Chapter 106: Tender your surrender at once!

Governor Dant came to the village, along with a great number of people.

“Is something going on?”

“Yes, I’m afraid I have terrible news. That which I fear has come to past.”

“Which is…?”

“Raul-sama is coming to this village…to attack it. He has departed the capital with an army of 5,000 soldiers.”

“Raul’s what?”

I know Raul dislikes me, but surely, it’s not to the point that he’ll attack me with that many soldiers, right?

I wanted to believe that he had another goal in mind, but the fact of the matter was that he was heading straight here.

“But how did he gather so many soldiers? The war just concluded, so won’t the people protest or something? Especially when there’s nothing that will justify it enough.”
“By spreading misinformation about you, mainly saying that you’re amassing an army here in the wasteland so that you can rebel against the Albert house.”

“…I see.”

According to Dant-san, Raul’s army should arrive in 5 days or so.

“I’ve decided that I and my clan should leave Riesen behind and come here.”

“Huh? But if Raul’s coming to attack us, you’ll get caught in between, won’t you?”

“I’ve braced myself for that. Moreover, I’m not entirely safe even in Riesen. Raul-sama will certainly come to arrest me for sending him false reports. So, if I’m in harm’s way either way, I would rather be here and help you however much I can.”

Dant-san then looked toward the soldiers he brought with him.

“W-we’re not much compared to those in the village, but if you’ll have us, we’ll fight by your side…!”
Bazara-san, who has always accompanied Dant-san, declared so and then struck his chest.

…is it just me or does he seem a bit desperate right now?

“Raul-sama’s marching here with 5,000 soldiers!? Q-quickly! Tender your surrender at once! You don’t stand a chance!”

The one to make such an appeal in a flustered manner was Selius-kun, Selen’s younger brother.

Selius-kun came to the village to take his sister back home, but for some reason, he ended settling here instead.

…is their home going to be alright?

“In the war against the Schneger house, Raul-sama was initially assigned only a few hundred soldiers, yet he still managed to take a major city with those troops! If he really has 5,000 soldiers now, this village might not even last half a day…”

“You should start heading home then.”

Selius-kun was rendered speechless by Selen’s advise.

“Surrendering won’t make Raul spare Luke. And since we absolutely can’t let Luke be harmed, we have little choice here than to fight.”


“Of course, there’s no reason to involve yourself in this. So, why don’t you just pack your things and go back home?”

“I-I can’t do that, there’s no way I can do that! How can I leave you here and escape by myself… moreover…”

Selius-kun stopped talking and then turned his line of sight toward Philia-san.

“What is it? Is something on my face?”

“N-n-n-no, there’s nothing! Don’t mind me!”
With a bright red face, Selius-kun got out of the room.

Does Selius have…is that why he decided to live here?

And then, I heard an out-of-place cheery sound in my head.

<< Ta-ta-ta-dah! Congratulations! Because you now have more than 10,000 villagers, your village has become level 8!>>

<<100,000 village points have been acquired as level up bonus.>>




Thanks to Dant-san and his group joining the village, we finally, officially breached the 10,000 mark.

A fight against Raul seemed unavoidable at this point, so a village level up was definitely appreciated.

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