Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 92 Water and Fire Lotus Seeds

Faced with this overestimating human being, the Flame Blade Mantis did not hold back at all. He waved his forearms and dozens of fire blades instantly blocked the entire area in front of him.

Racial skill - Purgatory Flurry!

"Fire Dog, Rending Claw! Red Feathered Eagle, Fire Storm!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaoyu had no intention of evading and still faced him head-on.

Fire Storm and Purgatory Flurry exploded instantly after they collided, but only a small part of Purgatory Flurry's fire blade disappeared.

At this time, the Blazing Dog's explosive claws also came forward.


The flames exploded and all the flame blades disappeared. The flame dog was knocked back a few steps by the powerful impact, but the flame blade mantis was also intercepted.

"This guy is still the same as before!"

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly when he saw this, but he still gathered his mental strength and commanded his two pets to rush forward.

"Fa Cai, you and Bai Xiaoyu and the others will attack head-on. Hong Zhong, you will assist from the side and look for opportunities!"

Jiang Chen quickly issued an order and said: "Be careful, be careful of the coercive attack of the Flaming Blade Mantis."

Da da!

Fa Cai received the order and immediately activated the golden body.

But this time, Fa Cai did not pursue hugeness, but compressed his body size as much as possible until he could no longer shrink before rushing out.

Because of his golden eyes, Fa Cai's vision was very powerful. Although the Blazing Dog looked as good as the Flame Blade Mantis just now, he still noticed the wounds on the Blazing Dog's claws.

Faced with this kind of fire attribute slashing attack, pursuing the so-called body shape is courting death.

Meow meow~

Seeing Fa Cai take action, Hong Zhong immediately launched an attack, but instead of getting close easily, he split off part of his body and harassed the Flame Blade Mantis from a distance.

The black iron-level attack naturally cannot pose a threat to the Flame Blade Mantis. Even if it is offset by the freezing cold air, before it gets close, the red ice arrows are evaporated by the high temperature of the Flame Blade Mantis and turn into a burst of water mist. .

But after seeing the mist, Bai Xiaoyu grinned, and with a thought, the Blazing Dog closed his eyes and rushed into the mist without looking back.

Then, a dazzling light shot out from Fa Cai's eyes, and Hong Zhong's body that had been vaporized suddenly froze and turned into dozens of small mirrors, reflecting the golden light to various areas.

In an instant, the pond was surrounded by golden light, and the Flame Blade Mantis briefly lost sight.

But at this time, the attack of the blazing dog has arrived.

Although his eyes were closed, the Blazing Dog relied on its powerful combat perception to accurately penetrate into the attack blind spot of the Flame Blade Mantis, and struck it directly with one claw.

"They cooperate so well..."

Wen Quan, who was hiding behind, looked at the two people who had no communication but were working together perfectly, with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

Wen Quan clenched his fists, handed several bottles of medicine to Hanguo, and said, "We have to work hard, Hanguo!"


Hanguo nodded vigorously, picked up the potions and got into the ground.

On the other side, the Blazing Dog's attack successfully hit the body of the Flame Blade Mantis and left three claw marks. However, before the flames of the Flame Claw could erupt, the Flame Blade Mantis reacted and its body instantly turned into an afterimage and retreated. to the distance.

Racial skills kill instantly!

The Flame Blade Mantis moved so fast that even the Flame Dog could not react. At this time, the Flame Blade Mantis had already launched its second attack.

Instant Flame Kill-Second Stage!

Compared to the Infernal Dance, Instant Flame Killing is the main attack method of the Flame Blade Mantis. Once deployed, the Flame Blade Mantis will become the most efficient executioner, cutting off everything in front of him.

And its current target is the Blazing Dog that caused damage to it.

In an instant, the Flame Blade Mantis arrived in front of the Blazing Dog, and slashed hard with its sharp red double knives, directly taking the head of the Blazing Dog.

when! ! !

At this moment, a golden figure stood in front of the Flame Blade Mantis and withstood the attack with his body.

This is naturally a way to make a fortune!

The silver-level racial skills of the Flame Blade Mantis are naturally not so easy to withstand. Even if the fortune compresses the golden body, it is still cut in by the double blades.

Fortunately, Fa Cai reacted in time and transferred the golden light to his back in advance. The body was not injured. On the contrary, the double blades of the Flame Blade Mantis were stuck.

Da da!

Upon seeing this, Fa Cai immediately climbed up the pole and released more golden light to wrap the double blades of the Flame Blade Mantis. The Blazing Dog seized the opportunity and fired a ball of fire at the head of the Flame Blade Mantis.

Seeing this scene, the Flame Blade Mantis suddenly opened its mouth and bit the fireball, apparently intending to swallow it.

But just as the Flame Blade Mantis was biting the fireball, the red-feathered eagle in the sky also launched an attack. The feathers wrapped in flames attacked various parts of the Flame Blade Mantis' body like flying arrows.


Facing the attack of the three pets, the Flame Blade Mantis was completely angered, and a terrifying mental pressure suddenly erupted from it, and the movements of all the pets around it suddenly stagnated.

Silver-level evil spirits can already begin to use their spiritual power, and it is this power that has become an insurmountable gap under the silver.

But this time, Flame Blade Mantis encountered an accident.

Da da!

After being hit by the coercive force of the Flaming Blade Mantis, Fa Cai felt dizzy for a while and couldn't help but let out an angry scream. His golden body suddenly lost control and turned into a pile of spikes climbing wantonly along the body of the Flaming Blade Mantis. .

