Barracks of Rebirth

Chapter 116: Embarrassed

After an hour, finally no one fell down. Maybe the rest of the people have passed the limit and are still standing there firmly, but the girls team has lost more than half of them, and almost every team has few people. , that is, the boys team is also half less, and there are far more people in the shade than standing on the playground.

"The physical quality of this group of students is so poor that they fell so much in just one morning of training. Although there are some fainted every year, it doesn't look like this." Ouyang Shuxue pouted in disdain. After a while, she felt that More tiring than a fitness test.

"This is understandable. They are all only children, and they are different from us. Although they are only two or three years away, their living conditions are better than ours since childhood. They were raised by their parents in the palm of their hands, and they did not suffer any hardships. However, it's pretty good to be like this now." Zhao Fan said to Ouyang Shuxue with a smile, gentleness was an instructor, he couldn't say anything, but he instinctively wanted to help them when he complained about Ouyang Shuxue.

Because of a **** the girl team he cared about, she was still standing there. Although more and more people fell down, she didn't move at all, wondering if her body could handle it.

Like Ouyang Shujie, he saw Ji Xinan as soon as he arrived here. Although he had short hair and wore the same military uniform, they could still see her at a glance among the crowd.

She is still so beautiful, standing there like a luminous body, can immediately attract everyone's attention.

"How long have they been standing?" Ouyang Shujie couldn't help feeling a little distressed when he saw Ji Xinan's face dripping with sweat and the wet print on the camouflage, so he asked Zhao Fanlai, but he didn't know if Zhao Fan was with him. How would you know.

"I stood for an hour before, and then stood for another hour and forty-five minutes after my body rest. By the way, I ran a five-kilometer in the middle." Lu Ziyan, who was already resting in a cool place, said with a painful expression, she still In less than a day, I have eaten all the hardships I have not suffered in the first half of my life.

"Have you been standing for so long?" Ouyang Shujie looked at Ji Xin'an, who was still in a standard posture, in surprise. He thought that Ji Xin'an was not the first but also the first one who couldn't hold on to it, but now it seems, Actually underestimated her.

"I ran five kilometers. Are you talking about the girls' team?" Ouyang Shuxue was a little surprised when he heard this. This kind of exercise is indeed a bit difficult for a group of new students.

"It's not all our girls' teams, it's just one of our girls' teams, and the other teams didn't even run 5 kilometers for boys." Lu Ziyan said angrily, although she didn't finish the 5 kilometers at all, but it was included. , Now it's okay to have more exercise than others, but after that, you will stand as much as other teams, so how can you not make people angry.

"Is that the team?" Ouyang Shuxue pointed to the team with only three people left. At first, she felt that the girls in this team were too weak. Although the other teams had fewer members, they would not be so few. , but didn't expect that if their sports were put on other girls' teams, there might not be even three left.

Lu Ziyan nodded weakly, thinking that these three people were too persistent, everyone else had rested, and they were still standing there.

"The remaining three people are really good." Ouyang Shuxue was a little admired now. Such an amount of exercise might have caused him a lot of pain when he first came to the military academy. Maybe there are not those three girls yet. Hold on for a long time.

"This time, let's not say that the quality of these students is poor." Ouyang Shujie said proudly after hearing this, as if he was complimenting him, but the look in Ji Xin'an's eyes was even more surprising.

"I didn't praise you, what are you proud of?" Ouyang Shuxue glared at him and immediately stopped laughing. What he was not afraid of was his father and this old sister.

"Didn't you just say that people are of poor quality? Now I see that they are no worse than when you were a new student." Ouyang Shujie laughed even more after hearing her words.

Just as a few people were talking, the party teams began to disband one after another, but Ji Xin'an's team was still standing motionless.

Ouyang Shujie saw that apart from the two boys' teams, they were the only ones left, so he walked over, "Instructor Wen, come and drink some water."

"Thank you, I'm not thirsty." Wen Wen didn't even raise her eyes, she still stared at the three female students in front of her.

