Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 63 The situation is tense

"Your grandfather?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then he quickly reacted when he thought of Lin Mu's background.

The Lin family is the only one of the four major families that does not have a Sun creature in charge, but its status is not inferior to the other three families.

The reason is that the Lin family has mastered the most advanced treasure making technology in the Federation.

It is said that "Tianqian" was also created by the ancestors of the Lin family, and it seems reasonable that the Master of the Universe came from the hands of Lin Mu's grandfather.

"That's right, but the Master of the Universe should be a pair, did you only get one of them?"

Lin Mu nodded slightly, and was about to continue to say something, but Su Rui on the side lost his patience and interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, can't you just ask directly?"

Su Rui walked straight to Jiang Chen and looked down at Jiang Chen with his cold golden eyes.

"You are from Yunyin University, right? Tell me Xiao Zhe's location, otherwise you don't have to continue this trial."

Are they here to find Xiao Zhe?

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and a trace of imperceptible coldness flashed in his eyes.

The children of a big family are really arrogant...

"Sorry, he is a little impatient, but he has absolutely no ill intentions."

Lin Mu shook his head helplessly and said, "But if you are willing to tell me the approximate location of Xiao Zhe, I am willing to pay for it."

A big stick and a carrot? He has so many thoughts at such a young age. Suddenly, I think Master Yan is not bad.

Looking at the two people with different expressions in front of him, Jiang Chen exhaled heavily. Just when he was about to refuse, the door of the safe house was opened again, and a blue-haired boy walked in.

Hearing the movement, Lin Mu and Su Rui turned their heads at the same time. After seeing the appearance of the boy clearly, a fighting spirit broke out in their eyes.

Speaking of Xiao Zhe, Xiao Zhe is here?

Seeing Xiao Zhe suddenly appear, Jiang Chen was also a little surprised and walked aside.

The target of these two people is Xiao Zhe. Now that Xiao Zhe is here, there is no need for him to get involved.

It is definitely not good to mix with this group of children of big families.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. It seems that we are really destined to meet." Seeing Xiao Zhe gradually approaching them, Lin Mu quickly restrained his fighting spirit and returned to his original calmness. "Now that you have seen me in person, don't be hypocritical." Su Rui pushed Lin Mu away without hesitation and said, "Xiao Zhe, do you dare to compete with me? If you lose, you will directly withdraw from the competition. How about it?" "Competition?" Xiao Zhe looked around and saw that there were only five people in the safe house, including the nuclear division personnel. He refused without hesitation. "I have no interest in this kind of competition, so I refuse!" There were only so few spectators. Even if you win, no one will see it. It's a waste of energy. "You!" Seeing that Xiao Zhe dared to refuse him, Su Rui was about to explode on the spot, but was stopped by Lin Mu. Lin Mu looked at Xiao Zhe deeply and placed Xiao Zhe's status in his heart a little higher. Not arrogant or impatient, Xiao Zhe is definitely a leader among the young generation of the four major families! "Su Rui said that although we belong to the four major families, it is a pity that we have never met each other. It is a good opportunity to compete with each other through the trial. What do you think?"

"Trial? Yes, but you should have no hope."

Xiao Zhe did not have the slightest intention of hiding his face. He raised his head arrogantly, then took out a treasure that looked like an incense burner and gently poured out the life cores one by one.

"So many!"

Looking at the pile of life cores in front of him, the core scorer finally couldn't help but exclaimed, and Su Rui and Lin Mu looked at Xiao Zhe with a serious look.

"20 black iron-level life cores, a total of 200 points."

Has Xiao Zhe already obtained 20 life cores in just one day?

Su Rui and Lin Mu looked at each other and were both shocked.

The most popular genius of the Xiao family is indeed extraordinary.

"Twenty, is it a lot?"

Looking at the shocked look of the three people, Jiang Chen was a little confused and silently gave up the idea of ​​taking out the remaining dozen life cores in the palm of the universe.

If I take it out now, I will definitely be targeted by these three people at the same time, right?

I will...

I will definitely...

Seeing the increasingly tense atmosphere in the safe house, Jiang Chen became more and more certain of his thoughts.

It's better not to take it out for now. He doesn't want to get involved in the disputes between these young masters.


At this moment, the door was opened again, and the five people in the safe house looked over at once.

"Bai Xiaoyu?"

Seeing the appearance of the person coming, Jiang Chen's expression suddenly became strange.

The locations of the trials were all disrupted this time, and the scope of the first zone was very large, so no one knew where they would be.

But what Jiang Chen didn't expect was that he would meet people from the four major consortiums at the same time.

What's wrong with this safe house? They all come here.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here too?"

Meeting Jiang Chen in the safe house, Bai Xiaoyu was obviously also surprised, and ran in with big strides.

"Why can't I be here?"

Jiang Chen pursed his lips and was about to remind Bai Xiaoyu of the current situation, but Bai Xiaoyu ran directly to the nuclear officer and threw a cloth bag on the table.

"I'll redeem the points first, it's too inconvenient to hold it."

This guy, why is he so fast!

Hearing the muffled sound of the cloth bag falling on the table, Jiang Chen instinctively realized that something was wrong, but it was too late to stop it.

Bai Xiaoyu's movements immediately attracted the attention of the three people present. For such a big bag, there must be a lot of life cores in it.

Bai Xiaoyu... is a member of Ye's sprouting class and an opponent worth paying attention to.

Then, under the gaze of a group of people, Bai Xiaoyu poured out all the contents of the bag, and a bunch of life cores and a long white jade-like horn fell out of it.

"I've already counted it. There are exactly twenty life cores, and this horn. It can't be burned by fire. Do you think it can be counted as points?"

The nuclear officer's movements became a lot stiffer, and it took him a long time to react and start helping Bai Xiaoyu to carry out the nuclear analysis.

"Yes, this is the horn of the rare bloodline creature White Jade Rhinoceros, worth 10 points. Counting your other life cores, the total is 210 points."

Inadvertently, the nuclear officer used the honorific, and the other three also shifted their targets to Bai Xiaoyu.

This Bai Xiaoyu's points have surpassed Xiao Zhe's!

"This guy's ability to attract hatred is still top-notch..."

Seeing the increasingly tense atmosphere in the safe house, Jiang Chen felt a headache.

Although he knew that Bai Xiaoyu's points would not be bad, he did not expect that there would be so many.

It seems that Bai Xiaoyu has indeed received good training at Ye's.

However, I didn’t expect that even the body tissues of evil spirits could be redeemed for points. It seems that this should be the special resource the class teacher mentioned.

Thinking of the evil corpses piled up on his farm, Jiang Chen seemed to see countless points flying towards him.

He would sort it out later and exchange it directly for points, which would save him from having to pay twice.

However, we can only wait until these people leave before redeeming it...

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