As for the Blazing Dog, faced with such close pressure, he lost consciousness on the spot, but his body did not stop moving, and instead launched an attack with more crazy movements.

"Combat intuition? Does this talent really exist?"

Wen Quan's eyes lit up when he saw this. His talent seemed very erratic compared to his skills, but it was real and very powerful.

It is said that people or pets with fighting instincts can not only possess powerful fighting talents, but as long as both parties do not lose consciousness at the same time, the body of the pet will still follow the guidance of instinct and continue to fight.

This ability is more peculiar than a Noble Phantasm. The seniors in the Scientific Research Department believe that this may be a new talent that humans are about to awaken. However, unfortunately, such cases are extremely rare and they have no way of studying it.

And now, he actually met one!

"I really want to study it. Brother Xiaoyu should agree, right?"

Wen Quan murmured to himself for a while, but Flame Blade Mantis encountered the biggest crisis in his life.

After entering the combat intuition, not only did the Blazing Dog's attacks become sharper, but even the impact of the Explosive Flame Claws became stronger.

As both fire creatures, the Flame Blade Mantis naturally knows that this is because the Flame Dog compresses the flames more powerfully, just like its Fire Blade.

It's just that what it pursues is sharpness, while Blazing Dog pursues explosion!

But that alone was not enough to affect its life. What was even more troublesome was the weird golden glider.

Under the control of Fa Cai, the shape of the golden body became more and more weird, and it began to continuously attack the joints of the Flame Blade Mantis.

Although the Flame Blade Mantis is strong, its joints are still weak points, and the golden body of Fu Cai is also too sharp. It has no effect on the high temperature carried by its body. Instead, it has cut out a series of fine scars.

If it continues, the Flame Blade Mantis will be dismantled sooner or later!


Suddenly, the wings on the back of the Flame Blade Mantis suddenly shook, knocking away Fa Cai and Blazing Dog beside him, and flew straight into the sky.

"Red Feather Eagle, stop him!"

Upon seeing this, Bai Xiaoyu immediately issued an order, but the speed of the Flame Blade Mantis was obviously faster. After taking off, it spun directly and launched the purgatory dance at the same time, completely forcing several pet spirits back.

After closing the distance, the Flame Blade Mantis launched the instant flame kill again, attacking the Flame Dog with the worst defense!

But at this moment, the Red Feather Eagle's attack also arrived, and the racial skill - Fire Feather did not aim, but directly blocked the front of the Blazing Dog.

Fa Cai also seized the opportunity, and activated his golden eyes continuously to block the forward movement of the Flame Blade Mantis. Hongzhong also turned into ice mist, constantly interfering with the Flame Blade Mantis' sight.

It's just that the speed of the instant flame kill is too fast, these attacks can't interfere with the Flame Blade Mantis at all, and they are dodged one by one, and finally come to the front of the Flame Dog.

But just when the Flame Blade Mantis was about to hit the Blazing Dog, the ground beneath his feet suddenly sank, and his body fell unconsciously.

The Flame Blade Mantis lowered his head and found that the ground beneath his feet had been hollowed out at some point!

Seeing this, the Flaming Blade Mantis flapped its wings again and planned to take off, but saw the Blazing Dog and Fa Cai jumping up at the same time. One activated his explosive claws, and the other simply used his golden body to condense a big hammer, and hit the Flaming Blade Mantis heavily. head on.

boom! ! !

The Flame Blade Mantis fell heavily and fell directly into the black liquid at the bottom of the pit. He wanted to get rid of it, but found that the black liquid was extremely sticky and clung to him as soon as he touched it, making him unable to break free.


Hanguo's head popped up from the soil on the side. Looking at the already entangled Flame Blade Mantis, he suddenly burst into laughter and threw all the potion bottles in his hand.

This is a special glue that Wen Quan accidentally developed. Once it gets entangled, it is difficult to break free, and this amount is enough to wrap the entire Flame Blade Mantis.

At the same time, Hongzhong turned into water and fell into the pothole, his ears were swaying with ice, his whole body was frozen, and his breath was rising rapidly.

Bronze 8 stars!

After activating Bing Ling, Hongzhong was directly upgraded to a large level as before, becoming the existence closest to the Flame Blade Mantis here.

But correspondingly, the ice is also melting at a terrifying speed, and it is estimated that it will exit this state in a few seconds.

But enough is enough.

After the ice had frozen, Lieutenant General Hong put his claws on the Flame Blade Mantis, and the biting cold air penetrated directly into the Flame Blade Mantis' body. The originally hot body of the Flame Blade Mantis instantly became stiff.

Da da!

Seeing this scene, Fa Cai also jumped down, gathered all the last golden light in front of him, and chopped straight towards the head of the Flame Blade Mantis.

The evil spirit that cuts off its head is the good evil spirit!

But at this moment, two strong bursts of energy suddenly came from the side of the pond, which directly blew Fa Cai away. The originally frozen Flame Blade Mantis also suddenly burst into flames, and broke free from its restraints and flew away from the trap.

After being tortured like this by Fortune and the others, the body of the Flame Blade Mantis was already in tatters. If he continued, he would really be close to death.

But now, things have taken a turn for the better.

The petals of the water and fire lotus had faded at some point, and were replaced by two lotus seeds that shone with different lights.

Water and fire lotus seeds, this is the core of this natural treasure!

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