Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 575: Enemies outside the world, keep out the enemy and maintain internal stability

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. This was his first time entering the core of [Zi Mo], but this mechanical mouse could accurately tell the identity of the anomaly logger in the Six Worlds.

It seems that his previous guess was correct. The Forbidden Land and even all Forbidden Lands are controlled by a certain system or force together with the Six Paths World.

Or maybe the Six Paths World is the one who controls it, which can also explain the fact that the coordinates of forbidden places can be obtained in the Six Paths World.

"Yes, I was waiting when you first opened the entrance to the secret realm."

The mechanical mouse nodded slightly, glanced at the favored spirits such as Fortune and others who were eyeing him, and said: "But your companions were still very weak at that time."

Da da!

As soon as the mechanical mouse said this, his hair suddenly exploded. Just as he was about to take action, the golden bowl instantly drained all the energy from his body, and he could only silently go back to refine the golden energy.

Hongzhong, on the other hand, did not feel angry at the words of the mechanical mouse. He glanced at the mechanical mouse indifferently and went to sleep.

Although the true spirit was not harmed, the side effects caused by the burning of the soul were still considerable, and he could only make up for it by sleeping.

Moreover, the cat did not feel any ill will from the mechanical mouse.

"Sorry, I would like to use gentler words, but your strength is indeed weak compared to the upcoming enemy."

The mechanical mouse apologized very consciously, but the words were a bit harsh in Jiang Chen's ears.

Is the upcoming enemy a demon? avalanche?

"I know what you are thinking. Yes, the enemies I am talking about are demons, and they are very close to here."

The mechanical mouse paused and said: "My authority does not allow me to say too much, but since you have seen it, it is okay to say something appropriately."

At this point, the voice of the mechanical mouse suddenly became serious and said: "In one year, the demon army will come, and the world will be destroyed!"

"This world must accept evolution!"

"The demon army is coming in a year?!"

Jiang Chen's expression changed. He had personally verified the demon's fighting power. Whether it was a large number of demon imps or a physically powerful big demon, it was quite troublesome to deal with them.

And such an enemy is going to invade here on a legion scale, and just one year later, this is definitely the worst news!

Thinking of the demon traces he saw from behind the demon portal, a sense of urgency suddenly enveloped Jiang Chen's heart.

Although Hongzhong has eliminated a large number of demons, they are only a small number. There are more and stronger demons approaching from behind.

That kind of amount would probably require the four major families to join forces to have a chance to stop it.

"That's right, and the vanguard of the Demon Legion is already very close to this world. It's just that they haven't found the coordinates yet and can't descend."

The mechanical teacher nodded and said: "What you erased today was one of the coordinates discovered by the devil. Fortunately, you have strong combat power, otherwise the devil team would have completely descended."

"Wait a minute, you mean Demon Squad?"

Jiang Chen's expression changed and he said, "The demons I saw were just a small team?!"

Are you kidding? There are already hundreds of demons killed in Hongzhong alone, and these are just a drop in the bucket of that batch of demons.

There are so many demons, but they are actually just a small team of demons.

"The power of the devil is far beyond your imagination, even..."

The voice of the mechanical mouse stopped suddenly, and the originally blue mechanical eyes suddenly turned blood red, but soon returned to normal.

"I said a little too much, but I think you should already understand how terrifying the devil is."

The mechanical mouse paused and said: "I have other tasks, so I can't take action personally. I can only provide appropriate assistance within the scope of my authority."

"So these enemies still need to be dealt with by you humans."

"Can't you take action?"

Jiang Chen subconsciously thought of that big empty hand and stopped talking.

"Yes, my main task is to protect this secret place from being destroyed, and I cannot do any other unnecessary things."

The mechanical mouse nodded and said: "The core command set by our master is to protect us, so... I'm sorry."

"All right."

Jiang Chen felt a little regretful. The mechanical mouse's fighting power was so strong that he felt that even the sun's creatures were no match for the mechanical mouse.

And judging from what the mechanical mice mean, they seem to have a strong bias towards humans?

If the mechanical mouse can take action, the evil spirits in the wilderness will hardly pose a threat.

"Sorry, we did provide a lot of care to humans in the past three hundred years, but that was just to ensure that humans would not be extinct, but we will not help humans eliminate threats from the outside."

"A race without external threats will eventually usher in destruction, which is inconsistent with our master's original intention."

"Only crisis can bring about evolution, and the world is in desperate need of evolution!"

"If humans can't do it, we don't mind protecting other races."

The mechanical mouse seemed to see through Jiang Chen's thoughts and directly dashed Jiang Chen's hopes.