"Instructor Wen, you see that the other girls' teams have rested, so let them rest." The smile on Ouyang Shujie's face did not change because of her indifference.

"Am I an instructor or are you an instructor?" Wen Wen turned to look at him after hearing what he said, and was a little dissatisfied when he saw him begging for the students in his class.

"Of course you are the instructor." Ouyang Shujie was stunned when he heard her words, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Since I am an instructor, then they are all my soldiers, and my soldiers must be the best and the best, which means they have to suffer more. Right." Gentle was speaking to Ouyang Shujie, but also to Ji Xin'an and the others.

Ouyang Shujie was pushed back, and he was so angry that he threw the water bottle in his hand to the ground, "Who is it, you can die after a rest, I have never seen an instructor who trains new students like this. What will she do?"

"Now you've seen it, but this gentleness does have some real skills. If you can follow her training requirements, after three months, an 'excellent' won't be able to run away." Zhao Fan said with a chuckle, but looked towards Ji Xin'an's eyes became a little more worried. She always felt as if she was about to fall down at any time. I wondered how long she could hold on. Should she let a few girls look at her and not fall to the ground and hurt herself? on.

Finally, the other boys' squad also dispersed, Ouyang Shujie picked up the water again, and planned to send Ji Xin'an over as soon as they disbanded, but he didn't expect that the gentleness was as if he hadn't seen it.

Seeing this scene, Luo Jiayi and Wu Wei finally couldn't hold on anymore, and Ji Xinan was the only one left in the entire playground.

"How are you, tired?" Seeing that Ji Xin'an was the only one left at the end, Wen Wen walked over and asked.

"Tired." Ji Xinan didn't know if she didn't speak, but Ji Xinan felt that her throat was hot, dry and sore as soon as she spoke.

"You still want to be a soldier with such a little ability. I think you are here for the civilian job. Yes, you are studying computer, typing or something, just sit in the office, and you are wearing this military uniform, you don't need to. I'm tired of that." Ji Xin'an's gentle and mocking words sounded unusually harsh.

"Report." Ji Xinan shouted with all her strength, regardless of whether her throat was sore or not.

"Tell me." He looked at her with a gentle smile, as if waiting for her to say something.

"I want to be a real soldier, not the so-called civilian officer you mentioned, but a soldier like you who is a soldier in the military." Ji Xinan felt like a needle was pierced in her throat after saying this. At that time, he felt that the power had returned to his body.

"Being a real soldier doesn't depend on speaking out. This is just the beginning. I can tell you that I won't say disbandment now. It will take at least half an hour for me to give an order to disband. You want to be like them. It's very simple, as long as you give up, you can rest as soon as you give up." The gentle words made the person who had just approached take a deep breath.

Looking at Ji Xinan, who was about to faint, Gentle actually asked her to hold on for another half an hour. Isn't this a whole person.

After listening to the gentle words, Zhao Fan immediately understood that the new student she just mentioned who could be trained was Ji Xinan. He didn't expect that the girl who he thought was weak would want to be an officer of the army, and even become an officer of the army. He was a good seed in the eyes of the vice-captain of the Marine Corps, but at this time, he was not Ji Xinan. He knew these people too well. They said that the focus of training was hard.

"Ji Xin'an, forget it. You can see that everyone else is resting. If you give up, give up. What's the big deal." Ouyang Shujie saw that Ji Xin'an really didn't move. Unreasonable to the extreme, even the boys team had a rest but let Ji Xinan stand for another half an hour.

Zhao Fan knew that this was a test of gentleness on her, but he looked at the temperature outside the shade of the tree where he could fry an egg, and went to Ji Xin'an worriedly, "Ji Xin'an, if it doesn't work, forget it, you don't have to stand up to be good. , don't tire yourself out."

Ji Xin'an ignored what they persuaded and still stood there by herself. Seeing this, everyone else persuaded her, but she remained unmoved.

