Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 84 The secret of the

Seeing the boiling water monkey like this, Jiang Chen was more and more sure that Bai Hua and Hong Zhong's boiling water state were related.

"Fa Cai, quickly get rid of this guy!"

Thinking of Hong Zhong's powerful combat power in the boiling water state, Jiang Chen also became alert.

The level of this boiling water monkey is not low. If there is a bonus of Bai Hua, the combat power will probably be even higher.

Sure enough, after being torn off a large piece of flesh and blood by Fa Cai, the breath of the boiling water monkey not only did not weaken, but became more violent. He didn't care about his wound that was still gushing blood, and rushed directly towards Fa Cai.

Da Da!

Facing the counterattack of the boiling water monkey, Fa Cai's eyes also showed a hint of fighting spirit. The golden body quickly adjusted and turned into a muscle rat again, fighting with the boiling water monkey in close combat.

With the advantage of "Gundam", Fa Cai had almost no disadvantage in the face of these enemies who were much larger than himself.

Even because of the characteristics of the golden body energy body, Fa Cai had an advantage in close combat.

I saw Fa Cai's golden body waving, and every attack could take away a large piece of flesh and blood from the boiling water monkey.

On the other hand, whenever the boiling water monkey successfully hit the golden body of Fa Cai, it would always be stabbed by the spikes that suddenly appeared.

In this battle, Fa Cai almost unilaterally suppressed the boiling water monkey.

But as the battle continued, the boiling water monkey's state became more and more weird.

As the flesh body continued to be lost, the boiling water monkey shed more and more blood, and soon soaked a large piece of land.

Even the water source behind the rock wall was polluted, dyed blood red, and then boiled.

In a short moment, the blood mist in the cave was steaming, and with the attack of the boiling water monkey, Fa Cai was wrapped up little by little.

These blood mists seemed to have no offensive power, but after contacting the golden body, they penetrated in little by little.

Seeing this scene, Fa Cai took advantage of an opening, stabbed out with a claw, directly penetrated the chest of the boiling water monkey, and grabbed its heart and life core together.

The heart was broken, and the boiling water monkey immediately lost its vitality, and the broken body immediately fell to the ground.

But Fa Cai still carefully cut off the head of the boiling water monkey, and added another knife to all the fatal points, then picked up the life core of the boiling water monkey and ran back to Jiang Chen.

But at the moment when Fa Cai turned around, the blood of the boiling water monkey boiled again, and it turned the flesh and blood of the boiling water monkey into blood mist and gathered together.

Da Da?

Seeing that the boiling water monkey could still make trouble, Fa Cai was also a little surprised. The golden eyes suddenly started and attacked the blood mist.

But the blood mist quickly dispersed as if it had life, avoiding the attack of the golden eyes, and then spun in the air and suddenly pounced on Fa Cai.

The blood mist has substance and formless, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to cause damage to it.

However, this is ineffective for Fa Cai.

Da Da~

Seeing that the blood mist was so flexible, Fa Cai showed a smile on his face, and the shape of his golden body suddenly changed, turning into an iron pot and covering it.

This kind of fighting method has been used by Shu Shu's cat son a long time ago!

But this blood mist seemed to be smarter than Hongzhong. After seeing Facai's move, it immediately split into two. One continued to attack Facai, while the other rushed straight to Jiang Chen.

Seeing this scene, Facai was a little unhappy. His golden body changed again, turning into a golden fan and waving at the blood mist quickly, trying to blow it away.

However, due to the impact of the golden fan, the blood mist not only did not disperse, but also condensed, like a blood demon, rushing towards Jiang Chen at an accelerated speed.


At this moment, Hongzhong suddenly blocked in front of Jiang Chen, and his body after water turned into a large net, wrapping up all the blood mist that rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Then, without waiting for the blood mist to erode Hongzhong's body, Hongzhong was the first to freeze, and the biting cold instantly froze the blood mist and turned it into a large piece of blood-colored crystal.

"Thank you, Hongzhong."

Seeing that Hongzhong successfully blocked the blood mist, Jiang Chen also disconnected from the farm and checked the status of the blood-colored crystal.

At first, Hongzhong had also entered the state of a blood moon cat, but that was due to the attraction of the scarlet eyeball.

But this blood mist was clearly not guided by anything, but it seemed like an intelligent life, which was really weird.


At this moment, Fa Cai also ran over with great interest, but there was no trace of the blood mist.

The blood mist was indeed difficult to deal with, but Fa Cai knew the way of closing the door and beating the dog. After closing all the blood mist, he just needed to use the golden eyes to slowly eliminate it.

After seeing the blood mist frozen by Hongzhong, Fa Cai's eyes flickered again, and he was about to purify it.

"Fa Cai, wait a minute."

Jiang Chen stopped Fa Cai's behavior and picked up a blood-colored crystal with his right hand that held the world and examined it carefully.

After being frozen, the blood-colored crystal looked no longer evil as before, but gave people a feeling of infinite vitality.

