Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 98 The earth is frozen and everything is frozen!

Looking at the scarlet evil spirit getting closer and closer to them, Jiang Chen suddenly exhaled heavily.

"Hongzhong, use your clone to send these students out first."


Hongzhong nodded vigorously and controlled the water ring to send the candidates out of the valley.

But the scarlet evil spirit seemed to have noticed the thoughts of several people, and quickly split several heads to block the way of Hongzhong's clone.

"Damn, these guys are so annoying!"

Bai Xiaoyu scratched his head in annoyance. At first, because these were all companions' pet spirits, Bai Xiaoyu had not been ruthless, thinking that there might be a way to save them, but he didn't expect it to turn into such a situation.

The death of the contracted pet spirit will also greatly affect the Yuling space, and those with bad luck may even collapse.

In short, the future of these candidates has been ruined.

"In this case, we can only kill them first!"

Jiang Chen patted his cheek. Bai Xiaoyu was fine, but he actually made such a low-level mistake.

Perhaps these creatures were previously pets cultivated by the masters with a lot of energy and resources, but after they ate the white flower and even the flesh and blood fruit, they were basically linked to death.


The farm can show its power again and reset them like it did to Hongzhong.

"I know."

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Bai Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and closed his eyes directly. When he opened them again, his eyes had become indifferent.

Absolutely rational, fighting state!

Woof woof!

The flame dog also felt the change in Bai Xiaoyu, his eyes became colder, and the fighting movements became simpler, faster, and more deadly!

The two sides officially started fighting, and other scarlet evil spirits also rushed up, but Hongzhong launched an attack before them.

Hongzhong was seen running in the sky on the lotus, and every step he took could sprinkle ice lotuses, covering the evil spirits below.

As soon as the scarlet evil spirits touched these ice lotuses, the places they touched were instantly frozen and temporarily lost their ability to move.

But some evil spirits also rushed towards Hong Zhong in the air after dodging the ice lotus, intending to attack Hong Zhong's body directly.

Although they have completely lost their minds, the training of the Yu Shi is still engraved in their bodies.

The enemy with such a powerful long-range attack must be very weak.

The evil spirit's attack fell on Hong Zhong, but Hong Zhong did not turn into water directly as before, but instead made a crisp sound.

Those scales all over the body are not for show...

The evil spirit's attack failed, and it was about to continue to attack, but saw several water lotuses chasing up, and the evil spirits could only retreat.

But before they could escape, a golden light rushed up on the lotus, and the knife flashed, and the evil spirit fell heavily to the ground.

Da Da!

Fa Cai put his claws on his waist and looked at the evil spirit below with an unhappy face.

Only Shu Shu can fight Shu Shu's cat son, no one else can!

Well, there is also the Yu Shi!


Seeing Fa Cai like this, Hong Zhong couldn't help but stick out his tongue to lick his own rat father, but was rejected by him, so he could only obediently cast the ice lotus to restrict the evil spirits' actions.

Fa Cai, on the other hand, used the ice lotus as a fulcrum, and rushed left and right among the many scarlet evil spirits, beating them back step by step.

On the other side, the Flame Dog and the Red Feather Eagle finally showed the powerful attack power of fire-attributed creatures. Although Liu Ying Bao had eaten the flesh and blood fruit and his strength had greatly increased, he was still unilaterally suppressed.

Compared with Fa Cai, the Flame Dog, whose whole body and even the surrounding ten meters were illuminated by the fire, had a stronger suppression effect on him. As for physical strength, it was useless in front of the Flame Dog's superb fighting skills.

Finally, Liu Ying Bao made a mistake in the battle, and the Flame Dog seized the opportunity and slapped a claw on the scarlet eyeball.


The flames exploded, and Liu Ying Bao immediately flew backwards and fell to the ground and stopped moving, while the Red Feather Eagle on the other side also threw an evil spirit aside.

"Jiang Chen, I'll help... you?"

After solving his enemy, Bai Xiaoyu was about to help Jiang Chen, but found that Jiang Chen had already finished the battle.

"So fast, it's great to have a group attack skill..."

Looking at the evil spirits whose limbs were frozen on the ground, Bai Xiaoyu was a little envious. Suddenly he remembered something and asked hurriedly: "Jiang Chen, you won't kill them all, right? If I'm not mistaken, just smash that eyeball and it should be fine."

"What you can think of, can't I think of it?"

Jiang Chen glanced at Bai Xiaoyu and said: "But just smashing it is useless. These scarlet eyeballs will turn into blood and control the evil spirits, so they must be frozen as soon as possible."


Bai Xiaoyu was stunned, and then saw Hong Zhongzheng skillfully freezing the positions where several evil spirits grew scarlet eyeballs.

Although they were all seriously injured, Liuyingbao and the others were not dead yet, and there might be a chance to survive.

Although they were competitors, they were all human beings, so it was always good to retain some strength.

"How do you know so much about these things? Have you seen them before?" Bai Xiaoyu said with some surprise. "I guess I have. I'll tell you later." Jiang Chen looked at the evil spirits around him and suddenly felt a headache. These creatures were saved, but how to take them away became a problem. After all, these vines would not let you escape honestly...

