 10%); water element affinity (Level I 10%), ice element affinity (Level I 10%)

"Dual element affinity?"

Looking at the description of the effects of the greenhouse, Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

They are obviously facilities on a farm, and they all use life cores, but the strengthening effects are actually different.

Moreover, the water element affinity is nothing more than that. Hong Zhong is originally a water attribute, and he also lost the water attribute life core. Where did this ice attribute come from?

"Although dual-attribute affinity is great, Hongzhong doesn't have ice-attribute skills. What's the use of having one?"

Jiang Chen rubbed his chin, a little confused.

"Unless, these catnip can give the red ice properties?"

Upon thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately planned to let Hongzhong give it a try, but before he could speak, the ten catnip flowers suddenly shattered and turned into ice and snow and flew toward Hongzhong.

Hongzhong was caught off guard and had no time to dodge. He was directly hit by the snowflakes. His body hydrated uncontrollably, and the ice and frost penetrated into Hongzhong's body and disappeared.

Then, an ice flower suddenly appeared on the glass wall and spread quickly, quickly covering the entire glass room.

Da da?

Sensing the movement here, Facai, who was just about to feast, immediately ran over and asked about Hongzhong's condition.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Jiang Chen rubbed Fa Cai's head, his eyes full of expectation.

"If nothing else, Hongzhong will be able to understand his own skills."

Da da!

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Fa Cai was relieved and suddenly ran up to Jiang Chen and flexed his muscles.

"Okay, I know you are the strongest."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, picked up Fa Cai and put it on his shoulders, quietly waiting for the change in the greenhouse to end.

Finally, the frost on the greenhouse glass stopped getting heavier, and the originally closed door opened.

Click, click, click...

A burst of cold air surged out from the crack in the door, freezing everything it passed.

"Ice attribute affinity...I see, Hongzhong's natural skill is actually ice attribute?"

The insect is playing a resurrection match. Whether it can be resurrected depends on today. Please support me~

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