Barbarian Throne

Chapter 35 Kill the enemy with one sword

Zhang Debiao carried the unsealed tourmaline knife, jumped off the back of the mountain guard dog, and strode towards Sam.

Brother Tai asked curiously: "Aman, what are you doing?"


In the young man's hand, the tourmaline knife made a slight buzzing sound. As the mental power gradually condensed, the knife became heavier and heavier. The runes attached to the knife became brighter one after another, and seemed to flow endlessly in the blade.

Finally, his mental strength reached its limit, and suddenly his mind went blank. It seemed as if the fierce sounds of fighting around him gradually faded away from him, and the flashes of swords and swords that flashed around him became slower and slower.

Gradually, there was only Sam in his eyes, as if the world around him suddenly disappeared, leaving only a straight road, and at the end of the road was the enemy!

This is a quite wonderful feeling, a realm that Zhang Debiao has never been exposed to before!

When a Hogan Chamber of Commerce guard saw this magic apprentice appearing on the battlefield carrying a two- to three-meter-long sword, he walked forward as if there was no one else around. He immediately shouted angrily and swung his sword to chop off his head!

Unexpectedly, this inevitable sword strike failed. The magic apprentice took a step forward, but his attack was easily dodged by him. The guard hurriedly rode up and was about to strike again with his sword when four or five sharp swords were handed over to him and stabbed countless holes in the horse under his crotch.

The guard fell off his horse, and immediately a bandit jumped on his back and held him down, while several other bandits held up their swords and stabbed their companions randomly, killing him immediately.

The battlefield was in chaos. Not only the guards of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce attacked Zhang Debiao, but also the bandits who were red-eyed from time to time. However, Zhang Debiao fell into a strange state at this moment. Although there was only Sam, the leader of the escort group, in his eyes, he Whenever danger comes, he can always escape at the nick of time.

Not many people pay attention to him. The battlefield is a battlefield. If you only use the knife on one enemy, you will die quickly and miserably!

Unknowingly, Zhang Debiao took the tourmaline sword off his shoulder and held it in his hand. The brutal energy and fighting spirit in his body connected his body and the tourmaline sword as if they were one whole body.

His momentum became stronger and stronger, and finally reached its peak. His steps gradually became faster and bigger, and turned into a run. Like a tiger, he rushed towards Sam!

Kane and Sid were at the end of their strength at this moment. They were knocked away by Sam's sword. The leader of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce guard group let out a long laugh, jumped three times and sprinted forward, suddenly leaping high, like a big giant in the air. Bird, pounce on the woman in green!

Sam held the sword with both hands and raised it above his head. Fighting energy from all over his body poured into the sword. The sword kept vibrating, and a three-foot-long sword light shot out from the tip of the sword, radiating cold light.

With this sword strike, he was absolutely confident that he would kill his former boss!

Suddenly, Sam felt a fierce murderous aura from behind him. He was horrified and turned around quickly in mid-air. He saw the magic apprentice who had parked on the side of the road before. He didn't know when he appeared behind him, jumping faster than him. He was taller and more powerful than him. His magic robe was blown by the hunting wind, and he rushed towards him like an eagle or an owl!

The magic apprentice held a long knife that he had never seen before in his hands. It was completely black and was also held high above his head!

"You dare to attack me without even practicing your fighting spirit. You are asking for death!"

Sam shouted angrily, turned his sword, and faced him.

The woman in green immediately saw a scene that she would never forget. She saw two black figures passing by in the air. There were no gorgeous moves, no explosive sounds, only one sword after another, and then a piece of hot blood fell from the air!

Zhang Debiao fell heavily to the ground, and his figure couldn't help but stumble. He gathered all his fighting spirit and mental power, and used Long Meng Baoxiang's tens of thousands of kilograms of power to deliver such a perfect sword.

This knife cut Sam, a fighter with a strong sword, into two pieces. However, after the knife, all the power in his body was exhausted and his body was extremely weak.

