Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 74 Brutal! Too Brutal!

Click, click, click!

Seeing Fa Cai in front of him, who was covered in pure golden energy, the Silver Ant General suddenly became excited.

With so much and such pure golden energy, as long as it is eaten, its bloodline may have a chance to go one step further and transform into an epic bloodline!

As soon as he thought of this, the Silver Ant General immediately launched an attack, and the steel thorns were like long snakes, curling towards Fortune.

Facing the Silver Ant General's attack, Fa Cai had no intention of dodge and faced him head-on.

Bang bang bang!

The steel thorns quickly wrapped around the golden body and contracted quickly, creating a burst of sparks.

But even the attack that easily broke through Fa Cai's defense just now could not leave even the slightest trace. On the contrary, those thorns had almost worn away their sharp thorns due to their rapid swimming.

Da da!

Seeing that his golden body was so powerful, he was completely relieved to get rich, and he directly used his tearing claw to hit the silver ant general.

I saw the golden body moving according to the will, and also slapped out a claw. The golden claw hit the silver ant general's head hard, and actually knocked the silver ant general back a few steps.

"The strength and defense have all been strengthened. It seems that this is the correct way to use Jin Mang, that is..."

Seeing that Fa Cai was able to compete head-on with a silver-level evil spirit in the process of bloodline transformation with his golden body, Jiang Chen was happy but also felt a little headache.

The golden light in the awakened state can condense energy to form a golden body, which comprehensively strengthens the user's offense and defense. The more golden energy is used, the better the effect.

The confrontation between Fa Cai and Silver Ant General just now is the best proof. Jiang Chen really doubts that as long as Fa Cai is given enough gold energy, it can even slaughter the entire second area.

But where can he find such a golden mountain in the future...

On the other side, Fa Cai pursued the victory, waving his claws tightly and attacking the silver ant general's head with every move.

The reason why you don't hit someone in the face is not because you are afraid of making the other person look ugly, but because the head is the most important part of almost all living things.

In other words, attacking the head has the greatest damage effect.


Sure enough, facing Fa Cai's violent attack, the silver ant's solid carapace finally shattered.

When Fa Cai saw this, he immediately wanted to kill him, but he didn't expect that the silver ant finally reacted after suffering the pain, and the giant steel-like pincers suddenly clamped the golden body's claws.

As a silver-level evil spirit, the silver ant general's physical strength and power are naturally far superior to those of the gold-eating ants. With all his strength, cracks finally appeared on Jin's body.

At the same time, the golden lines on the head of the silver ant suddenly shone brightly, and the carapace that had just been broken by Fa Cai was quickly repaired.

"Can this guy still repair himself?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw this. The gold-eating ants were basically purely physical attacks, but after being promoted to the silver level, they had so many more attack methods.

"No wonder people say that the silver level is the first dividing line for extraordinary creatures. It does make some sense."

On the other side, the silver ant general who had repaired his injuries immediately launched a counterattack, closing his pliers hard and trying to cut off the golden body's claws.

Seeing this scene, a hint of cunning flashed in Fa Cai's eyes, and his originally thick golden claws suddenly liquefied, directly breaking away from the shackles of the silver ant general.

Not only that, after breaking free from the shackles, the golden thread behind getting rich suddenly started to swim, and the golden body also changed accordingly.

In just a few breaths, the golden body that originally looked like a golden glider suddenly turned into a giant golden rat with gnarled muscles.

Da da!

Fa Cai controlled the golden body man to stand up, swinging his thick forelimbs and slamming towards the silver ant general.

Seeing this, the silver ant will try its old trick again, trying to clamp the claws of Fortune with pliers, but finds that it can no longer be clamped.

Just as Fa Cai swung his claws, the originally sharp claws suddenly merged and turned into a hammer, which directly opened the silver ant general's pincers and hit the silver ant general with a heavy punch on the head.

This punch failed to break the silver ant general's carapace, but the blunt damage caused caused the silver ant general to be stunned for a while.

And getting rich would not miss such a good opportunity. His fists fell like raindrops. There were also large and small dents on the silver ant general's carapace, and he was about to be smashed.

"It's really... too violent!"

Seeing the dignified silver creature being beaten by Fa Cai like this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but click his tongue.

As expected of the power of krypton gold, it directly broke the huge gap between levels.

But why does he feel that the golden body of getting rich seems to have become bleak?

Jiang Chen looked closely and found that Fa Cai's golden body was obviously more transparent than before, and his body seemed to be smaller.

"Is it because the golden body consumes too much energy?"

Jiang Chen's heart tightened. Although the natural skills cannot be judged by common sense, beating silver with a bronze body must consume a lot of energy, and the time to make a fortune and absorb gold energy is very short. I'm afraid it will be unsustainable.

Click, click, click!

The Silver Ant General seemed to have discovered this, seizing an opportunity to get out of Fa Cai's attack range. At the same time, all the energy in his body was concentrated on the pincers, and his legs and feet exerted force at the same time, quickly rushing towards Fa Cai.

Racial skill - Broken Gold Slash!

"Hongzhong, go and provide support!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen immediately asked Hongzhong to support him, but Hongzhong was unmoved at all and just silently pointed behind Fa Cai.

Jiang Chen looked over in confusion, only to find that a golden thread had been extended from the tail of the golden body at some point. It was just that the golden thread had penetrated into the ground, and he didn't know where it led.

"Could it be..."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and reacted immediately.

On the other side, facing the silver ant general rushing towards him, Fa Cai suddenly thrust his limbs deep into the ground, then suddenly retreated, and even took the initiative to escape from the golden body.

After getting rich and leaving, the golden thread deformed again, turning the golden body into a thick metal shield, and from the front of the shield, facing the silver ant general, a slender pointed cone extended.

Seeing that Fortune was repeating his old tricks, the Silver Ant General still had no intention of slowing down. Instead, he accelerated again. The golden pattern on his head flashed and his whole body was wrapped in a burst of silver light.

With the level of the Silver Ant General, how could he not see that making a fortune is now at the end of his strength? Although it is powerful enough, under a full blow, this golden shield is simply vulnerable.

Ta da~

Seeing the silver ant general using all his strength, Fa Cai suddenly showed a sly smile, and then a huge amount of golden energy suddenly emerged from the ground and penetrated into the shield along Fa Cai's hidden golden thread.


A sound like a yellow bell resounded through the woods, and the evil spirits that were originally hiding nearby were frightened and fled away, no longer daring to make any crooked ideas.

Because right in front of their eyes, the ant general, who was a silver-level evil spirit, crashed into the shield and died!

"Cruel! Too cruel!"

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