Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 80 Crisis in the Lake

Zone 2 Forest.

Da da!

The fortune possessed by the golden body is like a golden lightning, flexibly shuttling between the big trees.

In front of him was a steel-tailed scorpion that was desperately escaping.

[Race name]: Steel-tailed scorpion

[Attribute]: Gold

[Bloodline Level]: Rare

[Racial Skill]: Tail flick

[General Skill]: Assault

As a hunter in the forest, this was the first time that the Steel-tailed Scorpion was so embarrassed, but after seeing its broken tail stinger, the Steel-tailed Scorpion still sped up its escape.

In this forest, even those stinky ants that eat iron all day long don't have such a hard body!


At this moment, a strong wind came from the top of the Steel-tailed Scorpion's head. Before the Steel-tailed Scorpion could dodge, it saw its tail suddenly fly up, and then lost consciousness.

Da da!

Fa Cai, who killed the steel-tailed scorpion in one blow, steadily caught the scorpion tail that looked like it was made of pure steel and stuffed it directly into the golden bowl around his neck, his eyes full of anticipation.

Buzz buzz...

Feeling the scorpion's tail approaching, the golden bowl suddenly vibrated, and took the initiative to detach from Fa Cai's neck and become the size of a soup bowl, and put the scorpion's tail inside.

Afterwards, the scorpion tail melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually turning into a few drops of gold liquid.

Extracting golden energy, this is the ability of the golden bowl.

Ta da~

Seeing that the golden energy was successfully extracted from the golden bowl, Fa Cai immediately grabbed the golden bowl and poured it into his mouth.

But when the gold liquid fell into Fa Cai's mouth, there was only one drop left.

Seeing that Jin Wan was so stingy, Fa Cai threw the Jin Wan out angrily, but Jin Wan spun around in a circle, returned to the size of a bell and returned to Fa Cai's neck.

Da da!

He became more and more unhappy about getting rich. He grabbed the golden bowl and chewed it desperately, but he couldn't even leave a tooth mark.

"Give it up and make a fortune. This is a gold-level treasure after all, and it's not so easy to bite into pieces."

Jiang Chen, who came later, couldn't help laughing when he saw Fa Cai facing Jin Wan again.

"And didn't you drink the gold liquid?"

Draining gold from sand, the first function of the golden bowl is to convert metallic substances into liquid gold.

Da da!

When he mentioned this, Fa Cai's cheeks suddenly bulged up, his face full of resentment and displeasure.

Five drops were extracted, and Rattus could only eat one drop.

After extracting ten drops, Shushu could still only eat one drop!

It’s okay for Shushu not to want such a black-hearted broken bowl!

"Are you sure? Then I'll redeem it for points."

Jiang Chen's face was full of teasing, and he was eager to get rich. He hugged the golden bowl tightly in his arms.

No one can touch this broken bowl until Shushu eats it!

"It's good to be able to refine gold energy. At least you don't have to waste corpses when you encounter metallic evil spirits in the future, right?"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly when he saw this. He originally thought that the golden bowl could only extract the golden energy from gold and other minerals, but he unexpectedly discovered that it was also effective against metallic corpses of evil spirits.

Although not much can be extracted, it is definitely more cost-effective than selling it, and it can also strengthen the body to make a fortune just like gold coins.

Although the effect is a little worse than that of gold coins, it is still quite good if you add up a little bit. Not surprisingly, this is how the bloodline of the Silver Ant General is improved.

If it weren't for the need to redeem more points from the corpses of evil spirits to improve his ranking, Jiang Chen would have probably refined all the corpses of more than twenty gold-eating ants that he hunted before.

"The fruit tree refines the life core, and the golden bowl refines the corpse. This time, the value of the evil spirit is really squeezed out~"

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and let Fa Cai climb back onto his shoulder. He looked at the golden bowl swaying in the wind, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Golden Bowl currently has two abilities, but the second one is full of question marks.

However, judging from the name "Borrow and Return" of Jinwan, could it be that it can also be used to borrow gold from Jinwan?

"I hope I can unlock the second skill soon~"

Meow meow~

Just when Jiang Chen was guessing, Hongzhong had already found the life core from the body of the steel-tailed scorpion and sent it to Jiang Chen, very well-behaved.

"Hongzhong is so good~"

Jiang Chen took over the life core. Although Hong Zhong was not as flexible as Fa Cai, he was really quite well-behaved, as long as he didn't meet a female feline creature...

Every time after a fight, Hongzhong was the first to think of finding the life core, which would make him rich. Ever since he recognized such a cat son, he no longer had this kind of consciousness.

"Go and find out if there are any Bronze-level water evil spirits. Let's raise Hongzhong's combat power level first."

Jiang Chen rubbed Hong Zhong's head vigorously and looked into the depths of the forest.

Although evil spirits have mastered extraordinary abilities, water still needs to be drank. As long as a water source can be found, there is a high probability that water evil spirits can be found.

Although it is not necessarily possible to encounter mutants, raising Hongzhong's combat power level can also increase the hunting efficiency appropriately.

It was okay in the first area before, everyone was at the black iron level, and the red middle still had the advantage.

In the second area, unless you use ice, Hongzhong will basically break into pieces with one shot, and the binding effect of hydration is also very average.

"The 18% enhancement is indeed not enough. Next, we must give priority to cultivating Hongzhong."

Judging from what he has learned so far, the rules for strengthening farm facilities should be 10% to acquire natal skills, 20% to improve combat power levels, 30% to enhance racial skills, and 50% to enhance natal skills.

If he guessed correctly, the next stage of strengthening should be 80%.

The interval is a full 30%. This wave of improvement must be huge, but it also requires a lot of resources.

Comparatively speaking, it is more cost-effective to first increase the red medium to 30%.

After all, although Hongzhong can directly cross a large level after activating Ice Ling, it is time-limited after all, and the foundation is not enough, so it is useless no matter how good the strengthening effect is.

"Let's go hunting again, and then it's time to go to the safe house."

Jiang Chen put away the life core and the body of the Steel-tailed Scorpion, and then followed Hong Zhong's induction and walked deep into the forest.

As a water creature, Hongzhong's sensitivity to water elements was far superior to other creatures. It didn't take long for him to lead Jiang Chen to a lake hidden in the forest.

Da da……

Facai, who was still "fighting" with Jinwan, suddenly stood up from his shoulders and issued an early warning to Jiang Chen.

"Don't worry, I know."

Jiang Chen patted Fa Cai's head and slowed down.

Water is the source of life, so where there is a water source, there will inevitably be fights and hidden hunters.

If you approach water easily, you will only expose yourself to danger.

Moreover, this lake is a bit too quiet.

At this moment, a student wearing an Ivy League uniform suddenly walked out of the forest.

"There is actually a lake?"

After seeing the lake, the student, who had been thirsty for a long time, suddenly lit up and ran towards the lake without any precautions.

The resources provided by the school are limited. If safe house supplies cannot be found in time, it is easy to run out of water and food.

After all, not everyone can place so much food on the farm like Jiang Chen.

But just as he was approaching the lake to get water, a water-blue crocodile suddenly emerged from the lake and headed straight for the student.

"There is not even a single living thing to be seen around such a large lake. There are indeed powerful evil spirits hidden in the lake."

Jiang Chen was not surprised at all. He looked at the students who were being chased by the crocodile and grinned.

"A being who can occupy such a water source should have condensed his life core, right?"

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