"It's great! This is how you practice swordsmanship and Long Meng Baoxiang Jue. No matter how strong the opponent's fighting spirit is or how sophisticated his moves are, I will just cut through the opponent with one strike and kill him like a melon or a vegetable!"

Zhang Debiao took out the white gauze, wiped off the blood on the knife, and slowly wrapped the tourmaline knife, still holding it on his shoulder. Suddenly he whistled, and Xiao Hei ran over.

The young man turned over and jumped on the back of the mountain guarding dog, and was about to continue on his way. The woman in green put down the bow and arrow in her hand, stood in front of the guarding dog, and said sincerely: "All thieves in green, thank you for your help. May I ask your respect? What’s your last name?”

Zhang Debiao's heart moved, and he was about to report Bai Dilansi's name. Suddenly he thought that if he reported the name of old Bai Di, wouldn't the green-clothed thief shed tears of gratitude to the old thief? He shook his head and said, "It's not like intercepting a caravan on the road. Good reputation, no need to mention the name. You'd better deal with it quickly, it's not far from Litan City, and the city defense coalition will get the news soon. "Xiao Hei, let's go!"

The mountain guarding dog roared, jumped over the woman's head, and rushed towards the Sunken Canyon. The six-winged golden light poked its head out from Zhang Debiao's shoulder, stuck out his tongue at the woman, and shouted in a loud voice: "His name is De..."

Before the next words were spoken, Zhang Debiao covered the little tiger's mouth and pulled him back. The six-winged golden light jumped to Xiao Hei's forehead and said angrily: "Why don't you let me speak? You still dare to cover my mouth. Do you know who I am? I am..."

"You are Brother Tai. Who in the entire Sunset Forest and Xinlitan City doesn't know how ferocious your Brother Tai is?"

Zhang Debiao gave an honest compliment and explained: "These bandits are cruel and ruthless. If we can avoid dealing with them, then we must not have anything to do with them!"

Brother Tai doesn't care whether he has to deal with bandits or not. What he is annoyed about now is that Zhang Debiao stole his lines, leaving him at a loss as to what to do. The cat-sized tiger was lying on Xiao Hei's forehead and was sulking. After a while, it suddenly jumped up, stood up on two legs, and spread its six wings with a swipe sound. Tiger looked back from the wings and smiled, revealing a mouth full of small tiger teeth. The long tail dangled from his mouth and he said coquettishly: "Look, Brother Tai has the most beautiful feathers in the world..."

Before Zhang Debiao had time to speak, a flamingo flew over their heads, its colorful wings trailing a long fire tail, as bright as a comet.

The six-winged golden light suddenly became angry and roared suddenly. The terrifying pressure of the sixteenth-level king-level monster spread out. A strong magic wave rose quietly, and more than a dozen thunder and lightning struck the unlucky bird one after another. This A flamingo suddenly evaporated from the world.

"Miss, who was that person just now?" Kane and Sid helped each other to the side of the woman in green and asked.

"He didn't say." The woman in green shook her head and said, "But it seems that he must be from the city, and he may have some trouble with the Hogan Chamber of Commerce. Sid, let the city's spies find out who he is. We are Bandits, repay kindness with enmity, and the Hogan Chamber of Commerce must avenge itself, but this kindness must also be repaid!"

Sid held back the pain, lowered his head and said, "Yes."

The woman in green looked at the men and horses on both sides who were still fighting on the battlefield. She opened her long bow and shot the guards of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce with a barrage of arrows. She waved her hand and said: "Carry the body of your brother onto the carriage and put it together with the goods." Get away, quickly! We can’t stay here for long, the city defense coalition will be here soon!”

The bandits quickly cleaned up the battlefield and pushed the carriage away, leaving only the bodies of the Hogan Chamber of Commerce guard group on the road.


The third update is here, robbing tickets~~

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