“My, my lord! Calm yourself, my lord!”

“How can I calm down!? He went a decade without any contact after being expelled, but now he has the gall to march here so nonchalantly! What’s more, I heard the reason he got expelled from the temple is because he frequently rendezvoused with women! This stupid, little…!”


The master of the estate, who was also Gai-san’s father, was vehemently angry. He ignored his retainers’ pleas and began wielding a polearm.

And when he was about to slash his son…


“!? A-da-da-da-da!?”


He held his back, rolled on the ground, and began to complain about his pain.


“This was what we were warning you about! Your back can flare up anytime, so please refrain from extraneous movements!”

“Ghhh…just when I was able to send this stupid child to the other side with my own hands…!”


Apparently, this old man had a bad back.

Meanwhile, Gai-san whose life was spared just now was prostrating himself on the ground and…


“…father. I acknowledge my faults. I have no defense. Nor do I have any complaints to any punishment you deem fit to pass onto me.”

“Hmp, at least you seem ready.”

“However…I ask that you delay your punishment. The reason for which is I want to make use of the power I gained in the last decade in the service of my homeland in its time of crisis.”

“What are you going on about?”


Gai-san approached the old man with his head still prostrating himself, and then extended his hand.


“Excuse me.”

“W-what’s…how…? The pain in my back…its fading…?”

“It’s because of healing magic.”


Before long, as though the pain was completely gone, the old man was standing straight.


“The pain is gone…”

“Yes. Despite my appearance, I have confidence in my ability. Moreover, I could cure not just external wounds, but also illnesses.”


“I am told that the capital is currently suffering from an epidemic. I decided to endure the shame and return, all so that I could ease the suffering of my people even a tiny bit. For that reason, I ask that you delay my punishment.”


Our original purpose in coming here was to sight-see, but I obviously couldn’t say that.




Perhaps deciding that he couldn’t just cut down Gai-san after that sincere appeal, the old man lowered his readied polearm while making an embittered expression.


“My lord…perhaps we can have Myougai-sama take a look at Myouken-sama…?”

“What…it can’t be that brother has…?”

“I, I’m afraid so. About a week or so ago, he contracted the disease…wart-like things appeared all over his body, and he was in so much pain that he couldn’t hold himself back from screaming…having becoming so thin in a short amount of time, the doctor concluded he wouldn’t have much time left…”

“Then, please take me to my brother at once!”

“………follow me.”


After a while of complete silence, the old man said so and then began walking toward the inside of the estate.

We followed after him as instructed.

Before long, the old man stopped at a detached small house.


“To prevent the disease from spreading to anyone else, we isolated him here.”

“Leave the rest to me.”


Gai-san entered the building all by himself.

After seeing him enter, the old man turned toward us.


“While we’re waiting, I’d like to know more about you. Based on your appearances, you seem to be from a foreign country, but…”


While waiting for the treatment to finish, we explained our situation.


“I wondered where that brat could have gone, but to think it was to the west…no wonder I didn’t hear any rumors about him. Ahh, before that, I must thank you for all the help you have given my stupid son.”

“No, it’s alright. He has been quite a big help to us too, after all.”


Alec-san shook his head to Gai-san’s father who suddenly became so courteous.


“It’s quite a surprise though. To find out that Gai was from such a splendid family, I mean.”

“In the end though, we are nothing more than a house with a long history. Even when our heir contracted the disease, we weren’t able to call a good healer. But then again, there’s not much to be done with the epidemic making its way within the court and exhausting the stock of medicine and healers to call upon. Especially considering that we’re nothing but a low-ranking house…”

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