Zou Ze knew her best among the people. He knew that he wanted her to give up unless she fainted, but with her physical strength, it was unrealistic, so no matter how tired she was, she would stand up to the instructor's order. When disbanded, maybe this is the power of dreams.

So Zou Ze didn't come to persuade her to rest, but took off his coat and stood up to protect her from the hot sun, while he was basking on the side without saying a word.

Ji Xinan felt a coolness, this shadow was more real to her than any words of encouragement, and her eyes forced a smile.

"It's only half an hour, it'll be over soon, why don't I tell you a few jokes." Zou Ze smiled when he saw her smile, and said something to distract her, so that the time Can go faster.

"Aren't you ill? Do you want her to keep going?" Ouyang Shujie recognized that this was the one who took Ji Xinan's hair that day. Seeing that he not only did not persuade Ji Xinan to rest, he encouraged her instead. Continuing to stand, my heart burst into flames.

"Zou Ze, persuade An An and let her rest, she can listen to you." Yan Tingting came over to wipe the sweat off Ji Xin'an's face, and when she saw that she was still standing in a military posture, she looked at Zou Ze.

"You don't know her. No one can persuade her at this time. The only thing we can do now is to support her, and I believe such difficulties are nothing to her." Zou Ze ignored Ouyang Shujie. Instead, he looked at Yan Tingting and explained.

Gentleness didn't stop them from persuading or supporting, she just wanted to see if Ji Xinan could stick to what she had seen and persevere in this situation.

Ouyang Shujie saw that he was like a transparent person, and no one paid any attention to him. How could he bear it when he was the focus of attention wherever he went from childhood to adulthood? Xin An looked stubborn, but she couldn't move her feet, but after thinking about Zhao Fan, she didn't pay attention, and she felt much better when she thought about it.

"What's the matter, my beloved brother finally has a girl who doesn't want to see him. I really want to see what kind of character makes you shriveled." Ouyang Shuxue just came over to listen When it came to their conversation just now, they were quite gloating at the misfortune. Now I understand why he came here, which made me happy for nothing. I thought he had learned it well, but it turned out to be for girls.

"But she's so different, so I'm really moved." After speaking, I felt something was wrong, and when I turned around, I saw that it was my sister Ouyang Shuxue, "Sister, I... I'm just kidding, don't you? care."

"Really, it turned out to be a joke. I thought you were serious this time, and I thought of a solution for you." Ouyang Shuxue looked at him regretfully, but she was a little surprised. I thought it was just for fun as before, but it seemed that was not the case.

"What can you do?" At this time, he didn't look like that playboy, but more like a little boy who was just beginning his love life, looking at Ouyang Shuxue's eyes full of anticipation.

This time, Ouyang Shuxue can be sure that this girl is different to him, "Shujie, don't tell me that you really like this little girl, how many times have you met?"

"Okay, you lied to me, but it's nothing to let you know. Don't you know about love at first sight? I'm really tempted this time. Now I feel that the so-called beauties I met before are in front of her. It's not even worthy to carry shoes." Ouyang Shujie said with a smile, looking at the stubborn but persistent girl again, thinking that she would know if she knew, anyway, sooner or later, maybe she can really help herself.

"Are you serious?" Obviously his previous behavior was so unbelievable that even his own sister had to be sure again and again.

Ouyang Shujie nodded vigorously, "Of course she is serious. I have never been so serious before. I can be sure now that she is the person I am looking for."

"Then you're going to suffer a lot. You can see that this girl is different from the ones you've met before, and obviously there are many suitors around." Ouyang Shuxue glanced at the one who was blocking Ji Xinan. A person who is sweating in the sun while basking in the sun.

"Hmph, it's just him, a little boy whose hair hasn't even grown yet. I didn't pay attention to him at all." Ouyang Shujie said disdainfully, but in his mind he unconsciously remembered Ji Xinan's casual use of that day. He handed the hair he cut into his hands, and he was happy when he took away Ji Xinan's hair.

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