At this moment, the ground beneath the feet of several people suddenly moved, startling them, and Bai Xiaoyu directly entered a fighting state.


In Bai Xiaoyu's stunned eyes, Han Guo suddenly emerged from the ground, and Wen Quan was followed closely behind.

"Wen Quan, why are you back?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. He asked Wen Quan to send Yue Buzhi back. Firstly, he wanted to report the news, and secondly, he was worried that Wen Quan would be injured.

Although Han Guo is very capable, Wen Quan's combat experience is somewhat lacking after all, and Jiang Chen doesn't want Wen Quan to get involved in these things.

"I met Yue Buzhi's classmate halfway. After handing him over, I came back."

Wen Quan scratched his head and said, "But I seem to be late?"

"No, you came just in time."

Jiang Chen shook his head, pointed at the candidates and their pets around him, and said, "You and Hanguo will take them out to find someone to help them treat them, and then..."

Before Jiang Chen finished speaking, he suddenly heard a sound breaking through the air from behind and instinctively contacted the farm.

Da da!

At this moment, Fa Cai reacted first and held up a golden shield in front of Jiang Chen.


There was a loud noise, and the shield shattered, but it successfully blocked the sneak attack.

"What is it again!"

Jiang Chen cursed secretly and looked behind him, only to see a huge vine as thick as an anaconda slowly returning to the big tree, and at the top of the vine, there was an equally huge scarlet eyeball.

After a failed attack, Scarlet Eyeball did not stop there, but launched another attack.

Seeing this, Blazing Dog and Red Feathered Eagle also came to help, trying to block the scarlet vines with attacks.

But in the face of the flames that restrained him, the scarlet vine turned a deaf ear and directly knocked away the flames and rushed towards Jiang Chen.


The golden shield blocked the attack again, and at the same time, he fired a ray at the scarlet eyeball.

This time, the scarlet eye finally retreated and burrowed directly into the ground. When it reappeared, it was already back on the big tree.

"No wonder the energy value was not detected before. It turned out to be hiding underground."

Jiang Chen looked at the data that suddenly appeared on the combat power detector and suddenly understood.

It’s just this data…

It is indeed silver level!

"Wen Quan, don't go underground. I'm afraid it's more dangerous there. Can you stabilize their conditions first?"

"I'll try, but it may not work. I only know a little bit about medical treatment."

"I can rest assured that."

Jiang Chen nodded, glanced at Bai Xiaoyu beside him, and said: "I will attack later, you look for opportunities to tear down that big tree!"

"Are you the main attacker? Why don't we let the Blazing Dog come?"

Bai Xiaoyu was stunned. The golden light of Fortune and the ice knot of Hongzhong were both very strong, but their effectiveness against the wood attribute was far inferior to that of the fire attribute. The main attacker should be left to him.

"Do you think the bronze-level flames can be effective on the silver-level? Don't worry, I know it."

With that said, Jiang Chen pointed his finger at the center of his eyebrows, and forcefully took Hongzhong back. He waited for a few seconds before releasing it, and two long icicles appeared on Hongzhong's ears.

"Originally, I just threw the gold-water property core harvested today on the farm just in case, but I didn't expect that it was actually used..."

Jiang Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at the strange vines dancing like wild snakes in front of him, and said:

"Sorry, it's time for winter."

After saying that, a powerful momentum burst out from Hongzhong, and the data on the combat power detector also climbed rapidly, and soon reached the same number as the scarlet vine.

"Sure enough, it has reached the silver level!"

Jiang Chen shook his fist vigorously. The effect of Bing Ling was more reliable than he thought. It was able to pull Hong Zhong directly from bronze level to silver level.

You know, the gap between bronze and silver is not comparable to the gap between black iron and bronze.

"Hongzhong, this is..."

Hong Zhong's change also shocked Bai Xiaoyu. Seeing that Hong Zhong didn't have any cold air coming out of his body, but just looking at him could make his whole body shiver, he was a little confused.

"It's just Hongzhong's special skill, but it can't last long."

Jiang Chen quickly woke up from the joy of exploding his red seed and leaping through the ranks. Looking at the ice melting at an unprecedented speed, he immediately issued an attack order.

After receiving Jiang Chen's order, Hongzhong didn't react at all. He just walked slowly towards the big tree, seemingly not caring about Bing Ling's consumption.

But as Hongzhong advanced, the surrounding ground froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ordinary vines that were still dancing around and waiting for sneak attacks also gradually froze.

In an instant, the ground was frozen, everything was frozen, and the entire valley seemed to have really fallen into winter!

"I'll go, Jiang Chen, what kind of skill do you have, do you want it to be so powerful?!"

Seeing Hongzhong become so powerful in the blink of an eye, Bai Xiaoyu's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"You can wait until the Blazing Dog absorbs the lotus seed."

Jiang Chen grinned and directly showed Hongzhong's changes to Shui Lianzi.

There was no way he could think of a more suitable explanation for such an exaggerated improvement other than a natural treasure.

Recommending a book by a friend, the urban rebirth novel has been reborn without wasting hundreds of millions of points. Is this worthy of God?

In this life, he wants to go to the best school, pick up the most beautiful girls, earn the most money, drive the most expensive car, live in the best house, pretend to be the most awesome, and be a common man!

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