"According to regulations, I cannot meet with non-key owners for too long, so if you have any questions, please ask as soon as possible and I will answer as appropriate."

After hearing what the mechanical mouse said, Jiang Chen also restrained his thoughts and immediately asked: "You just mentioned the secret realm. Is the third floor of this forbidden land different from the outer two floors?"

"The forbidden land is just what you humans say. For us, it is just a special space formed by the radiation of the secret realm."

The mechanical mouse shook his head and said, "The secret realm is a small world that can only be created by extraordinary creatures after they have comprehended their own laws to the extreme. These small worlds will provide great power to the creator."

"When the secret realm is separated from the creator and fixed on the main world, it will radiate the surrounding space, gradually change its properties, and form the forbidden land you call."

Speaking of this, the mechanical mouse paused and said, "Some of you humans have begun to peek at the power of the secret realm and have tried to create a secret realm yourself."

"That's good. Humans need such exploration and creativity, but they have also touched some dangerous things. If possible, I hope you can help guide them, otherwise it will hinder the process of world evolution."

Hearing what the mechanical mouse said, the figure of Avalanche suddenly appeared in Jiang Chen's mind.

It seems that only Avalanche is capable of doing this and has already started to execute it.

But this guide avalanche...

Jiang Chen's mouth twitched. The only member of the avalanche he had contacted was the bishop, and he was beaten badly. Let him guide... wait for another two years.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's mood suddenly became heavy again.

This demon doesn't seem to intend to give him two years.

He needs to improve his strength as much as possible in the next year.

No, it is to improve the strength of the people around him together!

Facing the demon army, it is impossible to rely on his own strength alone.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately asked the second question.

"Are the six worlds and the twelve forbidden places left by the same person?"

Jiang Chen emphasized the word "people" a little bit, and a little expectation flashed in his eyes.

"It counts, and it doesn't count."

The mechanical mouse shook his head and said: "The six worlds and the twelve forbidden places have different sources, but if you trace them back to the beginning, they can also be regarded as the same person."

Jiang Chen was silent and did not continue to ask, because he already had a general answer in his mind.

"The last question, what exactly are the six worlds and the forbidden land?"

This question has troubled Jiang Chen for a long time, and after seeing the mechanical mouse, this confusion has become more serious.

His impression of the forbidden land has changed many times.

Before becoming a master, it was a mysterious place that only existed in legends.

After becoming a master, it was a dangerous place that only strong people could approach.

After mistakenly entering the poisonous forbidden land, it was a contradictory place where crises and risks coexisted.

After obtaining multiple keys, it became a treasure land full of opportunities.

And now, these previous impressions were covered with a veil, making him somewhat unable to locate the meaning of the existence of the forbidden land.

Perhaps as the mechanical mouse said, the forbidden land is just a special space radiated by the secret realm.

But Jiang Chen wanted to know more than just these, he wanted to know what the man wanted to do by creating these forbidden lands.

"This question is beyond the authority, I can't answer."

In Jiang Chen's disappointed eyes, the mechanical mouse shook his head and did not give an answer.

"I can only give you one sentence. This world needs evolution, and what we are protecting is also evolution."

The mechanical mouse looked at Jiang Chen deeply and said, "As the successor of evolution, I hope you can develop your true power, otherwise this world will eventually be destroyed."

"That person has been waiting for you for too long."

"Waiting for me? Do you mean that the person who arranged these knows my existence?"

Jiang Chen suddenly became alert and immediately stepped forward to ask.

As a time traveler, he was very secretive about his true identity and never told anyone about these things.

But the look of the mechanical mouse just now seemed to see through it completely.

In fact, Jiang Chen felt that the mechanical mouse knew the existence of the manor!

It's just that the mechanical mouse didn't seem to want to pay attention to Jiang Chen anymore. The light in his eyes flashed, and everything around Jiang Chen became chaos.

Only the voice of the mechanical mouse came from his ear.

"Hurry up and evolve. There is no time to waste in this world."

"Whether to fight against foreign aggression or maintain domestic stability, everything is in your hands."

"Go ahead. We will watch over you and protect you in the corner of the world..."

The voice of the mechanical mouse gradually faded away, and the scene in front of Jiang Chen changed accordingly. He actually returned to the forest on the first floor.

"This guy, can't he speak more clearly?"

Jiang Chen looked helpless. Listening to the last sentence lingering in his ears, he sighed heavily.

"But fortunately, I know this guy's name. It turns out that the name of this forbidden place is the code name of the core guardian."

"Rat... Could it be that the guardians of other forbidden places are also these mechanical lives?" (End of this chapter)

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