Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 70 It’s not a hypothetical, it’s really a golden mountain!

Facing the pursuit of two gold-eating ants, Jiang Chen did not hesitate and chose to escape without hesitation.

Although Fa Cai successfully killed one, the process was not that smooth. Facing two at the same time, the risk factor was too high.

The most important thing is that so many gold-eating ants appeared in the same place at the same time. Jiang Chen suspected that he might have wandered around the gold-eating ants' nest.

"Get rich, Hongzhong, interfere with their actions!"

Seeing the gold-eating ants getting closer and closer, Jiang Chen immediately issued an order.

The exorcism spray can only make evil spirits subconsciously avoid the sprayed area, but if they are discovered and become hostile, the exorcism spray will have no effect.

Da da!

Meow meow!

After receiving Jiang Chen's instructions, Hongzhong immediately hydrated and turned into a disk, and then instantly froze into a radiant disk.

At the same time, Fa Cai also used his golden eyes, but it was not an attack, but a precise hit on the ice plate that was changing in red.

Two dazzling beams of light were focused by the ice plate and accurately hit the tentacles on the heads of the two gold-eating ants. The gold-eating ants immediately stopped chasing after feeling the pain.

"Well done!"

Jiang Chen shook his fist vigorously. The gold-eating ants had no vision and relied entirely on the tentacles on their foreheads for sensing.

Although the attack of fortune failed to completely break their tentacles, it would be difficult for the other party to continue pursuing.

Upon thinking of this, Jiang Chen immediately quickened his pace and rushed into the woods to find a suitable hiding place.

Gold-eating ants have strong resistance to attacks and have average interference effects. He must find a location far enough away from the gold-eating ants to enter the farm.

"Is that a cave?"

Looking at the hole covered by vines not far away, Jiang Chen rushed over without any hesitation, not forgetting to spray exorcism spray along the way.

The moment Jiang Chen rushed into the cave, the two gold-eating ants also chased after him. After carefully sensing it, they rushed straight towards the cave.

The perception ability of gold-eating ants is much stronger than that of other creatures. Although Jiang Chen sprayed the exorcism spray, such a short period of time was still not enough to dispel his aura.

But when the gold-eating ants entered the cave, they could not see any living creatures.

Click, click, click!

The two gold-eating ants searched around but still found nothing, so they had to give up.

Shortly after the two gold-eating ants left, three figures appeared from the void.

"Huh~ I almost got tricked to death."

Jiang Chen looked around at the space in front of him that could only accommodate three or five people, with a wry smile on his face.

Originally, he wanted to go deeper into the cave and then into the farm, but he didn't expect that this place was not a cave at all, just a depression.

If he hadn't hid in the farm in time and tricked the two gold-eating ants away, he would have really fallen into a trap this time.

Jiang Chen carefully ran to the entrance of the cave to check, sprayed some exorcism spray again, and then retreated after confirming that the gold-eating ants were gone.

"It's getting late, so we might as well rest here for the night."

It's getting dark now, and the activities of evil spirits will become more frequent. Although hiding here is inappropriate, going out will only be more dangerous.

Jiang Chen walked to a rock wall and knocked on it, then suddenly said: "Get rich, why don't you come and dig for it?"

Da da……

Fa Cai raised his petite paws speechlessly, looking pitiful. Hong Zhong, who had not yet figured out the situation, also followed suit and raised his paws.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Jiang Chen laughed loudly. In fact, it was okay to dig. After all, these were just ordinary rocks. The destructive power of Fortune's golden light was relatively easy.

However, the gold-eating ants may not have gone far yet, and making noise at this time can easily attract them back.

"Eat something first. You two must be tired after a long day of fighting."

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Chen suddenly disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was carrying a bunch of food, including a bottle of iced drink!

Ever since he discovered the bug in the farm, Jiang Chen has developed the habit of storing food on the farm to guard against food shortages.

Da da!

Meow meow!

Fa Cai and Hong Zhong, who were already hungry, saw something to eat and immediately ran to Jiang Chen to feast. Jiang Chen also sat cross-legged to pay homage to his five internal organs temple.

Click, click, click!

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the cave, followed by a burst of sound in the air.

"No, those two gold-eating ants are back!"

Hearing the movement outside the cave, Fa Cai and Hong Zhong rushed out immediately, while Jiang Chen instinctively rolled on the spot and hid aside.

boom! ! !

A dark figure slammed into the rock wall next to Jiang Chen. In an instant, gravel flew everywhere and the entire cave was in chaos.

"Damn it, Fa Cai Hongzhong will find a way to escape outside. Fighting here will do us no good!"

Jiang Chen cursed secretly and was about to run away from the cave, but a burst of golden light suddenly flashed across his eyes.

Golden light?

Isn't getting rich a fight against the gold-eating ant outside? When did it come in?

Click, click, click!

Just when Jiang Chen was confused, the gold-eating ant that hit the rock wall also turned around and rushed towards Jiang Chen, smashing the surrounding gravel into powder.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he ran away quickly, but before he took a few steps, he was attracted by something behind the rock wall.


Walls full of gold!

"This time it's not a if, there really is a golden mountain..."

Jiang Chen murmured softly and stared blankly at the golden mountain in front of him. He didn't even move when the gold-eating ants rushed in front of him.

But just when the gold-eating ants were about to attack Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen disappeared into the cave together with Facai and Hongzhong.

Click, click, click!

Seeing Jiang Chen and his party disappear again, the two gold-eating ants were obviously confused, but they did not leave this time. After searching in the cave for a while, they actually started to eat the gold behind the rock wall.

Faced with such a temptation, these gold-eating ants simply cannot refuse!

Inside the farm.

Because he was summoned back to the farm by Jiang Chen in the middle of the battle, Fu Cai didn't have time to withdraw his strength and just hit Jiang Chen's face.

Da da!

Fa Cai pulled himself off Jiang Chen's face with force, then pointed at Jiang Chen and lectured him seriously.

If it weren't for Shushu's golden light closing quickly, Imperial Commander, you would have been killed by Shushu!

"Sorry, sorry, the situation was urgent, so I didn't say hello to you in advance."

Jiang Chen scratched his head in embarrassment, grabbed Facai in his hand, looked at Hongzhong who was also puzzled, and said, "We don't have much time, so I'll keep the story short."

"I came up with a plan that might allow us to easily kill those gold-eating ants."

"No, if conditions permit, we may be able to kill more and stronger evil spirits!"

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