It was precisely because of this that Hongzhong, who had returned to his original form, also showed a great desire to devour, looking at Jiang Chen pitifully.

"I dare not give you something of unknown origin."

Jiang Chen shook his head at Hong Zhong, looking at the boiling water monkey, which was also left with only fur, thoughtfully.

Could the bodies of these evil spirits in this cave all disappear in this way?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen took out a bottle of beverage and drank it all, then put the blood-colored crystals in it, thought for a while, and poured out another one.


Seeing Jiang Chen's actions, the originally listless Hong Zhong suddenly became energetic and pounced on him directly.

But just when Hong Zhong was about to eat the blood essence stone, Jiang Chen threw the crystal out.

The Blood Essence Stone drew a parabola in the air and accurately landed next to the vines. Hongzhong tried to grab it, but was caught by Jiang Chen.

"Don't worry, take a look first and then talk."

Jiang Chen took out his camera and pointed it at the blood essence stone. He was highly concentrated and ready to capture any situation that might arise.

Finally, those vines seemed to feel the breath of the Blood Essence Stone, and they swam like snakes, directly wrapping the Blood Essence Stone.

Afterwards, the blood essence stone turned into blood mist again and was directly absorbed by the vine, then spread along the vine and disappeared into the rock wall.

Click, click, click!

Jiang Chen quickly pressed the shutter button, recording all the changes in the vines and blood essence stone, then turned around and ran out of the cave.

If he guessed correctly, all the evil spirits in the cave should have been attracted by the white flowers and gathered here.

But after swallowing the white flowers, their blood and even flesh and blood were evaporated into blood mist like the boiling water monkeys, and then were absorbed by the vine.

This is the secret of the "disappearance" of the evil spirits in Liuyun Waterfall!

And now, Jiang Chen really wants to find out where these vines plan to transport the blood mist!

Is there any connection between this thing and the white meat that appears around Lingyin City?

How could such a weird thing appear in Ye's wild breeding farm?

Jiang Chen quickly ran out of the cave, and He Xia, who had been waiting outside, closed his book and asked.

"How's it going? Did you gain anything?"

He Xia looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"So there is."

Jiang Chen nodded, looked at the top of the waterfall, and said, "Squad leader, do you know where this waterfall flows from?"

"Liuyun Waterfall originates from Liuyun Lake in the wilderness. It is the source of life in this area and has also given birth to a large number of extraordinary creatures."

He Xia pushed up his glasses and said: "But it is only a very small branch that flows here, so the level of the evil spirit is not high."

"From the wilderness?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. The wilderness has always been synonymous with danger. If not for this, humans would not use a "natural chasm" to separate the federation from the wilderness.

But judging from the current situation, it is very likely that the white flowers flowed into the federation from the wilderness along the river?

No, although the rivers are connected, there is a "natural chasm", and such weird things will never be able to get through.

Unless, it was born in the Federation.

"Squad leader, I plan to go to the upper reaches of the waterfall to take a look. Let's take a step first."

Jiang Chen said.

"It seems you did find something."

He Xia glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "But I don't really recommend you to track down something that can make so many evil spirits disappear."

"I understand, I just went to check."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, looked around, and soon found a way to the top of the waterfall.

But when Jiang Chen set off, He Xia followed directly.

"Monitor, what are you doing..."

"As the monitor, I have the obligation to ensure the safety of every student in the class."

He Xia responded calmly, while Jiang Chen smiled knowingly and hurried upwards.

"This is the Liuyun River, but it doesn't seem to have the kind of vines you mentioned."

He Xia looked at Jiang Chen and said.

On the way here, Jiang Chen informed He Xia of his discovery.

Although He Xia took the initiative to participate, the vine was really weird, and Jiang Chen couldn't hide it for moral reasons.

"It seems that there really isn't."

Jiang Chen glanced at Hongzhong, who still looked silly and cute, and nodded.

They had been searching along Liuyun River for a long time, but Hongzhong didn't show anything unusual.

Obviously, there is nothing to do with white flowers here.

But there is indeed a water source behind that vine. It's not the Liuyun River. Could it be that the vine is connected to an underground river?

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more likely it became. He looked at the direction of the waterfall, thought for a while, and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explore.

On the ground, he can still ensure that the enemies he encounters are within his tolerance range, but the location of the underground river environment, coupled with the weird white flowers, God knows whether some high-level existences will appear.

"But the situation you mentioned is indeed a bit abnormal. I suggest you go to the safe house to give feedback first."

He Xia looked at Jiang Chen's thoughtful look and put forward his own opinion.

"Safe house? That's fine. I need to take a good rest."

Jiang Chen nodded. He had hardly had a good rest since entering the second area, and it was indeed time to find a place to take a good rest.

By the way, let’s deal with the resources harvested at hand.

Area 3 entrance safe house.

Jiang Chen opened the door and immediately felt dozens of eyes locked on him.

"There are actually so many people?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. His ranking had dropped a few more in the past few days. He thought these people were hunting wildly, but he didn't expect that they were all hiding here to rest.

But why are the eyes of these people so...


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